AZ Audit hearing live. Stunning numbers of vote fraud!

You have the same problem with reading as you do with percentages.
Well here is a percentage for you professor:

49% voted for someone other than Joe Biden in Maricopa County in 2020. See if you can understand why that matters here.

When you count the way dems do yeah.
Well that made no sense. You seem as sharp as a marble.

By the way, the votes were counted by people appointed by republicans, ya whiny dumbass.
Dominion was present at all the phony counts. That is a fact. The Maricopa board said so.
They are going to court to get the routers. Why doesn't Maricopa turn them over? Experts say the other information( none) is safe. If there was no fraud there is no excuse not to turn them over.
Election machines should never be connected to any modem according to experts in the field who were concerned prior to the election of 2020. About a year prior, a team decided to use their hacking skills for a good purpose: to detect how many voting machines were found to be attached to a modem/router either directly or via cell phone. Although the team of experts had been told "We have zero computers connected to the internet" by one of the top three voting machine producers, the team discovered that was an outright falsehood.

Now, after the 2020 election, it is not clear how many machines throughout the country remain connected. That is the problem that needed addressing years ago, regardless of one's politics, if you back fair elections computers connected to the internet have been proven to be hackable and should not be set up in this way to allow for hacking.

Now, efforts to legally eliminate the option to connect to the internet is being thwarted by our find government officials: "Key elements of the first federal technology standards for voting equipment in 15 years should be scrapped because language that would have banned the devices from connecting to the internet was dropped after private meetings held with manufacturers, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday."

"The lawsuit against the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., claims those meetings should have been open and that changes to the draft standards should have been shared with the commission’s advisory and standards boards. The lawsuit seeks to have those changes set aside."

"The standards, approved in February, did not include draft language that would have banned wireless technology from voting equipment under federal certification guidelines. Voting security experts say the machines will be vulnerable to hacking without such a ban."

"While the commission’s certification guidelines are voluntary, multiple states use them to set mandatory requirements for voting equipment."

Susan Greenhalgh, of the nonprofit Free Speech for People, stated: "the EAC brazenly flouted its legal obligation to adhere to a transparent process, choosing instead to invite the manufacturers into private meetings so they could alter the voting system standards to ease requirements and benefit the manufacturers.”

How lovely, the actions of the US EAC- US Election Assistance Committee sounds quite corrupt allowing an election machine seller determine our voting machines laws. I'll bet those private meetings resulted in a lot of money under the table to make that deal, and likely many over the table deals as well for future personal profits.

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We need a redo of the 2020 Election.

Nothing else will be sufficient
Well that is never ever going to happen. Why do you do this to yourself?

I do whatever I want to do to myself! it's none of your business! :rolleyes-41:
I can understand why you would want to keep such an embarrassing thing a secret.

Secret? what secret!

This WAS a stolen Election and there won't be any peace until it's rectified!
Hey,no reason for you to watch it.
I like it when you get blind sided with the truth.
Haha, sure. Oh look, a bunch of weenies making claims. So when will the evidence be taken to a court room, where it is illegal to lie and where others get to examine the evidence?

I will go with never.

What weenies,your words,are you referring to?
The weenies making these claims. Are you not following?
Interesting the generals just came out saying Trump is lying about the fraud. Aren't they suppose to stay out of politics? Saying it does not make it true. Although ballots on the wrong paper say fraud.

Yep. They're supposed to defend the Constitution, not the President. One of the 'good parts' of our setup.
They are going to court to get the routers. Why doesn't Maricopa turn them over? Experts say the other information( none) is safe. If there was no fraud there is no excuse not to turn them over.
Election machines should never be connected to any modem according to experts in the field who were concerned prior to the election of 2020. About a year prior, a team decided to use their hacking skills for a good purpose: to detect how many voting machines were found to be attached to a modem/router either directly or via cell phone. Although the team of experts had been told "We have zero computers connected to the internet" by one of the top three voting machine producers, the team discovered that was an outright falsehood.

Now, after the 2020 election, it is not clear how many machines throughout the country remain connected. That is the problem that needed addressing years ago, regardless of one's politics, if you back fair elections computers connected to the internet has been proven to be hackable.

Now, efforts to legally eliminate the option to connect to the internet is being thwarted by our find government officials: "Key elements of the first federal technology standards for voting equipment in 15 years should be scrapped because language that would have banned the devices from connecting to the internet was dropped after private meetings held with manufacturers, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday."

"The lawsuit against the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, filed in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., claims those meetings should have been open and that changes to the draft standards should have been shared with the commission’s advisory and standards boards. The lawsuit seeks to have those changes set aside."

"The standards, approved in February, did not include draft language that would have banned wireless technology from voting equipment under federal certification guidelines. Voting security experts say the machines will be vulnerable to hacking without such a ban."

"While the commission’s certification guidelines are voluntary, multiple states use them to set mandatory requirements for voting equipment."

Susan Greenhalgh, of the nonprofit Free Speech for People, stated: "the EAC brazenly flouted its legal obligation to adhere to a transparent process, choosing instead to invite the manufacturers into private meetings so they could alter the voting system standards to ease requirements and benefit the manufacturers.”

How lovely, the actions of the US EAC- US Election Assistance Committee sounds quite corrupt allowing an election machine seller determine our voting machines laws. I'll be that equates to a lot of money under the table to make those kinds of deals...likely many over the table as well for future deal making.

So are you saying thats how the most unpopular president on hostory got 74 million votes? Are you making ant relevant points at all?
It's going to get very hard for the cheaters to fight voter integrity laws when it becomes obvious about the extent of their cheating. They stole an election and that gives them no room at the table to implement improvements. In actuality, the Democrat party is now the defendant charged with massive voter fraud and treason.
And on cue and as expected, the usual suspects are doing nothing but crying about the source, refusing to watch videos and putting their hands over their eyes claiming they see nothing. The poor snowflakes expected things about bamboo like their LSM masters claimed. Instead they got the actual facts they can’t just sweep under the rug.
Asking if there is a credible source scares you?

No, that doesn't scare anyone, but it is well known that the only sources you consider "credible" are the liberal media propagandists that you know will not report on this up to, and until it is too big to ignore. Then they will still treat it as CT....
If that information was released, there will be a record of it. Why not point to that? Do you really expect anyone to take "because I said so" as proof?
No, I don't...But, this could be a case of the totallity of the information hasn't been released yet, and therefore not officially in the public sphere...You asked earlier who Navarro was, he was in the Trump administration but has an impressive background before serving in the administration...

"Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator."

So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes....In any case, I think we should wait until the AZ senate puts out their final report...
"So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes.."

Anyone that voluntarily served under Drump and contributed to his lies has zero credibility.
Yep, knew that, among a slew of other excuses will come as these irregularities are made public...The thing to remember is that the American people will see them, and most of us are not as far down the Socialist rabbit hole as you...
I asked this before. Lets say Dump actually won. What are you going to do about it?
At this time, I don't think there is really anything that can be done, but as happened the last time progressivism overplayed, and over estimated their revelence in this country under the Wilson administration and was roundly defeated, and driven under their respective rocks for over 100 years til now, where they are once again overplaying...This time what will be done is possibly a victory for Republican's so big in '22, and '24 as to be 'veto proof' and then y'all are really going to have to eat it...
So, in your mind President Woodrow Wilson was a Liberal before they even existed is something?

What about FDR which is a far better example?
And on cue and as expected, the usual suspects are doing nothing but crying about the source, refusing to watch videos and putting their hands over their eyes claiming they see nothing. The poor snowflakes expected things about bamboo like their LSM masters claimed. Instead they got the actual facts they can’t just sweep under the rug.
Asking if there is a credible source scares you?

No, that doesn't scare anyone, but it is well known that the only sources you consider "credible" are the liberal media propagandists that you know will not report on this up to, and until it is too big to ignore. Then they will still treat it as CT....
If that information was released, there will be a record of it. Why not point to that? Do you really expect anyone to take "because I said so" as proof?
No, I don't...But, this could be a case of the totallity of the information hasn't been released yet, and therefore not officially in the public sphere...You asked earlier who Navarro was, he was in the Trump administration but has an impressive background before serving in the administration...

"Peter Kent Navarro (born July 15, 1949) is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator."

So, I am pretty sure that just the fact that he served under Trump will disqualify him in your eyes....In any case, I think we should wait until the AZ senate puts out their final report...
Peter is a fine example of what happens to people who sell their credibility to be a loyal sycophant to the former president’s ass.

It's going to get very hard for the cheaters to fight voter integrity laws ...
Sure, and that's the intent of this entire charade. It's gerrymandering in a different venue.
I'll say one thing for you loons. You really know how to change the subject when you're about to get nailed to the wall. Tough luck lightweight.
So why wont the people feeding you the big lie take their mountains of evidence to the authorities or to a court??

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