Baker investigated for refusing to make same sex wedding cake

Here comes Gloria Alred....
And then the call for a boycott.
And then the going out of business sale....

The guy is going to be made to suffer for this.
I wonder how long before the people who don't want to deal with gay weddings start to get creative: take the job, and just NOT deliver the cake! Don't know about you, but I would MUCH rather order a cake and be told, "Sorry, we won't do it," than order a cake for a wedding and never have it delivered!
I'm curious, under this law, are you allowed to have all female gyms, like Curves? Are they required to take men?
It's going to get to a point where it's not going to be acceptable if people aren't pro gay....
By that I mean for now it's fine if we don't discriminate or gay bash or do anything negative.
But are heterosexuals going to be denied bonuses and promotions because they are not gay but never tried homosexuality.

If one says I'm not gay will that be acceptable.
Will we have to go out on dates and experience the whole gay thing to be accepted in society.
Will we have to try to be gay in order to prove that we are not homophobic we tried it and didn't like it.

This might be where we are headed maybe 10-20 years from now.
This whole gay thing throughout Obama's run for a second term is a little disturbing.
Seems like the Democrat party is on this all gay all the time theme.
It's going to get to a point where it's not going to be acceptable if people aren't pro gay....
By that I mean for now it's fine if we don't discriminate or gay bash or do anything negative.
But are heterosexuals going to be denied bonuses and promotions because they are not gay but never tried homosexuality.

If one says I'm not gay will that be acceptable.
Will we have to go out on dates and experience the whole gay thing to be accepted in society.
Will we have to try to be gay in order to prove that we are not homophobic we tried it and didn't like it.

This might be where we are headed maybe 10-20 years from now.
This whole gay thing throughout Obama's run for a second term is a little disturbing.
Seems like the Democrat party is on this all gay all the time theme.

The problem with liberalism is that they incorporate many darling groups that hate each other. I don't care how much you brainwash blacks, hispanics and muslims, they aren't going to ever like gays. Even if Barack Obama tells blacks theyh must like gays, it won't happen. Sharpton "supports" SS marriage because it's a requirement for him to work at MSNBC. They would fire him otherwise. Even if they indoctrinate all the current illegal aliens, the new batches won't have been indoctrinated. There's not a chance they'll get muslims to like gays either. So one day, in the future, there will be a GIANT liberal darling group catfight, and liberals are a LOT more scared of muslims than they are of gays, so you know who will get thrown under the bus.
I can see the libs actually one day not banning heterosexual sex, but mandating birth control usage or sterilzation, because of "environmental concerns". Libs reallyh love the one child policy in china, and imagine how much less CO2 would be produced if there were less Americans (of course people would continue to reproduce exponentially in th ethird world, that's great because ti's diversity).... Unless it's anal sex or abortion related, it's subject to being banned. Because jthat's how tolerant libs roll.
Well I think the guy's an asshole, but I think in this case he's well within his rights to be an asshole.

I think this is one of those cases where public condemnation is appropriate (and boy! would I be doing that were it me he was refusing to bake for) but legal sanctions are not.
God came down and told the baker,

thou shalt talk to gays
thou shalt treat them with respect
thou shalt sell them biscuits and cookies and cake
thou shalt not hate gays
but thou shalt not make a cake with a gay couple on top, for if you do heaven and earth shall expire and Satan will rule.
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I'm curious, under this law, are you allowed to have all female gyms, like Curves? Are they required to take men?

What about clinics that cater only to 'women's health' issues?

And what about the VA that is carving out womens' health services?

Women Veterans Health Care Home

They are altering their facilities to cater to this group. Is the US government also in violation by making special accommodations for a particular group?
I'm curious, under this law, are you allowed to have all female gyms, like Curves? Are they required to take men?

What about clinics that cater only to 'women's health' issues?

And what about the VA that is carving out womens' health services?

Women Veterans Health Care Home

They are altering their facilities to cater to this group. Is the US government also in violation by making special accommodations for a particular group?

Well, if you are aware, you'd know that libs have no issue with special privileges for darling groups.

Remember, making women pay more for health insurance is a no no, and lawsuits galore, but making men pay for for auto insurance is totally cool.
I think the Obama administration will make sure in the future every bakery will have one baker hired to
meet the gay community's needs.Joe Biden will form a committee to study this.

This will help Obama's problem with the UE # that seems stuck around 8%
If bakers don't want to make wedding cakes for same sex couples, what they should do is stop advertising that they make wedding cakes. Make them for friends, for those who are personally recommended by friends. Through word of mouth and recommendation. No doubt there will be wedding cake bakers completely willing to make wedding cakes for anyone, including same sex couples. They can go there.

When I got sued and a complaint filed against me for refusing to paint the wedding portrait of a lesbian couple. I won that case. Following my example, a photographer who belongs to my art group did exactly what I did, and won a complaint against him for not providing wedding photographs for a same sex couple.

A two-tier business system will eventually be put in place. One will be public and the other will depend on who you know.
is this the free market working its magic like you people claim it will?
I don't think lawsuits are examples of the free market in action. If they weren't in it for the attention, they would have just gone to a baker who would make the cake, and that baker would be financially better off.

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