Bah, Bad Dreams Keeping Me Awake Again Tonight


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These are not nightmares, just uncomfortable situations that make my brain fire up and I cant get sleepy again.

Maybe my guilty conscience is finally coming to the surface, lol.

And I usually cant remember what the dream is about these days, just that I felt really uncomfortable emotionally.

I do recall the ones where I am back in Basic training, which was 42 years ago. Another is me at my first software job where the HR VP (female) wanted me to take a wiring job for their LAN, and i turned it down, telling her I was waiting for a software job and was not interested in anything less than that. Boy she blew up at me.

I was fighting back laughter as she reminded me of one of my drill sergeants who was about 5'0" and he had a squeaky-ish voice.

But he was much better at intimidation than this shrill woman was.
Get a pair of Rosary Beads; works for me. I'm a two decade started off being a prayer thing and still is, but I just can't seem to finish a full Rosary most nights.


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