Ayn Rand: The GOP’s Godless Philosopher


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
The conservative evangelical leader Chuck Colson has become so concerned about Rand’s booming popularity in the GOP that he recently recorded a video warning that Rand “peddles a starkly anti-Christian philosophy.” And the Christian group American Values Network, which presents itself as an alternative to organizations like the Family Research Council, has distributed a memo to congressional offices highlighting Rand’s criticisms of Christianity and some of her more controversial comments, including praise for a man who raped, murdered, and dismembered a 12-year-old girl. “Ayn Rand’s strong atheism, absolute rejection of Christ’s teachings, and goal of replacing religion with her belief system,” reads the memo, “stands in total opposition to all that which America’s faith community holds most dear.”

Ayn Rand: The GOP's Godless Philosopher | Swampland
rev. wright - communist (racist) christian

jonestown - communist christians drinking the kool aid

komrade charles rangel (D) korea war hero - greeted castro with a bear-hug in harlem in 1995 - castro was invited to amerika by communist rev. calvin butts of the communist baptist church of n.y.c.

hillary was exposed to communism at a methodist college - before that she was a goldwater girl

joan beaz - communist - protested the nam war - millions died because of her - she is a quaker

this is just the tip of the communist ice berg - just what duz christ stand for ?"?

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