AZ Audit hearing live. Stunning numbers of vote fraud!

That’s not it. A lot more mail in ballots, which are more prone to fraud. Your historically unpopular president got a record amount of votes and 12mil more than the last election. So that is pretty mystifying. Also mystifying is that so many voted for an uncharismatic walking dead guy. I just don’t see it but I admit it is a hunch and I could be wrong. And as for people not caring, you care enough to respond.
I don't think it was mystifying at all. This was easily the most contentious election in the history of the US. Even more contentious than 2016. I'm surprised the turnout wasn't close to 70 per cent.
You believe Biden had the charisma to garner over 80mil votes and Trump near 75mil? I do Not buy it but as I said, I could be wrong
You believe Biden had the charisma to garner over 80mil votes and Trump near 75mil? I do Not buy it but as I said, I could be wrong
No I don't. I've seen blades of grass with more charisma than Biden. What there was however, was a pathological hate for Trump. If I live in the US, under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't have voted due to two awful candidates. However, Trump is such a scummy piece of shit I would have voted for a garbage bin in a heartbeat over him, if said garbage bin was on the ballot. I think a lot of Trump supporters underestimate just how much intelligent people hate him. And I don't use the work hate lightly - not dislike, or ambivalence, or think he's an idiot - hate. I for one, hate him. If he was to drop dead tomorrow I would not give two shits. Seriously wouldn't.
You believe Biden had the charisma to garner over 80mil votes and Trump near 75mil? I do Not buy it but as I said, I could be wrong
No I don't. I've seen blades of grass with more charisma than Biden. What there was however, was a pathological hate for Trump. If I live in the US, under normal circumstances I probably wouldn't have voted due to two awful candidates. However, Trump is such a scummy piece of shit I would have voted for a garbage bin in a heartbeat over him, if said garbage bin was on the ballot. I think a lot of Trump supporters underestimate just how much intelligent people hate him. And I don't use the work hate lightly - not dislike, or ambivalence, or think he's an idiot - hate. I for one, hate him. If he was to drop dead tomorrow I would not give two shits. Seriously wouldn't.
Yet Trump got nearly 75mil votes, even from unintelligent people like me as you just described it. If he was so hated how did he get 12 mil more votes than he did in 2016? Doesn’t compute. And Biden has been pretty awful thus far as I knew he would be.
That’s not it. A lot more mail in ballots, which are more prone to fraud.
As expected since there was, you know, a pandemic. More prone to fraud? Then show me one single example of significant fraud using mail in ballots. Or one shred of evidence of it ever happening. Because we have always had mail in voting. So show me evidence, not conjecture.

Your historically unpopular president got a record amount of votes and 12mil more than the last election.

He did, eh? So, apparently, in your world, all the fraud and overcounting (whatever the fk that distinction means to some people) was for Biden. And you think that sounds sane. Come on. No you don't. Listen to yourself.

He got that many votes because the participation rate shot up. You do know we measure popularity of Presidents in this sense by proportion, not by 'number of 'votes for', right? Historically unpopular. So unpopular, he drummed up an awful lot of votes against himself.
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STUNNING in race decided by 10,457 votes!!

3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline
11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4
18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election
74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent

Obvious cheating happened. Maricopa County has lots of splainin’ to do!

Trump won AZ!

You just set the bar
Now bring that fucking Evidence tomorrow
No…….it’s coming
Fucking deliver.

STUNNING in race decided by 10,457 votes!!

3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline
11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4
18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election
74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent

Obvious cheating happened. Maricopa County has lots of splainin’ to do!

Trump won AZ!

You just set the bar
Now bring that fucking Evidence tomorrow
No…….it’s coming
Fucking deliver.


There will be no evidence. Look around this thread at the prostrate Trumpers passing around the chalice of koolaid. They don't NEED any evidence.
STUNNING in race decided by 10,457 votes!!

3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline
11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4
18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election
74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent

Obvious cheating happened. Maricopa County has lots of splainin’ to do!

Trump won AZ!

You just set the bar
Now bring that fucking Evidence tomorrow
No…….it’s coming
Fucking deliver.


There will be no evidence. Look around this thread at the prostrate Trumpers passing around the chalice of koolaid. They don't NEED any evidence.

That’s why they need to be called out
You allegedly have the evidence
Present it NOW.
Let’s see it. Now.
You believe Biden had the charisma to garner over 80mil votes and Trump near 75mil?
Not one single person believes that or makes that claim, except for maybe Dr. Jill when she is purring in Biden's ear. Everyone knows that it was because Trump was just so awful.
That’s not it. A lot more mail in ballots, which are more prone to fraud.
As expected since there was, you know, a pandemic. More prone to fraud? Then show me one single example of significant fraud using mail in ballots. Or one shred of evidence of it ever happening. Because we have always had mail in voting. So show me evidence, not conjecture.

Your historically unpopular president got a record amount of votes and 12mil more than the last election.

He did, eh? So, apparently, in your world, all the fraud and overcounting (whatever the fk that distinction means to some people) was for Biden. And you think that sounds sane. Come on. No you don't. Listen to yourself.

He got that many votes because the participation rate shot up. You do know we measure popularity of Presidents in this sense by proportion, not by 'number of 'votes for', right? Historically unpopular. So unpopular, he drummed up an awful lot of votes against himself.
Didn’t say I had proof and never said just for Biden. You said Trump was wildly unpopular and I asked you how he got 12mil
More votes than in 2016 since you said he was wildly unpopular.
If he was awful how did he get nearly 75 mil votes?
Participation rate. Historically unpopular, yes, but also historically popular with his own party. See where that situation (the 3 facts) leads, mathematically? Would be the same result 100 times out of 100.
How long till this is settled you think? I mean, government ain't gonna do shit. Courts ain't gonna do shit. More voting SURE AS FUCK ain't gonna do it.

What's next? Government nope, courts nope, voting nope...what's next?
Yes , they fixed all 6 states months before the election . My state of Nevada they won’t even investigate
Trump won Georgia , Wisconsin, Pennsylvania as well as Nevada
As for Michigan ?? We will never know
Didn’t say I had proof and never said just for Biden.
You said there were a lot more votes than there could have been. Then you said trump got 75 million votes.

So yes, you essentially said: Just for Biden.

Did you misspeak at some point?
I said sarcastically he got 75 when he was the most hated man in America by your view. How did you not grasp that? Your point was that many came out because Trump was the antichrist but if that were the case then he would not have garnered 75mil. My view is that both sides cheated so the election was fine but 10mil or so votes were not lawful. I cannot Believe I had to spell that out for you.
If he was awful how did he get nearly 75 mil votes?
Participation rate. Historically unpopular, yes, but also historically popular with his own party. See where that situation (the 3 facts) leads, mathematically? Would be the same result 100 times out of 100.
Now you’re double talking. How can one be historically unpopular and popular at the same time?

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