AWFUL!… MSM SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughte

Well, that was quite a big fuck up. What would you like Obama to have done? Invade Libya? Another war?

Um, For starters he or someone in his State Department could have reacted better to the Messages from Banghazi that cleary said "we can not defend this place" A month before the attack.

Then maybe Obama could have been more engaged the night it happened.

like I said, Iraq is in the past. Ignoring or dismissing what happens now because of what happened before is silly. Nuff Said.

BTW, if every single embassy in the world said they wanted extra security, and got it, that would be A LOT MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING!!!

Libya was by far not any other country at the time, and you know it. The Brits had bailed, the Red Cross had Bailed, The place had just gone through a civil war and we were well aware it was a very Dangerous place.

But Obama wanted to be able to Point to Libya as a cheap, Easy Victory, when clearly it wasn't.

Keep pushing it right wingers. The majority of America doesnt give a fuck. And thats why you folks lost.

You could be right about that. The majority of America voted for that sleazebag Obama! Fucking idiots that idolize Obama certainly don't give a fuck that he FUCKED UP with Benghazi!


On edit:

You are the epitome of what is wrong with a true democracy...the majority doesn't give a fuck what the minority likes!
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See, here is the rub... Benghazi was a mistake by the O admin. Mistakes happen... All the lies and the coverup, that is the real problem. Check with Nixon!

Keep pushing it right wingers. The majority of America doesnt give a fuck. And thats why you folks lost.

Bernghaz-Gate won't go away.
Even Panetta and Dempsey were surprised when Maobama told them to handle it themselves. Guess Hillary was right when she claimed that Maobama would just roll over when that 3:00AM call came.
Maobama deserted his post and allowed 4 Americans to be murdered. In essence he killed them by his incompetence.

Keep pushing it right wingers. The majority of America doesnt give a fuck. And thats why you folks lost.

Bernghaz-Gate won't go away.
Even Panetta and Dempsey were surprised when Maobama told them to handle it themselves. Guess Hillary was right when she claimed that Maobama would just roll over when that 3:00AM call came.
Maobama deserted his post and allowed 4 Americans to be murdered. In essence he killed them by his incompetence.

most of America has no clue what you are ranting and raving about

carry on
AWFUL!… MEDIA SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi​

by Jim Hoft
February 7, 2013

Today we learned the absolutely astonishing news…
Barack Obama was AWOL when Americans were under attack and murdered needlessly in Benghazi.
He was nowhere to be found.
He had one short conversation with CIA Director Leon Panetta… And that was it.
He went AWOL.
While Four Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi.


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AWFUL!? MEDIA SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi | The Gateway Pundit

This is about as stupid as the shit Bush took for playing golf while Hurricane Katrina was under way. I am so sick of partisan hacks on both sides of the aisle.
You right wingers...just keep pushing Benghazi.


You left wingers keep pushing Iraq.

If they want they surely can continue to call up Iraq, but they then have to admit that Maobama retreated from Iraq when he had an obligation to maintain a force there in accordance with the negotiations Bush had concluded before he left office. In effect Maobama retreated from Iraq and left it ti Iran.

Keep pushing it right wingers. The majority of America doesnt give a fuck. And thats why you folks lost.
don't worry we will !! we will continue to do so in honor of the brave heroes that were told to stand down ,but decided to go on their own to protect innocent people !! and i guarantee you the heroes that sacrificed themselves were not cowardly libbs.
AWFUL!… MEDIA SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi​

by Jim Hoft
February 7, 2013

Today we learned the absolutely astonishing news…
Barack Obama was AWOL when Americans were under attack and murdered needlessly in Benghazi.
He was nowhere to be found.
He had one short conversation with CIA Director Leon Panetta… And that was it.
He went AWOL.
While Four Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi.


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AWFUL!? MEDIA SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi | The Gateway Pundit

Interesting........................some idiot douchebag who thinks that watching "Rambo" movies qualifies them to use the same language as the military does.

"A.W.O.L" is an acronym which stands for "Absent With Out Leave", which means that your command doesn't know where you are, nor do they have their command's permission to be absent.

Obama has never been outside of being able to be contacted, nor has he ever been absent from his role as President. We can always find out where he's at if necessary, as he's followed around by staff and the secret service.

Going AWOL means that nobody can find you, nor do they know where you're at.

You're one of those civilian idiots who likes to use military lingo because you think it makes you look more "macho", ain't ya?
How many times are you going to post this under different titles...?

How many times will it have to be posted before you guys admit the O admin dropped the ball?

Whether he did or didnt, the point is, most Americans dont give a fuck about what happened in a country we shouldnt even be in. Fuck it. The average American who is trying to find a way to pay their constantly rising food, power, gas bills......just dont fucking care what happened with a bunch of angry Muslims at an embassy in Northern Africa. They care about putting chicken and rice on their kid's plates, and buying fuel to drive to work.

But, the GOP keeps pushing Benghazi. PROOF they care far more about destroying Obama than they do helping Americans.

IF Americans knew about it, they would care.

But keep pushing the it is okay for government to kill citizens because they decide what is an enemy or not.

If this was Bush, you'd be singing at the top of your fucking lungs.

I'm growing tired of your pussy stances.

Be neutral or don't..but make a fucking choice loser.
You right wingers...just keep pushing Benghazi.


You left wingers keep pushing Iraq.

Because we were right. And those of us who said, before the fact, that getting entangled in Libya was a bad idea, we were right too.

Of course back then the conservatives were mostly behind the attacks on Obama that he wasn't plunging into Libya more vigorously.

Keep pushing it right wingers. The majority of America doesnt give a fuck. And thats why you folks lost.
don't worry we will !! we will continue to do so in honor of the brave heroes that were told to stand down ,but decided to go on their own to protect innocent people !! and i guarantee you the heroes that sacrificed themselves were not cowardly libbs.

Then quit using their graves as a soapbox for your crackpot partisan conspiracy theories and gratuitous Obama bashing.
During testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee Thursday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey said they spoke with Obama at 5 p.m. ET on Sept. 11 last year.

They were both on the same call, and said it lasted about 30 minutes.

Dempsey said they did not speak again until the attack was over.

During the hearing, Graham asked both Panetta and Graham whether they went to sleep that night. They said they did not -- they could not say whether the president did.

"This is the first time in 30 years we lost control of an ambassador, and no small deal."

Panetta recalls just 1 conversation with Obama during Benghazi, Sen. Graham vows accountability | Fox News

BUT.. Obama's political concerns i.e. the attack was Terrorist driven would hurt his "image" of "Osama is dead" meme!
So that's why Rice on 5 shows and Hillary blamed the video... Political motives..

[ame=]Americans Killed in Benghazi, Libya Return to U.S. - YouTube[/ame]

Keep pushing it right wingers. The majority of America doesnt give a fuck. And thats why you folks lost.

Bernghaz-Gate won't go away.
Even Panetta and Dempsey were surprised when Maobama told them to handle it themselves. Guess Hillary was right when she claimed that Maobama would just roll over when that 3:00AM call came.
Maobama deserted his post and allowed 4 Americans to be murdered. In essence he killed them by his incompetence.

most of America has no clue what you are ranting and raving about

carry on

Exactly, proof positive the media is in obama's pocket not doing it's job. If this happened under bush you can believe the unimformed voter would be informed.
It's been such a treat to see the rightwing propaganda machine manage to get NO traction with this story and its phoney manufactured outrage, and I mean from the start,

months ago.
How many times are you going to post this under different titles...?

How many times will it have to be posted before you guys admit the O admin dropped the ball?

Whether he did or didnt, the point is, most Americans dont give a fuck about what happened in a country we shouldnt even be in. Fuck it. The average American who is trying to find a way to pay their constantly rising food, power, gas bills......just dont fucking care what happened with a bunch of angry Muslims at an embassy in Northern Africa. They care about putting chicken and rice on their kid's plates, and buying fuel to drive to work.

But, the GOP keeps pushing Benghazi. PROOF they care far more about destroying Obama than they do helping Americans.

Tell the truth....if it had been a republican president that let Americans die like this, you would still feel the same way? I don't think so!
bush sat and read a book while Americans died.

He also told the top terror expert in the country to STOP telling him about AQ because that was Clinton stuff

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