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B’Tselem report delivers blow to narrative that November attack on Gaza was ‘surgical

You don't fully understand the underlying motivation of the Israeli Gov. in this matter . You are right that it is collective punishment but that is just the name of the tactic what it's purpose is, is to change the political will of the Palestinian people by terror. They seek to terrorize the Gazanns in an effort to subvert the free democratic expression of the people to get them to get rid of the Hamas Gov. They resort to terrorism in order to accomplish this goal, in this manner they are no better then Al Queda ( sp ) or the Boston Bombers. They just use more sophisticated weapons.

The Boston bombers used the STANDARD TERRORIST WEAPON----the nail bomb.
It has no military value----its only funcion is to kill people for the honor
of ISAHUAKBARRRR It is something morphed from the prior
standard filth of isa-------up close slit throat-----which is how the armenian
genocide functioned----also for the honor of isahuakbar

Pressure cooker bombs, F-16's with 1000 lb bombs , same things just tools. Like I said more sophisticated weapons, same perpose, terror !!!
It is a regular practice for Israel to target civilians, over half of those killed in Cast Lead were noncombatants too. THE percentage killed in CL wss more like 70 percent
And the report addresses that too. I think it is collective punisment, they want civilian targets.

"Navy" You don't fully understand the underlying motivation of the Israeli Gov. in this matter . You are right that it is collective punishment but that is just the name of the tactic what it's purpose is, is to change the political will of the Palestinian people by terror. They seek to terrorize the Gazanns in an effort to subvert the free democratic expression of the people to get them to get rid of the Hamas Gov. They resort to terrorism in order to accomplish this goal, in this manner they are no better then Al Queda ( sp ) or the Boston Bombers. They just use more sophisticated weapons.

Oh, it's a lot worse than that.

As a matter of purely unfounded and speculative personal opinion, I believe...

The Israelis are looking to make the Palestinians surrender completely and then convince them (or pay them) to emmigrate to other nearby Arab-Muslim countries (or other parts of the world, just as good, so long as they go away) and to complete the process of consolidating the land (Israel, West Bank, Gaza) into a finalized-borders version of Israel.

They are probably going to get what they want - sometime in the not-too-distant future - and then there will be peace.

Generally speaking, I wish them good luck with this venture.

The Palestinians are not a coherent 'People' in the same sense as the Jews - not even remotely close to that.

There will be no Diaspora of the Palestinians... just a drifting-away, and assimilation into other nearby and nearly-identical populations from which they originally sprang.

And a slow but steady 'forgetting'.

Within a few generations after breaking-up and going their separate ways, their 'group identity' will be an unimportant and minor footnote in the history books.

Such has oftentimes been the fate of the Losing Side in a population-versus-population struggle throughout history, and it is almost certainly what lies in store for the so-called and recently-minted and largely incoherent group known as Palestinians.

Below the surface - even though the idea is not articulated much in public - the world at-large knows this to be a reliable and accurate observation.
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Kondor---somehow it was Israel that vilified the noble---
"pay them to leave" project-------so nice---so peaceful---
GOOD FOR EVERYONE----and somehow it got scrapped

"Navy" You don't fully understand the underlying motivation of the Israeli Gov. in this matter . You are right that it is collective punishment but that is just the name of the tactic what it's purpose is, is to change the political will of the Palestinian people by terror. They seek to terrorize the Gazanns in an effort to subvert the free democratic expression of the people to get them to get rid of the Hamas Gov. They resort to terrorism in order to accomplish this goal, in this manner they are no better then Al Queda ( sp ) or the Boston Bombers. They just use more sophisticated weapons.

Oh, it's a lot worse than that.

As a matter of purely unfounded and speculative personal opinion, I believe...

The Israelis are looking to make the Palestinians surrender completely and then convince them (or pay them) to emmigrate to other nearby Arab-Muslim countries (or other parts of the world, just as good, so long as they go away) and to complete the process of consolidating the land (Israel, West Bank, Gaza) into a finalized-borders version of Israel.

They are probably going to get what they want - sometime in the not-too-distant future - and then there will be peace.

Generally speaking, I wish them good luck with this venture.

The Palestinians are not a coherent 'People' in the same sense as the Jews - not even remotely close to that.

There will be no Diaspora of the Palestinians... just a drifting-away, and assimilation into other nearby and nearly-identical populations from which they originally sprang.

And a slow but steady 'forgetting'.

Within a few generations after breaking-up and going their separate ways, their 'group identity' will be an unimportant and minor footnote in the history books.

Such has oftentimes been the fate of the Losing Side in a population-versus-population struggle throughout history, and it is almost certainly what lies in store for the so-called and recently-minted and largely incoherent group known as Palestinians.

Below the surface - even though the idea is not articulated much in public - the world at-large knows this to be a reliable and accurate observation.

The Palestinians have, over time, become a coherent people as coherent as the Israeli's, who are really a hugely disparate group of people with one identifying characteristic - religion and even there they are not all in agreement. I think that while Israel would *like* this to happen it's about as realistic as the idea expressed by some that Israeli's all return to the various countries they hailed from.

Many of the Palestinians have resided in that area for generations if not centuries. They have farms that have been in their families for many generations, for example. It's neither humane nor humanly possible to just expect to be able to "pay them" to leave. You need a country willing to accept them and more - a livelyhood and future for them to go to. Would you leave your home and heritage to go to a foreign country because you are "inconvenient" to an occupying power?

There is also the simple matter of population demographics and the fact that many of those Arab countries already have refugees from other conflicts, a serious issue with poverty amongst their own citizens and high levels of unemployment.

The Palestinian population is somewhere in the range of 4,019,433, mostly in Gaza.
Kondor---somehow it was Israel that vilified the noble---
"pay them to leave" project-------so nice---so peaceful---
GOOD FOR EVERYONE----and somehow it got scrapped

It got scrapped because it was stupid. Not nice. Not peaceful.

You don't fully understand the underlying motivation of the Israeli Gov. in this matter . You are right that it is collective punishment but that is just the name of the tactic what it's purpose is, is to change the political will of the Palestinian people by terror. They seek to terrorize the Gazanns in an effort to subvert the free democratic expression of the people to get them to get rid of the Hamas Gov. They resort to terrorism in order to accomplish this goal, in this manner they are no better then Al Queda ( sp ) or the Boston Bombers. They just use more sophisticated weapons.

The Boston bombers used the STANDARD TERRORIST WEAPON----the nail bomb.
It has no military value-
---its only funcion is to kill people for the honor
of ISAHUAKBARRRR It is something morphed from the prior
standard filth of isa-------up close slit throat-----which is how the armenian
genocide functioned----also for the honor of isahuakbar

Nail bombs have as much "military value" as any other weapons. We used to use landmines after all and some still do. Horrible things.
Btselem conducted investigations of all instances in which Palestinians were killed by the Israeli military in the course of the campaign. There were 92 such incidents, with 51 of these incidents caused the death of the 87 Palestinians who did not take part in the hostilities. The report addresses findings of nine of B’Tselem’s investigations of incidents that suggest that the military acted in violation of the law.

1. 15 November 2012: The killing of Ahmad Abu ‘Alayan, 14, of ‘Abasan al-Jadidah On the afternoon of 15 November 2012, an Israeli aircraft attacked an olive and lemon grove in the village of ‘Abasan al-Jadidah in the Khan Yunis district of the Gaza Strip. Ahmad Abu ‘Alayan, 14, who was working in the grove, was mortally wounded. His father’s uncle, Suliman Abu ‘Alayan, 64, was wounded by shrapnel and taken to the hospital. B’Tselem’s investigation indicated that armed Palestinians had launched rockets that morning from an olive grove near the one that was bombed by the Israeli military. However, relevant testimonies indicate that Ahmad Abu ‘Alayan and Suliman Abu ‘Alayan arrived at their own grove later, after the rocket fire, and had nothing to do with it.

The testimonies taken by B’Tselem state that on Thursday, 15 November, 14-year-old Ahmad, a tenth-grader, went out to work his family’s land, located about one kilometer east of his home. He fertilized and irrigated the plot until around 1:00 PM when he went home. After eating lunch, he returned to the grove to finish his work.

At around 2:30 PM, Suliman Abu ‘Alayan arrived at his own plot, located near the grove where Ahmad Abu ‘Alayan was working. Suliman Abu ‘Alayan finished his work and then
said his afternoon prayers. He related to B’Tselem what happened next: After I finished praying, I went over to Ahmad and was standing with him on their plot. I said to him, “Let’s go. The situation around here has gotten dangerous, because of the planes flying overhead.” While we were talking, a reconnaissance plane bombed us. I heard the sound of the missile that landed near us and caused a powerful explosion.10 Suliman Abu ‘Alayan lost consciousness. A short time later, he came to and called for help. Neighboring residents took him and Ahmad Abu ‘Alayan to the hospital. Suliman Abu ‘Alayan, who had been hit by shrapnel all over his body, was discharged four days later. Ahmad Abu ‘Alayan had also been hit by shrapnel, which included a brain injury. After six days in a coma, he died of his wounds. Following is the account by his father, ‘Awad Abu‘Alayan: My son was hospitalized in the intensive care unit at the European Hospital because a piece of shrapnel had hit his brain. Ahmad was unconscious for six days. During that entire time, I sat by his side. I was filled with anguish, seeing my son in a state of clinical death. I kept praying he would regain consciousness and talk to me, even just simple words. I longed to hear his voice, but it didn’t happen. He died at around 11:00 o’clock on Wednesday morning, 21 November 2012.11

B’Tselem applied to the IDF Spokesperson for further information about the circumstances of the incident. In response, the Military Advocate for Operational Matters informed B’Tselem on 11 April 2013 that the case-file had been closed once “no suspicion of a criminal offense. or a well-founded suspicion of violation of laws of war by any military entity had been found”.12 The response was given without any accompanying information to support this conclusion.

Since you took the time to make more than one post about it and were repeating yourself (as per usual), can you tell us if btselem or any other similar organization sneak into Syria and tell us how many innocent Palestinians have been wounded and/or killed by both the Syrian government and the rebels. Could they also include how many innocent Christians have died so far? You can tell us about this only once in a post -- no sense in repeating yourself. Let us give a moment;s thought at least to the innocents who lost their lives in the car bombings in Turkey the other day because of this Syrian Civil War.

B'tselem is a strictly Israeli organization that deals with all peoples within Israeli held territories. Why would it bother with Syria?
Btselem is a Human Rights organization...

They are not competent to judge what is surgical and precise and what is not surgical and precise in a blunt-instrument warfare scenario...

So much for credentials in a military setting... :)

They have as much right to judge as the Israeli IDF, which is not likely to give an honest accounting.

As far as them being "pro-Palestinian", they actually are critical of human rights abuses on both sides and report on it. I suspect the accusation that they are pro-Palistinian is a result of the fact that they are willing to be critical of Israel's actions instead of just blaming it all on the Palestinians.
You don't fully understand the underlying motivation of the Israeli Gov. in this matter . You are right that it is collective punishment but that is just the name of the tactic what it's purpose is, is to change the political will of the Palestinian people by terror. They seek to terrorize the Gazanns in an effort to subvert the free democratic expression of the people to get them to get rid of the Hamas Gov. They resort to terrorism in order to accomplish this goal, in this manner they are no better then Al Queda ( sp ) or the Boston Bombers. They just use more sophisticated weapons.

The Boston bombers used the STANDARD TERRORIST WEAPON----the nail bomb.
It has no military value-
---its only funcion is to kill people for the honor
of ISAHUAKBARRRR It is something morphed from the prior
standard filth of isa-------up close slit throat-----which is how the armenian

genocide functioned----also for the honor of isahuakbar

Nail bombs have as much "military value" as any other weapons. We used to use landmines after all and some still do. Horrible things.

try again coyote----even land mines have LOTS MORE MILITARY value than
nail bombs -----which interestingly enough are MOST VALUABLE in blowing
the brains out of children Landmines STOP AN ADVANCING army----
or create a protective perimeter
nail bombs blow the brains out of children playing in fields and that is how
they are used by your friends

I will explain so that even you can understand-----the skull of a child
is incompletely ossified-----(ie soft) Ossification of the skull CONTINUES
into early adulthood The active ingredient in the nail bomb is small
coumadin soaked bits of metal that easily penetrate the soft skull of
a child producing the desired jihadist result---- >>dead kid in the gutter.
In fact even the distribution of the jettisoned nail is idea for the jihadist
cause----something like between two and five feet up from point of impact
and in a wide radius of several yards ----right into the head of a child ---
adults can be killed -----but it usually children-----the jihadist choice---
as easly as slitting the throat of an infant

not at all useful on the battlefield or in creating a protective

of course if someone decides to sneak into a house garden and plant
landmines-----he could get a similar result
"...The Palestinians have, over time, become a coherent people as coherent as the Israelis..."
Sorry, Coyote, but (even as a long-lapsed Roman) I cannot buy into this 'equivalency' that you weave here for us. I have mixed reactions to the rest of your post, but I can't let this item slide without at least a wee bit o' feedback.

The identity of an Israeli is by-and-large the identify of a Jew. Not all Jews are Israelis but nearly all Israelis are Jews - metaphorically speaking. It is the Jewish Homeland. The Home Base. The MotherShip. Eretz Israel - a concept stretching back 3,000 years or more.

When the Palestinians have a land which their genetic and/or spiritual ancestors occupied 3,000 years back in time as a recognizable Palestinian entity and when the Palestinians have experienced 1,900 years of Disapora and pogrom and persecution and expellings and when they have lost 6,000,000 of their men, women and children to genocide and when they have held themselves together as a recognizable People and Language and Belief System through all of that and then bounced back and retaken their Sacred Ancestral Lands after a 1,900 year-long absence and then held it against all comers and incredible odds...

Then... and ONLY then... will I (as one man's opinion) concede the sort of Equivalency that you are suggesting here.

The amount of suffering (and resultant cohesion) experienced by the Palestinians, compared to that experienced by the Jews, is rather like comparing a flea to an elephant.

That's admittedly a personal opinion and relativistic, but there's a fairly strong case for such a perspective.

Or so it seems to yours truly... ;-)
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it seems to me just how COHESIVE is the "CULTURE OF THE PALESTINIANS" can be examined only thru how COHESIVE
they would remain in a diaspora ------without any hope of
PAY BACK or advantage Right now just being a "PALESTINIAN
REFUGEE"---by definition and inheritance-----confers some economic
advantage ----OVER THERE and I do believe that lots of
the "refugees" are convinced that they are entitled to some sort of
"compensation" If those real or potential advantages vanished---
would "palestinian" persevere?
"...They have as much right to judge as the Israeli IDF..."
Judging military necessity and the conditions-of and outcomes-of combat operations are outside the Core Competencies of a Human Rights Watch -caliber organization. This does not preclude them from participating in such evaluations but this does impact upon their primacy and superior credibility in such evaluations.

"...As far as them being "pro-Palestinian", they actually are critical of human rights abuses on both sides and report on it. I suspect the accusation that they are pro-Palistinian is a result of the fact that they are willing to be critical of Israel's actions instead of just blaming it all on the Palestinians."

Agreed, at least in part.

But can you imagine a "Rights Watch" organization based in the United States and comprised largely of Americans, passing similar judgments on US military operations during, say, World War II? Clamoring about some USMC detachment on a Pacific Island turning a flame-thrower upon Imperial Japanese troops holed-up in a cave someplace?

The organization would have been (rightfully) closed-down and its operatives imprisoned; charged with Sedition and attempting to undermine the war-effort, at the very least.

When your People are engaged in a life-and-death struggle, you can fuss all you want, internally, about the way in which the struggle is carried out, and work from within to attempt to get things changed.

But you do not openly focus upon the occasional 'wrong thing' that your own side is doing for fear of undermining your own troops and your own people's morale and for fear of giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy (giving them propaganda ammunition from the other side).

While the struggle is still ongoing, you don't help the Enemy's cause - directly or indirectly - unless you're really looking for trouble from your own People. There are, indeed, ,exceptions (the My Lai Massacre in Vietnam strikes me as an appropriate example) but those are few and far between and organizations that routinely snoop and sniff-around for new stories with which to undermine their countrymen are asking for trouble in the long run.

Folks who engage in such activities are routinely labelled as Quislings and Fifth Columnists and there may very well be some truth in such an observation.

Finding a balance between wanting to be the Good Guys and stepping outside the boundaries of acceptable wartime behaviors and Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy is probably quite difficult for folks in their position, but, so far, they come across looking more like Quislings than they do Heroes of the Truth.


As an aside, it's my guess that a fair number of staffers within that Rights Watch NPO are New-Age Israeli Peace-at-Any-Price types who would 'rather switch than fight'; the kind of folk who are only made possible by their stiffer-backboned countrymen and ancestors. I have no actual and personal knowledge that this is the case, but it would not surprise me in the slightest.
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"...The Palestinians have, over time, become a coherent people as coherent as the Israelis..."
Sorry, Coyote, but (even as a long-lapsed Roman) I cannot buy into this 'equivalency' that you weave here for us. I have mixed reactions to the rest of your post, but I can't let this item slide without at least a wee bit o' feedback.

The identity of an Israeli is by-and-large the identify of a Jew. Not all Jews are Israelis but nearly all Israelis are Jews - metaphorically speaking. It is the Jewish Homeland. The Home Base. The MotherShip. Eretz Israel - a concept stretching back 3,000 years or more.

When the Palestinians have a land which their genetic and/or spiritual ancestors occupied 3,000 years back in time as a recognizable Palestinian entity and when the Palestinians have experienced 1,900 years of Disapora and pogrom and persecution and expellings and when they have lost 6,000,000 of their men, women and children to genocide and when they have held themselves together as a recognizable People and Language and Belief System through all of that and then bounced back and retaken their Sacred Ancestral Lands after a 1,900 year-long absence and then held it against all comers and incredible odds...

It's a re-created homeland, largely a product of events in the latter half of the 19th and 20th centuries. When you talk about "homelands" and ties to a land defining a people, you are making a special case just for the Jewish people that you won't apply to another people.

Does it matter whether it's 2000 years or 200 years? The ties are just as strong and the rights just as valid and persecutions and expulsions just as painful.

The modern Isreali's are no more recognizable as a "people" than the modern Palestinians. They have a language that was largely recreated to become a spoken modern day language and they have a people that have, for over a thousand years, lived all over the world assimilating into a variety of cultures and bringing those cultures into their religious identity. The main argument made against the Palestinians being a "people" is that they are relatively recent and I think the main reason that argument is promoted is that it is an attempt to undermine their legitimacy and disenfranchise them of any rights to the land they are on.

Then... and ONLY then... will I (as one man's opinion) concede the sort of Equivalency that you are suggesting here.

The amount of suffering (and resultant cohesion) experienced by the Palestinians, compared to that experienced by the Jews, is rather like comparing a flea to an elephant.

Suffering is suffering and to a large degree, it was also the cohesive for Jews. It's irrelevant how long it is going on. The point is - it's going on now and you can't simply dismiss it because it doesn't have a 2000 year history.

That's admittedly a personal opinion and relativistic, but there's a fairly strong case for such a perspective.

Or so it seems to yours truly... ;-)

I tend to disagree - mostly because I don't regard ancient history or a legacy of persecution as the main reason to give people rights to land over the rights of other people.

Historically - that is a can of worms that unless you decide to give Israel a special exemption from what applies to other peoples.
your "special case" arguement is specious, coyote.
In fact-----ALL cases involve some unique features.
You got a comparable case in which the players were
DENIED "special case" entitlements? ----or to make
things easy----what "SPECIAL CASE ENTITLEMENTS"
were the Israelis "given"

the creation of JORDAN----involved some unique
features -------the creation of PAKISTAN did so

It seems to me that if one were to analyze HOW
FRANCE BECAME FRANCE---there would be some kinda
coerced special entitlement-----The making of
ENGLAND a vassal of the holy roman empire was
very unique and an aquiesence to that which never
belonged there -----sorta
Btselem conducted investigations of all instances in which Palestinians were killed by the Israeli military in the course of the campaign. There were 92 such incidents, with 51 of these incidents caused the death of the 87 Palestinians who did not take part in the hostilities. The report addresses findings of nine of B’Tselem’s investigations of incidents that suggest that the military acted in violation of the law.

Since you took the time to make more than one post about it and were repeating yourself (as per usual), can you tell us if btselem or any other similar organization sneak into Syria and tell us how many innocent Palestinians have been wounded and/or killed by both the Syrian government and the rebels. Could they also include how many innocent Christians have died so far? You can tell us about this only once in a post -- no sense in repeating yourself. Let us give a moment;s thought at least to the innocents who lost their lives in the car bombings in Turkey the other day because of this Syrian Civil War.

B'tselem is a strictly Israeli organization that deals with all peoples within Israeli held territories. Why would it bother with Syria?
I didn't know that. I just figured the Palestinians in Syria were of concern to their government since they are in danger of becoming victims of the coming genocide.
So in other words the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank who aren't in any danger (until they bring it on themselves) are more valuable then Palestinians currently in another country? Makes no sense. Remind me when I move to Palestine and become a Palestinian not to visit another country.
Since you took the time to make more than one post about it and were repeating yourself (as per usual), can you tell us if btselem or any other similar organization sneak into Syria and tell us how many innocent Palestinians have been wounded and/or killed by both the Syrian government and the rebels. Could they also include how many innocent Christians have died so far? You can tell us about this only once in a post -- no sense in repeating yourself. Let us give a moment;s thought at least to the innocents who lost their lives in the car bombings in Turkey the other day because of this Syrian Civil War.

B'tselem is a strictly Israeli organization that deals with all peoples within Israeli held territories. Why would it bother with Syria?
I didn't know that. I just figured the Palestinians in Syria were of concern to their government since they are in danger of becoming victims of the coming genocide.
So in other words the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank who aren't in any danger (until they bring it on themselves) are more valuable then Palestinians currently in another country? Makes no sense. Remind me when I move to Palestine and become a Palestinian not to visit another country.

I fail to understand what you are saying. Are you saying regional human rights and aid organizations should be concerned and responsive to events world wide?
Since you took the time to make more than one post about it and were repeating yourself (as per usual), can you tell us if btselem or any other similar organization sneak into Syria and tell us how many innocent Palestinians have been wounded and/or killed by both the Syrian government and the rebels. Could they also include how many innocent Christians have died so far? You can tell us about this only once in a post -- no sense in repeating yourself. Let us give a moment;s thought at least to the innocents who lost their lives in the car bombings in Turkey the other day because of this Syrian Civil War.

B'tselem is a strictly Israeli organization that deals with all peoples within Israeli held territories. Why would it bother with Syria?
I didn't know that. I just figured the Palestinians in Syria were of concern to their government since they are in danger of becoming victims of the coming genocide.
So in other words the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank who aren't in any danger (until they bring it on themselves) are more valuable then Palestinians currently in another
country? Makes no sense. Remind me when I move to Palestine and become a Palestinian not to visit another country.

hoss----it is not absolutely clear to me that it is betselim
that is producing the obviously slanted reports that sherri
posts up------it is very possible that she is simply teasing out
of lots of material-----anything that can possibly be
construed as "israeli violence" whilst completely ignoring
the vast body of isa-worshipper's FILTH

of course she regularly invents misleading thread titles --
which set up one's mind----it is a liar's trick
your "special case" arguement is specious, coyote.
In fact-----ALL cases involve some unique features.
You got a comparable case in which the players were
DENIED "special case" entitlements? ----or to make
things easy----what "SPECIAL CASE ENTITLEMENTS"
were the Israelis "given"

the creation of JORDAN----involved some unique
features -------the creation of PAKISTAN did so

It seems to me that if one were to analyze HOW
FRANCE BECAME FRANCE---there would be some kinda
coerced special entitlement-----The making of
ENGLAND a vassal of the holy roman empire was
very unique and an aquiesence to that which never
belonged there -----sorta

It's not "specious" - Israel is given a special dispensation due to the existance of a nation called Israel that ceased to exist two thousand years ago.

Quite a few other nations ceased to exist in that time period. Why no special dispensation? Why not for Native Americans?

I'm not arguing against the nation of Israel existing in modern times. Like the Palestinians, it too is here to stay and critics will have to deal with it.

However - the justification floated by some based on the existence of an ancient nation is flawed.
B'tselem is a strictly Israeli organization that deals with all peoples within Israeli held territories. Why would it bother with Syria?
I didn't know that. I just figured the Palestinians in Syria were of concern to their government since they are in danger of becoming victims of the coming genocide.
So in other words the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank who aren't in any danger (until they bring it on themselves) are more valuable then Palestinians currently in another country? Makes no sense. Remind me when I move to Palestine and become a Palestinian not to visit another country.

I fail to understand what you are saying. Are you saying regional human rights and aid organizations should be concerned and responsive to events world wide?

regional ----PALESTINIAN---includes syria-----it does not include
MALI or Greenland---or NAIROBI. There was a time when
arabs themselves considered "palestine" part of GREATER
SYRIA ----maybe a throwback to ANTIOCHUS
I didn't know that. I just figured the Palestinians in Syria were of concern to their government since they are in danger of becoming victims of the coming genocide.
So in other words the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank who aren't in any danger (until they bring it on themselves) are more valuable then Palestinians currently in another country? Makes no sense. Remind me when I move to Palestine and become a Palestinian not to visit another country.

I fail to understand what you are saying. Are you saying regional human rights and aid organizations should be concerned and responsive to events world wide?

regional ----PALESTINIAN---includes syria-----it does not include
MALI or Greenland---or NAIROBI. There was a time when
arabs themselves considered "palestine" part of GREATER
SYRIA ----maybe a throwback to ANTIOCHUS

Regional, as in: About B?Tselem | B'Tselem

B'TSELEM - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was established in February 1989 by a group of prominent academics, attorneys, journalists, and Knesset members. It endeavors to document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, combat the phenomenon of denial prevalent among the Israeli public, and help create a human rights culture in Israel.

B'Tselem in Hebrew literally means "in the image of," and is also used as a synonym for human dignity. The word is taken from Genesis 1:27 "And God created humans in his image. In the image of God did He create him." It is in this spirit that the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "All human beings are born equal in dignity and rights."

As an Israeli human rights organization, B'Tselem acts primarily to change Israeli policy in the Occupied Territories and ensure that its government, which rules the Occupied Territories, protects the human rights of residents there and complies with its obligations under international law.

B'Tselem is independent and is funded by contributions from foundations in Europe and North America that support human rights activity worldwide, and by private individuals in Israel and abroad.

B'Tselem has attained a prominent place among human rights organizations. In December, 1989 it received the Carter-Menil Award for Human Rights. Its reports have gained B'Tselem a reputation for accuracy, and the Israeli authorities relate to them seriously. B'Tselem ensures the reliability of information it publishes by conducting its own fieldwork and research, the results of which are thoroughly cross-checked with relevant documents, official government sources, and information from other sources, among them Israeli, Palestinian, and other human rights organizations.

Regional as in a specific region of the world referred to as Occupied Territory and under Israeli control. Regional as in a region not a people.

Why should they get involved in Syria?

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