AZ Dem Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema: No Regrets saying OK for Americans to Join Taliban – Video

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Perhaps the voters can give her an all expense paid trip to a Taliban encampment in Afghanistan......I'm sure the BOYS there probably have never had any American pulchritude!....First Fauxahontas kills herself, now this one with insane statements

This SHOULD be the end of Leftist Democrat Kyrsten Sinema’s Senate Campaign in Arizona. She refuses to say she regrets having said in 2003 it was okay for Americans to join the Taliban to fight against the United States in Afghanistan. She actually tries to justify why she said it – and she sounds desperate.

Her GOP opponent is former Fighter Pilot Martha McSally, who raised the issue in a recent debate. It is sad that Sinema is even remotely close to McSally in the polls. The Democrats truly have no shame. . . .

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Funny how the Right had no complaints when Rohrabacher R-Ca. sung the praises of the Taliban !!!!

September 6 - 12, 2002
Rogue Statesman
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s absolutely crazy, quite possibly illegal back-channel chats with the villains of Sept. 11
by R. Scott Moxley

"[Rohrabacher] says the Taliban are devout traditionalists—not terrorists or revolutionaries. He believes a Taliban takeover [of Afghanistan] would be a positive development."

... "Listen! Hold on!" said Rohrabacher. "I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress." ...

A November/December 1996 article in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs reported, "The potential rise of power of the Taliban does not alarm Rohrabacher" because the congressman believes the "Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S." Later in the article, Rohrabacher claimed that:
Taliban leaders are "not terrorists or revolutionaries."

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
Funny how the Right had no complaints when Rohrabacher R-Ca. sung the praises of the Taliban !!!!

September 6 - 12, 2002
Rogue Statesman
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s absolutely crazy, quite possibly illegal back-channel chats with the villains of Sept. 11
by R. Scott Moxley

"[Rohrabacher] says the Taliban are devout traditionalists—not terrorists or revolutionaries. He believes a Taliban takeover [of Afghanistan] would be a positive development."

... "Listen! Hold on!" said Rohrabacher. "I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress." ...

A November/December 1996 article in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs reported, "The potential rise of power of the Taliban does not alarm Rohrabacher" because the congressman believes the "Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S." Later in the article, Rohrabacher claimed that:
Taliban leaders are "not terrorists or revolutionaries."

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
Eddy my dear socialist ABNORMAL...He was wrong....hope you now have wet jeans!:)
Perhaps the voters can give her an all expense paid trip to a Taliban encampment in Afghanistan......I'm sure the BOYS there probably have never had any American pulchritude!....First Fauxahontas kills herself, now this one with insane statements

This SHOULD be the end of Leftist Democrat Kyrsten Sinema’s Senate Campaign in Arizona. She refuses to say she regrets having said in 2003 it was okay for Americans to join the Taliban to fight against the United States in Afghanistan. She actually tries to justify why she said it – and she sounds desperate.

Her GOP opponent is former Fighter Pilot Martha McSally, who raised the issue in a recent debate. It is sad that Sinema is even remotely close to McSally in the polls. The Democrats truly have no shame. . . .

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If this Leftist crowd take control of The House and The Senate then you are fucked, so to our American Patriotic Brothers and Sisters vote Republican even if you have to hold the nose and vote Republican please do it do not waste the vote on the stupid Libertarian candidate or whatever that takes a vote off the Republican candidate and helps the Democrat candidate.
Funny how the Right had no complaints when Rohrabacher R-Ca. sung the praises of the Taliban !!!!

September 6 - 12, 2002
Rogue Statesman
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s absolutely crazy, quite possibly illegal back-channel chats with the villains of Sept. 11
by R. Scott Moxley

"[Rohrabacher] says the Taliban are devout traditionalists—not terrorists or revolutionaries. He believes a Taliban takeover [of Afghanistan] would be a positive development."

... "Listen! Hold on!" said Rohrabacher. "I am a bigger expert on Afghanistan than any member of Congress." ...

A November/December 1996 article in Washington Report on Middle East Affairs reported, "The potential rise of power of the Taliban does not alarm Rohrabacher" because the congressman believes the "Taliban could provide stability in an area where chaos was creating a real threat to the U.S." Later in the article, Rohrabacher claimed that:
Taliban leaders are "not terrorists or revolutionaries."

Media reports documenting the Taliban’s harsh, radical beliefs were "nonsense."

The Taliban would develop a "disciplined, moral society" that did not harbor terrorists.

The Taliban posed no threat to the U.S.
Saying that the Taliban is better than Al Qaeda is not the same as saying it is ok for Americans to join the Taliban.
She may end up being the Democrats’ Todd Aiken
Perhaps the voters can give her an all expense paid trip to a Taliban encampment in Afghanistan......I'm sure the BOYS there probably have never had any American pulchritude!....First Fauxahontas kills herself, now this one with insane statements

This SHOULD be the end of Leftist Democrat Kyrsten Sinema’s Senate Campaign in Arizona. She refuses to say she regrets having said in 2003 it was okay for Americans to join the Taliban to fight against the United States in Afghanistan. She actually tries to justify why she said it – and she sounds desperate.

Her GOP opponent is former Fighter Pilot Martha McSally, who raised the issue in a recent debate. It is sad that Sinema is even remotely close to McSally in the polls. The Democrats truly have no shame. . . .

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Here’s the video without the blog:

It's very difficult to just take a few words out of a comment--(WITHOUT) knowing the context of the conversation involving the comment.

So I'll give her a pass on this one.
Perhaps the voters can give her an all expense paid trip to a Taliban encampment in Afghanistan......I'm sure the BOYS there probably have never had any American pulchritude!....First Fauxahontas kills herself, now this one with insane statements

This SHOULD be the end of Leftist Democrat Kyrsten Sinema’s Senate Campaign in Arizona. She refuses to say she regrets having said in 2003 it was okay for Americans to join the Taliban to fight against the United States in Afghanistan. She actually tries to justify why she said it – and she sounds desperate.

Her GOP opponent is former Fighter Pilot Martha McSally, who raised the issue in a recent debate. It is sad that Sinema is even remotely close to McSally in the polls. The Democrats truly have no shame. . . .

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Here’s the video without the blog:

Democratic candidate says it’s ok to join Taliban...I believe it. We come a long way since 9-11. Sad.
Sinema is toast, if the polls keep calling her a "toss-up" that only shows how slanted the polls are.
Sinema is toast, if the polls keep calling her a "toss-up" that only shows how slanted the polls are.
The Taliban comment of her past will end it.

It wasn't as dramatic as being claimed..........but it's hard to imagine anyone not going join the Taliban...WTF so close to 9/11. Play that enough and she's toast.

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