"AWOL" Navy SEAL Killed Fighting In Ukraine


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
"AWOL" is the official Navy Department's classification of his status, but I have my doubts. How will the DOD give plausible deniability to the next US advisor who gets killed in Ukraine?

"A former American Navy SEAL was killed this week during Russia’s assault on eastern Ukraine while fighting alongside Ukrainian forces, a Navy official tells TIME.

Daniel W. Swift, a Navy Special Warfare Operator First Class who had gone AWOL, died Jan. 18 after suffering injuries with a unit under attack by Russia, the official said.

The Navy confirmed that Swift has been in “an active deserter status since March 11, 2019,” but did not provide any additional information. It wasn’t yet known how long Swift was in Ukraine and why he was fighting there."

Exclusive: AWOL Navy SEAL Killed Fighting In Ukraine
Quite a few Americans have been captured , wounded and killed . Many at Mariupol. Big US complex underground at the iron and steel works .

Russia has deliberately only referred to an occasional one as a way to give a vestige of plausibility to the total scene , and perhaps wants full details of its own position kept quiet .
"AWOL" is the official Navy Department's classification of his status, but I have my doubts. How will the DOD give plausible deniability to the next US advisor who gets killed in Ukraine?
"A former American Navy SEAL was killed this week during Russia’s assault on eastern Ukraine while fighting alongside Ukrainian forces, a Navy official tells TIME.

We need to send in Special Agent Bowe Bergdahl.
That would make sense, seeing how Russia is one of the most anti-globalist countries in the world. Look what the WEF has done to the US and now Brazil.

Russia refuses to take the bait, so Biden has troi ramp it up

He probably said no and that's why they suddenly found the stolen Top Secret documents he sold to the CCP. They will push him put and bring in Kneepad Harris
"AWOL" is the official Navy Department's classification of his status, but I have my doubts. How will the DOD give plausible deniability to the next US advisor who gets killed in Ukraine?

"A former American Navy SEAL was killed this week during Russia’s assault on eastern Ukraine while fighting alongside Ukrainian forces, a Navy official tells TIME.

Daniel W. Swift, a Navy Special Warfare Operator First Class who had gone AWOL, died Jan. 18 after suffering injuries with a unit under attack by Russia, the official said.

The Navy confirmed that Swift has been in “an active deserter status since March 11, 2019,” but did not provide any additional information. It wasn’t yet known how long Swift was in Ukraine and why he was fighting there."

Exclusive: AWOL Navy SEAL Killed Fighting In Ukraine
That navy seal should not have been there.

That war has nothing to do with the US.....Americans don't want their soldiers arriving home in body bags. :(
It's possible that his deserter status was cover for a covert operation. It's also possible that he WAS a deserter for awhile, or perhaps some other offense....and therefore was manipulated into a risky intelligence operation as part of a plea-deal. I get the impression John McCain may have been used in a similar way....somehow manipulated into being the RINO that he was.

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