Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

Teenage girls need foster families, too.

When are you going to start the incest allegations? Or are you going to go with the prostitution ring thing?

There is no accusation so low and despicable that these leftwing scumbags won't resort to it. They tried to accuse John McCain of being a traitor and a coward.

I have more respect for child molesters than I have for liberals. As a matter of fact, most child molesters are liberals

Neg'd. you are an idiot
Teenage girls need foster families, too.

When are you going to start the incest allegations? Or are you going to go with the prostitution ring thing?

There is no accusation so low and despicable that these leftwing scumbags won't resort to it. They tried to accuse John McCain of being a traitor and a coward.

I have more respect for child molesters than I have for liberals. As a matter of fact, most child molesters are liberals

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize liberals. We don't have to make up shit.
The "farm subsidy" story line which the liberal propagandists are trying to foist off on the people is drivel. It's bullshit.

As for anything else, I'm ok with the vetting process.

But it really is too bad that the liberal propagandists whom we laughingly call "reporters" aren't at all interested in doing similar work on the background of liberal Democratics.
Funny that you would cite all those stories, since there's no way you could know about them, because as daveman said,

they were never covered in the media.

The vast majority of Democrats don't know a thing about any of them because the major DNC propaganda outlets are all they watch.
That's what News is supposed to do... report stories. Amazing that you guys aren't complaining about the MSM when it comes to Weiner.... he's a Progressive and he legitimately did something wrong and he's paying for it... Charlie Rangel.... much the same. Wow...imagine that.

The last time I checked, Charlie Rangel got reelected, so how is he "paying" for anything?

As for Anthony Wiener: when a congressmen is watching his dick around and posting the photos all over the internet, people are going to pay attention. The media can't ignore stories that are so salacious and outrageous that it would mean losing millions of viewers if they did.

What you want is the witch hunt that YOUR side's media pulled on the Current President to happen across the board, which is bullshit because most of those Tidbits you threw out were misinformation from the right. In short, just because you believe something to be the truth... doesn't make it the truth.

What you call a "witch hunt" is normal treatment for conservatives. Consider, for example, the treatment of Sarah Palin. They are still investigating her.
She's gaining on Romney which signifies that she is still very much in this race.

Being in the race and being a non-factor aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, oreo. Romney will be no more a factor than Palin or Bachman in the end. The only way for any one of those three to be any factor at all will be for the Republican Party to ignore even the most basic of Conservative ideals, at which point it won't matter because Obama will win in a landslide of Reaganesque proportions.
There is no accusation so low and despicable that these leftwing scumbags won't resort to it. They tried to accuse John McCain of being a traitor and a coward.

I have more respect for child molesters than I have for liberals. As a matter of fact, most child molesters are liberals

Neg'd. you are an idiot

What the hell is "Neg'd?"

Aside from saying things you don't like, why do you think I'm an idiot?
There is no accusation so low and despicable that these leftwing scumbags won't resort to it. They tried to accuse John McCain of being a traitor and a coward.

I have more respect for child molesters than I have for liberals. As a matter of fact, most child molesters are liberals

Neg'd. you are an idiot

What the hell is "Neg'd?"

Aside from saying things you don't like, why do you think I'm an idiot?

Read what you post. Y:cool:ou'll figure it out.
The "farm subsidy" story line which the liberal propagandists are trying to foist off on the people is drivel. It's bullshit.

As for anything else, I'm ok with the vetting process.

But it really is too bad that the liberal propagandists whom we laughingly call "reporters" aren't at all interested in doing similar work on the background of liberal Democratics.

So we can expect, in contrast, to see in depth stories by 'reporters' from places like Foxnews, Newsmax, CNS, the Examiner, etc., etc., digging up dirt on Michele Bachmann?
The left like to act like this administration has not set the record for the amount of earmarks attached to it's leftist bills. But they will point to a GOP candidate and say earmarks are a monstrosity "Which I think are but that is besides the point". Clinton was the King of pardons also, pardoning all his leftist cronies who where caught up in his scandals and what not. As far as farm subsidies, where the fuck do you think your food comes from?
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Teenage girls need foster families, too.

When are you going to start the incest allegations? Or are you going to go with the prostitution ring thing?

There is no accusation so low and despicable that these leftwing scumbags won't resort to it. They tried to accuse John McCain of being a traitor and a coward.

That was Karl Rove. How quickly they forget...or is it just myopic vision?

Let's not forget the swiftboating of John Kerry either.
That was Karl Rove. How quickly they forget...or is it just myopic vision?

Karl Rove accused McCain of being a traitor? I suppose you have a cite to backup your idiotic claim?

Let's not forget the swiftboating of John Kerry either.

How is telling the truth about Kerry despicable? Are you claiming he was actually in Cambodia?

Here's John McCain himself regarding the rumor that he had an illegitimate child:

QUESTION: Karl Rove?

MCCAIN: Oh I, listen, he ah. Nobody denies he's one of the smartest political minds in America. I'd be glad to get his advice. I get advice from a lot of people. I'd be happy to have his advice.

QUESTION: I was wondering about that, right....
MCCAIN: He beat me. I certainly would be glad to get his advice. I don't think I'd want to revisit how he did it. And I mean that. Not about South Carolina. I mean I don't feel like reliving my defeat.

QUESTION: Are you worried about, he uses very aggressive tactics is that something that--

MCCAIN: I've always respected Karl Rove as one of the smart great political minds I think in American politics. I've always respected him. We never had any ill will after the initial South Carolina thing.


And then there is:

After Bush had been badly beaten by McCain in the New Hampshire primary and his campaign moved on to South Carolina, its back against the wall, the McCain people thought they were seeing the Mark of Rove when scurrilous material started circulating—dark suggestions that McCain had committed treason while a prisoner of war, and had fathered a child by a black prostitute. But there were no fingerprints, Bush won the primary, and that was the end of the McCain campaign.


So you wanna talk some more about how it was the "liberals" that were calling John McCain treasonous?

It also wasn't liberals that were lying about decorated war veteran John Kerry.

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