Bachmann: God 'raised up' Trump to be GOP nominee

God picked Trumps hairdresser thats for sure. An engineer with an imagination .... few and far between.

God invented Tribbles for Star Trek back in the '60s. After it was broadcast God thought, "what if I put a mouth on that thing, painted it orange, blew it up real fat and wound it up so tight it would never shut up?" :eusa_think:

God likes to open Hell franchises on earth.
God created "Disgusting Pigs". God created "Wherever"s.
In the old days God would have carried them out on a stretcher, so amen amen I say unto you, knock the hell out of 'em. God will pay your legal expenses. Maybe.
"Black guys counting God's money. God hates it. The only people God wants counting money are short guys who wear yarmulkes every day. Oy".
I see the left are again mocking the millions of Democrat Christians in their own party. Both Obama and Hillary pray to God, go ahead libs explain it.
I see the left are again mocking the millions of Democrat Christians in their own party. Both Obama and Hillary pray to God, go ahead libs explain it.

Well, it's nice to finally hear a NaziCon admit that Hillary is a Christian. What about Obama...?
I see the left are again mocking the millions of Democrat Christians in their own party. Both Obama and Hillary pray to God, go ahead libs explain it.
It's called a sense of humor a thing that's in short supply on the right.
Let us consult CNNians chapter 2 verse 28:

"For it is written, I may be a jealous god and all knowing and all that but God knows nothing about David Duke, OK? God knows nothing about white supremacists or what you're even talking about. Did he pray to Me or what? Because yea verily I have no idea what you're even talking about, amen".
And God said,

"Yanno, if she weren't one of my nuns I'd probably be dating her".
I see the left are again mocking the millions of Democrat Christians in their own party. Both Obama and Hillary pray to God, go ahead libs explain it.

Simple. God went bankrupt, several times. Not that that's a failure or anything, God forbid....
Fun fact: God has never released His tax returns. :eusa_snooty:

For it is written.
And it's also kept under lock and key, because if what's in there ever got out there would be the Devil to pay.

Sorry --- toupée
I see the left are again mocking the millions of Democrat Christians in their own party. Both Obama and Hillary pray to God, go ahead libs explain it.

Well, it's nice to finally hear a NaziCon admit that Hillary is a Christian. What about Obama...?

The topic is liberals mocking Christians including Hillary and Obama, oh I got you libs by the balls on this one.
I see the left are again mocking the millions of Democrat Christians in their own party. Both Obama and Hillary pray to God, go ahead libs explain it.

Well, it's nice to finally hear a NaziCon admit that Hillary is a Christian. What about Obama...?

The topic is liberals mocking Christians including Hillary and Obama, oh I got you libs by the balls on this one.
Liberals are not mocking Christians. We're mocking idiots. I'm a Christian and I would never presume to speak for God, especially in the realm of politics.

Bachmann, however, plays the God card so often, we are convinced that she could proclaim a new Inquisition and some of the less intelligent followers would happily pick out a cauldron in which to fry their political opposition.
If you read your bible (Chapter 11 of course) you'll find that God often goes by the name "John Miller".

No He doesn't...

Yes He does....

etc etc, world without end, amen

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) says God ‘raised up’ Donald Trump to win the Republican presidential nomination.

“Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know.”

It’s a question political pundits will be attempting to answer for generations: How did real estate magnate and reality TV star Donald Trump win the Republican presidential nomination?

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), a Trump advisor, claims to know the answer: God did it.

Bachmann told “The Brody File” of CBN News that “the most high God lifts up who He will and takes down who He will.”

She explained:

I actually supported Ted Cruz. I thought he was fabulous but I also see that at the end of the day God raised up, I believe, Donald Trump who was going to be the nominee in this election. I don’t think God sits things out. He’s a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee.​

Bachmann also said Trump was the only candidate who could win the general election.

“Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know,” she said. “But I do know that the Bible is true and that Daniel teaches the most high God, which is one of God’s names, is the one who lifts up who He will and takes down who He will.”

Michele Bachmann: God Picked Trump

Yes, Michele, you may be wrong. I don't know...

Standard religious belief system that God has a plan, ect.

This is interesting if you are unaware the religious people often think that God has a plan.

Otherwise, not so much.

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