Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

Being a Foster Parent is probably the biggest reason Bachmann has a chance at the GOP nomination. No matter how you cut it, taking in foster kids is tough. My wife and I did it for 13 years and had over 40 kids. The difference would be, we did it alone. I expect Michelle and her hubby have plenty of paid help.

You think being a foster parent is tough? Ever been a foster child? I was from age 12 until I ran away at 16 to go back and live with my Grandparents.

It ain't no picnic, lemmie tell ya.
Good find USAR Bachamann is an opportunist and hypocrite.

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Go two posts up.



Oops again.

Yeah, I did. A whiny leftist hit piece is hardly credible.

But you sure swallowed it whole. Dumbass. :lol:

So you have proof she didnt have non teen ages females? There is something fishy going on there but I am sure with her Oral roberts degree, she is fine. :eusa_whistle:
So, when are you going to trot out the "Bachmann is a pimp" meme?
Yeah, I did. A whiny leftist hit piece is hardly credible.

But you sure swallowed it whole. Dumbass. :lol:

So you have proof she didnt have non teen ages females? There is something fishy going on there but I am sure with her Oral roberts degree, she is fine. :eusa_whistle:
So, when are you going to trot out the "Bachmann is a pimp" meme?

Were all of her foster kids teenaged girls? All of them.

As I recall, when I once asked anyone to name any conservative dumber than Palin,

Michele Bachmann was the only mention.:lol::lol::lol:

So apparently Bachmann and Palin are the dumbest and next-to-the-dumbest conservative politicians in the US.
Obama's worse than anything Bachmann could do. Bachmann 2102. She is best candidate out there now for the GOP nomination. Granted I won't put all my eggs into one basket. But I am a Bachmann supporter. But I would be ok with Pawlenty and Santorum and Cain and Palin. I wouldn't be ok with Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, John Huntsman and Mitt Romney.
Yeah, but Sea Witch.... it's OK... because McCain is a Republican... It's not OK with Kerry because he's a Democrat.

This whole thread is nothing more than astounding. And I hate to admit it, but from both sides on this.

First we have Daveman calling me out on the "Trig Palin" bullshit... which I don't even come close to believing, then we have my fellow lefties all but saying Bachmann is using Teenage girls as menial labor... which I don't believe unless proven.

My only beef is that Bachmann talks a big game about American Exceptionalism and small government, but she has no problem collecting those taxpayer dollars to Keep taking in Foster kids, but wants those types of Government handouts eliminated for every one else.

In this particular scenario, she is no better than the mythological teen mom popping out kids to increase her welfare benefits that I have heard about from Conservatives ad nauseum.
So you have proof she didnt have non teen ages females? There is something fishy going on there but I am sure with her Oral roberts degree, she is fine. :eusa_whistle:
So, when are you going to trot out the "Bachmann is a pimp" meme?

Were all of her foster kids teenaged girls? All of them.


You're this close. C'mon, man, you can do it. You know you want to. Do it!
As I recall, when I once asked anyone to name any conservative dumber than Palin,

Michele Bachmann was the only mention.:lol::lol::lol:

So apparently Bachmann and Palin are the dumbest and next-to-the-dumbest conservative politicians in the US.
Well, that's what happens when you stand in an echo chamber and screech. Everybody else sounds just like you.
Daveman... I'm one of those "demonic" liberals.... Why aren't you coming after me?

Perhaps you realize that Political innuendo is not my game. Perhaps You recognize that I choose to make this about real issues and problems and not about scandal and suppositions.

I just wish more of you on the RIGHT would do the same thing.

The crazy thing is... you are all cool with calling our current administration all kinds of derogatory names, and spreading rumors and innuendo... but when it's your guy(or as the case may be... gal).. it's so "UNFAIR".

Why doesn't your side MAN UP and realize that Democrats... and even Progressive Democrats... are not the Marxists you think they are? No... you won't do that... because that would make us PEOPLE. People who work very hard for our livings. You'd rather think that we are all Welfare bums on a public library Computer talking about this stuff... When in fact.. most of us are just as employed, just as much of a taxpayer, just as much as an AMERICAN as you and your ilk. You'll never admit that.. because it's much easier to stereotype us as "ne'er do well's" that just want to suck off of the "Government tit".
Daveman... I'm one of those "demonic" liberals.... Why aren't you coming after me?

Perhaps you realize that Political innuendo is not my game. Perhaps You recognize that I choose to make this about real issues and problems and not about scandal and suppositions.

I just wish more of you on the RIGHT would do the same thing.

The crazy thing is... you are all cool with calling our current administration all kinds of derogatory names, and spreading rumors and innuendo... but when it's your guy(or as the case may be... gal).. it's so "UNFAIR".

Why doesn't your side MAN UP and realize that Democrats... and even Progressive Democrats... are not the Marxists you think they are? No... you won't do that... because that would make us PEOPLE. People who work very hard for our livings. You'd rather think that we are all Welfare bums on a public library Computer talking about this stuff... When in fact.. most of us are just as employed, just as much of a taxpayer, just as much as an AMERICAN as you and your ilk. You'll never admit that.. because it's much easier to stereotype us as "ne'er do well's" that just want to suck off of the "Government tit".
Your insistence that you not be stereotyped would carry more weight if you weren't stereotyping conservatives.

We have legitimate complaints with what Obama and Democrats are doing. Your refusal to accept them as legitimate is neither our problem nor proof that our complaints are rumors and innuendo.

I suggest you man up yourself before you tell anyone else to.

You like apples? How 'bout them apples?
I am not stereotyping Conservatives at all. That is a complete fabrication on your part.

Let me ask the following questions to prove my point....

1. Are you against a woman's choice to end a pregnancy or not?
a) don't get me wrong. I am not against a father's rights. I feel that if the father of a child is willing to take on the sacrifice of 18+ years of responsibility, then that should be a determining factor in the abortion process.

2. Do you think that homosexuals deserve to be viewed the equal of a heterosexual married couple?(legally, if not religiously)

3. Do you think that there should be REASONABLE safety nets... provided by taxpayer dollars for people who end up on the "loser list" of our great society?

4. Do you believe that the elderly who have been working for the "job creators" their whole lives, deserve to life their last 10-20 years of life without worry in regards to basic necessities(that they have already paid for)?

5. Do you believe that Health Care is a genuine service to the general public and not just another money making scheme?

These are things that I PERSONALLY believe in. I find great fault that every aspect of our lives should be a money making proposition.

Finally, I don't refuse to accept your complaints as legitimate... I just refuse to consider them accurate. I understand your frustration... I am feeling the same frustrations. I happen to feel that those frustrations are because of Very rich and powerful people influencing Public Servants to their agenda. Not just blindly blaming our woes upon those least able to influence much of anything.

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