Bachmann To MSNBC's Matthews: That Thrill Isn't Tingly Anymore


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Sore loser Chris Mathews got bitch slapped last night!

He brought a mental knife to a mental gun fight and he came out on the losing end! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

A combative Chris Matthews accuses Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) of being "hypnotized" and under a "trance."

Bachmann says we're out of this "nightmare" and "we're thrilled."

"I think people are thrilling tonight, I imagine that thrill is maybe not quite so tingly on your leg anymore, I'm not sure anymore," Rep. Bachmann told Matthews.

After the interview, a purple-faced Matthews said "I never used that word" and called Bachmann a moron.

Oh you didn't Chris? I guess sore losers lie as well!


Yes, you did Chris! You said you had a thrill up your leg. And Michelle is the moron for mocking you on that one?

That thrill isn't so tingly now Chris. You tried to spar with someone sharper than you and all you can do is get purple faced and sputter for the rest of the night.

It's just starting my conservative brothas and sistas! The liberals are going to be just unhinged with vitriol the next two years.

I'm already seeing the spin that the Tea Party lost when the truth is we won!

It's a great day!

Pretty classic stuff. Matthews asked her a ridiculously loaded question. He should be ashamed of himself. The woman just won her Election and that's all he could ask her? I thought she responded beautifully. Chris Matthews is a real joke at this point. WTG Bachmann!
You people love to spin!!! No matter what he asked her, she repeated the same talking points. Like someone in a trance. They were all laughing at her.

I think that people have a lot of nerve talking about Pelosi or Boxer. The GOP has the weirdest women I've ever seen in my life. Bachmann, Palin, Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell. Please!!! Keep your own side of the street clean before you try to sweep elsewhere.
You people love to spin!!! No matter what he asked her, she repeated the same talking points. Like someone in a trance. They were all laughing at her.

I think that people have a lot of nerve talking about Pelosi or Boxer. The GOP has the weirdest women I've ever seen in my life. Bachmann, Palin, Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell. Please!!! Keep your own side of the street clean before you try to sweep elsewhere.


Whatever makes ya feel better..... You guys got your asses handed to you!
You people love to spin!!! No matter what he asked her, she repeated the same talking points. Like someone in a trance. They were all laughing at her.

I think that people have a lot of nerve talking about Pelosi or Boxer. The GOP has the weirdest women I've ever seen in my life. Bachmann, Palin, Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell. Please!!! Keep your own side of the street clean before you try to sweep elsewhere.

MEMO: Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell are history. And Palin wasn't running.
His question was offensive. Notice he didn't ask any Democratic winners similar questions? The woman just won her Election for God's sake. He showed no class or dignity. Pretty typical of that Network though i guess. She ignored the Dunce and then laid a zinger on him. God Bless her and Congrats.
Pretty classic stuff. Matthews asked her a ridiculously loaded question. He should be ashamed of himself. The woman just won her Election and that's all he could ask her? I thought she responded beautifully. Chris Matthews is a real joke at this point. WTG Bachmann!

Oh he was acting like the childish moron he always is. I wouldn't expect less from Chris Mathews.

I mean seriously! Can you imagine the stalwarts of journalism when we were kids saying a presidential candidate gave them a thrill up their leg????? :wtf:

I mean I know Cronkite and company were liberals, but they were professionals. I just can't imagine them saying something like that.

That Matthews would say something like that on tv and wasn't embarassed into oblivion says all you need to know about Matthews.

And then he thought he could spar with Bachman?

He got the slap down he deserved!

You people love to spin!!! No matter what he asked her, she repeated the same talking points. Like someone in a trance. They were all laughing at her.

I think that people have a lot of nerve talking about Pelosi or Boxer. The GOP has the weirdest women I've ever seen in my life. Bachmann, Palin, Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell. Please!!! Keep your own side of the street clean before you try to sweep elsewhere.

Honey, you are the one trying the spin.

That means her message was CONSISTENT and Matthews with his red faced childishness wasn't able to get her off message!

Like she was supposed to lower herself to changing the topic to Matthews level. Mr. thrill up the leg?

She wasn't going to lower herself to his level and he knew it and was getting mad about it.

Good for Bachman!

You liberals are just going to have to stew in your sour grapes for a couple years.

Matthews is an idiot so what is new.
Bachman is the Cynthia McKinney of the Republican party.
You people love to spin!!! No matter what he asked her, she repeated the same talking points. Like someone in a trance. They were all laughing at her.

I think that people have a lot of nerve talking about Pelosi or Boxer. The GOP has the weirdest women I've ever seen in my life. Bachmann, Palin, Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell. Please!!! Keep your own side of the street clean before you try to sweep elsewhere.


Whatever makes ya feel better..... You guys got your asses handed to you!

You know it's true. They are all nuts. And we didn't get our asses handed to us. Last time I checked, we still had the senate. Grow up, why don't you?? Gloating is for petulant children.
Rinata the retard, even the dem pundits know it was the worst ass whupping in 70 years.
Democrats better regroup quick or 12 will see the fall of the senate. Only a partisan HACK doesn't get "You spent like drunken sailors, so it's ok for us to spend exponentially more on liberal gift baskets". Sorry
You people love to spin!!! No matter what he asked her, she repeated the same talking points. Like someone in a trance. They were all laughing at her.

I think that people have a lot of nerve talking about Pelosi or Boxer. The GOP has the weirdest women I've ever seen in my life. Bachmann, Palin, Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell. Please!!! Keep your own side of the street clean before you try to sweep elsewhere.


Whatever makes ya feel better..... You guys got your asses handed to you!

You know it's true. They are all nuts. And we didn't get our asses handed to us. Last time I checked, we still had the senate. Grow up, why don't you?? Gloating is for petulant children.

The Senate this election was a longshot and most knew it. Still having the Senate is like getting hit with a shotgun blast and bragging that one pellet missed!
He asked an idiotic and offensive question. He could have shown at least some class considering the woman just won her Election. The man is an ignorant dunce. I thought she nailed him beautifully. WTG Bachmann! :)
You people love to spin!!! No matter what he asked her, she repeated the same talking points. Like someone in a trance. They were all laughing at her.

I think that people have a lot of nerve talking about Pelosi or Boxer. The GOP has the weirdest women I've ever seen in my life. Bachmann, Palin, Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell. Please!!! Keep your own side of the street clean before you try to sweep elsewhere.

MEMO: Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell are history. And Palin wasn't running.

First of all, Angle, Whitman, and O'Donnell were not history until YESTERDAY. And how can you say Palin isn't running?? Are you kidding?? She's been campaigning for prez since 2008!!!
Come on conservatives, which of you wasn't laughing as Obertool and Mathews lost it right in front of the whole country. I can only watch those clowns for 10 minutes and I was lauging my ass off.
I love how the Madcow kook tried to claim that MSNBC wasn't in the tank for Obama. lol! What a joke. NBC is more then in the tank for Obama and the Democrats. They are a part of the Democratic Party itself. A Democratic Goebbels operation is all they are at this point. I think most common sense thinking Americans know this. They're a joke. Nuff said.
Maddow at varying points was babbling like a Bi-polar in a manic phase. Matthews had a look of extreme constipation most of the night.
You people love to spin!!! No matter what he asked her, she repeated the same talking points. Like someone in a trance. They were all laughing at her.

I think that people have a lot of nerve talking about Pelosi or Boxer. The GOP has the weirdest women I've ever seen in my life. Bachmann, Palin, Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell. Please!!! Keep your own side of the street clean before you try to sweep elsewhere.

MEMO: Angle, Whitman, O'Donnell are history. And Palin wasn't running.

First of all, Angle, Whitman, and O'Donnell were not history until YESTERDAY. And how can you say Palin isn't running?? Are you kidding?? She's been campaigning for prez since 2008!!!

Palin stands to make $20 million by the end of this year. Don't think she'll give up that kind of jack for a 2012 run.
Maddow at varying points was babbling like a Bi-polar in a manic phase. Matthews had a look of extreme constipation most of the night.

Sums it up perfectly. :clap2: The Madcow kook trying to say that NBC wasn't in the tank for Obama and the Democrats was truly classic. Do they really think the American People are so dumb that they would actually believe their Bull Shit? I guess they do think that. Weird shit.

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