Bah bah bah


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Barbara-Iran.I get it Freedie { Fred Fassert } original songwriter of the
to be infamous Beach Boys tune { Barbara-Ann }. Also originally sung by
the Regents.But that is neither here nor there.
Not too dissimilar with original female names like Barbara.
Chicks today seem preoccupied with dopey names.The Dopier
the better.To go along with dopey haidos { different halloween colors }
and a vast array of Tattoos.But what's a Society to do.?
We've already gone thru as many phases as a Superpower can handle.
Like the Disney 50's and then the wild 60's with The British Rock invasion
and great TV shows.No longer men keeping their attire respectable but going
Mod by the late 60's.Growing their hair long.Smoking like fiends.
Drinking as well.Praying ... not so much.
What's a Society to do_Or make of current trends.Sit around and wait
like Grandma and Grandpa felt accustomed.Kinda reminds one of
the 2007 flick ... - No Country for Old Men -.However crazy { harried } dat was.
Things have only gotten much nuttier.Even Squirrels seem to stand up on their
haunches and seem puzzled.Because finding Nuts has gotten so mush easier
and plentiful.
Politics is no longer politics.It's drastically taken a sort of Maoist turn.
Was Herbert Marcuse correct .
" There is no free society without silence ... "
" Law and order are always and everywhere the law
and order which protect the establishment hierarchy. "
Or was Mao Zedong.
" The enemy advances : we retreat
The enemy halts : we harass
The enemy tires : we attack
The enemy retreats : we pursue "
{ Party Report } 1928
Without a Right in this Land of Lincoln,there would be
no point in even brushing one's teeth.
Snacking on potato chops.Having a high school sweetheart.
Because one's balance would be topsy-turvy.
Like watching only War Movies.Or Comedies.
Only knowing how to cuss-out cab drivers.
When there's barely any more Uber drivers.
Or going to the Zoo,not to see or feed the animals but
to pig-out on as much popcorn you can sneak in.

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