Bakers...they won't stop if you just bake the cake...they want you to like it....

Here is a story I heard on the Dan and Amy show, I can't find the story yet....a jeweler in Canada is religious and pro traditional marriage, they actually made wedding rings for a gay couple that were getting married....after the rings were made, several thousand dollars worth.....the gay couple noticed a sign in the store that mentioned supporting traditional marriage....they refused to pay for the rings

So...a traditional religous person with a jewelry store actually makes rings for a gay wedding...and that isn't enough....they have not submitted to the borg collective completely and now will be punished...

The foolishness of believing that they will stop at you just serving them is silly........

Dan Proft mentioned a speech by Lincoln....who addressed some abolitionists who believed that they should just let the south (democrats) have their way of life and let the north (repbulicans) be free...Lincoln pointed out that the south would never let them just "be" that they would end up pushing until the north was also slave owning......

And he was right...they will not just stop at you serving had better be completely on board and must submit to their goals...or you will pay.....

"Pro-Traditional Marriage" = ignorant bigot misquoting bible.

Does the Jeweler eat shrimp cocktail or wear mixed threads (polyester)?

Stop calling yourselves Christians when you don't follow the most basic teachings of Christ.

You are so fucking stupid! Where in the Bible does Jesus condone gay marriage?

The point is that the baker is very selective about what Bible passages outrage him

He will bake a cake for adultery, atheists, divorce or a pregnant bride

It is only gays that he gets outraged over
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

No moron, they already had the rings made, had spent the money to make them...then they noticed the sign...and took offense.......I heard the interview with the woman who was involved....she is a moron....

And the couple decided they did not want to do business with an establishment that openly advertised they oppose their marriage

Free enterprise at its finest

So, the customer can decide he/she doesn't want to do business, but the owner cannot? Funny standard you follow there.

Yes, that is the way it works

If you own a business, you must serve everyone
A customer is free to decide who he wants to give his business to

Is that so hard to understand?
That a self proclaimed anarchist uses the term "queer" makes him a Creepy Anarchist.

The jeweler and the clients are each satisfied, so the left and the right and the rest of wacks on this can STFU.

Another leftwing moron fails to get the point.
Here is a story I heard on the Dan and Amy show, I can't find the story yet....a jeweler in Canada is religious and pro traditional marriage, they actually made wedding rings for a gay couple that were getting married....after the rings were made, several thousand dollars worth.....the gay couple noticed a sign in the store that mentioned supporting traditional marriage....they refused to pay for the rings

So...a traditional religous person with a jewelry store actually makes rings for a gay wedding...and that isn't enough....they have not submitted to the borg collective completely and now will be punished...

The foolishness of believing that they will stop at you just serving them is silly........

Dan Proft mentioned a speech by Lincoln....who addressed some abolitionists who believed that they should just let the south (democrats) have their way of life and let the north (repbulicans) be free...Lincoln pointed out that the south would never let them just "be" that they would end up pushing until the north was also slave owning......

And he was right...they will not just stop at you serving had better be completely on board and must submit to their goals...or you will pay.....

"Pro-Traditional Marriage" = ignorant bigot misquoting bible.

Does the Jeweler eat shrimp cocktail or wear mixed threads (polyester)?

Stop calling yourselves Christians when you don't follow the most basic teachings of Christ.

You are so fucking stupid! Where in the Bible does Jesus condone gay marriage?

The point is that the baker is very selective about what Bible passages outrage him

He will bake a cake for adultery, atheists, divorce or a pregnant bride

It is only gays that he gets outraged over

How is the baker supposed to know whether a particular customers is an atheist, adulterer, divorced or pregnant out of wedlock?
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

No moron, they already had the rings made, had spent the money to make them...then they noticed the sign...and took offense.......I heard the interview with the woman who was involved....she is a moron....

And the couple decided they did not want to do business with an establishment that openly advertised they oppose their marriage

Free enterprise at its finest

So, the customer can decide he/she doesn't want to do business, but the owner cannot? Funny standard you follow there.

Yes, that is the way it works

If you own a business, you must serve everyone
A customer is free to decide who he wants to give his business to

Is that so hard to understand?

That's what the law says, but of course the whole premise of this thread is that the law violates the rights of business owners.
Here is a story I heard on the Dan and Amy show, I can't find the story yet....a jeweler in Canada is religious and pro traditional marriage, they actually made wedding rings for a gay couple that were getting married....after the rings were made, several thousand dollars worth.....the gay couple noticed a sign in the store that mentioned supporting traditional marriage....they refused to pay for the rings

So...a traditional religous person with a jewelry store actually makes rings for a gay wedding...and that isn't enough....they have not submitted to the borg collective completely and now will be punished...

The foolishness of believing that they will stop at you just serving them is silly........

Dan Proft mentioned a speech by Lincoln....who addressed some abolitionists who believed that they should just let the south (democrats) have their way of life and let the north (repbulicans) be free...Lincoln pointed out that the south would never let them just "be" that they would end up pushing until the north was also slave owning......

And he was right...they will not just stop at you serving had better be completely on board and must submit to their goals...or you will pay.....

And the law protects, and should protect the jewler in this case.

On the other hand, if he had refused service - the gays would not have been protected in many places.

So you're really just a whiny bitch.
Here is a story I heard on the Dan and Amy show, I can't find the story yet....a jeweler in Canada is religious and pro traditional marriage, they actually made wedding rings for a gay couple that were getting married....after the rings were made, several thousand dollars worth.....the gay couple noticed a sign in the store that mentioned supporting traditional marriage....they refused to pay for the rings

So...a traditional religous person with a jewelry store actually makes rings for a gay wedding...and that isn't enough....they have not submitted to the borg collective completely and now will be punished...

The foolishness of believing that they will stop at you just serving them is silly........

Dan Proft mentioned a speech by Lincoln....who addressed some abolitionists who believed that they should just let the south (democrats) have their way of life and let the north (repbulicans) be free...Lincoln pointed out that the south would never let them just "be" that they would end up pushing until the north was also slave owning......

And he was right...they will not just stop at you serving had better be completely on board and must submit to their goals...or you will pay.....

"Pro-Traditional Marriage" = ignorant bigot misquoting bible.

Does the Jeweler eat shrimp cocktail or wear mixed threads (polyester)?

Stop calling yourselves Christians when you don't follow the most basic teachings of Christ.

You are so fucking stupid! Where in the Bible does Jesus condone gay marriage?

The point is that the baker is very selective about what Bible passages outrage him

He will bake a cake for adultery, atheists, divorce or a pregnant bride

It is only gays that he gets outraged over

How is the baker supposed to know whether a particular customers is an atheist, adulterer, divorced or pregnant out of wedlock?

A pregnant bride to be comes in to pick out a cake and he can't tell she is a sinner?
A couple comes in and lists the same address and you can't tell they are living in sin?
That a self proclaimed anarchist uses the term "queer" makes him a Creepy Anarchist.

The jeweler and the clients are each satisfied, so the left and the right and the rest of wacks on this can STFU.

Another leftwing moron fails to get the point.
says Creep Bripat. The jeweler and the customers have worked their issue out. What's it to you?
Here is a story I heard on the Dan and Amy show, I can't find the story yet....a jeweler in Canada is religious and pro traditional marriage, they actually made wedding rings for a gay couple that were getting married....after the rings were made, several thousand dollars worth.....the gay couple noticed a sign in the store that mentioned supporting traditional marriage....they refused to pay for the rings

So...a traditional religous person with a jewelry store actually makes rings for a gay wedding...and that isn't enough....they have not submitted to the borg collective completely and now will be punished...

The foolishness of believing that they will stop at you just serving them is silly........

Dan Proft mentioned a speech by Lincoln....who addressed some abolitionists who believed that they should just let the south (democrats) have their way of life and let the north (repbulicans) be free...Lincoln pointed out that the south would never let them just "be" that they would end up pushing until the north was also slave owning......

And he was right...they will not just stop at you serving had better be completely on board and must submit to their goals...or you will pay.....

And the law protects, and should protect the jewler in this case.

On the other hand, if he had refused service - the gays would not have been protected in many places.

So you're really just a whiny bitch.

moron.....protected from what...having to find another harkens back to the old days of the civil rights movement doesn't it? guys are saying if Christians put signs up in their stores that say they support gay marriage.....and it seems to act like crosses and garlic for vampires because these gays ran away.......that the gays are just going to let that go.....and simply go somewhere else......unlike they did before when they got the government to go after these people...really? You think they won't mind at all....?
Here is a story I heard on the Dan and Amy show, I can't find the story yet....a jeweler in Canada is religious and pro traditional marriage, they actually made wedding rings for a gay couple that were getting married....after the rings were made, several thousand dollars worth.....the gay couple noticed a sign in the store that mentioned supporting traditional marriage....they refused to pay for the rings

So...a traditional religous person with a jewelry store actually makes rings for a gay wedding...and that isn't enough....they have not submitted to the borg collective completely and now will be punished...

The foolishness of believing that they will stop at you just serving them is silly........

Dan Proft mentioned a speech by Lincoln....who addressed some abolitionists who believed that they should just let the south (democrats) have their way of life and let the north (repbulicans) be free...Lincoln pointed out that the south would never let them just "be" that they would end up pushing until the north was also slave owning......

And he was right...they will not just stop at you serving had better be completely on board and must submit to their goals...or you will pay.....

Here is the thing- the gay couple may not have liked what the jeweler said- but they contracted to have the rings made- and if they refuse to pay the jeweler- then the gay couple can be both sued, and I believe criminally prosecuted for theft of services.

And I would support that.

Just like a Christian baker doesn't get to ignore the law just because he is Christian, customers don't get to ignore the law just because they don't like what a jeweler says.

Sell the cake.
Pay your bill
Stop being stupid.
If a black man ordered a cake, and then when he went to pick it up he noticed a KKK recruiting poster hanging behind the counter, you couldn't possibly be upset if he refused to give his money to the baker.

Just because a Klansman is okay with taking a negro's money doesn't mean the black guy should be okay with giving it to him.

Same deal here with this anti-gay bakery.

Same bullshit, different decade.

I could care less...

This is actually grammatically correct. If you did care less, you would not have started this topic.

They can do what they want with their business, I believe in the free exchange of goods and services.....sadly, the lefties don't......

I'm sorry, but that whining sound you hear is yours because the homo wouldn't give his money to a bigot.
If a black man ordered a cake, and then when he went to pick it up he noticed a KKK recruiting poster hanging behind the counter, you couldn't possibly be upset if he refused to give his money to the baker.

Just because a Klansman is okay with taking a negro's money doesn't mean the black guy should be okay with giving it to him.

Same deal here with this anti-gay bakery.

Same bullshit, different decade.

I could care less...

This is actually grammatically correct. If you did care less, you would not have started this topic.

They can do what they want with their business, I believe in the free exchange of goods and services.....sadly, the lefties don't......

I'm sorry, but that whining sound you hear is yours because the homo wouldn't give his money to a bigot.

Again, I don't care that they didn't buy the are an idiot if you think it ends here....if all religious people have to do is post signs in support of traditional marriage and the gays will go away...not they will probably push for hate speech laws against posting things like this....
AvgGuy is simply a whiner. Public accommodations may or may not be in force.
This has nothing to do with public accommodations. They went to buy a ring. They bought the ring. They were accommodated.
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

The queers did do business with them, numskull. They ordered a couple of wedding rings and then refused to pay.

They were informed about the sign after they placed the order

Didn't make the ring so special

So....we were told that if these business owners simply made the product they would be fine......apparently that isn't the it?

It seems you still don't get it

If you open a business, you are required to accomodate everyone
If you patronize a business, you can go where you please

That is why it is wise for businesses not to openly offend their customers
In case you haven't been paying attention, there are at least as many willing to patronize said business because they agree with the owners' opinions as their are those who would take their business elsewhere. So, please, let those who will patronize this business, or another, as they desire. What needs to cease is the propensity of certain types to seek out and victimize specific businesses based solely on the business owner's personal convictions.
Here is a story I heard on the Dan and Amy show, I can't find the story yet....a jeweler in Canada is religious and pro traditional marriage, they actually made wedding rings for a gay couple that were getting married....after the rings were made, several thousand dollars worth.....the gay couple noticed a sign in the store that mentioned supporting traditional marriage....they refused to pay for the rings

So...a traditional religous person with a jewelry store actually makes rings for a gay wedding...and that isn't enough....they have not submitted to the borg collective completely and now will be punished...

The foolishness of believing that they will stop at you just serving them is silly........

Dan Proft mentioned a speech by Lincoln....who addressed some abolitionists who believed that they should just let the south (democrats) have their way of life and let the north (repbulicans) be free...Lincoln pointed out that the south would never let them just "be" that they would end up pushing until the north was also slave owning......

And he was right...they will not just stop at you serving had better be completely on board and must submit to their goals...or you will pay.....

"Pro-Traditional Marriage" = ignorant bigot misquoting bible.

Does the Jeweler eat shrimp cocktail or wear mixed threads (polyester)?

Stop calling yourselves Christians when you don't follow the most basic teachings of Christ.

You are so fucking stupid! Where in the Bible does Jesus condone gay marriage?

The point is that the baker is very selective about what Bible passages outrage him

He will bake a cake for adultery, atheists, divorce or a pregnant bride

It is only gays that he gets outraged over

How is the baker supposed to know whether a particular customers is an atheist, adulterer, divorced or pregnant out of wedlock?
Psychic ability? Unlike different races and ethnicities, the only way to identify homosexuals is if they self-declare.
So you put up a sign that offends your customers and then complain when they don't want to do business with you

No moron, they already had the rings made, had spent the money to make them...then they noticed the sign...and took offense.......I heard the interview with the woman who was involved....she is a moron....

And the couple decided they did not want to do business with an establishment that openly advertised they oppose their marriage

Free enterprise at its finest

So, the customer can decide he/she doesn't want to do business, but the owner cannot? Funny standard you follow there.

Yes, that is the way it works

If you own a business, you must serve everyone
A customer is free to decide who he wants to give his business to

Is that so hard to understand?

That's what the law says, but of course the whole premise of this thread is that the law violates the rights of business owners.
According to some of the respondents to this thread, business owners have no rights to be violated.
If they have services to the public, then they have the right to provide that service to all customers.

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