Bakers fined for not working homosexual "wedding" continue fighting for their freedoms

The constitution is the only test required for religion. It is an historically tested belief. How is this in any way the same as what could actually be a delusion or obsessive compulsive disorder?

And I can't prove a black man is a black man using an objective test?

You can't be serious?
Perfectly serious.

You claimed their was an objective test for all characteristics listed in Title II (of the 1964 Civil Rights Act).

So what is the objective test for religious beliefs?

I can prove a black man is a black man. (1) visual examination - the person on the left is white, the person on the left is black. (2) DNA testing which is an objective test.


Religion is a founding principle of the United States constitution.

Where is sexual orientation?

Oh, snap

The Constitution does not prevent religious discrimination by non-government entities (i.e. businesses) against another non-government entity, Title II of the 1964 Civil Right Act and State Public Accommodation laws do that.

But your deflection and inability to define the objective test for religion that you said exists in Title II is there for the board to see. Oh, snap.

A claim of religion didn't prevent Piggie Park Enterprises from being found in violation of Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights act even though they claimed it was their religious view that they shouldn't serve black people.

Oh, snap.


Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.
Auto correct on a tablet. But if it sucks so bad take me up on the offer. You won't though because you never do when ever anyone challenges you on your same old post on the same old topics. Honestly, how do you not get put on a dink list for spamming? All your posts are the same. You try and tell everyone you are an elite educated ex army killer when you know you are full of shit Joe. More likely your still fucked up from that time the Mormons raped you in the shower. Your as bad as the fags joe. You so despretly need to be recognized that you go off the way you do. So put up or shut up and come on to the bull ring and a dress the topic I challanged you on or shut the fucked up and continue being a coward.

So you are blaming your poor reading comprehension skills on the Tablet, too?

And no, I'm not going to wear a dress in a bull ring for you... that's just weird.

Come on, Joe. I'm sure I know enough gay men that we can find just the right frock for you. What you'd do in said bull ring I don't know, but you'd look fabulous.

He would be used to it to. Deep down Joe is really quite a party gal. Just ask Campbell.
Auto correct on a tablet. But if it sucks so bad take me up on the offer. You won't though because you never do when ever anyone challenges you on your same old post on the same old topics. Honestly, how do you not get put on a dink list for spamming? All your posts are the same. You try and tell everyone you are an elite educated ex army killer when you know you are full of shit Joe. More likely your still fucked up from that time the Mormons raped you in the shower. Your as bad as the fags joe. You so despretly need to be recognized that you go off the way you do. So put up or shut up and come on to the bull ring and a dress the topic I challanged you on or shut the fucked up and continue being a coward.

So you are blaming your poor reading comprehension skills on the Tablet, too?

And no, I'm not going to wear a dress in a bull ring for you... that's just weird.

Come on, Joe. I'm sure I know enough gay men that we can find just the right frock for you. What you'd do in said bull ring I don't know, but you'd look fabulous.

I'm sure he'd be the belle of the ball.
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.
Because you would get stomped. Your skeert. I understand.

You are not even a particularly good debater. While you are amusing to mock with your irrational arguments and your awful use of the language, arguing with you about what the Bible says would be "Pearls before Swine".

Then why run? likely it's because I would not have to do much but cut and post from all your own post to get what i need. And with the bible quotes again, you have an uncanny jack for failing every single time you attempt to quot from it. I mean, you said you are a professional writer, and I have seen your new posts. You screw shit up all the time. You just go back and edit. Your mockery amounts to shit because you run away from anyone who challanges you, or you run away and cry to the mods. You are a coward. You spout the same shit over and over in an attempt to be a USMB great. But you fail. Just likeep now. Running away from a lesser then. Sad.
Auto correct on a tablet. But if it sucks so bad take me up on the offer. You won't though because you never do when ever anyone challenges you on your same old post on the same old topics. Honestly, how do you not get put on a dink list for spamming? All your posts are the same. You try and tell everyone you are an elite educated ex army killer when you know you are full of shit Joe. More likely your still fucked up from that time the Mormons raped you in the shower. Your as bad as the fags joe. You so despretly need to be recognized that you go off the way you do. So put up or shut up and come on to the bull ring and a dress the topic I challanged you on or shut the fucked up and continue being a coward.

So you are blaming your poor reading comprehension skills on the Tablet, too?

And no, I'm not going to wear a dress in a bull ring for you... that's just weird.

Come on, Joe. I'm sure I know enough gay men that we can find just the right frock for you. What you'd do in said bull ring I don't know, but you'd look fabulous.

He would be used to it to. Deep down Joe is really quite a party gal. Just ask Campbell.

So? I suppose you think you've insulted him? Oooh, you called Joe a "girl"...that's like whew, such a cut. :rolleyes:
Come on, Joe. I'm sure I know enough gay men that we can find just the right frock for you. What you'd do in said bull ring I don't know, but you'd look fabulous.

I think he wants me to debate the bible with him... or something.

He won't because Christians and Mormons wrecked his life. Joe ever tell you about the time he stuck up for these guys,


It was sad and hilarious at the same time. Sad because of who they are, but halirous because Joe did not even know who they were and what they were about. He has already learned to not mess wit da unedicaded ones. Would have been gold to see his face when he found out he stuck up for child molesters.
Auto correct on a tablet. But if it sucks so bad take me up on the offer. You won't though because you never do when ever anyone challenges you on your same old post on the same old topics. Honestly, how do you not get put on a dink list for spamming? All your posts are the same. You try and tell everyone you are an elite educated ex army killer when you know you are full of shit Joe. More likely your still fucked up from that time the Mormons raped you in the shower. Your as bad as the fags joe. You so despretly need to be recognized that you go off the way you do. So put up or shut up and come on to the bull ring and a dress the topic I challanged you on or shut the fucked up and continue being a coward.

So you are blaming your poor reading comprehension skills on the Tablet, too?

And no, I'm not going to wear a dress in a bull ring for you... that's just weird.

Come on, Joe. I'm sure I know enough gay men that we can find just the right frock for you. What you'd do in said bull ring I don't know, but you'd look fabulous.

He would be used to it to. Deep down Joe is really quite a party gal. Just ask Campbell.

So? I suppose you think you've insulted him? Oooh, you called Joe a "girl"...that's like whew, such a cut. :rolleyes:

You are likely a Joe alter ego. Probably just as weak to.
As a wedding minister, I find this couple's behavior deplorable.

So you think you should be forced with government guns to perform any wedding even if you find it objectionable? What if you knew the husband had been married five time and slept with the bridesmaid right before the wedding. Should you be forced with guns to perform the ceremony?

Before you say it's different, isn't the point that it's up to you what you consider moral?

As for me, I would totally bake a cake. I'd be uncomfortable however if I was a photographer. Not because I'd have moral qualms, but if it was guys kissing and stuff, I just don't want to see it. Shouldn't that be up to me?

Why should the State have the power to force any of it's citizens to do business with each other? Or as in the case of Jim Crow laws, force citizens to not do business with each other? It's an abomination to liberty
Auto correct on a tablet. But if it sucks so bad take me up on the offer. You won't though because you never do when ever anyone challenges you on your same old post on the same old topics. Honestly, how do you not get put on a dink list for spamming? All your posts are the same. You try and tell everyone you are an elite educated ex army killer when you know you are full of shit Joe. More likely your still fucked up from that time the Mormons raped you in the shower. Your as bad as the fags joe. You so despretly need to be recognized that you go off the way you do. So put up or shut up and come on to the bull ring and a dress the topic I challanged you on or shut the fucked up and continue being a coward.

So you are blaming your poor reading comprehension skills on the Tablet, too?

And no, I'm not going to wear a dress in a bull ring for you... that's just weird.

Come on, Joe. I'm sure I know enough gay men that we can find just the right frock for you. What you'd do in said bull ring I don't know, but you'd look fabulous.

I'm sure he'd be the belle of the ball.

He won't show. Look at all his posts. None are origenal. You can go from won to the other and it's all the same. He won't show because he is scared. He gets beat down and puked so much in life that his message border stuff means a ton. He won't take another chance at getting humiliated off another bord. That's why he posts with two accounts.
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

What sexual orientation were these two men being discriminated on. Name it. What is the test?
As a wedding minister, I find this couple's behavior deplorable.

So you think you should be forced with government guns to perform any wedding even if you find it objectionable? What if you knew the husband had been married five time and slept with the bridesmaid right before the wedding. Should you be forced with guns to perform the ceremony?

Before you say it's different, isn't the point that it's up to you what you consider moral?

As for me, I would totally bake a cake. I'd be uncomfortable however if I was a photographer. Not because I'd have moral qualms, but if it was guys kissing and stuff, I just don't want to see it. Shouldn't that be up to me?

Why should the State have the power to force any of it's citizens to do business with each other? Or as in the case of Jim Crow laws, force citizens to not do business with each other? It's an abomination to liberty

Forced with much worse then guns. Don't tow the line? OK we will destroy our lively hood and humiliate you on all the alleged cable news networks. Hell we my even have a protest out side your one Itty bitty business just to make it complete.ya.

Can't watch that fatso. He still on ? Was hoping he had a heart attack by now. Damn. Anyway, if its the same old sit about Jesus never saying "homosexuality" then you are just as go rant as Joe is. Maybe a tad more desprate. Either way, your invited along with Joe and his alter egos.
Come on, Joe. I'm sure I know enough gay men that we can find just the right frock for you. What you'd do in said bull ring I don't know, but you'd look fabulous.

I think he wants me to debate the bible with him... or something.

He won't because Christians and Mormons wrecked his life. Joe ever tell you about the time he stuck up for these guys,


It was sad and hilarious at the same time. Sad because of who they are, but halirous because Joe did not even know who they were and what they were about. He has already learned to not mess wit da unedicaded ones. Would have been gold to see his face when he found out he stuck up for child molesters.

Dude, slow down on the coffee or whatever. I'm guessing you're one of the uneducated ones he "learned" not to "mess with"? Yeah....okay then.

Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

Freedom is simply a belief. One and the same, however, religion can be backed up through documentation many, if not most times.

Can you provide a document proving sexual orientation? Or is this a "because I say so", obsession?
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

Freedom is simply a belief. One and the same, however, religion can be backed up through documentation many, if not most times.

Can you provide a document proving sexual orientation? Or is this a "because I say so", obsession?

Or as I propose we can just make it up to citizens who we want to do business with. I recently sold my business. But I did a lot of work for a local Democrat congressman, with planned parenthood and pretty much anyone else who came through my door and offered me work as long as they paid their bills and treated my staff with respect. I love businesses that discriminate, more work for me. But the reality is most business owners are like me. We're totally bigoted by color, we only do business with green ...
Then why run? likely it's because I would not have to do much but cut and post from all your own post to get what i need.

Need to do what? You see, you haven't made it clear what you want to accomplish, exactly.. or whether it would be worth my valuable time.

I come here for recreation. I do not come here to be stalked by weirdos who need to "cut and paste' things i wrote out of context.

I don't go to the CDZ because they've got too many rules.
I don't go to the flame zone because they have too much assclownery going on there.

This to me is a fun activity. You have not demonstrated why going to the Bull Ring with you would be fun for me to do.

When you do, I'll consider it.

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