How John Roberts Lost His Court.

You don't know that the Heritage Foundation writes all our right wing laws?

Hans A. von Spakovskyof The Heritage Foundation and former member of the Federal Election Commissionsaid "The Supreme Court has restored a part of the First Amendment that had been unfortunately stolen by Congress and a previously wrongly-decided ruling of the court.

Seriously you don't know all this?
1) haha no they don't....but writing laws, and case law?

2) I am aware of Citizens United, and agree with restoring the First Amendment...

3) again what was the opinion have to do with Project 2025? You haven't connected the two at about, what in Project 2025 relates to Citizens United?
There's being business friendly and being "THE MOST business friendly court ever. Dumb ass.
ok...again....I fail to see an issue here, or what you are talking about....all you have done is go on about Citizens United, that has to do with the First Amendment, and far more then just businesses.

What really is your issue with business anyway? How else do people live with you being in business? you expect everyone to be a charity case? where is the charity gonna come from?
1) haha no they don't....but writing laws, and case law?

2) I am aware of Citizens United, and agree with restoring the First Amendment...

3) again what was the opinion have to do with Project 2025? You haven't connected the two at about, what in Project 2025 relates to Citizens United?
STFU idiot. I agree with restoring the 1st Amendment. No idiot. What you agree with is letting money take over our government. Because you believe that favors Republicans. Well you are right.

Our founding fathers worried we had too many idiots like you voting.
Roberts problem is that he'd rather be liked by his adversaries than do the right thing.
ok...again....I fail to see an issue here, or what you are talking about....all you have done is go on about Citizens United, that has to do with the First Amendment, and far more then just businesses.

What really is your issue with business anyway? How else do people live with you being in business? you expect everyone to be a charity case? where is the charity gonna come from?
Yes, I know you fail to see. That's why I call you a Not See. Dumb fucker!

If I have to explain it to you after all these years and if you like it, I guess that makes you a Republican. But a deep state pro corrupt globalist RINO. Because most people with common sense don't want corporations and rich people influencing our elections. But you like it. For some sick twisted 1st amendmen reason. Let me guess, it's unconstitutional to not support Citizens United. LOL. FUUUUCK YOU
Roberts problem is that he'd rather be liked by his adversaries than do the right thing.
No one likes him. I told you retards, they will give liberals a small socially liberal win on gay marriage or something like that, shit no one really cares about, but then be the most pro corporate hacks in the history of the Supreme Court.

They work for the DEEP STATE GLOBALIST RINO's you fucking idiot. I thought you didn't like the deep state?
Yes, I know you fail to see. That's why I call you a Not See. Dumb fucker!

If I have to explain it to you after all these years and if you like it, I guess that makes you a Republican. But a deep state pro corrupt globalist RINO. Because most people with common sense don't want corporations and rich people influencing our elections. But you like it. For some sick twisted 1st amendmen reason. Let me guess, it's unconstitutional to not support Citizens United. LOL. FUUUUCK YOU

What did the Court decide in Citizens United that makes you so sad?
STFU idiot. I agree with restoring the 1st Amendment. No idiot. What you agree with is letting money take over our government. Because you believe that favors Republicans. Well you are right.

Our founding fathers worried we had too many idiots like you voting.

Um, are govt is run on do you think the Govt operates without money? They get money from businesses, and individuals that make money from businesses. What the F are you talking about?

What you want to do is limit who can speak...that's why you dislike Citizens United, because you believe people speaking, hurts your demafascsit agenda...and you are right it does
Yes, I know you fail to see. That's why I call you a Not See. Dumb fucker!

If I have to explain it to you after all these years and if you like it, I guess that makes you a Republican. But a deep state pro corrupt globalist RINO. Because most people with common sense don't want corporations and rich people influencing our elections. But you like it. For some sick twisted 1st amendmen reason. Let me guess, it's unconstitutional to not support Citizens United. LOL. FUUUUCK YOU
all i see is wild conspiracy theories from you....somehow connecting Project 2025, which you have no clue what's in, to a old supreme court case about free speech

‘Dark money’ groups have poured billions into federal elections since the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision​

They were before, the law that citizens United found violated the constitution was only a few years old

Educate yourself
Well not everything, but for basic things like this I do.

Hence I post on a website about American politics. I know basic civics
If you like Citizens United, it's because it's how rich white men with power get to keep power for a little bit longer. Your good old "white" boys group is getting broken up. Citizens United is a way for the rich "white" to keep unfair influence and you think they care about you just because they've duped you into voting with them over social wedge issues.

So even on common sense things like global warming and citizens united, these issues prove you poor Republican are sheep and will defend even the indefensible. No surprise bro.
If you like Citizens United, it's because it's how rich white men with power get to keep power for a little bit longer. Your good old "white" boys group is getting broken up. Citizens United is a way for the rich "white" to keep unfair influence and you think they care about you just because they've duped you into voting with them over social wedge issues.

So even on common sense things like global warming and citizens united, these issues prove you poor Republican are sheep and will defend even the indefensible. No surprise bro.
Citizens United wasn’t even a group of rich men or even a for profit business.

Like you are clueless
If you like Citizens United, it's because it's how rich white men with power get to keep power for a little bit longer. Your good old "white" boys group is getting broken up. Citizens United is a way for the rich "white" to keep unfair influence and you think they care about you just because they've duped you into voting with them over social wedge issues.

So even on common sense things like global warming and citizens united, these issues prove you poor Republican are sheep and will defend even the indefensible. No surprise bro.

Citizens United is a way for the rich "white" to keep unfair influence

Citizens United is unfair because it allows rich, white Hillary to be criticized during
election season.
If you like Citizens United, it's because it's how rich white men with power get to keep power for a little bit longer. Your good old "white" boys group is getting broken up. Citizens United is a way for the rich "white" to keep unfair influence and you think they care about you just because they've duped you into voting with them over social wedge issues.

So even on common sense things like global warming and citizens united, these issues prove you poor Republican are sheep and will defend even the indefensible. No surprise bro.

Global warming should be criticized, even if that makes you cry.
Global warming should be criticized, even if that makes you cry.

Not really. But once the Republicans had you on the gay issue, guns, religion and racism, you'll go along with anything.

You'll go along with trickle down even though you're middle class
You'll deny global warming because oil company lobbyists tell you to
And you'll defend the deep state globalist rino's as long as they aren't saying bad things about Trump
Correct, not any longer.
Never did. Please link to any mention of abortion in the constitution, moron. I can direct you to another founding document, The Declaration of Independence where the founders of this country made it very clear that formost among their beliefs of unalienable rights are LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Got it? Good! Now run along.

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