Bakers fined for not working homosexual "wedding" continue fighting for their freedoms

Can't watch that fatso. He still on ? Was hoping he had a heart attack by now. Damn. Anyway, if its the same old sit about Jesus never saying "homosexuality" then you are just as go rant as Joe is. Maybe a tad more desprate. Either way, your invited along with Joe and his alter egos.

John Fugalsang is far from fat. He's tall and thin. His mother was a nun and his father a Franciscan monk. And of course you don't want to see it, your mind's made up. Bible says gays bad. You're free to continue to think and feel that way. Your church will someday leave you behind, but you'll probably be dead by then.

In some states and localities, you can't use your religion to discriminate against gays just like in 50 states you can't use your religion to discriminate against blacks. Which way do you think this is going to end up?
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

What sexual orientation were these two men being discriminated on. Name it. What is the test?
What religion really are the couple refusing to bake a cake on "religious grounds" Name it. What is the test?
He won't show. Look at all his posts. None are origenal. You can go from won to the other and it's all the same. He won't show because he is scared. He gets beat down and puked so much in life that his message border stuff means a ton. He won't take another chance at getting humiliated off another bord. That's why he posts with two accounts.

For the love of the English language... stop. Just stop...
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

Freedom is simply a belief. One and the same, however, religion can be backed up through documentation many, if not most times.

Can you provide a document proving sexual orientation? Or is this a "because I say so", obsession?

I'm sorry, what "documentation" can you provide me when you walk in my store to prove you're Christian? :lol:
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

What sexual orientation were these two men being discriminated on. Name it. What is the test?
What religion really are the couple refusing to bake a cake on "religious grounds" Name it. What is the test?

I'm starting to think Pops wants gays to fuck in front of him to prove they're gay. That'd be a problem for the gays that are virgin, but whatever...
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

What sexual orientation were these two men being discriminated on. Name it. What is the test?
What religion really are the couple refusing to bake a cake on "religious grounds" Name it. What is the test?

Liberty. You know, almost no one isn't willing to bake a fag or a dyke a cake. Why would you want to force the like three bakers in the country who aren't to do bake it? Why would you want to eat the cake you forced them to bake?

If you ever do force someone to bake you a cake with government guns, be sure to let the guests know so the ones with brains know not to eat it. It's only right
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

What sexual orientation were these two men being discriminated on. Name it. What is the test?
What religion really are the couple refusing to bake a cake on "religious grounds" Name it. What is the test?

I'm starting to think Pops wants gays to fuck in front of him to prove they're gay. That'd be a problem for the gays that are virgin, but whatever...'s something else......:eusa_whistle:
Then why run? likely it's because I would not have to do much but cut and post from all your own post to get what i need.

Need to do what? You see, you haven't made it clear what you want to accomplish, exactly.. or whether it would be worth my valuable time.

I come here for recreation. I do not come here to be stalked by weirdos who need to "cut and paste' things i wrote out of context.

I don't go to the CDZ because they've got too many rules.
I don't go to the flame zone because they have too much assclownery going on there.

This to me is a fun activity. You have not demonstrated why going to the Bull Ring with you would be fun for me to do.

When you do, I'll consider it.

Lol, yeah JoeB, the rebel. You have been taken down so much that you relied the ship you post is dumb. No CDZ because there are to many rules, truth is, you couldn't stand up to it. You are to easy to rattle and manipulate. Look at how many post I made you do just to get out of going into the bull ring. And I have seen what happens when you go into the flame zone. Saw the USMB old dogs tear you a new one. You were not just flames, but you were hung up, flamed, tarred and feathered horse whipped and tossed in the gutter. As for cutting and pasting your shit, it would only be to gather all your posts on the topic (like 3) and point out exactly how ignorant you are. See, you already had your assistance whipped across the interwebs. Not recreation here Joe it's aprovel. It's why you sucked but for rep when they did that here.
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

What sexual orientation were these two men being discriminated on. Name it. What is the test?
What religion really are the couple refusing to bake a cake on "religious grounds" Name it. What is the test?

I'm starting to think Pops wants gays to fuck in front of him to prove they're gay. That'd be a problem for the gays that are virgin, but whatever...'s something else......:eusa_whistle:

Could be a potentially successful movie plot in this one. OK, I'll bake you ladies a cake, but first, I'm going to need a demonstration. I'll just lock the door ...
Sorry you can't see the difference between an act and a belief.

What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

What sexual orientation were these two men being discriminated on. Name it. What is the test?
What religion really are the couple refusing to bake a cake on "religious grounds" Name it. What is the test?

Liberty. You know, almost no one isn't willing to bake a fag or a dyke a cake. Why would you want to force the like three bakers in the country who aren't to do bake it? Why would you want to eat the cake you forced them to bake?

If you ever do force someone to bake you a cake with government guns, be sure to let the guests know so the ones with brains know not to eat it. It's only right

The ones that get sued don't get to actually bake the cake and make the money. The cake is long ago baked by the time the bigoted store owners get their day in court. It's simply not a wise business practice to break the law. They lose and lose and lose.
What's the difference when it comes to discrimination? If two men walk into a business and are perceived to be gay, what act have they committed? Walking into an establishment together?

See, you don't actually have to be in the group being discriminated against, you only have to be perceived to be.

What sexual orientation were these two men being discriminated on. Name it. What is the test?
What religion really are the couple refusing to bake a cake on "religious grounds" Name it. What is the test?

I'm starting to think Pops wants gays to fuck in front of him to prove they're gay. That'd be a problem for the gays that are virgin, but whatever...'s something else......:eusa_whistle:

Could be a potentially successful movie plot in this one. OK, I'll bake you ladies a cake, but first, I'm going to need a demonstration. I'll just lock the door ...
Did Donald Trump star in it?

Can't watch that fatso. He still on ? Was hoping he had a heart attack by now. Damn. Anyway, if its the same old sit about Jesus never saying "homosexuality" then you are just as go rant as Joe is. Maybe a tad more desprate. Either way, your invited along with Joe and his alter egos.

John Fugalsang is far from fat. He's tall and thin. His mother was a nun and his father a Franciscan monk. And of course you don't want to see it, your mind's made up. Bible says gays bad. You're free to continue to think and feel that way. Your church will someday leave you behind, but you'll probably be dead by then.

In some states and localities, you can't use your religion to discriminate against gays just like in 50 states you can't use your religion to discriminate against blacks. Which way do you think this is going to end up?

The retard is strong in this one. Was talking about the fat slob doing the interview. And the guy being interviewed is just another guy with an opinion. Whaaa, Jesus don't say homosexual at all so it's ok for Christians to like it whaaaa, yay. Offer still stands or will you make excuses and be a coward like Joe? I will pass on some advice to ya. Don't quote other people's quotes on shit unless you checked them out. This attacking Christians with the bible on this topic is a losing fight. There is way more to it, and it only means anything if you believe it, which you dont. And you going to blacks, that's just weak and cowardly. Only the race pimps accept gay people. None of the religious ones do really. That was demonstrated here when they slapped down our old Mayers freak ordanance. The fact that you had to deflect this far only shows you know nothing except what the herd says you know.
I sure do, you seem a bit confused though.
If you knew of the biology you wouldn't be making such idiotic arguments. Sexual orientation is a sliding scale. not a light switch on or off.
There are sliding scales of all obsessive compulsive behavior. Homosexuality is more like compulsive handwashing or hoarding than it is to normal desire.
Your ignorance is beyond the ability of anyone to resolve. You simply refuse to accept the science and reality. Leave it at that.
The science is that homosexuality is an aberration with no use among living creatures. Homosexuality advances nothing. It is an anomaly. A useless and pointless practice.

Makes wet spots that may sell more washing detergents, but on a basis of advancing the species, that's correct.
Human sex isn't about advancing the species. It's about pleasure and bonding. That's why the vast majority of even unprotected sex never leads to a baby. It's why human females never come into heat, they can have sex anytime and anal and oral sex serve the same functions, pleasure and bonding. Humans are not gerbils so don't think of them that way.
Homosexuality is not in conflict with biology. You simply do not know what the biology is to begin with.

It's irrelevant.
The biology is entirely relevant. Human sexuality, including sexual orientation, has never been about making babies. And humans aren't the only species that that is true for. Sex and sexuality are tools not imperatives.

I don't see how it's relevant. But then I think government should protect equal rights, and not get into the business of deciding what is 'normal'.
Biology cannot be dictated by those with an agenda. It is what it is. The homophobes want to dictate biology therefore, reality. And it doesn't work that way.

The irony of this post is delicious
There is no irony. There is biology and it doesn't way what your anti-homosexual agenda does.
That is unrelated to sexual orientation, completely.

No at all. An orientation that directly conflicts with biology is simply compulsive behavior.
Homosexuality is not in conflict with biology. You simply do not know what the biology is to begin with.

I sure do, you seem a bit confused though.
If you knew of the biology you wouldn't be making such idiotic arguments. Sexual orientation is a sliding scale. not a light switch on or off.

Which describes obsessive compulsive behavior to a tee.

Thanks again
Along with sexual orientation you need to learn what OCD is.

What is OCD?

"What is sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation refers to an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to men, women or both sexes. Sexual orientation also refers to a person's sense of identity based on those attractions, related behaviors and membership in a community of others who share those attractions. Research over several decades has demonstrated that sexual orientation ranges along a continuum, from exclusive attraction to the other sex to exclusive attraction to the same sex. However, sexual orientation is usually discussed in terms of three categories: heterosexual (having emotional, romantic or sexual attractions to members of the other sex), gay/lesbian (having emotional, romantic or sexual attractions to members of one's own sex) and bisexual (having emotional, romantic or sexual attractions to both men and women). This range of behaviors and attractions has been described in various cultures and nations throughout the world. Many cultures use identity labels to describe people who express these attractions. In the United States the most frequent labels are lesbians (women attracted to women), gay men (men attracted to men), and bisexual people (men or women attracted to both sexes). However, some people may use different labels or none at all.

Sexual orientation is distinct from other components of sex and gender, including biological sex (the anatomical, physiological and genetic characteristics associated with being male or female), gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female)* and social gender role (the cultural norms that define feminine and masculine behavior).

Sexual orientation is commonly discussed as if it were solely a characteristic of an individual, like biological sex, gender identity or age. This perspective is incomplete because sexual orientation is defined in terms of relationships with others. People express their sexual orientation through behaviors with others, including such simple actions as holding hands or kissing. Thus, sexual orientation is closely tied to the intimate personal relationships that meet deeply felt needs for love, attachment and intimacy. In addition to sexual behaviors, these bonds include nonsexual physical affection between partners, shared goals and values, mutual support, and ongoing commitment. Therefore, sexual orientation is not merely a personal characteristic within an individual. Rather, one's sexual orientation defines the group of people in which one is likely to find the satisfying and fulfilling romantic relationships that are an essential component of personal identity for many people."

Can't watch that fatso. He still on ? Was hoping he had a heart attack by now. Damn. Anyway, if its the same old sit about Jesus never saying "homosexuality" then you are just as go rant as Joe is. Maybe a tad more desprate. Either way, your invited along with Joe and his alter egos.

John Fugalsang is far from fat. He's tall and thin. His mother was a nun and his father a Franciscan monk. And of course you don't want to see it, your mind's made up. Bible says gays bad. You're free to continue to think and feel that way. Your church will someday leave you behind, but you'll probably be dead by then.

In some states and localities, you can't use your religion to discriminate against gays just like in 50 states you can't use your religion to discriminate against blacks. Which way do you think this is going to end up?

The retard is strong in this one. Was talking about the fat slob doing the interview. And the guy being interviewed is just another guy with an opinion. Whaaa, Jesus don't say homosexual at all so it's ok for Christians to like it whaaaa, yay. Offer still stands or will you make excuses and be a coward like Joe? I will pass on some advice to ya. Don't quote other people's quotes on shit unless you checked them out. This attacking Christians with the bible on this topic is a losing fight. There is way more to it, and it only means anything if you believe it, which you dont. And you going to blacks, that's just weak and cowardly. Only the race pimps accept gay people. None of the religious ones do really. That was demonstrated here when they slapped down our old Mayers freak ordanance. The fact that you had to deflect this far only shows you know nothing except what the herd says you know.

You didn't watch it or you would know he wasn't attacking Christians. Telling you to be more christlike isn't attacking. It's what Jesus told you to do.

"None" of the religious accepts gay people? You sure about that? Oh, look...


The most supportive major religious groups are Buddhists (84 percent), Jews (77 percent), and Americans who select “Other religion” (75 percent); additionally, more than three-quarters (77 percent) of the religiously unaffiliated also support same-sex marriage.

More than six in ten (62 percent) white mainline Protestants support same-sex marriage. Among white mainline Protestant denominations, support ranges from 69 percent support among white mainline Presbyterians and 68 percent among both white Episcopalians and white Congregationalists/United Church of Christ members, to lower support among white mainline Baptists (53 percent) and white mainline Church of Christ/Disciples (50 percent).

And while the Catholic Church officially opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage, about six in ten white (61 percent), Hispanic (60 percent), and other non-white Catholics (60 percent) support allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally. A majority of orthodox Christians (56 percent) also support same-sex marriage.

On the other side of the debate, majorities of Jehovah’s Witnesses (75 percent), Mormons (68 percent), white evangelical Protestants (66 percent), Hispanic Protestants (58 percent), and black Protestants (54 percent) oppose allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally. Among white evangelical Protestant denominations, white evangelical Baptists are the most opposed (72 percent), while white evangelical Lutherans are nearly evenly divided (45 percent favor, 48 percent opposed).
Lol, yeah JoeB, the rebel. You have been taken down so much that you relied the ship you post is dumb. No CDZ because there are to many rules, truth is, you couldn't stand up to it. You are to easy to rattle and manipulate.

Guy, only person I see getting rattled here is you...

Look at how many post I made you do just to get out of going into the bull ring.

Uh, I never said I wanted to do the Bull Ring,so not so much... I mean it might be fun to mock your bad grammar and lack of composure for a while.... it would get boring after a couple pages.

And I have seen what happens when you go into the flame zone. Saw the USMB old dogs tear you a new one.

Since I almost never go to a flame zone thread, I'm not sure how you saw that, exactly. Probably teh same places where you saw I claimed I was a general and Mormons raped me, I supposed. Hallucinations must be one of those side effects your doctor warned you about.

Not recreation here Joe it's aprovel. It's why you sucked but for rep when they did that here.

Naw, I've probably gotten more points since they changed the point system than before... so not so much.

Again, guy, you aren't even a particularly strong debater.... I actually have more respect for guys like Marty who come here with an actual position on the topic.

How are they different than the Third Reich and the German People who supported them in their quest for freedom by oppressing others?
Yep..."Jew, bake that nazi-pride cake, PRONTO!".

I imagine the nazis even did what these lesbians did to the Kleins...went around to different Jewish shops on purpose, baiting the owners to see if they supported the nazi party or not by making them fashion swastikas & other nazi paraphernalia...just to see. Only besides being fined for refusing, the Jews were rounded up and taken to death camps. It's kind of like losing your license to do business...either way you and your kids don't get to eat..

Remember, we're talking about behaviors and ideologies here...not a race of people.
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How are they different than the Third Reich and the German People who supported them in their quest for freedom by oppressing others?
Yep..."Jew, bake that nazi-pride cake, PRONTO!".

I imagine the nazis even did what these lesbians did to the Kleins...went around to different Jewish shops on purpose, baiting the owners to see if they supported the nazi party or not by making them fashion swastikas & other nazi paraphernalia...just to see. Only besides being fined for refusing, the Jews were rounded up and taken to death camps. It's kind of like losing your license to do business...either way you and your kids don't get to eat..
Why do you lie so much? Is it part of YOUR religion?

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