Axios: Biden Could Lose First Two Primaries to RFK!

Democrats typically accuse Republicans of Democrats' own misdeeds. If you ever want to know what Democrats are doing wrong, just look at what they are accusing Republicans of doing. Ho hum.
Not this again. You know this is projection, right?
Yeah, if he is the choice then Democrats have lost their collective minds.

Hope they take Gavin instead if they want to replace Biden and Harris or the Illinois Governor.
Gavin, who signed a bill CA AB2223, allowing infanticide (the killing of babies up to 28 days old). Newsom hit upon the bizarre idea of boasting in commercials that California is America’s true “free” state. Yet, with the most burdensome regulations and high tax rates, Newsom’s California is arguably the most unfree state in the union.

In return for these steep costs, the state’s public institutions, infrastructure, and services are among the country’s worst. California’s once-vaunted freeway system is near the bottom of all state comparisons. California’s Highway 99, which runs the length of the Central Valley, is one of the deadliest roads in America based on miles driven.

Over half the nation’s homeless crowd the state’s major cities. One-third of America’s welfare recipients have flooded into the state. A fifth of the resident population lives below the poverty line. Well over a quarter of Golden State residents were not born in the United States. California public school test scores consistently fall among the bottom 10 states. San Francisco has the highest per capita property crime rate in the country.

The recently recalled San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin and his soon to be recalled Los Angeles counterpart George Gascón have nearly ruined their cities. Both are iconic of multibillionaire George Soros’ nationwide efforts to undermine
the entire criminal justice system.

State residents are not free to drive safely because of their decrepit freeways. They are not free from filthy and toxic sidewalks or dangerous physical assault in their major cities.

Public school children are not free to enjoy competitive educations. San Franciscans are not free to park their cars without fearing that they will be vandalized or stolen.

The destruction of these freedoms is in direct proportion to the confiscatory taxes that the state collects—the highest bracket of income and gasoline rates in the nation, among the highest sales taxes, and property taxes that soar due to inflated assessments in spite of a 1978 state constitutional amendment.

Currently, California faces brownouts due to the longstanding, deliberate curtailment of electrical generation plants. Yosemite’s historic redwood forest is currently threatened with what are now customary California summer conflagrations. The destructive, dirty forest fires reflect a deliberate state policy of not gleaning the forests of dead trees, but rather letting the flammable debris serve as “natural” fodder for bugs and birds. They also can be attribued to the presence of illegal aliens, who studies in other states have shown, deoiberately set fires to escape apprehension by law enforcement.

The state has not built a major reservoir in nearly 40 years. In rarer wet years, millions of acre-feet of runoff and snowmelt simply cascade to the sea. Releasing such vital water apparently enhances 19th-century riparian landscapes—and discourages its own agribusiness.

Amid Newsom’s anti-Florida ad campaign, the governor was vacationing at the upscale digs of his Montana in-laws—escorted by his ample state-paid security detail. That is odd, given Newsom’s California labels Montana a homophobic hellhole, and will not even reimburse state employees who dare to convention there.

Hypocrisy and elite virtue signaling, however, are now trademarks of California politicians—and illustrate how little elected officials care for the victims of their ideological agendas. Newsom bragged about his tough California mask mandate although it did not lower COVID deaths per capita in any measurable degree than did the policies of the red states he so often trashes. He violated his own COVID mandates by dining at the upscale French Laundry restaurant and hanging out unmasked.

Newsom has done nothing to remedy his state’s soaring gas prices, terrible schools and infrastructure, or spiking crime. But he did virtue signal about giving illegal aliens millions of state dollars in COVID relief. Rather than develop California’s rich gas and oil reserves, Newsom promised strapped motorists that he would send them a one-time fuel gift of $400.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), likewise, hectors Californians to mask and quarantine—all the better for her to sneak around unmasked at her hairdresser’s, or to jet to the beaches of Tuscany. Former senator and current Chinese government lobbyist Barbara Boxer retired to an estate in Rancho Mirage. Recent Governor Jerry Brown isolated himself on his 2,500 acres in Grass Valley—idyllic locations far away from the education, infrastructure, and urban disasters that exploded under their tenures.

So it is Orwellian for Newsome to brag about a “free” California that supposedly will entice Floridians or Texans. In truth, over the last decades hundreds of thousands of Californians and billions of dollars of wealth fled the now inert California, for a far freer Florida and Texas, among other states. By voting with their feet and bank accounts, California’s expatriates considered these destinations far superior to their home state: safer, cheaper, better managed, and freer.
Biden is in for a hard year.

Americans are tiring of the stupid war in the Ukraine.

The economy is sputtering.

The Biden administration stands for woke madness, subservience to China, corruption, inflation, border chaos, rising crime, etc.
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RFK will be a formidable challenger.

Just like his father RFK will challenge a sitting Democratic president responsible for an unpopular war.

The Vietnam War, though it was badly planned, at least opposed the evil Soviet Empire. The current brutal war in the Ukraine doesn’t even serve U.S. interests.

Isn’t peace ✌️ preferable?

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It reads like a Fake Headline, but it ain't.

Left Wing Axios says Biden could truly be in electoral jeopardy:

2024 is shaping up to be one helluva year in politics.

(And, of course, there's the whole preventing the Commies from takin' over America thing...)

Commies? 😂 That's idiotic.
If you would like to somebody about this, I probably know somebody who knows somebody.
I’ll bet you do know a lot of “somebodies”, but I’m not up-to-date on all my shots, so I’ll pass.
I’ll bet you do know a lot of “somebodies”, but I’m not up-to-date on all my shots, so I’ll pass.
It is really difficult to find somebody willing to deal with the rabid patients, so thanks for the heads up.
Because it's effectively a tautology. If he boycotts the first two states then of course he will lose.

How the hell can you find this compelling?

Because he is so afraid of facing voters that he is choosing to fall on his sword in the first two contests.

I'm sorry that your blatant partisanship and mind virus prevent you from detecting the obvious.
Gavin, who signed a bill CA AB2223, allowing infanticide (the killing of babies up to 28 days old). Newsom hit upon the bizarre idea of boasting in commercials that California is America’s true “free” state. Yet, with the most burdensome regulations and high tax rates, Newsom’s California is arguably the most unfree state in the union.

In return for these steep costs, the state’s public institutions, infrastructure, and services are among the country’s worst. California’s once-vaunted freeway system is near the bottom of all state comparisons. California’s Highway 99, which runs the length of the Central Valley, is one of the deadliest roads in America based on miles driven.

Over half the nation’s homeless crowd the state’s major cities. One-third of America’s welfare recipients have flooded into the state. A fifth of the resident population lives below the poverty line. Well over a quarter of Golden State residents were not born in the United States. California public school test scores consistently fall among the bottom 10 states. San Francisco has the highest per capita property crime rate in the country.

The recently recalled San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin and his soon to be recalled Los Angeles counterpart George Gascón have nearly ruined their cities. Both are iconic of multibillionaire George Soros’ nationwide efforts to undermine
the entire criminal justice system.

State residents are not free to drive safely because of their decrepit freeways. They are not free from filthy and toxic sidewalks or dangerous physical assault in their major cities.

Public school children are not free to enjoy competitive educations. San Franciscans are not free to park their cars without fearing that they will be vandalized or stolen.

The destruction of these freedoms is in direct proportion to the confiscatory taxes that the state collects—the highest bracket of income and gasoline rates in the nation, among the highest sales taxes, and property taxes that soar due to inflated assessments in spite of a 1978 state constitutional amendment.

Currently, California faces brownouts due to the longstanding, deliberate curtailment of electrical generation plants. Yosemite’s historic redwood forest is currently threatened with what are now customary California summer conflagrations. The destructive, dirty forest fires reflect a deliberate state policy of not gleaning the forests of dead trees, but rather letting the flammable debris serve as “natural” fodder for bugs and birds. They also can be attribued to the presence of illegal aliens, who studies in other states have shown, deoiberately set fires to escape apprehension by law enforcement.

The state has not built a major reservoir in nearly 40 years. In rarer wet years, millions of acre-feet of runoff and snowmelt simply cascade to the sea. Releasing such vital water apparently enhances 19th-century riparian landscapes—and discourages its own agribusiness.

Amid Newsom’s anti-Florida ad campaign, the governor was vacationing at the upscale digs of his Montana in-laws—escorted by his ample state-paid security detail. That is odd, given Newsom’s California labels Montana a homophobic hellhole, and will not even reimburse state employees who dare to convention there.

Hypocrisy and elite virtue signaling, however, are now trademarks of California politicians—and illustrate how little elected officials care for the victims of their ideological agendas. Newsom bragged about his tough California mask mandate although it did not lower COVID deaths per capita in any measurable degree than did the policies of the red states he so often trashes. He violated his own COVID mandates by dining at the upscale French Laundry restaurant and hanging out unmasked.

Newsom has done nothing to remedy his state’s soaring gas prices, terrible schools and infrastructure, or spiking crime. But he did virtue signal about giving illegal aliens millions of state dollars in COVID relief. Rather than develop California’s rich gas and oil reserves, Newsom promised strapped motorists that he would send them a one-time fuel gift of $400.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), likewise, hectors Californians to mask and quarantine—all the better for her to sneak around unmasked at her hairdresser’s, or to jet to the beaches of Tuscany. Former senator and current Chinese government lobbyist Barbara Boxer retired to an estate in Rancho Mirage. Recent Governor Jerry Brown isolated himself on his 2,500 acres in Grass Valley—idyllic locations far away from the education, infrastructure, and urban disasters that exploded under their tenures.

So it is Orwellian for Newsome to brag about a “free” California that supposedly will entice Floridians or Texans. In truth, over the last decades hundreds of thousands of Californians and billions of dollars of wealth fled the now inert California, for a far freer Florida and Texas, among other states. By voting with their feet and bank accounts, California’s expatriates considered these destinations far superior to their home state: safer, cheaper, better managed, and freer.

Oh, look.

An actual post chock full o' info and devoid of snide smugness.

Doesn't belong on this message board. ;)
And you're a fuckin' genius.
Surada was educated in the finest Madrassas in the Middle East before becoming the world's only high-powered female oil executive in the world in 1950.

To show how smart she is, she refers to the "Schoefield heresy" dozens and dozens of times over.

She is now 107.
Surada was educated in the finest Madrassas in the Middle East before becoming the world's only high-powered female oil executive in the world in 1950.

To show how smart she is, she refers to the "Schoefield heresy" dozens and dozens of times over.

She is now 107.

Fuck...."The Dude" knows geopolitics haha
Democrats typically accuse Republicans of Democrats' own misdeeds. If you ever want to know what Democrats are doing wrong, just look at what they are accusing Republicans of doing. Ho hum.
Hey dumbass, who is the one constantly saying the elections are rigged?
I never said that every tweet trump makes is about how us elections are rigged.

And it must be false.

Because all the people who control the media and lied about him for seven years say so.

Your logic is irrefutable, unquestionable, and universally factual.

You're an intellectual god.

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