Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

Like a fascist, daveman keeps aping the Nazi big lie syndrome. You also ape Alinski. Hmmm . . .
Keep flapping the vestiges of your credibility, Jokey. :rofl:
What is it with these idiots and the NAZI references? Thier very use of the term in such context shows that they haven't a clue, and have turned a horrible historical event, into a cheapened political ephitet.

If Jokey/Fakey was so damned smart as he claims to be? He wouldn't use it to describe you, or modern Conservatism, or Conservatives to which HE claims to be one.

Jokey continues to scuttle his own ship much to our bemusement.
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Like a fascist, daveman keeps aping the Nazi big lie syndrome. You also ape Alinski. Hmmm . . .
Keep flapping the vestiges of your credibility, Jokey. :rofl:
What is it with these idiots and the NAZI references? Thier very use of the term in such context shows that they haven't a clue, and have turned a horrible historical event, into a cheapened political ephitet.

If Jokey/Fakey was so damned smart as he claims to be? He wouldn't use it to describe you, or modern Conservatism, or Conservatives to which HE claims to be one.

Jokey continues to scuttle his own ship much to our bemusement.
Like all leftists pretending to be conservatives, Jokey is failing spectacularly.

But that's only because he's not very bright.
daveman has always had trouble telling the truth and understand facts.

He lies. That is what filthy little fascist liars do, they lie.

Then they whine. :lol:
Ahhh. So now "being informed" means "mindlessly believing everything Obama tells you".

You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

Nice dodge, Davey. But forget it, it doesn't work anymore. It took me a long time to get your number, I'm ashamed to say. But now I have it. You love to use every Republican talking point there is and never provide anything of substance. Because you are a typical low information conservative voter.
Odd how you never seem to provide any factual refutation then, isn't it? Do you really think "because I say so!!" is sufficient? :lol:

Good Lord!!! That's how this latest exchange started and you know it.
Give it up, Dave. You're getting your ass kicked on this thread. And deservedly so.

I'm sure it comforts your little mind to feel that way, but no. :lol:

But this is interesting:

Jokey is a self-described mainstream Republican. One of the most far-left members here, Rinata, is on his side, cheering him on, thanking his posts, and probably pos-repping him. And given her hyperpartisanship, she's unlikely to ever support a conservative in political issues.

So, Jokey -- do you really think you're fooling anybody? :lol:

Why don't you respond to my comment?? Why not give it up?? You got your asked kicked, Davey!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
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I told you would like again, and you just did again. :lol:

I assume you meant "lie" instead of "like". What do you claim is the lie I told?
And no, I didn't. I proved my point using your own words.

Leftists commonly insist they didn't say what they said. And here you are doing it.

That tactic is getting so old. You know exactly what lie, Davey. You're just hoping that by stalling you can get out of it. You do that ALL the time.
daveman has always had trouble telling the truth and understand facts.

He lies. That is what filthy little fascist liars do, they lie.

Then they whine. :lol:
Where did I lie, Jokey? Grow a pair and lay out your case, boy. Or STFU, you lying little shit.

He won't let you get away with it, Davey. I told you that tactic is getting old. :lol::lol::lol:
Nice dodge, Davey. But forget it, it doesn't work anymore. It took me a long time to get your number, I'm ashamed to say. But now I have it. You love to use every Republican talking point there is and never provide anything of substance. Because you are a typical low information conservative voter.
Odd how you never seem to provide any factual refutation then, isn't it? Do you really think "because I say so!!" is sufficient? :lol:

Good Lord!!! That's how this latest exchange started and you know it.

Uh huh. Sure. :lol:
Give it up, Dave. You're getting your ass kicked on this thread. And deservedly so.

I'm sure it comforts your little mind to feel that way, but no. :lol:

But this is interesting:

Jokey is a self-described mainstream Republican. One of the most far-left members here, Rinata, is on his side, cheering him on, thanking his posts, and probably pos-repping him. And given her hyperpartisanship, she's unlikely to ever support a conservative in political issues.

So, Jokey -- do you really think you're fooling anybody? :lol:

Why don't you rerspond to my comment?? Why not give it up?? You got your asked kicked, Davey!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
I feel no obligation to defend against your fantasies. :lol:
I told you would like again, and you just did again. :lol:

I assume you meant "lie" instead of "like". What do you claim is the lie I told?
And no, I didn't. I proved my point using your own words.

Leftists commonly insist they didn't say what they said. And here you are doing it.

That tactic is getting so old. You know exactly what lie, Davey. You're just hoping that by stalling you can get out of it. You do that ALL the time.
Horseshit. If you know what the lie is, you tell me. Otherwise, it's obvious there IS no lie.

And there it is again: A rabid leftist coming to "mainstream Republican" Jokey's defense. :rofl:
daveman has always had trouble telling the truth and understand facts.

He lies. That is what filthy little fascist liars do, they lie.

Then they whine. :lol:
Where did I lie, Jokey? Grow a pair and lay out your case, boy. Or STFU, you lying little shit.

He won't let you get away with it, Davey. I told you that tactic is getting old. :lol::lol::lol:
If he'd tell me what the lie is, he wouldn't be letting me get away with it.

Hear that, Jokey? Even Rinata knows you need to step up. :lol:
Where did I lie, Jokey? Grow a pair and lay out your case, boy. Or STFU, you lying little shit.

He won't let you get away with it, Davey. I told you that tactic is getting old. :lol::lol::lol:
If he'd tell me what the lie is, he wouldn't be letting me get away with it.

Hear that, Jokey? Even Rinata knows you need to step up. :lol:

Don't dare to presume what I know. On your best day you couldn't keep up with me. Why don't you just answer Jake's question and quit making yourself look like a dope???
The lying lefties told us we were all crazy when we tried to have BO vetted. They assured us we were racists and bigots to question anything about Bo's past. These people who are trying to find dirt on Bachmann are the bottom of the garbage can slime. The same deranged, lying, pusillanimous pissants that smeared Palin. The truth is an alternative universe in their sick world.
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He won't let you get away with it, Davey. I told you that tactic is getting old. :lol::lol::lol:
If he'd tell me what the lie is, he wouldn't be letting me get away with it.

Hear that, Jokey? Even Rinata knows you need to step up. :lol:

Don't dare to presume what I know. On your best day you couldn't keep up with me. Why don't you just answer Jake's question and quit making yourself look like a dope??? don't know what this alleged lie is, then.

So why are you mindlessly cheerleading Jokey? :lol:

Oh, wait...I think I just answered my own question. :rofl:
The lying lefties told us we were all crazy when we tried to have BO vetted. They assured us we were racists and bigots to question anything about Bo's past. These people who are trying to find dirt on Bachmann are the bottom of the garbage can slime. The same deranged, lying, pusillanimous pissants that smeared Palin. The truth is an alternative universe in their sick world.
As was already pointed out earlier in this thread, the source of this dirt is the Right. The dirt was dug up by the GOP and posted on the CON$ervative website The Daily Caller. Even your MessiahRushie admits it, but in typical Alinksy fashion CON$ blame what they are doing on the Libs.

May 16, 2011
RUSH: Let's move to this whole notion here of what's happening inside the Republican field and the fact that opposition research is now being conducted on Michele Bachmann. There is a little game -- I don't know if you've noticed this, but if you haven't noticed it, don't doubt me. Part of my job is to notice things before you do, and then tell you. It's called the cutting edge. I'm on it. I own it. There's a little game being played by the established Republican commentariate, what I call the inside-the-Beltway conservative intelligentsia, the Republican intellectual elite. It is aimed at muddling conservatism and discrediting, taking down, if you will, conservative Tea Party candidates in the Republican presidential primary process.

RUSH: Now, let's look at Bachmann, just a quick peek here at Michele Bachmann. She is a favored target of establishment Washington. Now, that doesn't come as a surprise to you, does it? I mean you know that she's a target, you've seen it. It might perplex you as to why at this stage of the game. Look, I know we are in the Republican primaries and the battle is between ourselves now. It's understandable. But in establishment Washington Bachmann is a favorite target, and even to the point of talking about she's too short or she's radical or what have you. But in this case, in the Daily Caller piece, the attack on her is that she supported earmarks and ethanol.
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The lying lefties told us we were all crazy when we tried to have BO vetted. They assured us we were racists and bigots to question anything about Bo's past. These people who are trying to find dirt on Bachmann are the bottom of the garbage can slime. The same deranged, lying, pusillanimous pissants that smeared Palin. The truth is an alternative universe in their sick world.

are you saying that the right was AFRAID to vet Obama? :lol::lol::lol:
"The truth is an alternative universe in their sick world" is an excellent description of the Jack Fates in our country.

Sick, sick, sick.
I got the name from GOP hate radio calling the First Lady "Moochelle."

Oopsie yet again!

I've been posting here long enough for you to know by now that all my "offensive" language comes from precedents set by GOP shills.

  1. Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized?

    Why Can't Moochelle Obama's Fashion Choices Be Criticized? March 25, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash. Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only ... - Cached
  2. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  3. Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle

    Photo: DSK Leers at Moochelle. May 27, 2011. Listen To It! WMP | Flash ... - Cached
  4. Obama Tells You to Sacrifice, While Moochelle Vacations in Spain

    Aug 10, 2010 ... RUSH: There's a story from Sunday in The Politico: FLOTUS ... - Cached - Similar
  5. It's a Big Story: Carla Bruni Says Moochelle Obama Hates Her Job

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Figures. Instead of rising about the behavior you condemn, you choose to wallow in it.

Stop pretending you hold the moral high ground -- because you don't.
I didn't condemn it!!! YOU did.
I simply use the same tactics CON$ use and let the CON$ throw a shit fit!!! :lol:
So you're not a hypocrite, you're an asshole.

Some improvement.

Look, I know the concept of individuality is hard for a statist drone such as yourself to comprehend, but I'm responsible ONLY for what I say. No one else.

I realize that's an alien concept to you. But you can't blame me for what a guy on the radio says, especially when I don't even listen to him.

'Understand? I'm betting "no".
What daveman fails to understand that he is a collectivist as well as an individual. It comes with being a part of a group. If he groups with Hard Right folks, then he gets splattered with their dirt. End of story.

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