bad dudes needed for Guantanamo Bay , 'Club Gitmo' prison camo

Rational updates -

Restrict the expensive soccer field to troops only.

Play ward music ala "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" 6 AM - 9PM.

They can have a Koran if they behave. Otherwise, only a US Constitution and The Federalist Papers for reading material.

Only TV is MeTV. Mr. Ed and Petticoat Junction can be quite calming.

If they throw pee, they get the hose full blast.

Other suggestions applied as they arise.
Guantanamo is an abomination and a PR nightmare for America's image around the world. It is an affront to our values and rule of law. As many of the prisoners held there for years have never been charged or convicted of a crime.

Plus, the cost of operating the detention facility is around $400 million per year. With the current population of 41 inmates. That breaks down to $10 million dollars for each person held at Guantanamo, which is a huge waste of taxpayer money. ..... :cool:
the cost of operating the detention facility is around $400 million per year. With the current population of 41 inmates. That breaks down to $10 million dollars for each person held at Guantanamo, which is a huge waste of taxpayer money. ..... :cool:

I would need an itemized statement of expenditures before I would even consider believing that figure.
Guantanamo is an abomination and a PR nightmare for America's image around the world. It is an affront to our values and rule of law. As many of the prisoners held there for years have never been charged or convicted of a crime.

It is a military prison located outside the United States. It is subject to military law, and prisoners can be held until the cessation of conflict.
I would need an itemized statement of expenditures before I would even consider believing that figure.
"The reported cost of running detention operations at Guantanamo in 2014 was almost $400 million dollars, while the 2015 cost was purportedly about the same. The real cost is likely significantly higher, as this figure does not include the classified costs of Camp 7, which houses high-value detainees like the 9/11 conspirators. It also does not include the cost of Justice Department, FBI, and CIA involvement in detention operations".

Price of Keeping Gitmo Open Dwarfs U.S. Prison Estimates
Guantanamo is an abomination and a PR nightmare for America's image around the world. It is an affront to our values and rule of law. As many of the prisoners held there for years have never been charged or convicted of a crime.

Plus, the cost of operating the detention facility is around $400 million per year. With the current population of 41 inmates. That breaks down to $10 million dollars for each person held at Guantanamo, which is a huge waste of taxpayer money. ..... :cool:
--------------------------------------Only if you care about the PR nightmare . Feck the world opinion plus feck the muslims that make it to Club Gitmo although as I already said , I don't know how a muslim caught on the battlefield fighting USA Troops makes it off the battlefield alive . As far as the 400 million dollar , feed them normal prison meals and stop coddling them due to their religion Sunni . Leave them dead on the battlefield or ship them to Club Gitmo and treat them as the enemies that they are . mrobama would dislike all my options so all my options are good options Sunni .
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I would need an itemized statement of expenditures before I would even consider believing that figure.
"The reported cost of running detention operations at Guantanamo in 2014 was almost $400 million dollars, while the 2015 cost was purportedly about the same. The real cost is likely significantly higher, as this figure does not include the classified costs of Camp 7, which houses high-value detainees like the 9/11 conspirators. It also does not include the cost of Justice Department, FBI, and CIA involvement in detention operations".

Price of Keeping Gitmo Open Dwarfs U.S. Prison Estimates

Sounds like we need to cut back on prisoner luxuries.
anyway , lets go President Trump , lets get it reopened and no more showing future muslim prisoners where 'mecca' is . No special diets plus let them get down and pray on concrete .[no prayer rugs]
Gitmo makes a mockery of American rule of law and justice system.

WWll ended in 1945, and three years later by 1948.

All of the Nazi pow's had either been charged, given a trial, sentenced, or released.

Gitmo is no different than a Soviet style Gulag. ..... :cool:
Gitmo makes a mockery of American rule of law and justice system.

WWll ended in 1945, and three years later by 1948.

All of the Nazi pow's had either been charged, given a trial, sentenced, or released.

Gitmo is no different than a Soviet style Gulag. ..... :cool:

The conflict is not over.
I would need an itemized statement of expenditures before I would even consider believing that figure.
"The reported cost of running detention operations at Guantanamo in 2014 was almost $400 million dollars, while the 2015 cost was purportedly about the same. The real cost is likely significantly higher, as this figure does not include the classified costs of Camp 7, which houses high-value detainees like the 9/11 conspirators. It also does not include the cost of Justice Department, FBI, and CIA involvement in detention operations".

Price of Keeping Gitmo Open Dwarfs U.S. Prison Estimates

That source is hardly unbiased. No report from the slightly less biased CBO?
my question and statement on expense is , if you take them prisoner what do you do with them ?? My solution would be , take no prisoners when fighting ununiformed muslim terrorists that are fighting USA military on the battlefield or anywhere else !!
It's confounding to me. Don't we shoot people out of uniform fighting us?. But now we call these jerks "enemy combatants", and they fight under no recognized UN flag, these same people have no coda, no recognizable nationality and yet they cause so much harm as organized national army wearing uniforms. I amazes me we bother imprisoning THEM. Either destroy them, or let them go. Imprisoning them is a pathetic empty response.
Gitmo is no different than a Soviet style Gulag. ..... :cool:
Maybe, but since its just a bunch of shitty muslims, no one cares whats happens to them or how long they stay there. Let em rot in misery.

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