Bain Sources: Romney Wouldn't Have Run If He Had Foreseen Tax Controversy

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney has been determined to resist releasing his tax returns at least since his bid for Massachusetts governor in 2002 and has been confident that he will never be forced to do so, several current and former Bain executives tell The Huffington Post. Had he thought otherwise, say the sources based on their longtime understanding of Romney, he never would have gone forward with his run for president.

Bain executives say they've been instructed to keep company and Romney-specific information completely confidential, tightening the lockdown on an already closed company.

More: Mitt Romney Never Thought He'd Have To Release Tax Returns: Bain Sources

How come you wont talk about Obama's terrible economy and his high unemployment #'s ?
Im telling you this ends badly for Obama -- and for America. He's out of the marxist closet, outright lying and melting down very badly. The LMSM has called him a liar he's got an opponent this time that is challenging him so sooner or later Obama turn into hitler in the Berlin bunker
Im telling you this ends badly for Obama -- and for America. He's out of the marxist closet, outright lying and melting down very badly. The LMSM has called him a liar he's got an opponent this time that is challenging him so sooner or later Obama turn into hitler in the Berlin bunker
yeah... It's too bad that the only major difference between Mitt and Obama is their skin color.
Im telling you this ends badly for Obama -- and for America. He's out of the marxist closet, outright lying and melting down very badly. The LMSM has called him a liar he's got an opponent this time that is challenging him so sooner or later Obama turn into hitler in the Berlin bunker

See above, case in point! :cool:
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney has been determined to resist releasing his tax returns at least since his bid for Massachusetts governor in 2002 and has been confident that he will never be forced to do so, several current and former Bain executives tell The Huffington Post. Had he thought otherwise, say the sources based on their longtime understanding of Romney, he never would have gone forward with his run for president.

Bain executives say they've been instructed to keep company and Romney-specific information completely confidential, tightening the lockdown on an already closed company.

More: Mitt Romney Never Thought He'd Have To Release Tax Returns: Bain Sources

How come you wont talk about Obama's terrible economy and his high unemployment #'s ?

Sure..lets talk about it.

They were higher before the stimulus was implemented. It was up to 10% at one point. After the stimulus was went down to 8.2%. UE started going down at a slower rate after the tea party came to congress in 2010. They filibustered every single effort that the Obama administration put up to address the UE problem. And did this while they put up bills curtailing a woman's right to choose, repeal Obamacare and alot of other nonsense. Obama's, correctly, pointed out..that public sector hiring during the Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II years was going at a pretty good clip..partially due to federal funding. But with Obama, those funds dried up and 600K or so public sector employees lost their jobs.

Seems to me..this is the outcome you guys wanted. And for this reason:

Mitch McConnell stated the sole purpose of the GOP was to make Obama a one term President.
The tax returns have to be bad news for Romney.

No politician tries to bury good news about himself.

How come you wont talk about Obama's terrible economy and his high unemployment #'s ?

Sure..lets talk about it.

They were higher before the stimulus was implemented. It was up to 10% at one point. After the stimulus was went down to 8.2%. UE started going down at a slower rate after the tea party came to congress in 2010. They filibustered every single effort that the Obama administration put up to address the UE problem. And did this while they put up bills curtailing a woman's right to choose, repeal Obamacare and alot of other nonsense. Obama's, correctly, pointed out..that public sector hiring during the Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II years was going at a pretty good clip..partially due to federal funding. But with Obama, those funds dried up and 600K or so public sector employees lost their jobs.

Seems to me..this is the outcome you guys wanted. And for this reason:

Mitch McConnell stated the sole purpose of the GOP was to make Obama a one term President.

you are becoming more hysterical with these types of accusations every day..just like making Palin out to be the fault of Gifford's shooting...not sure if you are to be taken seriously anymore
The tax returns have to be bad news for Romney.

No politician tries to bury good news about himself.

And it has to be REALLY bad if your'e not releasing them despite damaging rumors about what's in them. Could what is in them be worse that what is being speculated about what is in them?
I've decided that, rather than ignoring the idiots that start Bain threads, I'm just going to start negging their one-tracked asses


Good idea. That way you don't have to face up to the FACTS.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That is why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

So why didn't the IRS catch him already if he "cheated on his taxes"?
I've decided that, rather than ignoring the idiots that start Bain threads, I'm just going to start negging their one-tracked asses


Good idea. That way you don't have to face up to the FACTS.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That is why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

So why didn't the IRS catch him already if he "cheated on his taxes"?


When does the IRS catch anyone?
Im telling you this ends badly for Obama -- and for America. He's out of the marxist closet, outright lying and melting down very badly. The LMSM has called him a liar he's got an opponent this time that is challenging him so sooner or later Obama turn into hitler in the Berlin bunker
yeah... It's too bad that the only major difference between Mitt and Obama is their skin color.

Then why are liberals going apeshit about Romney? Is it just because of Romney's skin color?
I've decided that, rather than ignoring the idiots that start Bain threads, I'm just going to start negging their one-tracked asses


Good idea. That way you don't have to face up to the FACTS.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That is why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

Obama's Treasury Sec. Is a tax cheat.

BTW, because of Obamatax thousands of Americans will become criminals. The IRS is gonna be busy invading everyone's privacy. You will be told to buy health insurance or face prosecution for income-tax evasion. You asked for it, you got it.
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There is zero evidence that Romney has done anything illegal, regardless of Obama's constant screeching.

One good thing has come of it, though.
Barack's constant barrage is eating away at his own likeability numbers!
Issues that really matter to Democrats:

1. Mitt Romney's tax-returns
2. Taxing The Rich
3. Free Birth Control
4. Equal Pay

Issues that don't matter to Democrats:

1. Gas prices
2. Higher Electric bills
3. Higher Taxes
4. The National Debt
5. Terrorism
6. The War In Afghanistan
7. The Collapse Of The Euro
8. The Systematic Takeover Of The Private Sector
9. Government Corruption
10. Illegal Immigration and Border Security
11. Higher Food Bills
12. Loss Of US Sovereignty
13. Dependence On Foreign Oil
14. National Security
15. Gun Ownership

Yup. The left really has their priorities in order. The world will come to an end if we don't get to see more of Mitt's Tax Returns.

What will we find?

1. That he's rich
2. That he followed the law and paid his taxes
3. That he paid more taxes than Barack Obama
4. That he took advantage of legal tax deductions just like Obama
5. That he was the shooter behind the fence on the Grassy Knoll wonder he doesn't want to release them.
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The tax returns have to be bad news for Romney.

No politician tries to bury good news about himself.

And it has to be REALLY bad if your'e not releasing them despite damaging rumors about what's in them. Could what is in them be worse that what is being speculated about what is in them?

As someone mentioned yesterday, Romney, as a businessman, would have made a cost-benefit analysis of releasing or not releasing the tax forms.
I've decided that, rather than ignoring the idiots that start Bain threads, I'm just going to start negging their one-tracked asses


Good idea. That way you don't have to face up to the FACTS.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That is why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

Speaking of idiots. Some can't tell the difference between an apple and an orange. One can legally keep money in an offshore account to avoid taxes without violating any IRS rule. And in doing so one is guilty of absolutely nothing.

On the other hand, good luck with the IRS for those getting paid cash and not reporting it.
How bout this:

For every year of Mitt Romney's tax returns Obama has to release a file.

For 2009 Obama has to release his college transcripts
For 2008 Obama has to release his medical records
For 2007 Obama has to release his FBI passport file
For 2006 Obama has to release the Fast & Furious documents
For 2005 Obama has to release his original birth certificate
For 2004 Obama has to release his registration applications for all colleges
Bottom line... Mitt Romney's tax returns face the same scrutiny by the IRS as anyone else's, and probably more. Just because federal workers aren't supposed to look, doesn't mean they don't. It was only four years ago that state department workers were caught misusing the passport information of McCain, Hillary, and Obama. So, if there was any 'there' there... it would already be in the news.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, everybody knows Mitt Romney is a VERY wealthy man. They also know his investments are blind. And no matter how many times the left has embarrassed itself, for example, finding prominent Democrats in their own ranks who are invested overseas... they just can't seem to rein in their greed and envy. Barack Obama has nothing to run on, so they want to take Romney's entire financial history and dig through it for the sake of making hay. He's absolutely correct to say 'no'.

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