Bakers...they won't stop if you just bake the cake...they want you to like it....

So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

No moron, they already had the rings made, had spent the money to make them...then they noticed the sign...and took offense.......I heard the interview with the woman who was involved....she is a moron....

And the couple decided they did not want to do business with an establishment that openly advertised they oppose their marriage

Free enterprise at its finest
Breech of contract and possible theft of services: the couple will end up paying much more money.

After a quick search, maybe not. They will probably lose their deposit though.

Canadian Jewelry Store Displays Anti-Gay Marriage Sign After Selling Lesbian Brides-To-Be An Engagement Ring

The deposit was refunded and they are now taking their business elsewhere. This is pretty much a non-story.

Unfinished.....does that mean they had already spent money to start the rings?
they already had the rings made, had spent the money to make them...then they noticed the sign...and took offense

Jardon did not discriminate or refuse service to the couple, and as a business co-owner, he has the right to display signage that promotes his personal values as he sees fit. But customers are also entitled to decline service from businesses that actively promote values that are hostile to their own. Renouf and White, however, weren't given the opportunity to make that call for themselves.

The couple, who plan to marry in August 2016, said they are hoping to get a refund on the as-yet-unfinished ring, even though shop employees said that refunds are not normally issued.

"The ring symbolizes love, and just knowing that that’s the sign that they have up there — every time I look at my ring, yes, I’ll think of us, clearly, but also everything we went through," White told The Telegram. "So I don’t want my ring from there anymore."

Canadian Jewelry Store Displays Anti-Gay Marriage Sign After Selling Lesbian Brides-To-Be An Engagement Ring

Shortly after the couple ordered the ring, a friend of theirs dropped by the store and noticed that the shopkeepers had displayed a sign in the window which read: "The sanctity of marriage is under attack. Let's keep marriage between a man and a woman."

The friend snapped a photo for Renouf and White, who said they were shocked and upset by the move.

The sign had not been on display during the couple's previous visits to the store, The Telegram noted. The custom ring had been intended for White, as Renouf would like to return the initial proposal.

"If I had to know those posters were there beforehand, I wouldn’t give them business," White told The Telegram.

Don't go muddling up this thread with facts.

So...they made the ring...right? That is what you fascists said would solve this problem....until it didn' you don't like a sign that supports their religious now are we going back to court....?

Facists like me? Too funny.

The rings were never made despite what you heard on the radio. The sign wasn't posted until after they ordered the rings and they got their deposit back. If you want to continue to clutch your pearls over a non-story out of Canada than by my guest.
No moron, they already had the rings made, had spent the money to make them...then they noticed the sign...and took offense.......I heard the interview with the woman who was involved....she is a moron....

And the couple decided they did not want to do business with an establishment that openly advertised they oppose their marriage

Free enterprise at its finest
Breech of contract and possible theft of services: the couple will end up paying much more money.

After a quick search, maybe not. They will probably lose their deposit though.

Canadian Jewelry Store Displays Anti-Gay Marriage Sign After Selling Lesbian Brides-To-Be An Engagement Ring

The deposit was refunded and they are now taking their business elsewhere. This is pretty much a non-story.

Unfinished.....does that mean they had already spent money to start the rings?

They put a deposit down and the jeweler returned it. The jeweler doesn't have a problem returning their deposit so why should you? To be overly dramatic is my guess.
And the couple decided they did not want to do business with an establishment that openly advertised they oppose their marriage

Free enterprise at its finest
Breech of contract and possible theft of services: the couple will end up paying much more money.

After a quick search, maybe not. They will probably lose their deposit though.

Canadian Jewelry Store Displays Anti-Gay Marriage Sign After Selling Lesbian Brides-To-Be An Engagement Ring

The deposit was refunded and they are now taking their business elsewhere. This is pretty much a non-story.

Unfinished.....does that mean they had already spent money to start the rings?

They put a deposit down and the jeweler returned it. The jeweler doesn't have a problem returning their deposit so why should you? To be overly dramatic is my guess.

The jeweler thinks this is over.....
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

The queers did do business with them, numskull. They ordered a couple of wedding rings and then refused to pay.
If a black man ordered a cake, and then when he went to pick it up he noticed a KKK recruiting poster hanging behind the counter, you couldn't possibly be upset if he refused to give his money to the baker.

Just because a Klansman is okay with taking a negro's money doesn't mean the black guy should be okay with giving it to him.

Same deal here with this anti-gay bakery.

Same bullshit, different decade.
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

The queers did do business with them, numskull. They ordered a couple of wedding rings and then refused to pay.

They were informed about the sign after they placed the order

Didn't make the ring so special
If a black man ordered a cake, and then when he went to pick it up he noticed a KKK recruiting poster hanging behind the counter, you couldn't possibly be upset if he refused to give his money to the baker.

Just because a Klansman is okay with taking a negro's money doesn't mean the black guy should be okay with giving it to him.

Same deal here with this anti-gay bakery.

Same bullshit, different decade.

I could care less...they can do what they want with their business, I believe in the free exchange of goods and services.....sadly, the lefties don't......
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

The queers did do business with them, numskull. They ordered a couple of wedding rings and then refused to pay.

They were informed about the sign after they placed the order

Didn't make the ring so special

So....we were told that if these business owners simply made the product they would be fine......apparently that isn't the it?
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

The queers did do business with them, numskull. They ordered a couple of wedding rings and then refused to pay.

They were informed about the sign after they placed the order

Didn't make the ring so special

So....we were told that if these business owners simply made the product they would be fine......apparently that isn't the it?

In fact......if there was justice, these gay people would be brought up on discrimination charges because they had made a contract with the jeweler and broke it due to anti religious bigotry.....and I thought bigotry was bad....right? They took the order and started the they were doing what you lefty fascists wanted...right? Now the government needs to step in and fine the gays for bigotry...right?
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

The queers did do business with them, numskull. They ordered a couple of wedding rings and then refused to pay.

They were informed about the sign after they placed the order

Didn't make the ring so special

So....we were told that if these business owners simply made the product they would be fine......apparently that isn't the it?

It seems you still don't get it

If you open a business, you are required to accomodate everyone
If you patronize a business, you can go where you please

That is why it is wise for businesses not to openly offend their customers
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

The queers did do business with them, numskull. They ordered a couple of wedding rings and then refused to pay.

They were informed about the sign after they placed the order

Didn't make the ring so special

So....we were told that if these business owners simply made the product they would be fine......apparently that isn't the it?

In fact......if there was justice, these gay people would be brought up on discrimination charges because they had made a contract with the jeweler and broke it due to anti religious bigotry.....and I thought bigotry was bad....right? They took the order and started the they were doing what you lefty fascists wanted...right? Now the government needs to step in and fine the gays for bigotry...right?
Jesus Christ quit your fucking lying. They asked for their money back and received it. They broke no contract. It was mutually agreed upon to refund their deposit.
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So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

The queers did do business with them, numskull. They ordered a couple of wedding rings and then refused to pay.

They were informed about the sign after they placed the order

Didn't make the ring so special

So....we were told that if these business owners simply made the product they would be fine......apparently that isn't the it?

In fact......if there was justice, these gay people would be brought up on discrimination charges because they had made a contract with the jeweler and broke it due to anti religious bigotry.....and I thought bigotry was bad....right? They took the order and started the they were doing what you lefty fascists wanted...right? Now the government needs to step in and fine the gays for bigotry...right?
Jesus Christ quit your fucking lying. They asked for their money back and received it. They broke no contract. It was mutually agreed upon to refund their deposit.

He want's his fauxrage, facts be damned, and by god he's going to get it even if he has to make up the facts as he goes.
That a self proclaimed anarchist uses the term "queer" makes him a Creepy Anarchist.

The jeweler and the clients are each satisfied, so the left and the right and the rest of wacks on this can STFU.
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Because this ended exactly the way it should, this transaction should be the template for future gay business dealings.
Here is a story I heard on the Dan and Amy show, I can't find the story yet....a jeweler in Canada is religious and pro traditional marriage, they actually made wedding rings for a gay couple that were getting married....after the rings were made, several thousand dollars worth.....the gay couple noticed a sign in the store that mentioned supporting traditional marriage....they refused to pay for the rings

So...a traditional religous person with a jewelry store actually makes rings for a gay wedding...and that isn't enough....they have not submitted to the borg collective completely and now will be punished...

The foolishness of believing that they will stop at you just serving them is silly........

Dan Proft mentioned a speech by Lincoln....who addressed some abolitionists who believed that they should just let the south (democrats) have their way of life and let the north (repbulicans) be free...Lincoln pointed out that the south would never let them just "be" that they would end up pushing until the north was also slave owning......

And he was right...they will not just stop at you serving had better be completely on board and must submit to their goals...or you will pay.....

"Pro-Traditional Marriage" = ignorant bigot misquoting bible.

Does the Jeweler eat shrimp cocktail or wear mixed threads (polyester)?

Stop calling yourselves Christians when you don't follow the most basic teachings of Christ.

You are so fucking stupid! Where in the Bible does Jesus condone gay marriage?
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

No moron, they already had the rings made, had spent the money to make them...then they noticed the sign...and took offense.......I heard the interview with the woman who was involved....she is a moron....

And the couple decided they did not want to do business with an establishment that openly advertised they oppose their marriage

Free enterprise at its finest

So, the customer can decide he/she doesn't want to do business, but the owner cannot? Funny standard you follow there.
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

No moron, they already had the rings made, had spent the money to make them...then they noticed the sign...and took offense.......I heard the interview with the woman who was involved....she is a moron....

And the couple decided they did not want to do business with an establishment that openly advertised they oppose their marriage

Free enterprise at its finest
Breech of contract and possible theft of services: the couple will end up paying much more money.

Could be
So sue them

They will claim that the business breached the contract by its actions. I imagine they paid some type of deposit which the business won't return. They just refuse to pay any more to a business that they find offensive

So the jeweler is guilty of ThoughtCrime?

He provided the service as per the law. He put away his personal beliefs as you clowns keep asking people to do. Its clear you don't want tolerance, you want blinding acceptance.

Nope....They just want you to hold their hair back while they're doing it in public...

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