Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

Anyone know anything about MB's 23 foster children? I heard that every single one was "picked up" as teenagers, all were girls and they worked as "live in" babysitters for her 5 "real" children. Is it true?

I heard the same damn thing..................................................
And whom determines that FATE?

The Fates. The Norns. The Maiden, Matron, and Crone. They have a number of different names. In all cases they are the three women who weave the thread of our lives and cut it to length at the moment of our birth. The thread which cannot be altered by any Man or God.
Sure it can. It's called Freewill that is instilled into ALL humans by the GOD you have just DENIED having ANY power...

*I* would rethink this IF *I* were you...NO>?
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Glutton for failure, huh? Yeah.

Better to fail at the Right things than to succeed at the Wrong ones.

Fate? Then why try to do anything? Fate will make sure you get where you're supposed to be.

Because we cannot know what Fate holds for us, and therefore we must live each moment as if it is potentially our last. Only the Fates know what that thread holds for us; what threads have been woven together for us.

Wait a minute...women run your life, but you don't want them in political office?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this much...or indeed, any...thought.

Plenty of thought. The Fates are simply the conduit through which the will of the Universe is brought into this world. They appear to us as women and spinners because that is the easiest way for our simplistic minds to comprehend who they are and what they do. The Maiden.... our early life. The Matron.... adulthood. The Crone.... our later years. They spin the will of the Universe for each of us into a thread which cannot be altered by any man or God... including the length of that life to the most minimal measurement of time. Not unlike an oracle of older days, except that they are eternal as a force of the Universe.
Anyone know anything about MB's 23 foster children? I heard that every single one was "picked up" as teenagers, all were girls and they worked as "live in" babysitters for her 5 "real" children. Is it true?

And there's the first bald-faced lie trial balloon. :clap2:

Who told you to post that, dean? You're not smart enough to have come up with it on your own.

Christian Science Monitor?

They have five children: Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline, and Sophia, and have also helped parent 23 foster children, all teenage girls.

Election 101: Ten facts about Michele Bachmann and her presidential bid - What is her religious and family background? -

Another well-worn attack is that she took in foster girls because she was looking for reliable built-in babysitters for her kids.

For some reason, Bachmann has done little to shunt aside this criticism. When she has been asked if these foster girls babysat her biological children she says she can’t recall.

Michele Bachmann plays politics with foster care

Bachmann is in one week, the dirt starts surfacing. Palin has been putting up with this for 2 1/2 years. Still nothing. Bachmann is fixing to see the wrath of the liberal MSM and she will be looked at under a electron microscope. This is why Palin is going to come out shining because she has been vetted and has been vetted a second time and still, she has come out a winner. Romney has yet to be vetted like Palin. Same goes to Pawlenty but one thing is clear. There is something about a conservative woman that causes the media to go into search and destroy mode. Bachmann will be out of this race before you know it.

Michele Bachmann | Earmarks | Tea Party | The Daily Caller

Bachmann may also be plagued by her involvement in a controversial pardon. In 2007, Bachmann wrote a letter requesting a presidential pardon for a convicted drug-smuggler and money-launderer named Frank Vennes. Vennes was convicted of money laundering in 1988 and pleaded no contest to a cocaine and weapons charge. Making matters worse, he and his wife donated a total of $27,600 to Bachmann’s 2006 and 2008 election.

Bachmann’s penchant for earmarks dates back to her days in the Minnesota state Senate. Despite her reputation as a fiscal conservative, from 2001-2006, then-state Senator Bachmann proposed more than $60 million in earmarks, including a $710,000 “Bond For Centerville Local Improvements Around Highway 14″ and a $40,000,000 “Bond for Lino Lakes And Columbus Township Highway Interchanges.”

More In Link.

I don't mind the pardon for cocaine dealing. Will she now move to legalize cocaine as to remain consistent.

I also don't mind earmarks, I would personally rather the tax dollars be apportioned by congress and be returned to the taxpayers of each congressional district. Rather that than it be apportioned by the executive branch at his discretion with no oversight.
Anyone know anything about MB's 23 foster children? I heard that every single one was "picked up" as teenagers, all were girls and they worked as "live in" babysitters for her 5 "real" children. Is it true?

I heard the same damn thing..................................................

No, you didn't, you lying sack of dog shit.
Glutton for failure, huh? Yeah.

Better to fail at the Right things than to succeed at the Wrong ones.

Fate? Then why try to do anything? Fate will make sure you get where you're supposed to be.

Because we cannot know what Fate holds for us, and therefore we must live each moment as if it is potentially our last. Only the Fates know what that thread holds for us; what threads have been woven together for us.

Wait a minute...women run your life, but you don't want them in political office?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this much...or indeed, any...thought.

Plenty of thought. The Fates are simply the conduit through which the will of the Universe is brought into this world. They appear to us as women and spinners because that is the easiest way for our simplistic minds to comprehend who they are and what they do. The Maiden.... our early life. The Matron.... adulthood. The Crone.... our later years. They spin the will of the Universe for each of us into a thread which cannot be altered by any man or God... including the length of that life to the most minimal measurement of time. Not unlike an oracle of older days, except that they are eternal as a force of the Universe.

That's an interesting philosophy. It allows you to be as selfish and dickheaded as you want, and you can say, "It's just fate!'
Anyone know anything about MB's 23 foster children? I heard that every single one was "picked up" as teenagers, all were girls and they worked as "live in" babysitters for her 5 "real" children. Is it true?

And there's the first bald-faced lie trial balloon. :clap2:

Who told you to post that, dean? You're not smart enough to have come up with it on your own.

Christian Science Monitor?

They have five children: Lucas, Harrison, Elisa, Caroline, and Sophia, and have also helped parent 23 foster children, all teenage girls.

Election 101: Ten facts about Michele Bachmann and her presidential bid - What is her religious and family background? -

Another well-worn attack is that she took in foster girls because she was looking for reliable built-in babysitters for her kids.

For some reason, Bachmann has done little to shunt aside this criticism. When she has been asked if these foster girls babysat her biological children she says she can’t recall.

Michele Bachmann plays politics with foster care

Well, at least you admitted you're not smart enough to think of it on your own. :lol:

When are you losers gonna bust out the incest rumors? You guys love that one.
Go two posts up.



Oops again.

Yeah, I did. A whiny leftist hit piece is hardly credible.

But you sure swallowed it whole. Dumbass. :lol:

Picking out 23 "teenage" girls is way different than "raising" 23 foster children. Even you have to admit that. Right?
Teenage girls need foster families, too.

When are you going to start the incest allegations? Or are you going to go with the prostitution ring thing?
What a crock... I think that unless otherwise proven... that Bachmann ought to get credit for her role as a foster parent. That is a good thing, and I... being the bleeding heart liberal that I am... applaud her sacrifice.

However, with the same breath... I criticize her assumed stance that government needs to get out of the same "Social Programs" that made it possible for her to do the things she has done.

Because, make no mistake... that is the platform of the right.
Yeah... but it's only when their candidates get legitimately scrutinized that they bitch. When the Right winger Media makes up bullshit stories about people being closet Communists, Kenyan Muslims, and all the rest of the crap that gets vomited from these scumbags... they all do a happy dance. speculating that Trig Palin is Sarah's grandson fathered by her husband is legitimate scrutiny?


Never heard that.
Yeah... but it's only when their candidates get legitimately scrutinized that they bitch. When the Right winger Media makes up bullshit stories about people being closet Communists, Kenyan Muslims, and all the rest of the crap that gets vomited from these scumbags... they all do a happy dance. speculating that Trig Palin is Sarah's grandson fathered by her husband is legitimate scrutiny?


Never heard that.
Then you weren't paying attention. speculating that Trig Palin is Sarah's grandson fathered by her husband is legitimate scrutiny?


Never heard that.
Then you weren't paying attention.

IT originally came from a blogger.... right Mr. Daveman? Maybe it got some legs and moved into the realm of extremely left wing media.... but it pretty much died there, and NO ONE of note mentions it anymore.

It was a bullshit supposition by a bullshit writer.

Once again... as the bible says... before you tell a neighbor about the mote in their eye... take the LOG out of yours first.

Never heard that.
Then you weren't paying attention.

IT originally came from a blogger.... right Mr. Daveman? Maybe it got some legs and moved into the realm of extremely left wing media.... but it pretty much died there, and NO ONE of note mentions it anymore.

It was a bullshit supposition by a bullshit writer.

Once again... as the bible says... before you tell a neighbor about the mote in their eye... take the LOG out of yours first.

Wonkette isn't a little WordPress moonbat blog. :lol:
Face it, Folks, the palin/bachmann lovefest from the right will continue. The amt of shit palin has been given a pass on is impressive, and the fact that bachmann was re-elected.....:cuckoo:
Bachmann is in one week, the dirt starts surfacing. Palin has been putting up with this for 2 1/2 years. Still nothing. Bachmann is fixing to see the wrath of the liberal MSM
Now, of course, all this dirt was dug up by the GOP so therefore the "Liberal" MSM is to blame!!! :cuckoo:
You do know that the Daily Caller is a CON$ervative website, don't you?

May 16, 2011
RUSH: Let's move to this whole notion here of what's happening inside the Republican field and the fact that opposition research is now being conducted on Michele Bachmann. There is a little game -- I don't know if you've noticed this, but if you haven't noticed it, don't doubt me. Part of my job is to notice things before you do, and then tell you. It's called the cutting edge. I'm on it. I own it. There's a little game being played by the established Republican commentariate, what I call the inside-the-Beltway conservative intelligentsia, the Republican intellectual elite. It is aimed at muddling conservatism and discrediting, taking down, if you will, conservative Tea Party candidates in the Republican presidential primary process.

RUSH: Now, let's look at Bachmann, just a quick peek here at Michele Bachmann. She is a favored target of establishment Washington. Now, that doesn't come as a surprise to you, does it? I mean you know that she's a target, you've seen it. It might perplex you as to why at this stage of the game. Look, I know we are in the Republican primaries and the battle is between ourselves now. It's understandable. But in establishment Washington Bachmann is a favorite target, and even to the point of talking about she's too short or she's radical or what have you. But in this case, in the Daily Caller piece, the attack on her is that she supported earmarks and ethanol.

The RepubliCON$ are so STOOPID!

If they weren't such dangerous LIARS it would be laughable.

However, it's still comical.

Stoopid CON$.
Bachmann is in one week, the dirt starts surfacing. Palin has been putting up with this for 2 1/2 years. Still nothing. Bachmann is fixing to see the wrath of the liberal MSM and she will be looked at under a electron microscope. This is why Palin is going to come out shining because she has been vetted and has been vetted a second time and still, she has come out a winner. Romney has yet to be vetted like Palin. Same goes to Pawlenty but one thing is clear. There is something about a conservative woman that causes the media to go into search and destroy mode. Bachmann will be out of this race before you know it.

Michele Bachmann | Earmarks | Tea Party | The Daily Caller

Bachmann may also be plagued by her involvement in a controversial pardon. In 2007, Bachmann wrote a letter requesting a presidential pardon for a convicted drug-smuggler and money-launderer named Frank Vennes. Vennes was convicted of money laundering in 1988 and pleaded no contest to a cocaine and weapons charge. Making matters worse, he and his wife donated a total of $27,600 to Bachmann’s 2006 and 2008 election.

Bachmann’s penchant for earmarks dates back to her days in the Minnesota state Senate. Despite her reputation as a fiscal conservative, from 2001-2006, then-state Senator Bachmann proposed more than $60 million in earmarks, including a $710,000 “Bond For Centerville Local Improvements Around Highway 14″ and a $40,000,000 “Bond for Lino Lakes And Columbus Township Highway Interchanges.”

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