Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

I didn't say that there was any evidence one way or another. However, 23 foster kids is a pretty high number, especially for someone who already has 5 kids. I don't know what her main motivation was. Maybe she had a financial motive. Maybe she had a religious motive. Maybe she had multiple motives. At this point, I'm kind of curious as to how much money the state paid her over time to take in 23 foster kids for however long they were living with her.

There are Americans who live their entire lives being foster parents. Meaning they're going to have a couple for a few months--then another--then another--then another.

What don't you understand about that? And What the hell do you care how much money they made--if any--off of it. Michelle Bachmann is NOT trailer trash--and never needed income from foster parenting. GEEZ you liberals will go off on any freakin tangent--in an effort to smear a good woman.

Not sure she received a dime. I'm guessing probably not because had she, it'd be all over the place. I could be wrong.

EVERY Foster parent is paid for expenses. Who in their right mind would pick up children off of the street--feed them--provide housing expenses--clothing and entertainment. If they didn't get reimbursed somehow--there wouldn't be any foster parenting in this country--it wouldn't exist.
Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

It's not "pure charity" if you get paid to do it.
Exactly! According to CON$ervatism it's Socialism, taking from the achievers to give to the needy. It's welfare, she took on children she could not afford expecting the government she hates to pick up the tab.

So leave these kids on the street? Is that your solution?--:clap2: No one takes care of them--no one feeds them--no one clothes them. No one loves them--no one cares for them.

And Michelle Bachmann is just an evil--money hungry hog for taking care of 26 of them.

Geez you liberals are hanging onto this one with your pinky fingernail--LOL Better get Criss Mathews all over this one before it's too late.
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Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

It's not "pure charity" if you get paid to do it.
Exactly! According to CON$ervatism it's Socialism, taking from the achievers to give to the needy. It's welfare, she took on children she could not afford expecting the government she hates to pick up the tab.

I'm NOT trying to make the argument that it's socialism to accept money to offset costs associated with caring for foster kids. But neither is it "purely charity" to do so when one accepts money for doing it since, by definition, charity work of any kind is unpaid work. I mean, who ever heard of someone asking for gas money to get to work at a soup kitchen or asking to be reimbursed for the cost of food when cooking meals at home for disaster victims?
There are Americans who live their entire lives being foster parents. Meaning they're going to have a couple for a few months--then another--then another--then another.

What don't you understand about that? And What the hell do you care how much money they made--if any--off of it. Michelle Bachmann is NOT trailer trash--and never needed income from foster parenting. GEEZ you liberals will go off on any freakin tangent--in an effort to smear a good woman.

Not sure she received a dime. I'm guessing probably not because had she, it'd be all over the place. I could be wrong.

EVERY Foster parent is paid for expenses. Who in their right mind would pick up children off of the street--feed them--provide housing expenses--clothing and entertainment. If they didn't get reimbursed somehow--there wouldn't be any foster parenting in this country--it wouldn't exist.

I don't believe that EVERY foster parent is paid for their expenses. I'm sure that they're offered money to help pay for caring for the kids. But I wouldn't be at all surprised if some people actually decline the money.
It's not "pure charity" if you get paid to do it.
Exactly! According to CON$ervatism it's Socialism, taking from the achievers to give to the needy. It's welfare, she took on children she could not afford expecting the government she hates to pick up the tab.

So leave these kids on the street? Is that your solution?--:clap2: No one takes care of them--no one feeds them--no one clothes them. No one loves them--no one cares for them.

And Michelle Bachmann is just an evil--money hungry hog for taking care of 26 of them.

Geez you liberals are hanging onto this one with your pinky fingernail--LOL Better get Criss Mathews all over this one before it's too late.
That's the CON$ervative way. The government has no business doing charity. That's what PRIVATE charities are for according to CON$. Moochele Bachmann is a Socialist, taking taxpayer money to redistribute it to others.
Since the president has yet to actually do anything that could be attributed to the alleged bad influence of the Reverend Wright,

I guess I was right then, wasnt' I?

:lol:--A liberal can never pick a lane and stay in it--:lol:

:lol: So it looks like Obama's religious history and personal associations AREN'T fair game after all, huh?

Make up your mind.

:razz:--A liberal can never pick a lane and stay in it.

When you don't have any standards, you don't have to worry about living up to them.
You're perverting conservatism to fit your warped view of women. Please stop calling yourself a conservative.

LOL. Why don't all of you centrist, linguini-spined people who don't actually stand for anything, and are willing to compromise on everything give up the word to those of us who actually believe in Conservatism.... that is the TRADITIONAL WESTERN VALUES THAT WERE THE BASIS OF PRETTY MUCH EVERY WESTERN NATION PRIOR TO 1900.... That is before you imbeciles went and fucked it all up by giving away the damn farm to every single fucking special interest group out there.
I don't know who you're screeching at, but you aren't talking about me.

You're an anachronism. Your username proclaims it. The values you espouse simply aren't practical for the modern world. Stamping your feet and having little hissy fits won't change that fact.

Luck has nothing to do with it. Faith in God and acceptance of His Son Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior does.

Thanks. I needed that laugh. I learned that lesson already. I saw how much good 54 years of that faith did my father.... the most truly faithful, good, and decent person I've ever known; dead on his 54th birthday of Cancer just as he and my mom were about to start being able to live their lives for themselves instead of for everyone else. If your God doesn't have any Mercy to show a man like him, there's no sense in me wasting my time on that God, because he's sure as hell not going to have any to spare for a guy like me.
I'm sorry for your loss. I look forward to meeting your father in Heaven. And I'll pray that you find the faith he had.
I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?

Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

It's not "pure charity" if you get paid to do it.
That's kinda interesting. Liberals believe wealth redistribution through threat of force is charity, and feel good about themselves for being generous with other people's money.

It's not charity if you give away someone else's cash.
Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

It's not "pure charity" if you get paid to do it.
That's kinda interesting. Liberals believe wealth redistribution through threat of force is charity, and feel good about themselves for being generous with other people's money.

It's not charity if you give away someone else's cash.
it promotes laziness and sloth. I know there's a campaign slogan in there somewhere...:eusa_whistle:
And is that primarily the source and due for the extraordinarily high numbers of people not believing the president was born in the US?
Beats me. If you want to make a case for it, feel free. Be advised that just because you say so is not sufficient.

Ironic that you would say that right after you posted your own say so on how the news of the Wright story got out,

as if that was sufficient.

Very ironic.
Not at all. I gave my opinion -- I didn't state it as fact. I know the difference. I'm not a leftist.

So your opinion on the matter is not based on evidence.
Are you really picking out Keef Moonbatman as a representative of the entire liberal media?

Really? :lol:

Ok, name anyone in the so=called liberal media who has been measurably more vicious towards Sarah Palin than towards Glen Beck.
:lol: Consistency is not your strong suit, is it?

I must have missed Beck's run for public office. Do you have a link?
You're an anachronism. Your username proclaims it. The values you espouse simply aren't practical for the modern world. Stamping your feet and having little hissy fits won't change that fact.

I disagree with your viewpoint on the practicality of TRADITIONAL values.

No, having fits won't change it. Neither will voting. That's why I believe this country needs an enema of high explosives and gunpowder; preferably in the very near future

I'm sorry for your loss. I look forward to meeting your father in Heaven. And I'll pray that you find the faith he had.

Save your prayers for someone else. I wasted almost three decades on that crap before wising up to the con that is ALL organized religion. I now follow a private form of spirituality.
Is it true that ALL 23 of MB's "teenage" foster children were girls she used to babysit her "real" children?
observation of the media and not an opinion of right or wrong.

Then you refuse to take part in it?

I'll bet.
I'll bet Plasma belives everything he's told by the Media since he and THEY are in the tank for Obama and the Statists ruining this Republic while both he and them forget what the First Amendment was all about.
I certainly don't recall having seen an original thought from him.
It's not "pure charity" if you get paid to do it.
That's kinda interesting. Liberals believe wealth redistribution through threat of force is charity, and feel good about themselves for being generous with other people's money.

It's not charity if you give away someone else's cash.
it promotes laziness and sloth. I know there's a campaign slogan in there somewhere...:eusa_whistle:

"Hope. Change. Laziness. Sloth. Obama 2012."
You're an anachronism. Your username proclaims it. The values you espouse simply aren't practical for the modern world. Stamping your feet and having little hissy fits won't change that fact.

I disagree with your viewpoint on the practicality of TRADITIONAL values.

No, having fits won't change it. Neither will voting. That's why I believe this country needs an enema of high explosives and gunpowder; preferably in the very near future
Ahh, just another would-be revolutionary. :lol:
I'm sorry for your loss. I look forward to meeting your father in Heaven. And I'll pray that you find the faith he had.

Save your prayers for someone else. I wasted almost three decades on that crap before wising up to the con that is ALL organized religion. I now follow a private form of spirituality.
Good luck with that.

So your opinion on the matter is not based on evidence.
Are you really picking out Keef Moonbatman as a representative of the entire liberal media?

Really? :lol:

Ok, name anyone in the so=called liberal media who has been measurably more vicious towards Sarah Palin than towards Glen Beck.

Has Glenn Beck's children been attacked?--because Sarah Palin's has.

CNN--ABC--NBC--MSNBC and CBS has all joined in on attacking a conservative woman--and the size of this thread shows you how terrified the left is of a conservative female.

Heck--we actually have liberals on this board right now--bitching about how greedy Michelle Bachmann was for being a foster parent. They have their panties so tied up in a wad over this single issue--that they're now foaming at the mouth-and their eyes are watering-LOL That's the type of HATE that the left in this country continually demonstrates against female conservatives.
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Are you really picking out Keef Moonbatman as a representative of the entire liberal media?

Really? :lol:

Ok, name anyone in the so=called liberal media who has been measurably more vicious towards Sarah Palin than towards Glen Beck.

Has Glenn Beck's children been attacked?--because Sarah Palin's has.

CNN--ABC--NBC--MSNBC and CBS has all joined in on attacking a conservative woman--and the size of this thread shows you how terrified the left is of a conservative female.

Heck--we actually have liberals on this board right now--bitching about how greedy Michelle Bachmann was for being a foster parent. They have their panties so tied up in a wad over this single issue--that they're now foaming at the mouth-and their eyes are watering-LOL That's the type of HATE that the left in this country continually demonstrates against female conservatives.

Why are you personally attacking us for supporting the principle that Michele Bachmann ought to get the same kind of scrutiny that Obama has.

In fact, if some birther-type issue were to arise around Bachmann, not necessarily about birthplace but something of the same conspiratorial nature, along with the let's say 'zeal' as exhibited by the birthers,

what would be wrong with that? It's what Obama had to endure, and importantly, it got almost no widespread outright condemnation by the Right.

Fair for one, fair for the other.

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