Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

I am not stereotyping Conservatives at all. That is a complete fabrication on your part.
Well, yeah, except for the part where it's true.

My answers are immaterial. Do you think the views of one conservative will sway your stereotypes?

Hint: No. Because:

...because you've got your mind already made up.
I understand your frustration... I am feeling the same frustrations. I happen to feel that those frustrations are because of Very rich and powerful people influencing Public Servants to their agenda. Not just blindly blaming our woes upon those least able to influence much of anything.
Pssst! That last is one of those stereotype things you said you don't do.


A: You refuse to answer the questions...

and lastly... because my perspective doesn't ALIGN with yours... I am stereotyping you? Yeah...
Yes, you are. And the latest example follows:
I'll just excuse the Marxist, Muslim loving, Socialistic rants of you and your kind....
Now you get to find where I've called Obama a Muslim-loving Marxist.

You won't be able to. Because you're letting stereotypes do your thinking for you.
No point in talking to you, because you don't really want to talk and try to make heads or tails of this bullshit.... you just want your side to win.... no matter what the cost.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what you're doing? You don't want to accept the concerns of conservatives as legitimate, so you're not interested in finding any common ground or in trying to make heads or tails of this bullshit.

You just want your side to win.
As I recall, when I once asked anyone to name any conservative dumber than Palin,

Michele Bachmann was the only mention.:lol::lol::lol:

So apparently Bachmann and Palin are the dumbest and next-to-the-dumbest conservative politicians in the US.

Dan Quayle.

Not all conservative pollies are dumb, but all dumb pollies are conservative...
I have two words that prove you wrong:

Joseph Biden.

While he was never an outstanding student, he has a law degree. Last time I looked they didn't hand those out in packets of twinkies. So you can an F on that score. Nice try...
Dan Quayle.

Not all conservative pollies are dumb, but all dumb pollies are conservative...
I have two words that prove you wrong:

Joseph Biden.

While he was never an outstanding student, he has a law degree. Last time I looked they didn't hand those out in packets of twinkies. So you can an F on that score. Nice try...
Like that means anything? Vanquish claims he's a lawyer, and he's dumb as a rock. :lol:
Well, that's what happens when you stand in an echo chamber and screech. Everybody else sounds just like you.

Can you name any conservative politicians dumber than Palin and Bachmann?
I feel no obligation to defend a charge I haven't made. You're really not very good at this, are you?

It's not a charge it's an opinion, an assessement of conservatism.

Since you can't name any conservative politicians dumber than Palin or Bachmann, it's fair to assume you don't think they're are any.

That is funny. One of two dumbest conservatives in politics in America is running for president and doing quite well.
As I recall, when I once asked anyone to name any conservative dumber than Palin,

Michele Bachmann was the only mention.:lol::lol::lol:

So apparently Bachmann and Palin are the dumbest and next-to-the-dumbest conservative politicians in the US.

Dan Quayle.

Not all conservative pollies are dumb, but all dumb pollies are conservative...
I have two words that prove you wrong:

Joseph Biden.

Here is a list of Democrat morons that I know from personal observation to be dumber than your typical professional wrestling audience:

  1. Barney Frank
  2. Nancy Pelosi
  3. Harry Reid
  4. Barbara Lee
  5. Maxine Waters
  6. Loretta Sanchez
  7. Eleanor Holmes Norton
  8. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  9. Alcee L. Hastings
  10. John Conyers, Jr.
  11. John D. Dingell
  12. Anthony D. Weiner
  13. Charles B. Rangel
  14. Dennis J. Kucinich
  15. Sheila Jackson-Lee
  16. Jim McDermott
  17. Chuck Schumer
  18. Patty Murray
  19. Barbara Boxer
  20. Dick Durbin
  21. Barbara Mikulski
  22. John Kerry
  23. Al Franken
Can you name any conservative politicians dumber than Palin and Bachmann?

I can name scores of Democrat politicians dumber than Palin. Obama and Biden immediately come to mind.

bbzzttt wrong. They might have done some dumb things as we all do. But intellectually dumb? Obama pinkie fingernail has more of an IQ than Palin and Bachmann combined...seriously...

Wrong, they are just plain stupid, especially Biden. He's a walking gaff machine.

There are so many stupid Democrats I would think you would be embarrassed to make such an accusation. One that immediately comes to mind is Anthony Wiener. Post pictures of your member all over the internet is hardly a smart thing for a Congressman to do. Don't you agree? And then there are morons like Maxine Waters and Barbara Boxer. Those are two perfect examples of concentrated stupidity, if I've ever seen it.
Dan Quayle.

Not all conservative pollies are dumb, but all dumb pollies are conservative...
I have two words that prove you wrong:

Joseph Biden.

Here is a list of Democrat morons that I know from personal observation to be dumber than your typical professional wrestling audience:

  1. Barney Frank
  2. Nancy Pelosi
  3. Harry Reid
  4. Barbara Lee
  5. Maxine Waters
  6. Loretta Sanchez
  7. Eleanor Holmes Norton
  8. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  9. Alcee L. Hastings
  10. John Conyers, Jr.
  11. John D. Dingell
  12. Anthony D. Weiner
  13. Charles B. Rangel
  14. Dennis J. Kucinich
  15. Sheila Jackson-Lee
  16. Jim McDermott
  17. Chuck Schumer
  18. Patty Murray
  19. Barbara Boxer
  20. Dick Durbin
  21. Barbara Mikulski
  22. John Kerry
  23. Al Franken

Like your "personal observation" is relevant in any way, shape or form.
Like your "personal observation" is relevant in any way, shape or form.

The claim that Palin and Bachmann are stupid is nothing more than a personal "observation."
With nothing to substantiate the claim. If they were so stupid? These cretins wouldn't pay them any mind. So it seems to me that they feel threatened. Big Time.
Like your "personal observation" is relevant in any way, shape or form.

The claim that Palin and Bachmann are stupid is nothing more than a personal "observation."

..until one listens to some of the batshit crazy shit she's said with a strait face.

and, by strait face I mean that crazy-eyed, too wide for a smile look on her face when she's under a spotlight.
Can you name any conservative politicians dumber than Palin and Bachmann?
I feel no obligation to defend a charge I haven't made. You're really not very good at this, are you?

It's not a charge it's an opinion, an assessement of conservatism.

Since you can't name any conservative politicians dumber than Palin or Bachmann, it's fair to assume you don't think they're are any.

That is funny. One of two dumbest conservatives in politics in America is running for president and doing quite well.
You do know, don't you, that pointing to your bigotry as proof of your stereotypes is proof of nothing -- except that you're a bigot?

Nope. Doesn't look like you do.
Dan Quayle.

Not all conservative pollies are dumb, but all dumb pollies are conservative...
I have two words that prove you wrong:

Joseph Biden.

Here is a list of Democrat morons that I know from personal observation to be dumber than your typical professional wrestling audience:

  1. Barney Frank
  2. Nancy Pelosi
  3. Harry Reid
  4. Barbara Lee
  5. Maxine Waters
  6. Loretta Sanchez
  7. Eleanor Holmes Norton
  8. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
  9. Alcee L. Hastings
  10. John Conyers, Jr.
  11. John D. Dingell
  12. Anthony D. Weiner
  13. Charles B. Rangel
  14. Dennis J. Kucinich
  15. Sheila Jackson-Lee
  16. Jim McDermott
  17. Chuck Schumer
  18. Patty Murray
  19. Barbara Boxer
  20. Dick Durbin
  21. Barbara Mikulski
  22. John Kerry
  23. Al Franken

Yeah, I can go along with that.
The claim that Palin and Bachmann are stupid is nothing more than a personal "observation."

..until one listens to some of the batshit crazy shit she's said with a strait face.

and, by strait face I mean that crazy-eyed, too wide for a smile look on her face when she's under a spotlight.

For example?

Nothing could be as batshit crazy as the stuff that comes out of the mouths of Biden and Obama. Take, for instance, Biden's claim that paying taxes is patriotic.
Why should Palin be scrutinized? She's not running for anything. She's a private citizen.
She's guilty of being Conservative While Female.

Like your "personal observation" is relevant in any way, shape or form.
I believe you forgot to condemn this post for the exact same thing.

Might wanna get on that.

Let me see, Personal observation from a guy who types out a list of names that he doesn't like vs. A person singling out two of the most ignorant and ill informed Politcal figures in our country.

The 10 Craziest Michele Bachmann Quotes: Pics, Videos, Links, News

Dumb Sarah Palin Quotes - Top 10 Stupid Palin Quotes

Yep... nothing to see here.
Like your "personal observation" is relevant in any way, shape or form.
I believe you forgot to condemn this post for the exact same thing.

Might wanna get on that.

Let me see, Personal observation from a guy who types out a list of names that he doesn't like vs. A person singling out two of the most ignorant and ill informed Politcal figures in our country.

The 10 Craziest Michele Bachmann Quotes: Pics, Videos, Links, News

Dumb Sarah Palin Quotes - Top 10 Stupid Palin Quotes

Yep... nothing to see here.
Y'know, I knew you'd screech "Nuh-UH!!" and continue with your hypocrisy.

No enemies on the left.

Ah, More Victimhood. Or shall we say, the Gender Card.
We shall say, "Neither."

You see, the problem is the left believes the First Amendment guarantees the right of free speech free from criticism.

You want to be free to criticize whoever you want, in any manner you want, and not get called on it. That's why you respond the way you do when someone points out your irrational Palin-hatred.

You're not being oppressed. Your freedom of speech is not being abridged.

Calling you an idiot is NOT "playing the victim card".

And now you know.

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