Back Lives Matter Vs All Lives Matter

Then of course there's the question if Rachel Dolezal had presented herself as white would she have been promoted to the position in the NAACP she was while faking being black?

Not really.

For months I've been hearing black lives matter and I've felt a bit insulted because all lives should matter.

Its BlackLivesMatter, not OnlyBlackLivesMatter.

Whiny Baby Lives matter too, just so you know I care.
Somebody needs a nap.
how about the lives of people wearing "Black-Face" and passing them off as Black? when in reality, they are white.
what does "black" and "white" even mean?
According to the left, nothing. Gender means nothing,race means nothing. I guess this means the Black Lives Matter movement means nothing because who's black and who's white? Nobody
Everyone should identify as an African American Transgender on job, college, and government forms. Who are they to tell us we aren't black or women? Time to qualify for one of those minority small business loans...
Yesterday when I was walking around Lake Merritt, I encountered a sad and feeble little parade of Black Lives Matters folks. The head of the parade was a fat guy carrying a sign that said "Don't Kill Me".

Strangely, there were no people trying to kill him. He must have felt quite disappointed.

I ignored the pathetic display, as did the many people walking, having picnics, and just enjoying the glorious sunny weather.
He should go to Bridgeport CT . He'll find someone who will shoot at his ass. He'll still be disappointed because it will be another black man, but at least his sign will make sense.

9 people shot 1 fatally in Connecticut parking lot

His odds are even better in Baltimore.
I hope he takes a Cab ride while there. lol
how about the lives of people wearing "Black-Face" and passing them off as Black? when in reality, they are white.
what does "black" and "white" even mean?
According to the left, nothing. Gender means nothing,race means nothing. I guess this means the Black Lives Matter movement means nothing because who's black and who's white? Nobody
Everyone should identify as an African American Transgender on job, college, and government forms. Who are they to tell us we aren't black or women? Time to qualify for one of those minority small business loans...
What the heck it only takes a spray tan and a perm. :dunno:
All I know is white lives don't matter. Sucks to be us. lol
Just become black like that NAACP leader did. Declare yourself transracial.
My daughter should do that! Then she'd qualify for more financial help with her college education!
You may be joking a little but it's worth the try.
One of my kid's white classmates wrote on several of his college applications that he was black and he was inundated with responses. One of his classmates who scored a perfect 2400 SAT and had a 4.0 GPA was turned down by his first school choice. That same school accepted a highspanic classmate with lesser credentials.
I had a friend in high school who was white but was "hispanic" since his mom was Cuban. He was a good guy, but got a Hispanic scholarship to help him pay to go to West Point. I lol'd cause the guy was paler than me.
All I know is white lives don't matter. Sucks to be us. lol
Just become black like that NAACP leader did. Declare yourself transracial.
My daughter should do that! Then she'd qualify for more financial help with her college education!
You may be joking a little but it's worth the try.
One of my kid's white classmates wrote on several of his college applications that he was black and he was inundated with responses. One of his classmates who scored a perfect 2400 SAT and had a 4.0 GPA was turned down by his first school choice. That same school accepted a highspanic classmate with lesser credentials.
I had a friend in high school who was white but was "hispanic" since his mom was Cuban. He waas a good guy, but got a Hispanic scholarship to help him pay to go to West Point. I lol'd cause the guy was paler than me.
The race criteria is ridiculous.
Everyone should declare themselves pre-OP transracial/transgender so then we all qualify for everything.
All I know is white lives don't matter. Sucks to be us. lol
Just become black like that NAACP leader did. Declare yourself transracial.
My daughter should do that! Then she'd qualify for more financial help with her college education!
You may be joking a little but it's worth the try.
One of my kid's white classmates wrote on several of his college applications that he was black and he was inundated with responses. One of his classmates who scored a perfect 2400 SAT and had a 4.0 GPA was turned down by his first school choice. That same school accepted a highspanic classmate with lesser credentials.
I had a friend in high school who was white but was "hispanic" since his mom was Cuban. He waas a good guy, but got a Hispanic scholarship to help him pay to go to West Point. I lol'd cause the guy was paler than me.
The race criteria is ridiculous.
Everyone should declare themselves pre-OP transracial/transgender so then we all qualify for everything.

I agree. Make it intolerable. EVERY job or scholarship application check minority status. If they cause a fuss...sue for discrimination. Im transracial. They cant be racist.
All I know is white lives don't matter. Sucks to be us. lol
Just become black like that NAACP leader did. Declare yourself transracial.
My daughter should do that! Then she'd qualify for more financial help with her college education!
You may be joking a little but it's worth the try.
One of my kid's white classmates wrote on several of his college applications that he was black and he was inundated with responses. One of his classmates who scored a perfect 2400 SAT and had a 4.0 GPA was turned down by his first school choice. That same school accepted a highspanic classmate with lesser credentials.
I had a friend in high school who was white but was "hispanic" since his mom was Cuban. He waas a good guy, but got a Hispanic scholarship to help him pay to go to West Point. I lol'd cause the guy was paler than me.
The race criteria is ridiculous.
Everyone should declare themselves pre-OP transracial/transgender so then we all qualify for everything.
As far as transracial my grand kids are already there naturally.

My Grandson is African,Cuban,Greek,English,Russian,Austrian,Scotch,and German with a tiny touch of Wampanoag .
My future Granddaughter will be Mexican,French,English,and Italian.
If my Oldest marries and has kids with her current BF(we expect they will) the kid will be German, Scotch,English,Greek, Austrian,Russian,Puerto Rican and Ecuadorian with a tiny touch Wampanoag.

No spray tan or perm required lol
Just become black like that NAACP leader did. Declare yourself transracial.
My daughter should do that! Then she'd qualify for more financial help with her college education!
You may be joking a little but it's worth the try.
One of my kid's white classmates wrote on several of his college applications that he was black and he was inundated with responses. One of his classmates who scored a perfect 2400 SAT and had a 4.0 GPA was turned down by his first school choice. That same school accepted a highspanic classmate with lesser credentials.
I had a friend in high school who was white but was "hispanic" since his mom was Cuban. He waas a good guy, but got a Hispanic scholarship to help him pay to go to West Point. I lol'd cause the guy was paler than me.
The race criteria is ridiculous.
Everyone should declare themselves pre-OP transracial/transgender so then we all qualify for everything.
As far as transracial my grand kids are already there naturally.

My Grandson is African,Cuban,Greek,English,Russian,Austrian,Scotch,and German with a tiny touch of Wampanoag .
My future Granddaughter will be Mexican,French,English,and Italian.
If my Oldest marries and has kids with her current BF(we expect they will) the kid will be German, Scotch,English,Greek, Austrian,Russian,Puerto Rican and Ecuadorian with a tiny touch Wampanoag.

No spray tan required lol
Your kids aren't mixed race, because race doesn't exist, just like gender doesn't. They are social constructs that aren't real :lol:
Just become black like that NAACP leader did. Declare yourself transracial.
My daughter should do that! Then she'd qualify for more financial help with her college education!
You may be joking a little but it's worth the try.
One of my kid's white classmates wrote on several of his college applications that he was black and he was inundated with responses. One of his classmates who scored a perfect 2400 SAT and had a 4.0 GPA was turned down by his first school choice. That same school accepted a highspanic classmate with lesser credentials.
I had a friend in high school who was white but was "hispanic" since his mom was Cuban. He waas a good guy, but got a Hispanic scholarship to help him pay to go to West Point. I lol'd cause the guy was paler than me.
The race criteria is ridiculous.
Everyone should declare themselves pre-OP transracial/transgender so then we all qualify for everything.

I agree. Make it intolerable. EVERY job or scholarship application check minority status. If they cause a fuss...sue for discrimination. Im transracial. They cant be racist.

Melissa Harris-Perry and the expert on MSNBC say transracialism is real. I don't think anyone would dare question it now :lol:

Just become black like that NAACP leader did. Declare yourself transracial.
My daughter should do that! Then she'd qualify for more financial help with her college education!
You may be joking a little but it's worth the try.
One of my kid's white classmates wrote on several of his college applications that he was black and he was inundated with responses. One of his classmates who scored a perfect 2400 SAT and had a 4.0 GPA was turned down by his first school choice. That same school accepted a highspanic classmate with lesser credentials.
I had a friend in high school who was white but was "hispanic" since his mom was Cuban. He waas a good guy, but got a Hispanic scholarship to help him pay to go to West Point. I lol'd cause the guy was paler than me.
The race criteria is ridiculous.
Everyone should declare themselves pre-OP transracial/transgender so then we all qualify for everything.

I agree. Make it intolerable. EVERY job or scholarship application check minority status. If they cause a fuss...sue for discrimination. Im transracial. They cant be racist.
I agree. We had a law suit here a couple of years ago charging a local fire department with discrimination. It's not the white guys fault that only whites scored high enough. This law suit should never have had to happen but did because the city was afraid if they didn't hire a minority they'd get sued. Ironically they got sued anyway. Claiming transracial status would have avoided the whole issue.

Connecticut Firefighters Settle Reverse Discrimination Suit For $2 Million
JULY 28, 2011 3:08 PM ET
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Twenty white firefighters in New Haven, Conn., have settled their reverse discrimination case with the city for $2 million in back pay, additional pension benefits and interest. The city will also cough up about $3 million to cover the firefighters' legal costs.

The Hartford Courant explains the how the case came to court:

"The firefighters sued New Haven in 2004, a year after the city refused to certify the results of an examination on which only white candidates for the positions of captain and lieutenant scored high enough to qualify for promotion."

"The city gave the test to 118 candidates, 27 of whom were black. None of the black candidates scored high enough to qualify for the 15 immediately available positions. All 20 of the plaintiffs qualified. After a series of raucous meetings, the city civil service board decided to scrap the test results and promote no one."

The case ended up going all the way to the United States Supreme Court, which ruled 5-4 in favor of the firefighters. The case then returned to the lower courts to sort out the issue of damages. A trial on that issue was set to begin on Aug. 26.

The New Haven Register reports that the city wanted to avoid more time in court:

"A statement put out by the city Wednesday says settlement allows the city to 'avoid the cost and uncertainty of further litigation that had been scheduled to commence in Federal District Court later this summer.' The settlement award will be paid for from the city's budgeted public liability accounts, $4 million that was set aside in the fund balance for this case and insurance proceeds."

The irony of the case is that it started with the fear of a lawsuit, just not the one that came its way, as the AP reports:

"New Haven officials said they were worried at the time about a lawsuit from black firefighters after only two of 50 minority candidates would have been eligible for promotion based on the test results. After the Supreme Court ruling, the city certified the exam results and promoted everyone who would have been promoted if the exams had been certified in the first place."

Connecticut Firefighters Settle Reverse Discrimination Suit For 2 Million The Two-Way NPR
well what about people (well more like aliens) like James Carville and Henry Waxman?
Nobody's an alien, if they come from Mars they are still an Earthling!
Transplaneters :lol:

What about transnationalism? What if you are a from one country, but trapped in the body of the citizen of another country? Surely you should be granted citizenship in the country you self-identify with? Nations are arbitrary social constructs like race and gender, why should transnationals be treated differently?
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Wait...can I be transspecies? If I identity as an endangered species...can I force the government to make special accomodations for me?
Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal was white, then black,and now... Then of course there's the question if Rachel Dolezal had presented herself as white would she have been promoted to the position in the NAACP she was while faking being black?

For months I've been hearing black lives matter and I've felt a bit insulted because all lives should matter. Blacks aren't the only race who have trouble with the cops and it seems to me they think they are. Whites have trouble with the police too, it's just our attitude is if he/she did something to get the cops called they probably deserve what they got, "should've known better", and we don't really complain. My mother once told me "if you get arrested don't call me because I won't help you, you're where you belong". I told the same to my kids.

OK enough of the rambling. Here's the question.

Where is society going with all this? Are we going to drop all the labels and be a anything you want to Identify yourself as society? Is this good or bad. What are the Pro's and Con's?

people would drop the labels if they'd stop getting victimized by people using those labels against them.
Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner. Rachel Dolezal was white, then black,and now... Then of course there's the question if Rachel Dolezal had presented herself as white would she have been promoted to the position in the NAACP she was while faking being black?

For months I've been hearing black lives matter and I've felt a bit insulted because all lives should matter. Blacks aren't the only race who have trouble with the cops and it seems to me they think they are. Whites have trouble with the police too, it's just our attitude is if he/she did something to get the cops called they probably deserve what they got, "should've known better", and we don't really complain. My mother once told me "if you get arrested don't call me because I won't help you, you're where you belong". I told the same to my kids.

OK enough of the rambling. Here's the question.

Where is society going with all this? Are we going to drop all the labels and be a anything you want to Identify yourself as society? Is this good or bad. What are the Pro's and Con's?

people would drop the labels if they'd stop getting victimized by people using those labels against them.
Or are they? Just because people claim that it's racial doesn't mean it actually is.

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