Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

The favorite attack thrown at conservatives is that they're Bible-banging, gun toting, closed-minded reactionaries. Michele Bachman is no exception. She's crazy and stupid because she is God-fearing and decent.

We have been told by Obama himself that those people of that particular classification need to take their guns and their religion and cram it along with their hatred for people of different races and religions.

Then the creep goes out and starts telling the Israelis that then must commit mass-suicide by going back to the 1967 borders, the Brits can take their friggen bust of Winston Churchill back, and the Tea Party, or "Tea-Bagger" as he calls them, is full of hateful white bigots and possible terrorists.

And what's worse is their are pictures like this around.

One of the favorites of blacks. (You can get a framed enlarged painting of this for around $150)

It shows a man who decided that he would for one day use God to prove he's a man of the people.....even though he despises other Christians deeply because of their skin color or their simple-mindedness, or their love for God and their guns. (Along with their love for NASCAR)


The Quakers are Christian. The Inquisition was Christian.
Daveman... did you ever hear the expression... If you live in a glass house.. don't throw stones?

That is exactly what is happening. It is time for you assholes to pay the piper for all the bullshit you have spewed these past 3 years(going on four).

In short... what comes around, goes around. You are too busy playing the victim that you don't even want to acknowledge what the right has done during the recent past.

Typical and expected.

Please give us some examples.

In what way is reacting to false stereotypes and false accusations called "Playing the victim"????

Playing the victim is this thread which was started with some cry-babying about the prospect of Michele Bachmann being vetted for her political stances and actions.
I got the name from GOP hate radio calling the First Lady "Moochelle."

Oopsie yet again!

I've been posting here long enough for you to know by now that all my "offensive" language comes from precedents set by GOP shills.

  1. Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized?

    Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized? March 25, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash. Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only ... - Cached
  2. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  3. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  4. Obama Tells You to Sacrifice, While Moochelle Vacations in Spain

    Aug 10, 2010 ... RUSH: There's a story from Sunday in The Politico: FLOTUS ... - Cached - Similar
  5. It's a Big Story: Carla Bruni Says Moochelle Obama Hates Her Job

    Sep 16, 2010 ... CALLER: Rush, dittos to the highness. It is great to talk to you. If living in the White House is hell, I am done with church, ... - Cached
Figures. Instead of rising about the behavior you condemn, you choose to wallow in it.

Stop pretending you hold the moral high ground -- because you don't.

Face it dave, you got owned on that one.
Not really. Obviously, he's not applauding Rush's choice of words, is he?
That's an interesting philosophy. It allows you to be as selfish and dickheaded as you want, and you can say, "It's just fate!'

You do realize that this isn't simply MY philosophy, but one that has been held by any number of different religious and spiritual groups over the last 2000 years or so, right?
That's an interesting philosophy. It allows you to be as selfish and dickheaded as you want, and you can say, "It's just fate!'

You do realize that this isn't simply MY philosophy, but one that has been held by any number of different religious and spiritual groups over the last 2000 years or so, right?
And that changes what I, exactly? :confused:
Figures. Instead of rising about the behavior you condemn, you choose to wallow in it.

Stop pretending you hold the moral high ground -- because you don't.

Face it dave, you got owned on that one.
Not really. Obviously, he's not applauding Rush's choice of words, is he?

Sorry. You were the one that insinuated it hadn't been used on the First Lady. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your posts.
Not really. Obviously, he's not applauding Rush's choice of words, is he?

Sorry. You were the one that insinuated it hadn't been used on the First Lady. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your posts.
Thanks, but I hadn't see it used.

Then again, the leftists here listen to Rush far more than I do. :lol:

Touche'! Excellent response. There's a reason I enjoy your posts. Keep at it. My level of brevity depends on you!
BEVERLY TRAN: Calling All Bachmann Foster Kids

Calling All Bachmann Foster Kids

Bachmanns on public welfare
If you were a foster child of Marcus and Michele Bachmann, I highly encourage you to get an attorney because you will be able to sell your story and go on the talk show circuit.

Aging out the foster care system is living hell, but, why not make a small fortune telling your story to the media?

See, the foster care system was never designed to address electronic information technology. What that means is there is no law preventing the former Bachmann foster care kids to tell all.

Feel free to contact me for the exclusive, now hop to it!

If the Bachmanns can rake in big time dollars off the public welfare entitlement programs of foster care then why can't you make big time dollars off the privatized free market called capitalism?

Let's see what the presidential candidate has to say about foster kids speaking out and getting paid to do it.​
Teenage girls need foster families, too.

When are you going to start the incest allegations? Or are you going to go with the prostitution ring thing?

There is no accusation so low and despicable that these leftwing scumbags won't resort to it. They tried to accuse John McCain of being a traitor and a coward.

I have more respect for child molesters than I have for liberals. As a matter of fact, most child molesters are liberals

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