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Babylon Mystery Religion

Said1 said:
Drinking? All signs point to drinking?

There's always a variety of :chillpill or :bong420: So many choices... :banana2: :teeth:
Adam's Apple said:
I think you're right about that. The more things play out in the daily news, the more I think the Book of Revelation identifies Islam as the false religion of the last days. I used to think that the Anti-Christ would be a European; now I think he is a Muslim who will come out of a European country.

The pope has been spouting a lot of new age crap lately. I think the catholic church will direct all ecumenical christians to embrace islam as well. this combined monstrousity will be the world religion. IMO
The ClayTaurus said:
2+2 still equals 5, right?

That would depend on what sources you are using. Some go as high as 7, some a low a 1. It's really very confusing for the math laymen. Did I spell that right? Grammar, OK?
Said1 said:
That would depend on what sources you are using. Some go as high as 7, some a low a 1. It's really very confusing for the math laymen. Did I spell that right? Grammar, OK?
Said1 said:
That would depend on what sources you are using. Some go as high as 7, some a low a 1. It's really very confusing for the math laymen. Did I spell that right? Grammar, OK?

that statistic is biased against homosexuals.
The whole Whore of Babylon thing always struck me as sounding a whole lot like Ishtar worship. It has been around since the begining of recorded history (not sure if it survives today), Ishtar is a fertility Goddess and a vengeful slut, who was worshiped through ritual sex.
deaddude said:
The whole Whore of Babylon thing always struck me as sounding a whole lot like Ishtar worship. It has been around since the begining of recorded history (not sure if it survives today), Ishtar is a fertility Goddess and a vengeful slut, who was worshiped through ritual sex.

YEs. It's the same. Ishtar=Easter
Throw in the fact that Ishtar worship was common in Babylon and Sumeria and you have a strong candidate for your evil religion of the Apocholypse.
I believe you can fit in the New Age spirituality with the end times false religion as well.

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

Without going into a multi page description of the New Age, here is an example of one of its facets:

In the New Age religion it is not believed that mankind is in need of redemption, rather, he is a divine creature, a "God" with a little "g". This fact alone takes Jesus Christ out of the picture (but does not remove the reality of our need for him).

In place of Jesus Christ, a "Universal Christ" is presented. This new "Christ" tickles the ears of the masses, telling them they are divine and are in fact not sinful.

"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." (1 Timothy 2:5-6)

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God..." (Ephesians 2:8)
It's really interesting to speculate about how the end times prophecies will play out. But, if we aren't careful, we can put too much emphasis on trying to figure this stuff out and too little emphasis on serving others and developing a relationship with Jesus NOW.
mom4 said:
It's really interesting to speculate about how the end times prophecies will play out. But, if we aren't careful, we can put too much emphasis on trying to figure this stuff out and too little emphasis on serving others and developing a relationship with Jesus NOW.
While I'm not very religious now, at least in the organizational sense, I was raised ELCA Lutheran, and was taught that the focus should be on helping those in need rather than pissing about which denomination or religion was/is superior and why.
The ClayTaurus said:
While I'm not very religious now, at least in the organizational sense, I was raised ELCA Lutheran, and was taught that the focus should be on helping those in need rather than pissing about which denomination or religion was/is superior and why.
The very most basic thing about Christianity is restoring the rightful relationship between an individual and God. Everything else is just steps along the path.

When I first left Catholicism and began studying the Bible, Revelation is the first thing that interested me. Makes sense, really. Most people want to be Christians to avoid Hell. That IS a definite perk ;)

But, if you keep walking along the road, you stop caring so much about this end times stuff. It's all in God's hands, anyway. As long as you are moving toward Him, you'll be okay.

The real job of Christianity is much harder. It is giving up your own will, your own desires, minute-by-minute and day-by-day, to become the creation that God intended you to be.
rtwngAvngr said:
The pope has been spouting a lot of new age crap lately. I think the catholic church will direct all ecumenical christians to embrace islam as well. this combined monstrousity will be the world religion. IMO


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