Baby Dies After Thrown From Fourth Floor Hospital Parking Garage

Without getting too much into other issues, this is a sad crime all the way around.

Major depression causes many human problems, and they're less pretty by outward perceptions. I gave two good links above that discuss post partum depression and why it is considered a major depression. The disease has a few triggers to exacerbate its symptoms, and this woman had every single solitary trigger going on in her life to cause a chain reaction in her body/mind. On the second link, I called "Complications of Postpartum Depression," everything was in place in the woman's life to trigger murder of the child. Scientists know the chemical trails that trigger insanity. We would expect something like this from a paranoid schizophrenic. It is just more shocking when such behaviors occur in an otherwise gentle person who was never known to act in a vindictive way toward anyone else.

No, the devil didn't make her do it, misfiring chemicals in her brain caused her act. You don't have to trust me, you need a degree in chemistry and another in obstetrics to even partially wrap your mind around this woman's misfortune.

At this time, if this was a recent event, a competent medical team would have this woman sedated with bindings holding her to a bed and 3-minute suicide watch checks. When she comes out of her chemical imbalance and realizes what she has done, she will trigger again and again inappropriate misfirings in her brain.

That's why I'm so sorry for the baby. He or she didn't have a fighting chance on account of the abdication of care this woman received from other human beings in her life. Had she had any modicum of care, she would have received supportive pointers on how to deal not only with the child's sad issues but her own as well.

She has a long fight ahead of her for many years. When she is well enough to stand trial, I do not know what will happen to her. I only know how sick physicians and caregivers now know that her serious mental illness is, and she should be hospitalized until she is declared mentally fit.

Do not mistake this post as an excuse for murder. The point is the aggravating circumstance of mental illness was not considered serious enough to hospitalize the woman before the event. It is now, and the only competent thing caregivers can do now is to deal with this terrible aftermath of mental illness carried out to the tenth power.
Without getting too much into other issues, this is a sad crime all the way around.

Major depression causes many human problems, and they're less pretty by outward perceptions. I gave two good links above that discuss post partum depression and why it is considered a major depression. The disease has a few triggers to exacerbate its symptoms, and this woman had every single solitary trigger going on in her life to cause a chain reaction in her body/mind. On the second link, I called "Complications of Postpartum Depression," everything was in place in the woman's life to trigger murder of the child. Scientists know the chemical trails that trigger insanity. We would expect something like this from a paranoid schizophrenic. It is just more shocking when such behaviors occur in an otherwise gentle person who was never known to act in a vindictive way toward anyone else.

No, the devil didn't make her do it, misfiring chemicals in her brain caused her act. You don't have to trust me, you need a degree in chemistry and another in obstetrics to even partially wrap your mind around this woman's misfortune.

At this time, if this was a recent event, a competent medical team would have this woman sedated with bindings holding her to a bed and 3-minute suicide watch checks. When she comes out of her chemical imbalance and realizes what she has done, she will trigger again and again inappropriate misfirings in her brain.

That's why I'm so sorry for the baby. He or she didn't have a fighting chance on account of the abdication of care this woman received from other human beings in her life. Had she had any modicum of care, she would have received supportive pointers on how to deal not only with the child's sad issues but her own as well.

She has a long fight ahead of her for many years. When she is well enough to stand trial, I do not know what will happen to her. I only know how sick physicians and caregivers now know that her serious mental illness is, and she should be hospitalized until she is declared mentally fit.

Do not mistake this post as an excuse for murder. The point is the aggravating circumstance of mental illness was not considered serious enough to hospitalize the woman before the event. It is now, and the only competent thing caregivers can do now is to deal with this terrible aftermath of mental illness carried out to the tenth power.

Paranoid schizophrenics are far more of a danger to themselves then society.

It's hard to pin this on the Doctors. It sounds like her husband was the only one that realized she was struggling.
Without getting too much into other issues, this is a sad crime all the way around.

Major depression causes many human problems, and they're less pretty by outward perceptions. I gave two good links above that discuss post partum depression and why it is considered a major depression. The disease has a few triggers to exacerbate its symptoms, and this woman had every single solitary trigger going on in her life to cause a chain reaction in her body/mind. On the second link, I called "Complications of Postpartum Depression," everything was in place in the woman's life to trigger murder of the child. Scientists know the chemical trails that trigger insanity. We would expect something like this from a paranoid schizophrenic. It is just more shocking when such behaviors occur in an otherwise gentle person who was never known to act in a vindictive way toward anyone else.

No, the devil didn't make her do it, misfiring chemicals in her brain caused her act. You don't have to trust me, you need a degree in chemistry and another in obstetrics to even partially wrap your mind around this woman's misfortune.

At this time, if this was a recent event, a competent medical team would have this woman sedated with bindings holding her to a bed and 3-minute suicide watch checks. When she comes out of her chemical imbalance and realizes what she has done, she will trigger again and again inappropriate misfirings in her brain.

That's why I'm so sorry for the baby. He or she didn't have a fighting chance on account of the abdication of care this woman received from other human beings in her life. Had she had any modicum of care, she would have received supportive pointers on how to deal not only with the child's sad issues but her own as well.

She has a long fight ahead of her for many years. When she is well enough to stand trial, I do not know what will happen to her. I only know how sick physicians and caregivers now know that her serious mental illness is, and she should be hospitalized until she is declared mentally fit.

Do not mistake this post as an excuse for murder. The point is the aggravating circumstance of mental illness was not considered serious enough to hospitalize the woman before the event. It is now, and the only competent thing caregivers can do now is to deal with this terrible aftermath of mental illness carried out to the tenth power.

Paranoid schizophrenics are far more of a danger to themselves then society.

It's hard to pin this on the Doctors. It sounds like her husband was the only one that realized she was struggling.
(Untreated, a paranoid schizophrenic is dangerous, period.) I'm sorry if I came across as pinning on medical personnel. I was thinking more like language barrier issues, which is on top of the issues my link mentioned. I wouldn't be qualified to pin it on anything except the little that I understand about misfiring chemicals in the body. I have fibromyalgia, which is all about misfirings in the muscles that results in screaming out loud pain 24/7. I refused drugs because I'd rather suffer than not to have control of my own faculties, but eventually I found a remedy that minimizes the error in my body that triggers pain, and I could put the occasional neurontin (which stops pain at the spine) I had to take for official occasions on the shelf forever. My pain returns if I withdraw the supplements after 3 days. I don't care to go there, so I am very fastidious about the vitamin supplements regimen. :)

If pain can make an old diehard like me scream, I can imagine what postpartum depression misfirings can do to make a monster of a madonna. Unless people know somebody who has had a montrocious disease they cannot see, they really don't know.

A man who has served militarily under fire may have experienced or may know someone who experienced post- traumatic stress disorder/syndrome brought on by noise, death of buddy or person standing next to him, being the only one left in the company after a battle, confinement as a POW under dire conditions, etc. Most people blame the victim of this insidious disease, but it is not their own fault. Some people are wired to accept blood and death, but many aren't, and they wind up in psych wards immediately but temporarily; years later; or in other cases, on a constant basis for the rest of their lives. It's not a nice bedfellow.

Postpartum depression was ignored in the case of the Texas woman who murdered not one but all five of her children. She experienced catatonic episodes and totally lapsed a few weeks after her 5th child was born. She may never get out of jail, I just really don't remember the details, but human beings in society don't like facing up to the consequences of mental illnesses, particularly when you get attorneys and prosecutors competitively gunning for a certain win of their case. And public mental illness cases are seldom forgiven or accepted as medical treatment issues.

The illegal alien woman has three strikes against her, and she doesn't have any way to tell anyone if she cannot describe her experience in our language. People in her own group may not know anything about mental illnesses and their panaceas, which may gross out any chance of her ever being competent to stand trial.
Without getting too much into other issues, this is a sad crime all the way around.

Major depression causes many human problems, and they're less pretty by outward perceptions. I gave two good links above that discuss post partum depression and why it is considered a major depression. The disease has a few triggers to exacerbate its symptoms, and this woman had every single solitary trigger going on in her life to cause a chain reaction in her body/mind. On the second link, I called "Complications of Postpartum Depression," everything was in place in the woman's life to trigger murder of the child. Scientists know the chemical trails that trigger insanity. We would expect something like this from a paranoid schizophrenic. It is just more shocking when such behaviors occur in an otherwise gentle person who was never known to act in a vindictive way toward anyone else.

No, the devil didn't make her do it, misfiring chemicals in her brain caused her act. You don't have to trust me, you need a degree in chemistry and another in obstetrics to even partially wrap your mind around this woman's misfortune.

At this time, if this was a recent event, a competent medical team would have this woman sedated with bindings holding her to a bed and 3-minute suicide watch checks. When she comes out of her chemical imbalance and realizes what she has done, she will trigger again and again inappropriate misfirings in her brain.

That's why I'm so sorry for the baby. He or she didn't have a fighting chance on account of the abdication of care this woman received from other human beings in her life. Had she had any modicum of care, she would have received supportive pointers on how to deal not only with the child's sad issues but her own as well.

She has a long fight ahead of her for many years. When she is well enough to stand trial, I do not know what will happen to her. I only know how sick physicians and caregivers now know that her serious mental illness is, and she should be hospitalized until she is declared mentally fit.

Do not mistake this post as an excuse for murder. The point is the aggravating circumstance of mental illness was not considered serious enough to hospitalize the woman before the event. It is now, and the only competent thing caregivers can do now is to deal with this terrible aftermath of mental illness carried out to the tenth power.

Paranoid schizophrenics are far more of a danger to themselves then society.

It's hard to pin this on the Doctors. It sounds like her husband was the only one that realized she was struggling.

No, I don't think so. I thought she had had a court appearance for attempted murder and felony child abuse. The DA knew this woman was trying to kill her kid, or a kid, and likely CW did as well. Why the baby was in her care, who knows.
(Untreated, a paranoid schizophrenic is dangerous, period.) I'm sorry if I came across as pinning on medical personnel. I was thinking more like language barrier issues, which is on top of the issues my link mentioned. I wouldn't be qualified to pin it on anything except the little that I understand about misfiring chemicals in the body. I have fibromyalgia, which is all about misfirings in the muscles that results in screaming out loud pain 24/7. I refused drugs because I'd rather suffer than not to have control of my own faculties, but eventually I found a remedy that minimizes the error in my body that triggers pain, and I could put the occasional neurontin (which stops pain at the spine) I had to take for official occasions on the shelf forever. My pain returns if I withdraw the supplements after 3 days. I don't care to go there, so I am very fastidious about the vitamin supplements regimen. :)

If pain can make an old diehard like me scream, I can imagine what postpartum depression misfirings can do to make a monster of a madonna. Unless people know somebody who has had a montrocious disease they cannot see, they really don't know.

A man who has served militarily under fire may have experienced or may know someone who experienced post- traumatic stress disorder/syndrome brought on by noise, death of buddy or person standing next to him, being the only one left in the company after a battle, confinement as a POW under dire conditions, etc. Most people blame the victim of this insidious disease, but it is not their own fault. Some people are wired to accept blood and death, but many aren't, and they wind up in psych wards immediately but temporarily; years later; or in other cases, on a constant basis for the rest of their lives. It's not a nice bedfellow.

Postpartum depression was ignored in the case of the Texas woman who murdered not one but all five of her children. She experienced catatonic episodes and totally lapsed a few weeks after her 5th child was born. She may never get out of jail, I just really don't remember the details, but human beings in society don't like facing up to the consequences of mental illnesses, particularly when you get attorneys and prosecutors competitively gunning for a certain win of their case. And public mental illness cases are seldom forgiven or accepted as medical treatment issues.

The illegal alien woman has three strikes against her, and she doesn't have any way to tell anyone if she cannot describe her experience in our language. People in her own group may not know anything about mental illnesses and their panaceas, which may gross out any chance of her ever being competent to stand trial.

There were probably multiple barriers, to include langauge, cultural, religious, etc.

At any rate, if you take your hand and stick it over a fire; the pain you feel is produced by your brain. When you consider that, you understand that the human brain is capable of creating any sensation or reality it wants to.

People who have lost loved ones have hallucinations of hearing their loved ones voice or sometimes even seeing them. That is not considered pathologic. Men who have lost limbs will feel pain in their missing limbs years later. That is also not pathologic.

Schizophrenia has been described as a "disorder of thought". That's a pretty good way of describing it I think. The brain has all these sensations and abilities to create sensation, but it's lost it's "processing" and "execution" ability so that it will fabricate inappropriate sensations in the absense of actual stimuli. Psychiatrists love to try and shock medical students by telling bible stories and then putting them through the lens of psychiatric medicine. For example, the story of the man on the beach possessed by demons called "legion" was most likely schizophrenic.

If you are religious and the voice of God commands you to throw your baby off a building, who are you to question god? Abraham didn't.

I don't mean to disparage religion, just to make the point. I think this woman was probably psychotic. Rational criminals don't validate their parking after committing a grisley murder like this.

At any rate, it's all sad. It's sad this happened, and will continue to happen. It's sad that their is still a stigma around mental illness. This woman shouldn't evade justice due to being sick. But it should be recognized that she is sick.

I am glad you found something that works for your fibromyalgia that is better then gabapentin. It's a very frustrating disease to treat. Where did you stumble upon your treatment if you don't mind me asking.
(Untreated, a paranoid schizophrenic is dangerous, period.) I'm sorry if I came across as pinning on medical personnel. I was thinking more like language barrier issues, which is on top of the issues my link mentioned. I wouldn't be qualified to pin it on anything except the little that I understand about misfiring chemicals in the body. I have fibromyalgia, which is all about misfirings in the muscles that results in screaming out loud pain 24/7. I refused drugs because I'd rather suffer than not to have control of my own faculties, but eventually I found a remedy that minimizes the error in my body that triggers pain, and I could put the occasional neurontin (which stops pain at the spine) I had to take for official occasions on the shelf forever. My pain returns if I withdraw the supplements after 3 days. I don't care to go there, so I am very fastidious about the vitamin supplements regimen. :)

If pain can make an old diehard like me scream, I can imagine what postpartum depression misfirings can do to make a monster of a madonna. Unless people know somebody who has had a montrocious disease they cannot see, they really don't know.

A man who has served militarily under fire may have experienced or may know someone who experienced post- traumatic stress disorder/syndrome brought on by noise, death of buddy or person standing next to him, being the only one left in the company after a battle, confinement as a POW under dire conditions, etc. Most people blame the victim of this insidious disease, but it is not their own fault. Some people are wired to accept blood and death, but many aren't, and they wind up in psych wards immediately but temporarily; years later; or in other cases, on a constant basis for the rest of their lives. It's not a nice bedfellow.

Postpartum depression was ignored in the case of the Texas woman who murdered not one but all five of her children. She experienced catatonic episodes and totally lapsed a few weeks after her 5th child was born. She may never get out of jail, I just really don't remember the details, but human beings in society don't like facing up to the consequences of mental illnesses, particularly when you get attorneys and prosecutors competitively gunning for a certain win of their case. And public mental illness cases are seldom forgiven or accepted as medical treatment issues.

The illegal alien woman has three strikes against her, and she doesn't have any way to tell anyone if she cannot describe her experience in our language. People in her own group may not know anything about mental illnesses and their panaceas, which may gross out any chance of her ever being competent to stand trial.

There were probably multiple barriers, to include langauge, cultural, religious, etc.

At any rate, if you take your hand and stick it over a fire; the pain you feel is produced by your brain. When you consider that, you understand that the human brain is capable of creating any sensation or reality it wants to.

People who have lost loved ones have hallucinations of hearing their loved ones voice or sometimes even seeing them. That is not considered pathologic. Men who have lost limbs will feel pain in their missing limbs years later. That is also not pathologic.

Schizophrenia has been described as a "disorder of thought". That's a pretty good way of describing it I think. The brain has all these sensations and abilities to create sensation, but it's lost it's "processing" and "execution" ability so that it will fabricate inappropriate sensations in the absense of actual stimuli. Psychiatrists love to try and shock medical students by telling bible stories and then putting them through the lens of psychiatric medicine. For example, the story of the man on the beach possessed by demons called "legion" was most likely schizophrenic.

If you are religious and the voice of God commands you to throw your baby off a building, who are you to question god? Abraham didn't.

I don't mean to disparage religion, just to make the point. I think this woman was probably psychotic. Rational criminals don't validate their parking after committing a grisley murder like this.

At any rate, it's all sad. It's sad this happened, and will continue to happen. It's sad that their is still a stigma around mental illness. This woman shouldn't evade justice due to being sick. But it should be recognized that she is sick.

I am glad you found something that works for your fibromyalgia that is better then gabapentin. It's a very frustrating disease to treat. Where did you stumble upon your treatment if you don't mind me asking.
Sure. it's here. One night at choir practice, an acquaintance in the alto section grabbed me and thanked me for talking about it a few months earlier at a choir practice she also went to. When I came out of my shock of being hugged, I said something like "huh?" Then she said she had a terrible neurological disease (neuralgia) and after she took the supplements, she shed 80% of her pain. Actually, she looked like a million bucks which ain't easy for someone who's 80 years old like her. Honest. If you pretend you are ordering and you get to the last button (which you do not have to click) it tells the entire kit and kaboodle of the ingredients, at least it did for the last 7 or 8 years since I started the program. The downside is that it is not by prescription, so your insurance will likely not cover it, even if you are treating arthritis with it (it seems to be quite effective for some with that problem, too, though I never got feedback like the lady who said it really helped her neuralgia).
I don't support post term abortions.

But you do support post birth abortions, I take it.

You really think you're that adept with the language, that people won't notice the difference?
He just said he didn't, koshergrl.
And as for being adept with the language, you need to know that there is no such thing as "post birth abortion." :rolleyes:

No, he said he didn't support post TERM abortions, instead of post BIRTH .
Post birth abortion is another term for killing babies of botched abortions.These are the dark closet babies Obama wants to see left to die.
We need to get a handle on this issue. Was the woman an illegal alien or not? It is a dangerous slope when we assume all hispanics are illegal just because they commit a heinous crime.
I don't support post term abortions.

But you do support post birth abortions, I take it.

You really think you're that adept with the language, that people won't notice the difference?

They are most always the tame thing aren't they?

And yes I do not support wars of choice.
Ie no offense unless you are actually being attacked by another nation.
We need to get a handle on this issue. Was the woman an illegal alien or not? It is a dangerous slope when we assume all hispanics are illegal just because they commit a heinous crime.
Native born americans also commit heinious crimes.
But you do support post birth abortions, I take it.

You really think you're that adept with the language, that people won't notice the difference?
He just said he didn't, koshergrl.
And as for being adept with the language, you need to know that there is no such thing as "post birth abortion." :rolleyes:

No, he said he didn't support post TERM abortions, instead of post BIRTH .
Post birth abortion is another term for killing babies of botched abortions.These are the dark closet babies Obama wants to see left to die.
When you figure out the error of what YOU SAID, which I pointed out, get back to me, Cinderella. ;)
AND.......the woman is an ILLEGAL alien. AND who I am sure had this poor child to 'anchor' herself to this country not realizing that the baby might NOT be born 'perfect'.

How are you able to read into the motives as to why the woman had the child? Could your conclusion simply be based upon your own prejudices?
I just find it perplexing that the same people who fight for a woman's right to destroy her baby in her body have a problem with her destroying the baby once it exits her body. Particularly given the fact that often, the aborted babies are alive upon exiting mom's body at birth.

There's no diff. Live with your choice, love it, embrace it. Moms have the right to kill their offspring. I'm sure it will reduce the welfare rolls and eliminate crime!

As harsh as that post may sound, she has a point.

We can't agree on when life begins. How do we decide when it should end.


Absolutely bang on the money. There is a belief that a baby does not become a "human being" until it develops according to certain standards.

I find this terrifying. Why? Because Obama's Science Czar actually wrote his definition of life in a book embracing this.

Think of the potential for a defense attorney using this argument. YOWZAH!

Obama’s Science Czar Defines Life
Filed under: Obama — DRJ @ 7:03 pm
[Guest post by DRJ]

John P. Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and Obama’s top science adviser, co-authored a 1973 book that said a newborn child “will ultimately develop into a human being” if he or she is properly fed and socialized:

“The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being,” John P. Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, wrote in Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions.
The specific passage expressing the authors’ view that a baby “will ultimately develop into a human being” is on page 235 in chapter 8 of the book, which is titled “Population Limitation.”

At the time the book was written, the Supreme Court had not yet issued its Roe v. Wade decision, and the passage in question was part of a subsection of the “Population Limitation” chapter that argued for legalized abortion.”

Holdren’s co-authors were Stanford Professors Paul and Anne Ehrlich. Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 book The Population Bomb is credited with launching the zero population movement. Zombietime has more on the Ehrlichs and Holdren’s views.

Would the authors object to a mother killing her two month old baby if they really believe life begins after a child is socialized? I’m sure they would for PC reasons, but I don’t see how they could and be philosophically consistent.


For some reason I can't copy the link, but if you google Science Czar and baby not a human being there are all sorts of links.

This one I lifted from Patterico's? Pontifications.
There are several things I find disturbing about this situation. Apart from the obvious that the woman purposely threw her baby off the building.

One is if she was hospitalized for post partum depression and the baby was potentially at risk, wouldn't there have been a social worker monitoring this woman? I'm not laying blame here. I'm just asking a question because I'm curious about these procedures in California.

Then there's the part in the article where a California Judge actually set bail. Hell's bells what was he thinking.

Thank goodness immigration officials overturned the Judges order allowing bail. Does anyone else think that strange that a Judge would allow an illegal immigrant bail?
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