Baby Reindeer (Netflix Limited Series)


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
We are on episode 5, this is an excellent show so far.
Well written, the plots keep you interested and each show ends with a cliffhanger making you want the next one.
There is nothing bad I can say about it. Just a well put together series. Good psychology as well.

One of the reasons I don't do social media is I had a stalker for about 25 years. I still feel like I have to look over my shoulder.
Finished the series last night.
Episode 4 was a "back story" episode that was a little out there, so don't let that discourage you from an otherwise - truly outstanding writing.
It only had one 20 second or so scene that is political.. just a small roll your eyes moment, but other than that it is not pro anything. Just a telling of a nightmare story that is based on what really happened.
My wife and I binge watched this last night. Pretty brutal.

I bet this show triggers a lot of people.
When asked how true is the story - the creator said "emotionally it is 100% true" (keeping in mind that the main actor IS THE REAL GUY)
"Martha" is a real women that is really in jail for stalking this man. Britain does not have the same public records laws like America, so there is no way to prove or disprove the story as is.
I researched it a bit - "Darrian", the man who raped him when he was passed out, is not known to be a real person. The only indication that it is true, is Gadd said it happened. But despite, obviously, a number of people including large media companies - no one can point to any actual person in Gadd's known life that could have done it. I believe something happened, but it might have been more like he consented to sex with the TV writer and realized he was being led on and used by him - so wrote an elaborate, drug filled story where he has no blame.

The story is extremely well written, and put together. But I believe it is quite possible that Gadd took considerable "artistic license" to create the story.
I wondered why Netflix didn't promote this show. Most people came across it "accidently" and then online social media comments went viral - and the show is now #1.
I can't help but wonder if Netflix didn't promote it too much because it doesn't exactly put the transgender character in a good light. The trans character has all kinds of mental and social issues, so perhaps there were some in Netflix that wasn't so fond of that.
I wondered why Netflix didn't promote this show. Most people came across it "accidently" and then online social media comments went viral - and the show is now #1.
I can't help but wonder if Netflix didn't promote it too much because it doesn't exactly put the transgender character in a good light. The trans character has all kinds of mental and social issues, so perhaps there were some in Netflix that wasn't so fond of that.

Maybe if you promote it, people feel differently about the show. They think it's mainstream, and they prefer it being not-mainstream
Yeah... so your thought is that Netflix hopes it's shows aren't hits?

No, that netflix understand the human brain. A show that's mainstream will be treated like a mainstream show. A show that's more off the wall will be treated differently.

I might be wrong. Netflix does some seriously weird shit, Game of Thrones and then things like the Wheel of Time where they literally shot themselves in the foot. So who knows?
No, that netflix understand the human brain. A show that's mainstream will be treated like a mainstream show. A show that's more off the wall will be treated differently.

I might be wrong. Netflix does some seriously weird shit, Game of Thrones and then things like the Wheel of Time where they literally shot themselves in the foot. So who knows?

Wheel of Time is Amazon. And it was absolutely horrible. I don't think we lasted for the first 15 minutes without turning it off.
Fine, whatever. I didn't put enough effort into figuring that out, I don't know anything about Amazon TV.
Netflix uses the "shotgun" technique. Just release a plethora of content and see what sticks.
Which is why they have so many hits and so many misses.

My only point, was anyone who watched even just the first episode should have known this is going to be a massive hit.
Netflix uses the "shotgun" technique. Just release a plethora of content and see what sticks.
Which is why they have so many hits and so many misses.

My only point, was anyone who watched even just the first episode should have known this is going to be a massive hit.

Depends whether it's their sort of thing or not. I doubt my other half would like it.
This is the first time I've seen a show that takes the problem of male-on-male rape seriously.
This is the first time I've seen a show that takes the problem of male-on-male rape seriously.
That is one part of the series that was figurative.
It was to represent how he felt "getting fucked" by this man who took advantage of him.

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