Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

Have they mentioned the outrage of Bachmann accepting government money - for her foster children? Personally, I find that outrageous. Imagine - taking parentless children into your home and 'profiting' from it!!!! Fucking bitch!

*sacrasm off*

not outrageous. but when you're a government hating loon who thinks people should "exercise their second amendment rights" when they don't agree with what the majority voted for, then perhaps you shouldn't be taking government money?

that said, it's the least of what's wrong with her.
Teenagers babysat Moochele's children and did the house keeping chores while Socialist Welfare Queen Moochele took money from hard working tax payers to the tune of $30 tax free dollars a day per live in maid and live in day care worker for a total of $1.2 million tax free dollars.
I give it about a week before you morons start claiming she was pimping them out.


Here we have Michell Bachmann--good enough to kids to foster parent them--and the liberals MESSIAH--won't take care of his 1/2 brother in Kenya--who lives in a hut and makes the equivalent of $20.00 dollars a year--also with an aunt that lives in the slums somewhere in NY--and he doesn't look after her either. I guess to a liberal when it actually comes to helping others--the conservative side of the isle is doing it. Ask a liberal to do it--they sure will with your money not their's.--LOL

Why are you even saying that? Not helping his brother? Not helping his Aunt? He is acting exactly like a Republican. Besides, how do you know they didn't tell him to leave them alone?

See how you guys hate Obama so much? You don't know anything about his relationship with those people so you just "make up shit". Just because you hate that black guy so much, that "Kenyan Colonial Mau Mau communist fascist". Just "make up shit" and then say, "See, see, he's been exposed". The hate is too deep to be because of his policies. It's a "deep seated hatred of black people" to kind of quote Glenn Beck.
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Have they mentioned the outrage of Bachmann accepting government money - for her foster children? Personally, I find that outrageous. Imagine - taking parentless children into your home and 'profiting' from it!!!! Fucking bitch!

*sacrasm off*

not outrageous. but when you're a government hating loon who thinks people should "exercise their second amendment rights" when they don't agree with what the majority voted for, then perhaps you shouldn't be taking government money?

that said, it's the least of what's wrong with her.

I like Bachman... she's a fine lady but alas conservative... so misogyny from the left will certainly be acceptable and expected by the ladies of the left..
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Give me real examples of the previous 8 years. Not typical bullshit from the right wing.. but real examples.
You're kidding, right? :cuckoo:
What I have seen is a president who CHOSE to fight a war on two fronts AND give tax breaks to those who need it least, while those who need it most are forced to pay the bill.
Yeah. Everybody got a tax break, dumbass.

Are you talking about Obama or Bush? Because they both did that.
I see staggering trade deficits that NO ONE from the right(or the left, for that matter) wants to address that cause up to 700 Billion Dollars of potential revenue to go by the wayside.
Perhaps if your side stopped driving businesses out of the country, we wouldn't have so much of a trade deficit.
In short, you see what you want to see. Most of us deal in reality.... make no mistake... no one is innocent... but your side makes a living pandering to them.
It's funny you complain about the right wing pandering to corporations, while ignoring the Democrats' receiving more donations than the GOP.

In short, you see what you want to see.

Once again, another post filled with lies and half truths.

And these contributions, some of which can be pieced together through tax filings of corporate foundations and other public records, also show how the chamber has increasingly relied on a relatively small collection of big corporate donors to finance much of its legislative and political agenda. The chamber makes no apologies for its policy of not identifying its donors. It has vigorously opposed legislation in Congress that would require groups like it to identify their biggest contributors when they spend money on campaign ads.

The chamber’s increasingly aggressive role — including record spending in the midterm elections that supports Republicans more than 90 percent of the time — has made it a target of critics, including a few local chamber affiliates who fear it has become too partisan and hard-nosed in its fund-raising.


Obama gets his money from "middle class" America. And when he does get money from "corporations", it's from the people that work there, NOT the company itself.

And I "Proved it". All you can do is lie and lie again. Why can't right wingers be honest? Ever?
Have they mentioned the outrage of Bachmann accepting government money - for her foster children? Personally, I find that outrageous. Imagine - taking parentless children into your home and 'profiting' from it!!!! Fucking bitch!

*sacrasm off*

not outrageous. but when you're a government hating loon who thinks people should "exercise their second amendment rights" when they don't agree with what the majority voted for, then perhaps you shouldn't be taking government money?

that said, it's the least of what's wrong with her.

compared to what you put in office Bachmann is an Angel. She could never get as dirty and corrupt as your party is.
I give it week before you anoint her as the "true messiah" and Obama the "False Prophet".
Sorry; I don't do Cult of Personality nonsense. I'll leave that to you leftists.



Indeed. With these people? It's symbolism over substance, everytime.

Here we have Michell Bachmann--good enough to kids to foster parent them--and the liberals MESSIAH--won't take care of his 1/2 brother in Kenya--who lives in a hut and makes the equivalent of $20.00 dollars a year--also with an aunt that lives in the slums somewhere in NY--and he doesn't look after her either. I guess to a liberal when it actually comes to helping others--the conservative side of the isle is doing it. Ask a liberal to do it--they sure will with your money not their's.--LOL
Yeah! He should have put them to work cleaning his house and babysitting his kids and charged the government $1.2 million tax free dollars like Moochele Bachmann did and then you would praise him like you do the "Liberal" welfare queen Moochele.
How violently would you shit your pants if someone referred to the First Lady as Moochele? :lol:
I got the name from GOP hate radio calling the First Lady "Moochelle."

Oopsie yet again!

I've been posting here long enough for you to know by now that all my "offensive" language comes from precedents set by GOP shills.

  1. Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized?

    Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized? March 25, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash. Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only ... - Cached
  2. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  3. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  4. Obama Tells You to Sacrifice, While Moochelle Vacations in Spain

    Aug 10, 2010 ... RUSH: There's a story from Sunday in The Politico: FLOTUS ... - Cached - Similar
  5. It's a Big Story: Carla Bruni Says Moochelle Obama Hates Her Job

    Sep 16, 2010 ... CALLER: Rush, dittos to the highness. It is great to talk to you. If living in the White House is hell, I am done with church, ... - Cached
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Is it true that ALL 23 of MB's "teenage" foster children were girls she used to babysit her "real" children?

I know absolutely nothing about the age or gender of MB's foster children. I assume that they're all now adults. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, they have to say about their time with the Bachmanns if they're ever approached for comment.
I give it about a week before you morons start claiming she was pimping them out.


Here we have Michell Bachmann--good enough to kids to foster parent them--and the liberals MESSIAH--won't take care of his 1/2 brother in Kenya--who lives in a hut and makes the equivalent of $20.00 dollars a year--also with an aunt that lives in the slums somewhere in NY--and he doesn't look after her either. I guess to a liberal when it actually comes to helping others--the conservative side of the isle is doing it. Ask a liberal to do it--they sure will with your money not their's.--LOL

Why are you even saying that? Not helping his brother? Not helping his Aunt? He is acting exactly like a Republican. Besides, how do you know they didn't tell him to leave them alone?

See how you guys hate Obama so much? You don't know anything about his relationship with those people so you just "make up shit". Just because you hate that black guy so much, that "Kenyan Colonial Mau Mau communist fascist". Just "make up shit" and then say, "See, see, he's been exposed". The hate is too deep to be because of his policies. It's a "deep seated hatred of black people" to kind of quote Glenn Beck.
Kinda like your hatred of conservatives that drives you to just "make up shit", huh?

Spare us the outrage, you sissy bedwetter hypocrite.
Give me real examples of the previous 8 years. Not typical bullshit from the right wing.. but real examples.
You're kidding, right? :cuckoo:

Yeah. Everybody got a tax break, dumbass.

Are you talking about Obama or Bush? Because they both did that.

Perhaps if your side stopped driving businesses out of the country, we wouldn't have so much of a trade deficit.
In short, you see what you want to see. Most of us deal in reality.... make no mistake... no one is innocent... but your side makes a living pandering to them.
It's funny you complain about the right wing pandering to corporations, while ignoring the Democrats' receiving more donations than the GOP.

In short, you see what you want to see.

Once again, another post filled with lies and half truths.

And these contributions, some of which can be pieced together through tax filings of corporate foundations and other public records, also show how the chamber has increasingly relied on a relatively small collection of big corporate donors to finance much of its legislative and political agenda. The chamber makes no apologies for its policy of not identifying its donors. It has vigorously opposed legislation in Congress that would require groups like it to identify their biggest contributors when they spend money on campaign ads.

The chamber’s increasingly aggressive role — including record spending in the midterm elections that supports Republicans more than 90 percent of the time — has made it a target of critics, including a few local chamber affiliates who fear it has become too partisan and hard-nosed in its fund-raising.


Obama gets his money from "middle class" America. And when he does get money from "corporations", it's from the people that work there, NOT the company itself.

And I "Proved it". All you can do is lie and lie again. Why can't right wingers be honest? Ever?
Oh, you lying sack of shit.

Democrats Rake In Record Donations From Corporations - ABC News

And from the "people that work there"? You really believe that? Tool.

Top Contributors to Barack Obama | OpenSecrets
Daveman... did you ever hear the expression... If you live in a glass house.. don't throw stones?

That is exactly what is happening. It is time for you assholes to pay the piper for all the bullshit you have spewed these past 3 years(going on four).

In short... what comes around, goes around. You are too busy playing the victim that you don't even want to acknowledge what the right has done during the recent past.

Typical and expected.

Please give us some examples.

In what way is reacting to false stereotypes and false accusations called "Playing the victim"????
I give it week before you anoint her as the "true messiah" and Obama the "False Prophet".
Sorry; I don't do Cult of Personality nonsense. I'll leave that to you leftists.



Indeed. With these people? It's symbolism over substance, everytime.
As I've been saying the past couple of days, for leftists, the only thing that matters is the last thing said. What was said yesterday doesn't matter. What was actually done NEVER matters.

What was said today defines reality.
Yeah! He should have put them to work cleaning his house and babysitting his kids and charged the government $1.2 million tax free dollars like Moochele Bachmann did and then you would praise him like you do the "Liberal" welfare queen Moochele.
How violently would you shit your pants if someone referred to the First Lady as Moochele? :lol:
I got the name from GOP hate radio calling the First Lady "Moochelle."

Oopsie yet again!

I've been posting here long enough for you to know by now that all my "offensive" language comes from precedents set by GOP shills.

  1. Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized?

    Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized? March 25, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash. Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only ... - Cached
  2. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  3. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  4. Obama Tells You to Sacrifice, While Moochelle Vacations in Spain

    Aug 10, 2010 ... RUSH: There's a story from Sunday in The Politico: FLOTUS ... - Cached - Similar
  5. It's a Big Story: Carla Bruni Says Moochelle Obama Hates Her Job

    Sep 16, 2010 ... CALLER: Rush, dittos to the highness. It is great to talk to you. If living in the White House is hell, I am done with church, ... - Cached
Figures. Instead of rising about the behavior you condemn, you choose to wallow in it.

Stop pretending you hold the moral high ground -- because you don't.
Daveman... did you ever hear the expression... If you live in a glass house.. don't throw stones?

That is exactly what is happening. It is time for you assholes to pay the piper for all the bullshit you have spewed these past 3 years(going on four).

In short... what comes around, goes around. You are too busy playing the victim that you don't even want to acknowledge what the right has done during the recent past.

Typical and expected.

Please give us some examples.

In what way is reacting to false stereotypes and false accusations called "Playing the victim"????
Didn't you know, muddy? The First Amendment guarantees leftists the right to say what they want, free from consequences and criticism.
How violently would you shit your pants if someone referred to the First Lady as Moochele? :lol:
I got the name from GOP hate radio calling the First Lady "Moochelle."

Oopsie yet again!

I've been posting here long enough for you to know by now that all my "offensive" language comes from precedents set by GOP shills.

  1. Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized?

    Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized? March 25, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash. Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only ... - Cached
  2. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  3. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  4. Obama Tells You to Sacrifice, While Moochelle Vacations in Spain

    Aug 10, 2010 ... RUSH: There's a story from Sunday in The Politico: FLOTUS ... - Cached - Similar
  5. It's a Big Story: Carla Bruni Says Moochelle Obama Hates Her Job

    Sep 16, 2010 ... CALLER: Rush, dittos to the highness. It is great to talk to you. If living in the White House is hell, I am done with church, ... - Cached
Figures. Instead of rising about the behavior you condemn, you choose to wallow in it.

Stop pretending you hold the moral high ground -- because you don't.

Face it dave, you got owned on that one.
The favorite attack thrown at conservatives is that they're Bible-banging, gun toting, closed-minded reactionaries. Michele Bachman is no exception. She's crazy and stupid because she is God-fearing and decent.

We have been told by Obama himself that those people of that particular classification need to take their guns and their religion and cram it along with their hatred for people of different races and religions.

Then the creep goes out and starts telling the Israelis that then must commit mass-suicide by going back to the 1967 borders, the Brits can take their friggen bust of Winston Churchill back, and the Tea Party, or "Tea-Bagger" as he calls them, is full of hateful white bigots and possible terrorists.

And what's worse is their are pictures like this around.

One of the favorites of blacks. (You can get a framed enlarged painting of this for around $150)

It shows a man who decided that he would for one day use God to prove he's a man of the people.....even though he despises other Christians deeply because of their skin color or their simple-mindedness, or their love for God and their guns. (Along with their love for NASCAR)

The favorite attack thrown at conservatives is that they're Bible-banging, gun toting, closed-minded reactionaries. Michele Bachman is no exception. She's crazy and stupid because she is God-fearing and decent.

We have been told by Obama himself that those people of that particular classification need to take their guns and their religion and cram it along with their hatred for people of different races and religions.

Then the creep goes out and starts telling the Israelis that then must commit mass-suicide by going back to the 1967 borders, the Brits can take their friggen bust of Winston Churchill back, and the Tea Party, or "Tea-Bagger" as he calls them, is full of hateful white bigots and possible terrorists.

And what's worse is their are pictures like this around.

One of the favorites of blacks. (You can get a framed enlarged painting of this for around $150)

It shows a man who decided that he would for one day use God to prove he's a man of the people.....even though he despises other Christians deeply because of their skin color or their simple-mindedness, or their love for God and their guns. (Along with their love for NASCAR)


No, she's crazy and stupid because she's crazy and stupid.
How violently would you shit your pants if someone referred to the First Lady as Moochele? :lol:
I got the name from GOP hate radio calling the First Lady "Moochelle."

Oopsie yet again!

I've been posting here long enough for you to know by now that all my "offensive" language comes from precedents set by GOP shills.

  1. Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized?

    Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized? March 25, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash. Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only ... - Cached
  2. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  3. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  4. Obama Tells You to Sacrifice, While Moochelle Vacations in Spain

    Aug 10, 2010 ... RUSH: There's a story from Sunday in The Politico: FLOTUS ... - Cached - Similar
  5. It's a Big Story: Carla Bruni Says Moochelle Obama Hates Her Job

    Sep 16, 2010 ... CALLER: Rush, dittos to the highness. It is great to talk to you. If living in the White House is hell, I am done with church, ... - Cached
Figures. Instead of rising about the behavior you condemn, you choose to wallow in it.

Stop pretending you hold the moral high ground -- because you don't.
I didn't condemn it!!! YOU did.
I simply use the same tactics CON$ use and let the CON$ throw a shit fit!!! :lol:
Michelle took 23 "teenage" girls and turned them into "useful members of society".

The favorite attack thrown at conservatives is that they're Bible-banging, gun toting, closed-minded reactionaries. Michele Bachman is no exception. She's crazy and stupid because she is God-fearing and decent.

We have been told by Obama himself that those people of that particular classification need to take their guns and their religion and cram it along with their hatred for people of different races and religions.

Then the creep goes out and starts telling the Israelis that then must commit mass-suicide by going back to the 1967 borders, the Brits can take their friggen bust of Winston Churchill back, and the Tea Party, or "Tea-Bagger" as he calls them, is full of hateful white bigots and possible terrorists.

And what's worse is their are pictures like this around.

One of the favorites of blacks. (You can get a framed enlarged painting of this for around $150)

It shows a man who decided that he would for one day use God to prove he's a man of the people.....even though he despises other Christians deeply because of their skin color or their simple-mindedness, or their love for God and their guns. (Along with their love for NASCAR)


No, she's crazy and stupid for using Jewish mass graves as a backdrop, and because she knows NOTHING about American history, or the Constitution.

As far as Obama? No. He didn't say that Israel has to go back to their 1967 borders. He said that talks should resume for peace and that new borders should be defined, and a good STARTING POINT for the negotiations (not how they end) should be those borders.

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