Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

That was Karl Rove. How quickly they forget...or is it just myopic vision?

Karl Rove accused McCain of being a traitor? I suppose you have a cite to backup your idiotic claim?

Let's not forget the swiftboating of John Kerry either.

How is telling the truth about Kerry despicable? Are you claiming he was actually in Cambodia?

Here's John McCain himself regarding the rumor that he had an illegitimate child:

QUESTION: Karl Rove?

MCCAIN: Oh I, listen, he ah. Nobody denies he's one of the smartest political minds in America. I'd be glad to get his advice. I get advice from a lot of people. I'd be happy to have his advice.

QUESTION: I was wondering about that, right....
MCCAIN: He beat me. I certainly would be glad to get his advice. I don't think I'd want to revisit how he did it. And I mean that. Not about South Carolina. I mean I don't feel like reliving my defeat.

QUESTION: Are you worried about, he uses very aggressive tactics is that something that--

MCCAIN: I've always respected Karl Rove as one of the smart great political minds I think in American politics. I've always respected him. We never had any ill will after the initial South Carolina thing.

And then there is:

After Bush had been badly beaten by McCain in the New Hampshire primary and his campaign moved on to South Carolina, its back against the wall, the McCain people thought they were seeing the Mark of Rove when scurrilous material started circulating—dark suggestions that McCain had committed treason while a prisoner of war, and had fathered a child by a black prostitute. But there were no fingerprints, Bush won the primary, and that was the end of the McCain campaign.


So you wanna talk some more about how it was the "liberals" that were calling John McCain treasonous?

It also wasn't liberals that were lying about decorated war veteran John Kerry.

The long and the short of it is that you don't have a quote of Karl Rove saying McCain is a traitor. All you have is a lot of scurrilous leftwing gossip.
Karl Rove accused McCain of being a traitor? I suppose you have a cite to backup your idiotic claim?

How is telling the truth about Kerry despicable? Are you claiming he was actually in Cambodia?

Here's John McCain himself regarding the rumor that he had an illegitimate child:

QUESTION: Karl Rove?

MCCAIN: Oh I, listen, he ah. Nobody denies he's one of the smartest political minds in America. I'd be glad to get his advice. I get advice from a lot of people. I'd be happy to have his advice.

QUESTION: I was wondering about that, right....
MCCAIN: He beat me. I certainly would be glad to get his advice. I don't think I'd want to revisit how he did it. And I mean that. Not about South Carolina. I mean I don't feel like reliving my defeat.

QUESTION: Are you worried about, he uses very aggressive tactics is that something that--

MCCAIN: I've always respected Karl Rove as one of the smart great political minds I think in American politics. I've always respected him. We never had any ill will after the initial South Carolina thing.

And then there is:

After Bush had been badly beaten by McCain in the New Hampshire primary and his campaign moved on to South Carolina, its back against the wall, the McCain people thought they were seeing the Mark of Rove when scurrilous material started circulating—dark suggestions that McCain had committed treason while a prisoner of war, and had fathered a child by a black prostitute. But there were no fingerprints, Bush won the primary, and that was the end of the McCain campaign.


So you wanna talk some more about how it was the "liberals" that were calling John McCain treasonous?

It also wasn't liberals that were lying about decorated war veteran John Kerry.

The long and the short of it is that you don't have a quote of Karl Rove saying McCain is a traitor. All you have is a lot of scurrilous leftwing gossip.

That's it. Close those eyes up tight. You claimed that it was "liberals" that started the rumors about McCain. That is a LIE. Those rumors did not start during the Obama/McCain campaign, but the Bush/McCain campaign. Truth hurts. You'll get over it.
That's it. Close those eyes up tight. You claimed that it was "liberals" that started the rumors about McCain. That is a LIE. Those rumors did not start during the Obama/McCain campaign, but the Bush/McCain campaign. Truth hurts. You'll get over it.

No, I said they accused him of being a traitor. I didn't say anything about any "rumors." I have seen liberals accusing McCain of being a traitor all over the internet, including in this forum.

All you have are paranoid accusations without a shred of credible evidence to support them
That's it. Close those eyes up tight. You claimed that it was "liberals" that started the rumors about McCain. That is a LIE. Those rumors did not start during the Obama/McCain campaign, but the Bush/McCain campaign. Truth hurts. You'll get over it.

No, I said they accused him of being a traitor. I didn't say anything about any "rumors." I have seen liberals accusing McCain of being a traitor all over the internet, including in this forum.

All you have are paranoid accusations without a shred of credible evidence to support them

{Gasp} You mean anonymous posters on a message board called him bad names. Oh, naughty naughty. :rolleyes:

Let me've never said anything about our current President right?

Teenage girls need foster families, too.

When are you going to start the incest allegations? Or are you going to go with the prostitution ring thing?

There is no accusation so low and despicable that these leftwing scumbags won't resort to it. They tried to accuse John McCain of being a traitor and a coward.

That was Karl Rove. How quickly they forget...or is it just myopic vision?

Let's not forget the swiftboating of John Kerry either.

John Kerry was Swiftboated by members of his unit.

In six months John Kerry put himself in for 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star, and a Silver Star, and he had to go around his chain of command to get it approved.

3 Purple hearts and never spent a day in a hospital. His injury required a band-aid.

Then he turns around and uses other people's stories, which are basically rumors, about their Vietnam War experiences and testifies in front of Congress to help turn the public against the war.

I really don't feel anything for Sen. John Kerry. He made his bed. He needs to sleep in it.
There is no accusation so low and despicable that these leftwing scumbags won't resort to it. They tried to accuse John McCain of being a traitor and a coward.

That was Karl Rove. How quickly they forget...or is it just myopic vision?

Let's not forget the swiftboating of John Kerry either.

John Kerry was Swiftboated by members of his unit.

In six months John Kerry put himself in for 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star, and a Silver Star, and he had to go around his chain of command to get it approved.

3 Purple hearts and never spent a day in a hospital. His injury required a band-aid.

Then he turns around and uses other people's stories, which are basically rumors, about their Vietnam War experiences and testifies in front of Congress to help turn the public against the war.

I really don't feel anything for Sen. John Kerry. He made his bed. He needs to sleep in it.
There you go. Proof positive of the LIES people will believe. He served and he served honorably. What he did afterward has no bearing on his service. Same goes for McCain.
{Gasp} You mean anonymous posters on a message board called him bad names. Oh, naughty naughty. :rolleyes:

So what have you got? Oh yeah, some paranoid ravings with a single shred of substantiation. All I said is that liberals accused McCain of being a traitor, and that fact is undeniable. It doesn't matter whether the accuser chose to remain anonymous. That just makes it all the more scurrilous One thing that can't be denied is the fac that they were liberals.

Let me've never said anything about our current President right?


Yes, I've told the truth about him: He's a lying Marxist thug.
{Gasp} You mean anonymous posters on a message board called him bad names. Oh, naughty naughty. :rolleyes:

So what have you got? Oh yeah, some paranoid ravings with a single shred of substantiation. All I said is that liberals accused McCain of being a traitor, and that fact is undeniable. It doesn't matter whether the accuser chose to remain anonymous. That just makes it all the more scurrilous One thing that can't be denied is the fac that they were liberals.

Let me've never said anything about our current President right?


Yes, I've told the truth about him: He's a lying Marxist thug.

It was proven to you that liberals did not start the treason crap about McCain since it started during the McCain/Bush campaign.

Sorry, but you can't get your little "I hate liberals" panties in a bunch about people on a message board saying crap about McCain when you engage in the same exact kind of ludicrous rhetoric.
{Gasp} You mean anonymous posters on a message board called him bad names. Oh, naughty naughty. :rolleyes:

So what have you got? Oh yeah, some paranoid ravings with a single shred of substantiation. All I said is that liberals accused McCain of being a traitor, and that fact is undeniable. It doesn't matter whether the accuser chose to remain anonymous. That just makes it all the more scurrilous One thing that can't be denied is the fac that they were liberals.

Let me've never said anything about our current President right?


Yes, I've told the truth about him: He's a lying Marxist thug.
We have the word of a lying Fascist thug on that!
There is no accusation so low and despicable that these leftwing scumbags won't resort to it. They tried to accuse John McCain of being a traitor and a coward.

That was Karl Rove. How quickly they forget...or is it just myopic vision?

Let's not forget the swiftboating of John Kerry either.

John Kerry was Swiftboated by members of his unit.

In six months John Kerry put himself in for 3 Purple Hearts, a Bronze Star, and a Silver Star, and he had to go around his chain of command to get it approved.

3 Purple hearts and never spent a day in a hospital. His injury required a band-aid.

Then he turns around and uses other people's stories, which are basically rumors, about their Vietnam War experiences and testifies in front of Congress to help turn the public against the war.

I really don't feel anything for Sen. John Kerry. He made his bed. He needs to sleep in it.
Lies, lies and more lies. :eusa_liar:
Well at least you are consistent!
Then you're an idiot. Why don't you turn off what CNN's telling you and read her biography. She's a brilliant, successful, wonderful person. Why the hate?

As with Palin, she's guilty of Being Conservative While Female.

As well as attractive and successful.

And......don't forget........neither knows squat about the Constitution, American History, and both have a penchant for vicious hyperbole when trying to get their bumper sticker slogans across. Palin's was "don't retreat, reload", and Bachmann's is using Jewish war dead as a backdrop.
Being a Foster Parent is probably the biggest reason Bachmann has a chance at the GOP nomination. No matter how you cut it, taking in foster kids is tough. My wife and I did it for 13 years and had over 40 kids. The difference would be, we did it alone. I expect Michelle and her hubby have plenty of paid help.

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