Back Lives Matter Vs All Lives Matter

none of this matters in China. to the leaders of the past 200 or more years, Chinese lives mattered as much as insects.
do spiders lives matter?
i will ask the spiders that live in my home.
they said yes, and afterwards they told me that they plan a massive nuclear attack on the roaches that "Think They Live In Their House".
So Spider man does exist.:thup:
i am pretty sure the 7 inch black widows have not had any problem taking out those giant florida palmetto bugs that think my home is their home!
Borders are arbitrary social constructs like gender and race that don't exist in reality. Just lines in the sand. If someone identifies with another nationality, they should be able to have citizenship and enter the country they identify with.
But having a country means there are borders. Borders are to insure those who live there are registered citizens and paying for their amenities like roads, schools,military, ETC. It also prevents overcrowding according to resources. The lines do have a practical application. I.E.You can't put the whole world population in the space of the UK.
But those citizens have cis-privilege. Meaning they were born in the country they self-identify with. They are perpetuating their privilege and discriminating against transnationals who happened to be born in another country by denying them entry into the country.
But how do you know their entry is being denied if there are no borders?
That's the point, without borders their entry cannot be denied. We must have open borders to not be discriminatory bigots. :lol:
But what if all the land is owned and they can't find a rent? Where do they live?
The United States could easily fit all 6 billion people of the if necessary. Have you seen all that open land in the middle of the country no one is using? We shouldn't be so selfish.
But having a country means there are borders. Borders are to insure those who live there are registered citizens and paying for their amenities like roads, schools,military, ETC. It also prevents overcrowding according to resources. The lines do have a practical application. I.E.You can't put the whole world population in the space of the UK.
But those citizens have cis-privilege. Meaning they were born in the country they self-identify with. They are perpetuating their privilege and discriminating against transnationals who happened to be born in another country by denying them entry into the country.
But how do you know their entry is being denied if there are no borders?
That's the point, without borders their entry cannot be denied. We must have open borders to not be discriminatory bigots. :lol:
But what if all the land is owned and they can't find a rent? Where do they live?
The United States could easily fit all 6 billion people of the if necessary. Have you seen all that open land in the middle of the country no one is using? We shouldn't be so selfish.
With what resources?
You two are about 24 hrs too late for the "I misspelled black" party. Post #17 Hand in your spray tans and move to the back of the bus.

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