BAD NEWS FOR PUTIN´S poodles, European Union now imports more energy (OIL- GAS) from the United States than from Moscow!


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
WHICH means - metric tons of cash for USA oil- gas producers :thup:
one for sure the gas station 🇷🇺runs out of gas :icon_lol:
BAD NEWS FOR PUTIN´S poodles, European Union now imports more energy (OIL- GAS) from the United States than from Moscow!

Notice how Titlose makes most of his posts around the same time . Just after taking his medications.

Silly boy Titlose.

Who cares if you do not make a sale to John , if Jim is making the purchase instead and actually buying more .

So off you go and get on with your homework . Try numbers today and how to use them , Titlose .
They could have saved themselves, and probably the world, a lot of trouble if they listened to Trump in the first place. MAGA.
What do mean...

They were buying cheap gas...

Cheap Gas was blocked so they sourced somewhere else...

If this was GOP or Trump we would have had:
  • No gas and people freezing (Texas blackouts)
  • Unfounded proposed alternatives ('We should burn rocks, it works in volcanos ')
  • Blame somebody else (i.e. Liberals, Media, anyone really....)
But no, Europe just put in a plan in place... They ordered enough Gas for the winter from other sources.. They got so much that :
So MAGA heads this what happens when the Government works for the people and you don't get idiots like trump running your country...
This is Government working....
This is GOP in charge of the Government:

The GOP and Trump are just fucking incompetent and are getting embarrassed by EU who met a crisis and didn't panic, didn't start blaming everyone just went and solved the problem...
This is why they laugh at him:
What do mean...

They were buying cheap gas...

Cheap Gas was blocked so they sourced somewhere else...

If this was GOP or Trump we would have had:
  • No gas and people freezing (Texas blackouts)
  • Unfounded proposed alternatives ('We should burn rocks, it works in volcanos ')
  • Blame somebody else (i.e. Liberals, Media, anyone really....)
But no, Europe just put in a plan in place... They ordered enough Gas for the winter from other sources.. They got so much that :---

So now our unelected EU commissioners and the WEF heads of state are the best weather forecasters ever known ?

There are still likely huge problems later this Spring and the more so if there is a big freeze .

And reading or quoting The Guardian is much like using CNN as a source --- WEF owned by Soros and Gates foundations .
Not even funny .
What do mean...

They were buying cheap gas...

Cheap Gas was blocked so they sourced somewhere else...

If this was GOP or Trump we would have had:
  • No gas and people freezing (Texas blackouts)
  • Unfounded proposed alternatives ('We should burn rocks, it works in volcanos ')
  • Blame somebody else (i.e. Liberals, Media, anyone really....)
But no, Europe just put in a plan in place... They ordered enough Gas for the winter from other sources.. They got so much that :
So MAGA heads this what happens when the Government works for the people and you don't get idiots like trump running your country...
This is Government working....
This is GOP in charge of the Government:
View attachment 747198
The GOP and Trump are just fucking incompetent and are getting embarrassed by EU who met a crisis and didn't panic, didn't start blaming everyone just went and solved the problem...
This is why they laugh at him:
View attachment 747199
Trump and the GOP were calling out Merkel for dealing wit putin in his pipeline and undermining NATO, the dems sided with putin and merkel…xiden lifted Teumps sanctions

had the dems not undermined trump and worked to get merkel to dj the right thing years ago…putin wouldn’t of invaded ukraine

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