Back Lives Matter Vs All Lives Matter


Diamond Member
May 15, 2014
The frozen Northeast
Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal was white, then black,and now... Then of course there's the question if Rachel Dolezal had presented herself as white would she have been promoted to the position in the NAACP she was while faking being black?

For months I've been hearing black lives matter and I've felt a bit insulted because all lives should matter. Blacks aren't the only race who have trouble with the cops and it seems to me they think they are. Whites have trouble with the police too, it's just our attitude is if he/she did something to get the cops called they probably deserve what they got, "should've known better", and we don't really complain. My mother once told me "if you get arrested don't call me because I won't help you, you're where you belong". I told the same to my kids.

OK enough of the rambling. Here's the question.

Where is society going with all this? Are we going to drop all the labels and be a anything you want to Identify yourself as society? Is this good or bad. What are the Pro's and Con's?
Where is society going with all this? Are we going to drop all the labels and be a anything you want to Identify yourself as society? Is this good or bad. What are the Pro's and Con's?
OK. If Asclips can be smart and Stats straight, then Dolezal can be black and Jenner a woman I guess.
Where is society going with all this? Are we going to drop all the labels and be a anything you want to Identify yourself as society? Is this good or bad. What are the Pro's and Con's?
OK. If Asclips can be smart and Stats straight, then Dolezal can be black and Jenner a woman I guess.

But if Dozel is black then do black lives matter or should the movement change their slogan to all lives matter?
The ID/victim politics will sustain as long as a political party (currently and for the past 43 years, democrats) can capitalize on perpetuating the illusion.
The party who holds MLK to the highest esteem is totally contradictory to his message. And no one says a word.

Black lives don't matter to the black community as more then a tool to attack white people.

Why??? They say little to nothing about the 2,500 black on black murders/ year. What do they do when the police try to stop it?? They scream how evil the police are and burn the city down! Then when the police back off = the highest murder rate in history of Baltimore. To tell you the truth it is all based on bullshit right out of the gate as blacks kill twice as many whites every year.
Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal was white, then black,and now... Then of course there's the question if Rachel Dolezal had presented herself as white would she have been promoted to the position in the NAACP she was while faking being black?

For months I've been hearing black lives matter and I've felt a bit insulted because all lives should matter. Blacks aren't the only race who have trouble with the cops and it seems to me they think they are. Whites have trouble with the police too, it's just our attitude is if he/she did something to get the cops called they probably deserve what they got, "should've known better", and we don't really complain. My mother once told me "if you get arrested don't call me because I won't help you, you're where you belong". I told the same to my kids.

OK enough of the rambling. Here's the question.

Where is society going with all this? Are we going to drop all the labels and be a anything you want to Identify yourself as society? Is this good or bad. What are the Pro's and Con's?

I'm hoping we're approaching Peak Moral Relativism.

Reality matters.
Words have Real Definitions.
Biology is not a social construct.

Even Liberal Professors are terrified of the Social Justice Special Snowflakes they're ideology breeds. And the Cait-Rachel disparity is putting their "I Am Whatever I Think I Am and the World Is What I Believe It Is" nonsense in high relief.
Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal was white, then black,and now... Then of course there's the question if Rachel Dolezal had presented herself as white would she have been promoted to the position in the NAACP she was while faking being black?

For months I've been hearing black lives matter and I've felt a bit insulted because all lives should matter. Blacks aren't the only race who have trouble with the cops and it seems to me they think they are. Whites have trouble with the police too, it's just our attitude is if he/she did something to get the cops called they probably deserve what they got, "should've known better", and we don't really complain. My mother once told me "if you get arrested don't call me because I won't help you, you're where you belong". I told the same to my kids.

OK enough of the rambling. Here's the question.

Where is society going with all this? Are we going to drop all the labels and be a anything you want to Identify yourself as society? Is this good or bad. What are the Pro's and Con's?

I'm hoping we're approaching Peak Moral Relativism.

Reality matters.
Words have Real Definitions.
Biology is not a social construct.

Even Liberal Professors are terrified of the Social Justice Special Snowflakes they're ideology breeds. And the Cait-Rachel disparity is putting their "I Am Whatever I Think I Am and the World Is What I Believe It Is" nonsense in high relief.

In short...mental illness runs rampant and unchecked
If black lives mattered why won't they do something to take apart ghetto culture and teach their kids better? Attacking the police and rioting against the police everytime they need to defend themselves against a criminal isn't the solution.
If black lives mattered why won't they do something to take apart ghetto culture and teach their kids better? Attacking the police and rioting against the police everytime they need to defend themselves against a criminal isn't the solution.

Why? Because the Dems benefit from the votes of people herded together in a physical and ideological plantation....far away from their own gated communities.

Black lives don't matter to the black community as more then a tool to attack white people.

Why??? They say little to nothing about the 2,500 black on black murders/ year. What do they do when the police try to stop it?? They scream how evil the police are and burn the city down! Then when the police back off = the highest murder rate in history of Baltimore. To tell you the truth it is all based on bullshit right out of the gate as blacks kill twice as many whites every year.
Good point

Matthew 7 New International Version (NIV)
Judging Others
7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal was white, then black,and now... Then of course there's the question if Rachel Dolezal had presented herself as white would she have been promoted to the position in the NAACP she was while faking being black?

For months I've been hearing black lives matter and I've felt a bit insulted because all lives should matter. Blacks aren't the only race who have trouble with the cops and it seems to me they think they are. Whites have trouble with the police too, it's just our attitude is if he/she did something to get the cops called they probably deserve what they got, "should've known better", and we don't really complain. My mother once told me "if you get arrested don't call me because I won't help you, you're where you belong". I told the same to my kids.

OK enough of the rambling. Here's the question.

Where is society going with all this? Are we going to drop all the labels and be a anything you want to Identify yourself as society? Is this good or bad. What are the Pro's and Con's?

I'm hoping we're approaching Peak Moral Relativism.

Reality matters.
Words have Real Definitions.
Biology is not a social construct.

Even Liberal Professors are terrified of the Social Justice Special Snowflakes they're ideology breeds. And the Cait-Rachel disparity is putting their "I Am Whatever I Think I Am and the World Is What I Believe It Is" nonsense in high relief.
Well the liberal party has to be in a quandary about Miss Dolezal's identity crisis coming so close on the heels of Bruce Jenners sex/identity change. To say Miss Dolezal Is wrong about identifying herself as black will bring into question all the LGBT platforms they have been preaching. It also puts The black community on the hot seat. Scream to high heaven about Miss Dolezal's identity call her a Wigger proves them racist. Even to call her out as a fraud put's them in a awkward PC situation because it's what she Identify's as the same way Bruce Jenner Identifies himself as a woman. There's no difference. it will be interesting to see what happens.
Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal was white, then black,and now... Then of course there's the question if Rachel Dolezal had presented herself as white would she have been promoted to the position in the NAACP she was while faking being black?

For months I've been hearing black lives matter and I've felt a bit insulted because all lives should matter. Blacks aren't the only race who have trouble with the cops and it seems to me they think they are. Whites have trouble with the police too, it's just our attitude is if he/she did something to get the cops called they probably deserve what they got, "should've known better", and we don't really complain. My mother once told me "if you get arrested don't call me because I won't help you, you're where you belong". I told the same to my kids.

OK enough of the rambling. Here's the question.

Where is society going with all this? Are we going to drop all the labels and be a anything you want to Identify yourself as society? Is this good or bad. What are the Pro's and Con's?

I'm hoping we're approaching Peak Moral Relativism.

Reality matters.
Words have Real Definitions.
Biology is not a social construct.

Even Liberal Professors are terrified of the Social Justice Special Snowflakes they're ideology breeds. And the Cait-Rachel disparity is putting their "I Am Whatever I Think I Am and the World Is What I Believe It Is" nonsense in high relief.

In short...mental illness runs rampant and unchecked
I totally agree. Everybody wants to improve their appearance. That said to be so unhappy with what you were born as and who you are as a person,to hack yourself up or go to extremes to change what's perfectly good in the first place, it has to be mental illness.
Body dysmorphic disorder
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


It has been suggested that Muscle dysmorphia be merged into this article. (Discuss) Proposed since February 2015.
Body dysmorphic disorder
Classification and external resources
ICD-9 300.7
DiseasesDB 33723
eMedicine med/3124
Patient UK Body dysmorphic disorder
Body dysmorphic disorder (also known as BDD, body dysmorphia, dysmorphic syndrome, or dysmorphophobia), is a disorder that involves belief that one's own appearance is unusually defective and is worthy of being hidden or fixed.[1] This belief manifests in thoughts that many times are pervasive and intrusive.

About half of those diagnosed with BDD spend over three hours a day attempting to conceal or correct flaws that are perceived but often not reality.[1][2] If the perceived flaw has any foundation in reality, it is typically minor, though severely exaggerated.[2] The distress that accompanies BDD can affect quality of life by impairing social, occupational, and academic functioning, and yielding social isolation, though it is important to note that this is not found in all cases.[2] Causal factors seem to be grounded in many different aspects including: genetic, developmental, personality, and social engagement.[2] BDD is relatively common, as it is found in about 1% to 2% of the population, and is generally thought to be equally prevalent in women and men.[2] That being said there are discrepancies about the prevalence in relation to sex. These discrepancies predominantly come from an inconsistent view of BDD by researchers who, before the creation of a standardized questionnaire, had trouble with its diagnosis.[1] BDD can occur in adults or in children, yet usually begins during adolescence where large amounts of change is happening within the body.[2][3] That being said the causes of BDD are not fully understood. There are many indicators that BDD may have strong link to social aspects, such as bullying and abuse at a young age.[3]

The social aspect of the manifestation of BDD is also seen when looking at the expectation of attractiveness that is prevalent in society.[1] It is also important to note that there are suggestions that genetics may be crucial to determining who is more susceptible to BDD.[3] Studies have shown that 8% of people with BDD have a close relative who have also had the disorder and about 7% of people with BDD have a close relative who had OCD.[3] That being said, BDD is in fact an obsessive-compulsive related disorder (OCRD).[2][4] Similarly, BDD and anxiety disorders, such as OCD, social phobia, and panic disorder have a 7% comorbidity rate.[5] This correlation is particularly exemplified when looking at the methods used to assist people to recover from BDD in comparison with methods used to assist people to recover from OCD, which very much parallel each other.[1] BDD also shares many treatment rituals with OCD as well as many symptoms.[1]Eating disorders as well share many similarities in symptoms, including a heightened sense of perfectionism and a particularly negative body image [6]

Besides the main version of BDD, the DSM-I also describes a delusional version of the disorder which can involve delusions of reference, whereby one believes, for instance, that passersby are pointing at the flaw.[1][2]
Body dysmorphic disorder - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Now I have to question if people who go through a sex change don't have a form of this? Doesn't he feeling that ones natural sex organs don't belong in some way fit the bill for this disorder? Isn't that what Chaz Bono and Jenner are complaining of? Why then isn't wanting a sex change considered a mental illness?

"the oppressive feeling that one or more limbs of one's body do not belong to one's self".[3]

Body integrity identity disorder
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Self-amputation" redirects here. See also Autotomy.
Body integrity identity disorder (BIID, also referred to as amputee identity disorder[1]) is a condition wherein sufferers feel they would be happier living as an amputee, or being "transabled."[2] It is related to xenomelia, "the oppressive feeling that one or more limbs of one's body do not belong to one's self".[3]

BIID is typically accompanied by the desire to amputate one or more healthy limbs to achieve that end. BIID can be associated with apotemnophilia, sexual arousal based on the image of one's self as an amputee. The cause of BIID is unknown. One theory states that the cause of BIID is a neurological failing of the brain's inner body mapping function (located in the right parietal lobe). According to this theory, the brain mapping does not incorporate the affected limb in its understanding of the body's physical form.[citation needed]

Body integrity identity disorder - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Symptoms of BIID sufferers are often keenly felt. Sufferers of BIID are uncomfortable with a part of their body, such as a limb, and feel confident that removing or disabling this part of their body will relieve their discomfort. Sufferers may have intense feelings of envy toward amputees. They may pretend that they are an amputee, both in public and in private. Sufferers experience the above symptoms as being strange and unnatural. They may try to injure themselves to require the amputation of that limb. They are generally ashamed of their thoughts and may try to hide them from others, including therapists and health care professionals.[citation needed]

The majority of BIID sufferers are white middle-aged males, although this discrepancy may not be nearly as large as previously thought.[4] The most common[clarification needed] request is an above-the-knee amputation of the left leg, but it may also involve the arms, manifest itself as a need for paralysis, or even involve the senses, such as hearing or vision.[5][6][7]

A sexual motivation for being or looking like an amputee is called apotemnophilia.[8][9] In addition, apotemnophilia should not be mistaken for acrotomophilia, which describes a person who is sexually attracted to other people who are already missing limbs.[10] However, many of the people who experience one also experience the other.[11]
All lives matter, but don't fool yourself. Some lives matter more to some and some matter less. The same is true with death. With some of people in the news in the last few years, their deaths mattered far more than their lives ever did or would.

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