Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

Michelle Bachman - running for President. Wealthy, successful, attractive, successful businesswoman and member of Congress.

What did you accomplish this week?

So it's unfair for the media to investigate Michele Bachmann in the same way Barack Obama has been investigated because I'm not rich.

Good one. You're really racking up quite a first impression around here.

No hell, the media can "investigate" anyone they want to. By the way - is that their job? To "investigate" people so idiots (like you) can draw a conclusion? Why don't you "investigate" someone yourself. Do you need CNN to do your data search? Is your Google broke?

And what's this "first impression" crapola? My first impression of you is you are a woman-hating, Liberal sheep, Kool-Aid drinking moron.

Does that count for anything?

CNN--MSNBC--NBC--ABC--and CBS never investigated --our current President that's for certain. They were the pep rally squad for this man--and anyone that spoke out against his policies are still considered "racist" bastards.

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Hey..........USA Retard.........she's not gonna run, no matter how many times you beat off to her picture.

And............if you're poor, the bitch won't even look in your direction.
I'm in the oil and gas drilling business. That's why I support her. She will lift the moritorium so I can get some of my rigs back to drilling here in South Louisiana.

Where y'at in S. LA?

Houma but fixing to head down the road to Cocodrie for a little Spec Fishing.
Have they mentioned the outrage of Bachmann accepting government money - for her foster children? Personally, I find that outrageous. Imagine - taking parentless children into your home and 'profiting' from it!!!! Fucking bitch!

*sacrasm off*

How much money did Bachmann take in from being a foster mother to 23 kids?

Who cares! It's kind of nice that there are adults out there that will pick up kids off of the streets--who's parents are deliquent at raising or taking care of their own kids. Da-Duh

I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?
How much money did Bachmann take in from being a foster mother to 23 kids?

Who cares! It's kind of nice that there are adults out there that will pick up kids off of the streets--who's parents are deliquent at raising or taking care of their own kids. Da-Duh

I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?

Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?
How much money did Bachmann take in from being a foster mother to 23 kids?

Who cares! It's kind of nice that there are adults out there that will pick up kids off of the streets--who's parents are deliquent at raising or taking care of their own kids. Da-Duh

I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?

Well judging how much food my grandkids EAT when they are at my house for a few days--plus heating rooms that I normally don't heat--using water--entertainment costs--like going to a movie--you can see why FOSTER PARENTS are paid.

And I know Foster Parents--and give them all the credit in the world. Because most of the time--they are NOT dealing with kids who have been raised well--and or are easy to work with.

So put a can in it--just the fact that you even suggested that someone would take on foster parenting--when she was already in her own business as a tax lawyer--making big bucks already--is just plain STUPID. Obviously--she did it because she cares about kids. And NO foster parent takes on more than 2 or 3 kids at a time.
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You're perverting conservatism to fit your warped view of women. Please stop calling yourself a conservative.

LOL. Why don't all of you centrist, linguini-spined people who don't actually stand for anything, and are willing to compromise on everything give up the word to those of us who actually believe in Conservatism.... that is the TRADITIONAL WESTERN VALUES THAT WERE THE BASIS OF PRETTY MUCH EVERY WESTERN NATION PRIOR TO 1900.... That is before you imbeciles went and fucked it all up by giving away the damn farm to every single fucking special interest group out there.

Luck has nothing to do with it. Faith in God and acceptance of His Son Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior does.

Thanks. I needed that laugh. I learned that lesson already. I saw how much good 54 years of that faith did my father.... the most truly faithful, good, and decent person I've ever known; dead on his 54th birthday of Cancer just as he and my mom were about to start being able to live their lives for themselves instead of for everyone else. If your God doesn't have any Mercy to show a man like him, there's no sense in me wasting my time on that God, because he's sure as hell not going to have any to spare for a guy like me.
Who cares! It's kind of nice that there are adults out there that will pick up kids off of the streets--who's parents are deliquent at raising or taking care of their own kids. Da-Duh

I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?

Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

I didn't say that there was any evidence one way or another. However, 23 foster kids is a pretty high number, especially for someone who already has 5 kids. I don't know what her main motivation was. Maybe she had a financial motive. Maybe she had a religious motive. Maybe she had multiple motives. At this point, I'm kind of curious as to how much money the state paid her over time to take in 23 foster kids for however long they were living with her.
Who cares! It's kind of nice that there are adults out there that will pick up kids off of the streets--who's parents are deliquent at raising or taking care of their own kids. Da-Duh

I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?

Well judging how much food my grandkids EAT when they are at my house for a few days--plus heating rooms that I normally don't heat--using water--entertainment costs--like going to a movie--you can see why FOSTER PARENTS are paid.

And I know Foster Parents--and give them all the credit in the world. Because most of the time--they are NOT dealing with kids who have been raised well--and or are easy to work with.

So put a can in it--just the fact that you even suggested that someone would take on foster parenting--when she was already in her own business as a tax lawyer--making big bucks already--is just plain STUPID. Obviously--she did it because she cares about kids. And NO foster parent takes on more than 2 or 3 kids at a time.

My understanding is that Bachmann quit her job to become a full time mother. I think that's a good thing, frankly.
I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?

Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

I didn't say that there was any evidence one way or another. However, 23 foster kids is a pretty high number, especially for someone who already has 5 kids. I don't know what her main motivation was. Maybe she had a financial motive. Maybe she had a religious motive. Maybe she had multiple motives. At this point, I'm kind of curious as to how much money the state paid her over time to take in 23 foster kids for however long they were living with her.

There are Americans who live their entire lives being foster parents. Meaning they're going to have a couple for a few months--then another--then another--then another.

What don't you understand about that? And What the hell do you care how much money they made--if any--off of it. Michelle Bachmann is NOT trailer trash--and never needed income from foster parenting. GEEZ you liberals will go off on any freakin tangent--in an effort to smear a good woman.
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Who cares! It's kind of nice that there are adults out there that will pick up kids off of the streets--who's parents are deliquent at raising or taking care of their own kids. Da-Duh

I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?

Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

It's not "pure charity" if you get paid to do it.
I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?

Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

It's not "pure charity" if you get paid to do it.

And it's more than obvious--you're still in your thumb sucking years. Because any responsible parent knows how much it costs to cloth--feed and entertain children.
I expect the public's awareness of the issue was primarily due to Fox.


And is that primarily the source and due for the extraordinarily high numbers of people not believing the president was born in the US?
Beats me. If you want to make a case for it, feel free. Be advised that just because you say so is not sufficient.

Ironic that you would say that right after you posted your own say so on how the news of the Wright story got out,

as if that was sufficient.

Very ironic.
So you finally jumped off the Palin for President bus eh?

Told you that dumb bitch would never run.

For Army, this must be just like getting a new months Penthouse in the mail.

The latest and greatest spank material.
Absolutely not. I hope Bachmann goes down. When she hired Ed Rollins last week and she let him attack Palin, that was it and was the wrong thing to do. I'm more than excited from the news just released.


The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Palin Decision Expected Next Week

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is expected within a week to make a decision on whether to enter the 2012 presidential campaign, according to one Republican source.

Vendors of campaign services who hope to work for Team Palin have been told that Palin, the 2008 GOP vice-presidential candidate, will decide soon one way or another on mounting a 2012 campaign.

She let Rollins attack Palin because Bachmann hates strong conservative women...

...that is if you believe the lunacy being tossed about here.
Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

I didn't say that there was any evidence one way or another. However, 23 foster kids is a pretty high number, especially for someone who already has 5 kids. I don't know what her main motivation was. Maybe she had a financial motive. Maybe she had a religious motive. Maybe she had multiple motives. At this point, I'm kind of curious as to how much money the state paid her over time to take in 23 foster kids for however long they were living with her.

There are Americans who live their entire lives being foster parents. Meaning they're going to have a couple for a few months--then another--then another--then another.

What don't you understand about that? And What the hell do you care how much money they made--if any--off of it. Michelle Bachmann is NOT trailer trash--and never needed income from foster parenting. GEEZ you liberals will go off on any freakin tangent--in an effort to smear a good woman.

Not sure she received a dime. I'm guessing probably not because had she, it'd be all over the place. I could be wrong.
For Army, this must be just like getting a new months Penthouse in the mail.

The latest and greatest spank material.
Absolutely not. I hope Bachmann goes down. When she hired Ed Rollins last week and she let him attack Palin, that was it and was the wrong thing to do. I'm more than excited from the news just released.


The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Palin Decision Expected Next Week

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is expected within a week to make a decision on whether to enter the 2012 presidential campaign, according to one Republican source.

Vendors of campaign services who hope to work for Team Palin have been told that Palin, the 2008 GOP vice-presidential candidate, will decide soon one way or another on mounting a 2012 campaign.

She let Rollins attack Palin because Bachmann hates strong conservative women...

...that is if you believe the lunacy being tossed about here.

Bachmann attacking Palin--no way! These gals are very good friends--and you can bet Palin is all behind Bachmann--all the way. Palin will be Bachmann's biggest supporter.
If you weren't so lazy, you wouldn't have to rely on the media....
If you'll remember, the media didn't do it's job in checking out Obama. A lot of people had questions, and the liberal media ignored them.

The hardest-hitting question the lib media asked Senator Obama was, "So, tell us, Senator -- just exactly how awesome ARE you?" :cool:

So why did Obama feel compelled to make a speech repudiating Rev. Wright,

if the media never made anything of that relationship?

If nobody knew anything about it, because the media covered it up, why didn't he just let it go?

Um, I think one of their idols would prefer you use 'refudiated':cool:
I think it's great that some people take in kids who wouldn't otherwise have any kind of real home. With that said, not everyone who does so has selfless motives for taking in foster kids. Personally, I would like to know more about the subject since 23 kids is a pretty high number. For example, did the kids just live with her for a short period of time, or did they live with her for years? How many foster kids lived in her home at one time? Was it five at a time, or ten at a time, or fifteen at a time?

Lacking any evidence there was any motive other than pure charity, why?

It's not "pure charity" if you get paid to do it.
Exactly! According to CON$ervatism it's Socialism, taking from the achievers to give to the needy. It's welfare, she took on children she could not afford expecting the government she hates to pick up the tab.

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