AWFUL!… MSM SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughte

AWFUL!… MEDIA SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi​

by Jim Hoft
February 7, 2013

Today we learned the absolutely astonishing news…
Barack Obama was AWOL when Americans were under attack and murdered needlessly in Benghazi.
He was nowhere to be found.
He had one short conversation with CIA Director Leon Panetta… And that was it.
He went AWOL.
While Four Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi.


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AWFUL!? MEDIA SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi | The Gateway Pundit

Interesting........................some idiot douchebag who thinks that watching "Rambo" movies qualifies them to use the same language as the military does.

"A.W.O.L" is an acronym which stands for "Absent With Out Leave", which means that your command doesn't know where you are, nor do they have their command's permission to be absent.

Obama has never been outside of being able to be contacted, nor has he ever been absent from his role as President. We can always find out where he's at if necessary, as he's followed around by staff and the secret service.

Going AWOL means that nobody can find you, nor do they know where you're at.

You're one of those civilian idiots who likes to use military lingo because you think it makes you look more "macho", ain't ya?

A solder goes home on leave, and doesn't come back when he's supposed to. He's considered AWOL, but they still know where he is. It doesn't always mean he's off the radar, he's just not where he's supposed to be at that time....Obama wasn't where he was supposed to be at the time of Benghazi, his party in Vegas was more important.
bush sat and read a book while Americans died.

He also told the top terror expert in the country to STOP telling him about AQ because that was Clinton stuff

Yeah, he took a couple of minutes to finish reading a book to school kids, i'm sure giving time to collect information. When he got done he did his job as a leader, and did a great job. Now we have obama, found out about a terrorist attack, kept doing what ever it was he was doing, probaly golfing. Then went to bed, got up went to vegas, mean while sending rice out to knowingly lie to america. The bad part is liberals are ignorant enough to support this.
You right wingers...just keep pushing Benghazi.


You left wingers keep pushing Iraq.

Because we were right. And those of us who said, before the fact, that getting entangled in Libya was a bad idea, we were right too.

Of course back then the conservatives were mostly behind the attacks on Obama that he wasn't plunging into Libya more vigorously.

"You" were right because Hillary warned everyone that Obama wouldn't be the choice to answer that 3 am phone call. Too funny.

Keep pushing it right wingers. The majority of America doesnt give a fuck. And thats why you folks lost.

The majority of democrats certainly don't give a fuck. Which is why Benghazi wasn't enough. Terrorists are going to have to up the program to get Americans to pay attention to them.

Do Americans pay attention when they see a termite? No. They pay attention when the house starts falling down. Up the ante. Let's see just how much it will take before Americans start giving a fuck.
How many times will it have to be posted before you guys admit the O admin dropped the ball?

Whether he did or didnt, the point is, most Americans dont give a fuck about what happened in a country we shouldnt even be in. Fuck it. The average American who is trying to find a way to pay their constantly rising food, power, gas bills......just dont fucking care what happened with a bunch of angry Muslims at an embassy in Northern Africa. They care about putting chicken and rice on their kid's plates, and buying fuel to drive to work.

But, the GOP keeps pushing Benghazi. PROOF they care far more about destroying Obama than they do helping Americans.

Tell the truth....if it had been a republican president that let Americans die like this, you would still feel the same way? I don't think so!

What the heck are you talking about.

Americans were "dying" like that during the Bush administration.

Pakistan car bomb kills U.S. diplomat - World news - South and Central Asia | NBC News
The Truth About Attacks on Our Diplomats | Mother Jones

Why no investigations?
Because we were right. And those of us who said, before the fact, that getting entangled in Libya was a bad idea, we were right too.

Of course back then the conservatives were mostly behind the attacks on Obama that he wasn't plunging into Libya more vigorously.

"You" were right because Hillary warned everyone that Obama wouldn't be the choice to answer that 3 am phone call. Too funny.

Obama wouldn't have gotten 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq.
Why haven't you people put up 300 threads praising Obama for successfully protecting the Turkish embassy from the attack the other day?
Why haven't you people put up 300 threads praising Obama for successfully protecting the Turkish embassy from the attack the other day?

So you want to praise obama for doing a good job, and you want to praise obama when he fails doing his job? Got it.
Why haven't you people put up 300 threads praising Obama for successfully protecting the Turkish embassy from the attack the other day?

So you want to praise obama for doing a good job, and you want to praise obama when he fails doing his job? Got it.

No, I just want you people to stop being so excruciatingly ignorant. I feel like I'm wandering the streets at night, with a lantern,

looking for one intelligent conservative.
Why haven't you people put up 300 threads praising Obama for successfully protecting the Turkish embassy from the attack the other day?

So you want to praise obama for doing a good job, and you want to praise obama when he fails doing his job? Got it.

No, I just want you people to stop being so excruciatingly ignorant. I feel like I'm wandering the streets at night, with a lantern,

looking for one intelligent conservative.

Well I would like for obama to just tell the truth for once.
Whether he did or didnt, the point is, most Americans dont give a fuck about what happened in a country we shouldnt even be in. Fuck it. The average American who is trying to find a way to pay their constantly rising food, power, gas bills......just dont fucking care what happened with a bunch of angry Muslims at an embassy in Northern Africa. They care about putting chicken and rice on their kid's plates, and buying fuel to drive to work.

But, the GOP keeps pushing Benghazi. PROOF they care far more about destroying Obama than they do helping Americans.

Tell the truth....if it had been a republican president that let Americans die like this, you would still feel the same way? I don't think so!

What the heck are you talking about.

Americans were "dying" like that during the Bush administration.

Pakistan car bomb kills U.S. diplomat - World news - South and Central Asia | NBC News
The Truth About Attacks on Our Diplomats | Mother Jones

Why no investigations?

I read both of your links....and i didn't see in either one of them that anyone requested extra security before the attacks like they did in Benghazi....or that he ignored what was going on and went to do his own thing leaving it up to others to figure out. We know attacks happen, it's just that the Obama admin had been warned ahead of time, was being asked for more security ahead of time, knew when it happened and ignored it.
"You" were right because Hillary warned everyone that Obama wouldn't be the choice to answer that 3 am phone call. Too funny.

Obama wouldn't have gotten 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq.

Sometimes I think there is actually hope for you then you post BS.

Obama has gotten 1500 killed in Afghanistan in four short years and he admits failure. At least we won in Iraq, much to your sorrow I am sure.
Why haven't you people put up 300 threads praising Obama for successfully protecting the Turkish embassy from the attack the other day?

So you want to praise obama for doing a good job, and you want to praise obama when he fails doing his job? Got it.

No, I just want you people to stop being so excruciatingly ignorant. I feel like I'm wandering the streets at night, with a lantern,

looking for one intelligent conservative.

Seriously dude, you don't have the qualifications to find one.
So come on you Obama defenders!!! Explain why Hilary so quick to blame a video immediately!
"You" were right because Hillary warned everyone that Obama wouldn't be the choice to answer that 3 am phone call. Too funny.

Obama wouldn't have gotten 4000+ Americans killed in Iraq.

How many did he get killed? The figure of 4,486 represents the number of dead from 2003 and 2012. That includes obama years.

But, obama's real success isn't Iraq. It's Afghanistan where 60% of all troops killed were killed after obama took office. obama exceeded what Bush did in 8 years, in only 3-1/2 years.

Grim Milestone: Over Twice as Many U.S. Soldiers Have Died in Afghanistan Under Obama In 3 1/2 Years Than Did Under Bush in 8 Years ? Media Silent | The Gateway Pundit

obama's not done killing Americans yet. He'd like to shove a few thousand over to Syria to help Al Quaeda secure the country.
So you want to praise obama for doing a good job, and you want to praise obama when he fails doing his job? Got it.

No, I just want you people to stop being so excruciatingly ignorant. I feel like I'm wandering the streets at night, with a lantern,

looking for one intelligent conservative.

Seriously dude, you don't have the qualifications to find one.

There isn't one on this forum.

Name them if you disagree.

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