Bakers fined for not working homosexual "wedding" continue fighting for their freedoms

No at all. An orientation that directly conflicts with biology is simply compulsive behavior.
Homosexuality is not in conflict with biology. You simply do not know what the biology is to begin with.

I sure do, you seem a bit confused though.
If you knew of the biology you wouldn't be making such idiotic arguments. Sexual orientation is a sliding scale. not a light switch on or off.
There are sliding scales of all obsessive compulsive behavior. Homosexuality is more like compulsive handwashing or hoarding than it is to normal desire.
Your ignorance is beyond the ability of anyone to resolve. You simply refuse to accept the science and reality. Leave it at that.
The science is that homosexuality is an aberration with no use among living creatures. Homosexuality advances nothing. It is an anomaly. A useless and pointless practice.
All primates can and do suffer obsessive compulsive disorders.

What's your point?
That is unrelated to sexual orientation, completely.

No at all. An orientation that directly conflicts with biology is simply compulsive behavior.
Bingo. That's exactly what it is.
Just shut your trap, ignorant drunk.
See how insane you are. You actually think people pay attention to pixels on the internet!

You are nothing kiddo. You are an empty ass looking to get filled and don't know what to do between.
Go make yourself a drink, drunk, that's what you're good for.
Homosexuality is not in conflict with biology. You simply do not know what the biology is to begin with.

I sure do, you seem a bit confused though.
If you knew of the biology you wouldn't be making such idiotic arguments. Sexual orientation is a sliding scale. not a light switch on or off.
There are sliding scales of all obsessive compulsive behavior. Homosexuality is more like compulsive handwashing or hoarding than it is to normal desire.
Your ignorance is beyond the ability of anyone to resolve. You simply refuse to accept the science and reality. Leave it at that.
The science is that homosexuality is an aberration with no use among living creatures. Homosexuality advances nothing. It is an anomaly. A useless and pointless practice.
A perfect example of your total misunderstanding of sex, sexuality, and sexual orientation but I'll give you a chance. What is the "purpose" of heterosexual oral and anal sex?

And, is all sex supposed to be about making babies?
No at all. An orientation that directly conflicts with biology is simply compulsive behavior.
Homosexuality is not in conflict with biology. You simply do not know what the biology is to begin with.

It's irrelevant.
The biology is entirely relevant. Human sexuality, including sexual orientation, has never been about making babies. And humans aren't the only species that that is true for. Sex and sexuality are tools not imperatives.

I don't see how it's relevant. But then I think government should protect equal rights, and not get into the business of deciding what is 'normal'.
Biology cannot be dictated by those with an agenda. It is what it is. The homophobes want to dictate biology therefore, reality. And it doesn't work that way.

It's nothing government should be dictating in any case.
Homosexuality is not in conflict with biology. You simply do not know what the biology is to begin with.

It's irrelevant.
The biology is entirely relevant. Human sexuality, including sexual orientation, has never been about making babies. And humans aren't the only species that that is true for. Sex and sexuality are tools not imperatives.

I don't see how it's relevant. But then I think government should protect equal rights, and not get into the business of deciding what is 'normal'.
Biology cannot be dictated by those with an agenda. It is what it is. The homophobes want to dictate biology therefore, reality. And it doesn't work that way.

It's nothing government should be dictating in any case.
They are doing their job, dictating equality. If your kind start treating your equals as equals then they will back off. Not until then.
The constitution is the only test required for religion. It is an historically tested belief. How is this in any way the same as what could actually be a delusion or obsessive compulsive disorder?

And I can't prove a black man is a black man using an objective test?

You can't be serious?
Perfectly serious.

You claimed their was an objective test for all characteristics listed in Title II (of the 1964 Civil Rights Act).

So what is the objective test for religious beliefs?

I can prove a black man is a black man. (1) visual examination - the person on the left is white, the person on the left is black. (2) DNA testing which is an objective test.


Religion is a founding principle of the United States constitution.

Where is sexual orientation?

Oh, snap

The Constitution does not prevent religious discrimination by non-government entities (i.e. businesses) against another non-government entity, Title II of the 1964 Civil Right Act and State Public Accommodation laws do that.

But your deflection and inability to define the objective test for religion that you said exists in Title II is there for the board to see. Oh, snap.

A claim of religion didn't prevent Piggie Park Enterprises from being found in violation of Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights act even though they claimed it was their religious view that they shouldn't serve black people.

Oh, snap.

The perplexing aspect is that, other then those freedoms afforded under the bill of rights, all others in Title II of the civil rights act, except sexual orientation, can be objectively tested.

Perplexing, don't you think?

All characteristics mentioned in Title II have objective tests. So...

What is the objective test for religion? Religion is cited in Title II of the Civil Rights Act.

And the objective sexual orientation test?
There isn't one.

He's an example, knowing only their sex and the sex of their partners, what is their sexual orientation? It is a male who has sex with other males. Name the orientation?

Prison inmate?
I sure do, you seem a bit confused though.
If you knew of the biology you wouldn't be making such idiotic arguments. Sexual orientation is a sliding scale. not a light switch on or off.
There are sliding scales of all obsessive compulsive behavior. Homosexuality is more like compulsive handwashing or hoarding than it is to normal desire.
Your ignorance is beyond the ability of anyone to resolve. You simply refuse to accept the science and reality. Leave it at that.
The science is that homosexuality is an aberration with no use among living creatures. Homosexuality advances nothing. It is an anomaly. A useless and pointless practice.
A perfect example of your total misunderstanding of sex, sexuality, and sexual orientation but I'll give you a chance. What is the "purpose" of heterosexual oral and anal sex?

And, is all sex supposed to be about making babies?
Heterosexual oral and anal sex is an adjunct to normal vaginal sex. Yes. Biologically the only purpose of sex is to make babies. You may enjoy it but the only biological purpose is propagation of the species.
That is unrelated to sexual orientation, completely.

No at all. An orientation that directly conflicts with biology is simply compulsive behavior.
Bingo. That's exactly what it is.
Just shut your trap, ignorant drunk.
See how insane you are. You actually think people pay attention to pixels on the internet!

You are nothing kiddo. You are an empty ass looking to get filled and don't know what to do between.
Go make yourself a drink, drunk, that's what you're good for.
Your brilliance is astounding. It's right up there with you're an old poopy pants.
There is no objective teast. None. But, there is common sense. If Allah guys don't like Jews that's fine. He can advertise fine jewelry free dinning. He would likely be out of business pretty soon but it's his choice. Same with the baker and gays. Bothell sides are just being stupid here, with the Homosassa being the stupidist. Of all the bakers in the phone book it had to be THAT one right there. Just dumb.

You know the bakers baked the wedding cake for the Mother a couple of years earlier. In addition at a Bridal Show earlier in the year, the wife of the baking couple had invited them to the shop.

You also know that the shop owner quoted Leviticus and call them an "abomination" right? Think that had anything to do with their deciding to file the complaint? Call someone an abomination and they file a complaint - you brought it on yourself.


It would be an even bigger reason for me to tell them to get stuffed. Religious or not they are dices who clearly don't know what they are quoting from the bible. Gay people are never referee to in the bible as abominations, their actsite are. Either way, Jesus would not a prove of this stupidity from eat her party. It's childish.
Heterosexual oral and anal sex is an adjunct to normal vaginal sex. Yes. Biologically the only purpose of sex is to make babies. You may enjoy it but the only biological purpose is propagation of the species.

Except most people don't have sex to make babies, and do their best to avoid doing so most of the time.

Next lame argument...

It would be an even bigger reason for me to tell them to get stuffed. Religious or not they are dices who clearly don't know what they are quoting from the bible. Gay people are never referee to in the bible as abominations, their actsite are. Either way, Jesus would not a prove of this stupidity from eat her party. It's childish.

Dude, seriously, where the fuck did you learn how to write?
Know who else used the "it ain't nachrul" argument?


Connections and alliances so unnatural that God and nature seem to forbid them should be prohibited by positive law and be subject to no evasion. (Virginia Supreme Court ruling, 1878)
I would think by now that it would have sunken into your brain Seawytch, especially after the 7th circuit just told the country, that race and deviant sex behaviors are not in the same legal or moral or any other type of category together.

Since you're striving to make a comparison, and you're talking about your deviant behaviors, it would be more accurate to say "Know who else used the "it ain't nachrul" argument? The Jews about the nazis putting them to death in death camps." Behavior to behavior; not not-behavior to behavior.

And the nazis had behaviors that were well documented and understood. "LGBTQ" (speaking of delusions) is all over the map and even they aren't sure of their own leanings. Hence why lesbians seek out masculine looking women who use dildos; and gay men seek out the femme (bottom) types for an artificial vagina. I mean HELLO closeted-issues! If heteros were up to the counterpart behavior in their camp, the gays would be screaming "COME OUT OF THE CLOSET ALREADY!" to the rooftops. I guess it only works one way.....which of course then defies logical reasoning...which is the definition of delusional behavior and thoughts..

Behavior and thoughts....behavior and thoughts...........behavior and thoughts...........
Homosexuality will soon be as protected as race, gender, and religion. The path is forward not where you want it to go, back to when gays hid in the closet. Do your job and start dealing with reality. Homosexuals are now almost completely on an equal basis with white Christian heterosexuals. That might suck for you but it doesn't for the rest of us.

I disagree, it will be treated for what it is. A mental disorder that deserves research for treatment
The only mental ones are those who believe as you do, which is Dark Ages thinking the same as epilepsy means you are possessed.

Homosexuality is as normal to a homosexuals as heterosexuality is to you or me. We never made a choice and neither did they almost without exception. And the exceptions are those who have made a choice to go against themselves for one reason or another. Believing the homosexuality is not part of the spectrum of human sexuality makes only those like you mental. You can't accept reality.

Largely bull shit. It's not normal at all.
Know who else used the "it ain't nachrul" argument?


Connections and alliances so unnatural that God and nature seem to forbid them should be prohibited by positive law and be subject to no evasion. (Virginia Supreme Court ruling, 1878)
I would think by now that it would have sunken into your brain Seawytch, especially after the 7th circuit just told the country, that race and deviant sex behaviors are not in the same legal or moral or any other type of category together.

Since you're striving to make a comparison, and you're talking about your deviant behaviors, it would be more accurate to say "Know who else used the "it ain't nachrul" argument? The Jews about the nazis putting them to death in death camps." Behavior to behavior; not not-behavior to behavior.

And the nazis had behaviors that were well documented and understood. "LGBTQ" (speaking of delusions) is all over the map and even they aren't sure of their own leanings. Hence why lesbians seek out masculine looking women who use dildos; and gay men seek out the femme (bottom) types for an artificial vagina. I mean HELLO closeted-issues! If heteros were up to the counterpart behavior in their camp, the gays would be screaming "COME OUT OF THE CLOSET ALREADY!" to the rooftops. I guess it only works one way.....which of course then defies logical reasoning...which is the definition of delusional behavior and thoughts..

Behavior and thoughts....behavior and thoughts...........behavior and thoughts...........
Homosexuality will soon be as protected as race, gender, and religion. The path is forward not where you want it to go, back to when gays hid in the closet. Do your job and start dealing with reality. Homosexuals are now almost completely on an equal basis with white Christian heterosexuals. That might suck for you but it doesn't for the rest of us.

I disagree, it will be treated for what it is. A mental disorder that deserves research for treatment
The only mental ones are those who believe as you do, which is Dark Ages thinking the same as epilepsy means you are possessed.

Homosexuality is as normal to a homosexuals as heterosexuality is to you or me. We never made a choice and neither did they almost without exception. And the exceptions are those who have made a choice to go against themselves for one reason or another. Believing the homosexuality is not part of the spectrum of human sexuality makes only those like you mental. You can't accept reality.

Honestly, the way it comes off to avrage people is that 99.9% of gay people are so fucked up and insecure that they do this shit like they did here with the wedding cake because they need others to tell them that they aren't wrong. As for homosexuality beig a normal part of the spectrum is bull shit. If that's true then so is incest, beastiality and child molestation. As gross as they all are, it's what your saying .
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If you knew of the biology you wouldn't be making such idiotic arguments. Sexual orientation is a sliding scale. not a light switch on or off.
There are sliding scales of all obsessive compulsive behavior. Homosexuality is more like compulsive handwashing or hoarding than it is to normal desire.
Your ignorance is beyond the ability of anyone to resolve. You simply refuse to accept the science and reality. Leave it at that.
The science is that homosexuality is an aberration with no use among living creatures. Homosexuality advances nothing. It is an anomaly. A useless and pointless practice.
A perfect example of your total misunderstanding of sex, sexuality, and sexual orientation but I'll give you a chance. What is the "purpose" of heterosexual oral and anal sex?

And, is all sex supposed to be about making babies?
Heterosexual oral and anal sex is an adjunct to normal vaginal sex. Yes. Biologically the only purpose of sex is to make babies. You may enjoy it but the only biological purpose is propagation of the species.

You should try it for the fun...might make you less cranky all the time.
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Heterosexual oral and anal sex is an adjunct to normal vaginal sex. Yes. Biologically the only purpose of sex is to make babies. You may enjoy it but the only biological purpose is propagation of the species.

Except most people don't have sex to make babies, and do their best to avoid doing so most of the time.

Next lame argument...

It would be an even bigger reason for me to tell them to get stuffed. Religious or not they are dices who clearly don't know what they are quoting from the bible. Gay people are never referee to in the bible as abominations, their actsite are. Either way, Jesus would not a prove of this stupidity from eat her party. It's childish.

Dude, seriously, where the fuck did you learn how to write?

Auto correct on a tablet. But if it sucks so bad take me up on the offer. You won't though because you never do when ever anyone challenges you on your same old post on the same old topics. Honestly, how do you not get put on a dink list for spamming? All your posts are the same. You try and tell everyone you are an elite educated ex army killer when you know you are full of shit Joe. More likely your still fucked up from that time the Mormons raped you in the shower. Your as bad as the fags joe. You so despretly need to be recognized that you go off the way you do. So put up or shut up and come on to the bull ring and a dress the topic I challanged you on or shut the fucked up and continue being a coward.
Auto correct on a tablet. But if it sucks so bad take me up on the offer. You won't though because you never do when ever anyone challenges you on your same old post on the same old topics. Honestly, how do you not get put on a dink list for spamming? All your posts are the same. You try and tell everyone you are an elite educated ex army killer when you know you are full of shit Joe. More likely your still fucked up from that time the Mormons raped you in the shower. Your as bad as the fags joe. You so despretly need to be recognized that you go off the way you do. So put up or shut up and come on to the bull ring and a dress the topic I challanged you on or shut the fucked up and continue being a coward.

So you are blaming your poor reading comprehension skills on the Tablet, too?

And no, I'm not going to wear a dress in a bull ring for you... that's just weird.
All primates can and do suffer obsessive compulsive disorders.

What's your point?
That is unrelated to sexual orientation, completely.

No at all. An orientation that directly conflicts with biology is simply compulsive behavior.
Homosexuality is not in conflict with biology. You simply do not know what the biology is to begin with.

I sure do, you seem a bit confused though.
If you knew of the biology you wouldn't be making such idiotic arguments. Sexual orientation is a sliding scale. not a light switch on or off.

Which describes obsessive compulsive behavior to a tee.

Thanks again
No at all. An orientation that directly conflicts with biology is simply compulsive behavior.
Homosexuality is not in conflict with biology. You simply do not know what the biology is to begin with.

It's irrelevant.
The biology is entirely relevant. Human sexuality, including sexual orientation, has never been about making babies. And humans aren't the only species that that is true for. Sex and sexuality are tools not imperatives.

I don't see how it's relevant. But then I think government should protect equal rights, and not get into the business of deciding what is 'normal'.
Biology cannot be dictated by those with an agenda. It is what it is. The homophobes want to dictate biology therefore, reality. And it doesn't work that way.

The irony of this post is delicious
Auto correct on a tablet. But if it sucks so bad take me up on the offer. You won't though because you never do when ever anyone challenges you on your same old post on the same old topics. Honestly, how do you not get put on a dink list for spamming? All your posts are the same. You try and tell everyone you are an elite educated ex army killer when you know you are full of shit Joe. More likely your still fucked up from that time the Mormons raped you in the shower. Your as bad as the fags joe. You so despretly need to be recognized that you go off the way you do. So put up or shut up and come on to the bull ring and a dress the topic I challanged you on or shut the fucked up and continue being a coward.

So you are blaming your poor reading comprehension skills on the Tablet, too?

And no, I'm not going to wear a dress in a bull ring for you... that's just weird.

Because you would get stomped. Your skeert. I understand.
Homosexuality is not in conflict with biology. You simply do not know what the biology is to begin with.

I sure do, you seem a bit confused though.
If you knew of the biology you wouldn't be making such idiotic arguments. Sexual orientation is a sliding scale. not a light switch on or off.
There are sliding scales of all obsessive compulsive behavior. Homosexuality is more like compulsive handwashing or hoarding than it is to normal desire.
Your ignorance is beyond the ability of anyone to resolve. You simply refuse to accept the science and reality. Leave it at that.
The science is that homosexuality is an aberration with no use among living creatures. Homosexuality advances nothing. It is an anomaly. A useless and pointless practice.

Makes wet spots that may sell more washing detergents, but on a basis of advancing the species, that's correct.
Auto correct on a tablet. But if it sucks so bad take me up on the offer. You won't though because you never do when ever anyone challenges you on your same old post on the same old topics. Honestly, how do you not get put on a dink list for spamming? All your posts are the same. You try and tell everyone you are an elite educated ex army killer when you know you are full of shit Joe. More likely your still fucked up from that time the Mormons raped you in the shower. Your as bad as the fags joe. You so despretly need to be recognized that you go off the way you do. So put up or shut up and come on to the bull ring and a dress the topic I challanged you on or shut the fucked up and continue being a coward.

So you are blaming your poor reading comprehension skills on the Tablet, too?

And no, I'm not going to wear a dress in a bull ring for you... that's just weird.

Come on, Joe. I'm sure I know enough gay men that we can find just the right frock for you. What you'd do in said bull ring I don't know, but you'd look fabulous.

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