Ban God bless America

Lord bless United States!!!!

What the OP completely left out of his OP --- and his title ---- was that this article is entirely about baseball.

Wonder why he went out of his way to omit that.

Oh wait, I can put this more eloquently with a word I just learned....


Lord is our higher power.

Lord can were our savior.

This is a sheep using a computer /\/\/\\/\
'God Bless America' is the worst song ever!

Here we go folks. Another Anti-America rant in order to transition this country into socialism. The ungrateful librats prefer to destroy American tradition for the sake of feelings and atheism. I'm not into religion but I love my country and honor our patriotic values. American apologist prefer to ban our beautiful culture but avoid trashing Muslims chanting to Allah in public prayers and foreigners patrotic traditions during their parades in America.

If you don't love what this country was built on or stands for, then go join ISIS and keep their sharia law. They seem to share your same hate.
What about "God Bless America", the statement, not the song, is so disturbing? It is referencing a deity for sure, but from what faith? Any one you wish to subscribe to. Now if someone officially said, "Allah, bless America," as a Government agent, THAT would be quite a different story, as they would be referencing a SPECIFIC religion. If you detest the singing of the song, refrain from going to events that are likely to have the song sung, otherwise, sit down and shut up, this is the U.S.A. and we should all be proud of what that stands for. If the citizens of another country are not proud of their nation, that is their problem. I, for one, refuse to change because of what some random Brit. says or thinks.

Toronto Blue Jays?

And what about Atheists? We worship no god (because we're sane human beings). How about we leave the god bullshit at church and quit pretending it has anything to do with athletic contests.

And I wholly disagree with the idea that "we should be proud" of the USA. How are you "proud"? What have you done that invokes pride? Be "proud" of your kids because you raised them. Be "proud" of your accomplishments. But I've never understood being "proud" of the country where you were accidentally born.
We could ban the song but that wouldn't get to the root of the problem. The thing at which it's being sung, baseball games, I find boring and offensive since it diverts the youth of American from their proper lessons. Because I am offended baseball is not "microagression", it's "MEGAaggression" and has to go.
From the article:

=> Part of my outrage stems from ponderous Mussolini-esque introduction of the song, when fans are asked to rise, remove their caps and place them over their hearts.

.... The song still embodies great things about America, but also our worst things: self-righteousness, forced piety, earnest self-reverence, foam.

.... I once went to a Brooklyn Cyclones game with a British guy named James Silver, who smiled when “God Bless America” was being played. “It’s exactly what I expect from Americans,” he said. “The self-righteousness, the patriotism. It’s always nice to see my opinions confirmed.” <=​

All spot-on correct. Groupthink has absolutely NOTHING to recommend it. It makes robots, zealots and mass enablers out of those who could have been individuals. And it has no business in a sporting event, any more than the National Anthem does, unless that event is somehow restricted to this country.

How come baseball -- which is played on every continent and popular in Canada, Asia and all over Latin America --- insists on starting every game with that exclusionary exercise, while football --- which is played only here --- doesn't? Makes no sense.

I like the article's coda line:

"If you want to thank God for blessing America, you can do it on Sunday in the other church."
You're more than welcome to join the Jihad and destroy us infidels and God.

Yes, one has to wonder why the American haters stay here; there are planes and ships leaving every single day to all those more 'enlightened paradises. My guess is they're just fakes and cowards.

Actually what one has to wonder is what the fuck it has to do with the game of baseball, which is, again, the entire point of the article, which I must be the only one to have actually read.

what it is , IS base ball is an old game been around a long time, is filled with old traditions, some nice some antiquated, but if people at a ball game put their hand to their heart and mumble the words to the song, its not hurting anyone, and its not brainwashing them. Everyone at the game realizes its just an old tradition. Could it be there are some in the American left who fear this could be the beginning of a patriotic insurrection? haha
well really some on the left just cant leave anything alone. Looking for some relic of patriotism left that they can grind into the mud before they go on to the next thing. People at the baseball game get it, they eat a hotdog have a good time at the game and maybe remember all the little things that remind them of an earlier time in life, then back to the real world. the fact that .000001% of their life was spent singing a song has little to no impact on the way they will live their life. On the other hand, taking a tradition away somehow has a greater impact I think. Its much more of a statement for people who hate America if they would somehow get rid of it.
And I wholly disagree with the idea that "we should be proud" of the USA. How are you "proud"? But I've never understood being "proud" of the country where you were accidentally born.
Because you should be proud that your ungrateful ass has freedom and rights that our vets fought and died for so our kids wouldn't be conquered by facism and the British. You're a pussy for cursing vets saying they died in vain.

You sit comfortably behind your computer as a coward ignorant about the price men paid in this great country to care about defending your sorry ass.
From the article:

=> Part of my outrage stems from ponderous Mussolini-esque introduction of the song, when fans are asked to rise, remove their caps and place them over their hearts.

.... The song still embodies great things about America, but also our worst things: self-righteousness, forced piety, earnest self-reverence, foam.

.... I once went to a Brooklyn Cyclones game with a British guy named James Silver, who smiled when “God Bless America” was being played. “It’s exactly what I expect from Americans,” he said. “The self-righteousness, the patriotism. It’s always nice to see my opinions confirmed.” <=​

All spot-on correct. Groupthink has absolutely NOTHING to recommend it. It makes robots, zealots and mass enablers out of those who could have been individuals. And it has no business in a sporting event, any more than the National Anthem does, unless that event is somehow restricted to this country.

How come baseball -- which is played on every continent and popular in Canada, Asia and all over Latin America --- insists on starting every game with that exclusionary exercise, while football --- which is played only here --- doesn't? Makes no sense.

I like the article's coda line:

"If you want to thank God for blessing America, you can do it on Sunday in the other church."
You're more than welcome to join the Jihad and destroy us infidels and God.

Yes, one has to wonder why the American haters stay here; there are planes and ships leaving every single day to all those more 'enlightened paradises. My guess is they're just fakes and cowards.

Actually what one has to wonder is what the fuck it has to do with the game of baseball, which is, again, the entire point of the article, which I must be the only one to have actually read.

what it is , IS base ball is an old game been around a long time, is filled with old traditions, some nice some antiquated, but if people at a ball game put their hand to their heart and mumble the words to the song, its not hurting anyone, and its not brainwashing them. Everyone at the game realizes its just an old tradition. Could it be there are some in the American left who fear this could be the beginning of a patriotic insurrection? haha
well really some on the left just cant leave anything alone. Looking for some relic of patriotism left that they can grind into the mud before they go on to the next thing. People at the baseball game get it, they eat a hotdog have a good time at the game and maybe remember all the little things that remind them of an earlier time in life, then back to the real world. the fact that .000001% of their life was spent singing a song has little to no impact on the way they will live their life. On the other hand, taking a tradition away somehow has a greater impact I think. Its much more of a statement for people who hate America if they would somehow get rid of it.

Actually it's not an "old tradition" at all -- it's from this century, as the article notes. Fifteen years does not make a "tradition".

More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. Particularly when MLB games are played in Canada and include plenty of players from the DR, Cuba, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, Japan, Korea and Australia.

Along the same lines --- what's the deal with the Banana Boat Song? I've heard several ballparks, right in the middle of the game, play "DAY-O" over the PA, the line from that song. I've looked through the lyrics and it makes no reference to baseball in the vaguest degree. Wtf is UP wit dat? Is "Day-o" some obscure baseball term I'm not aware of?

I can't say which ballparks do this. I know I've heard it at Wankee Stadium and in Minnesota. Other parks never do it.

More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. ......

Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.
And I wholly disagree with the idea that "we should be proud" of the USA. How are you "proud"? But I've never understood being "proud" of the country where you were accidentally born.
Because you should be proud that your ungrateful ass has freedom and rights that our vets fought and died for so our kids wouldn't be conquered by facism and the British. You're a pussy for cursing vets saying they died in vain.

You sit comfortably behind your computer as a coward ignorant about the price men paid in this great country to care about defending your sorry ass.

I see, you don't understand what the word "pride" means. And sorry, but since I've been alive, not one war we've fought has even remotely been about "defending" me or anyone I know. It's all been control of oil.

More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. ......

Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.

Why? He's right. There's nothing about baseball that requires we pledge allegiance to a given country. Half the players are from Latin America anyway. It's fucking stupid.

More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. ......

Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.

Why? He's right. There's nothing about baseball that requires we pledge allegiance to a given country. Half the players are from Latin America anyway. It's fucking stupid.

You don't understand America and you don't understand baseball.
What the libtard atheists don't get is that there is NO officially endorsed religion in the U.S. References to "God" (notably NOT Jesus) is nothing more than a salutation of beneficial outcomes, similar to saying "God bless you" after someone sneezes. Their real objection to this reference is that religion connotes an allegiance to something other than their ideology.
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More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. ......

Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.

Why? He's right. There's nothing about baseball that requires we pledge allegiance to a given country. Half the players are from Latin America anyway. It's fucking stupid.

You don't understand America and you don't understand baseball.
Weird. I played baseball all the way to the minors and I was born and raised in America. Maybe you're just a fucking dumbass?
What the libtard atheists don't get is that there is NO officially endorsed religion in the U.S. References to "God" (notably NOT Jesus) is nothing more than a salutation of beneficial outcomes, similar to saying "God bless you" after someone sneezes. Their real objection to this reference is that religion connotes an allegiance to something other than their ideology.
I'm pretty positive the origin of God was more than just a general salutation. "Under God" was put into the Pledge of Allegiance during the 1950s and it's very clear they weren't talking about anything but the Christian God.
From the article:

=> Part of my outrage stems from ponderous Mussolini-esque introduction of the song, when fans are asked to rise, remove their caps and place them over their hearts.

.... The song still embodies great things about America, but also our worst things: self-righteousness, forced piety, earnest self-reverence, foam.

.... I once went to a Brooklyn Cyclones game with a British guy named James Silver, who smiled when “God Bless America” was being played. “It’s exactly what I expect from Americans,” he said. “The self-righteousness, the patriotism. It’s always nice to see my opinions confirmed.” <=​

All spot-on correct. Groupthink has absolutely NOTHING to recommend it. It makes robots, zealots and mass enablers out of those who could have been individuals. And it has no business in a sporting event, any more than the National Anthem does, unless that event is somehow restricted to this country.

How come baseball -- which is played on every continent and popular in Canada, Asia and all over Latin America --- insists on starting every game with that exclusionary exercise, while football --- which is played only here --- doesn't? Makes no sense.

I like the article's coda line:

"If you want to thank God for blessing America, you can do it on Sunday in the other church."
You're more than welcome to join the Jihad and destroy us infidels and God.

Yes, one has to wonder why the American haters stay here; there are planes and ships leaving every single day to all those more 'enlightened paradises. My guess is they're just fakes and cowards.

Actually what one has to wonder is what the fuck it has to do with the game of baseball, which is, again, the entire point of the article, which I must be the only one to have actually read.

what it is , IS base ball is an old game been around a long time, is filled with old traditions, some nice some antiquated, but if people at a ball game put their hand to their heart and mumble the words to the song, its not hurting anyone, and its not brainwashing them. Everyone at the game realizes its just an old tradition. Could it be there are some in the American left who fear this could be the beginning of a patriotic insurrection? haha
well really some on the left just cant leave anything alone. Looking for some relic of patriotism left that they can grind into the mud before they go on to the next thing. People at the baseball game get it, they eat a hotdog have a good time at the game and maybe remember all the little things that remind them of an earlier time in life, then back to the real world. the fact that .000001% of their life was spent singing a song has little to no impact on the way they will live their life. On the other hand, taking a tradition away somehow has a greater impact I think. Its much more of a statement for people who hate America if they would somehow get rid of it.

Actually it's not an "old tradition" at all -- it's from this century, as the article notes. Fifteen years does not make a "tradition".

More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. Particularly when MLB games are played in Canada and include plenty of players from the DR, Cuba, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, Japan, Korea and Australia.

Along the same lines --- what's the deal with the Banana Boat Song? I've heard several ballparks, right in the middle of the game, play "DAY-O" over the PA, the line from that song. I've looked through the lyrics and it makes no reference to baseball in the vaguest degree. Wtf is UP wit dat? Is "Day-o" some obscure baseball term I'm not aware of?

I can't say which ballparks do this. I know I've heard it at Wankee Stadium and in Minnesota. Other parks never do it.

Well Ozzy sang "Take me out to the Ball Game" once, and I dont think that had anything to do with base ball...

Ozzie sings take me out to the ball game – Смотреть видео онлайн в Моем Мире.

Well, I think so much of what happens at the games is just entertainment to add a little something to what can be a somewhat boring sport, the National Anthem I think has become a bit of a competition to see who can sing it the best. I guess some people just have a problem though with the mention of "GOD" well, personally I think those people get to "win" in a lot of other areas in this society when it comes to eliminating reference to God.

So, I think a Ball park is somewhat of a Private Enterprise, at least the game itself is. It wouldnt kill me if that was eliminated but I think its a sad thing that these people are so ruthless in their quest to stamp EVERYTHING out. What ever happened to diversity? I'm kind of a live and let live person and this is my opinion. Seems to me we are told as a society we need to be accepting of the minority and make concessions so that they are comfortable, yet, Where are those same concessions ever made in the other direction? it seems to me to be a steady drum beat towards scorched earth policy eliminating all reference of God, even though it still means something to a good many people.
A man who doesn't stand with his fellowmen to save an American tradition and would allow it to die, is a man who would sell out his fellowmen for a bag of silver to the other side. It's not about your selfish reasons, its about unity Dexter
And I wholly disagree with the idea that "we should be proud" of the USA. How are you "proud"? What have you done that invokes pride? Be "proud" of your kids because you raised them. Be "proud" of your accomplishments. But I've never understood being "proud" of the country where you were accidentally born.

Real Americans - those of us who support and promote America and American values - feel pride in taking an active role in the most unique country in the world. We Americans are an integral part of this great country, therefore pride is appropriate.
And I wholly disagree with the idea that "we should be proud" of the USA. How are you "proud"? What have you done that invokes pride? Be "proud" of your kids because you raised them. Be "proud" of your accomplishments. But I've never understood being "proud" of the country where you were accidentally born.

Real Americans - those of us who support and promote America and American values - feel pride in taking an active role in the most unique country in the world. We Americans are an integral part of this great country, therefore pride is appropriate.

Dafuck does it have to do with a baseball game?

Think some portion of the spectatorship might be there to..... oh I dunno..... watch a baseball game??
You're more than welcome to join the Jihad and destroy us infidels and God.

Yes, one has to wonder why the American haters stay here; there are planes and ships leaving every single day to all those more 'enlightened paradises. My guess is they're just fakes and cowards.

Actually what one has to wonder is what the fuck it has to do with the game of baseball, which is, again, the entire point of the article, which I must be the only one to have actually read.

what it is , IS base ball is an old game been around a long time, is filled with old traditions, some nice some antiquated, but if people at a ball game put their hand to their heart and mumble the words to the song, its not hurting anyone, and its not brainwashing them. Everyone at the game realizes its just an old tradition. Could it be there are some in the American left who fear this could be the beginning of a patriotic insurrection? haha
well really some on the left just cant leave anything alone. Looking for some relic of patriotism left that they can grind into the mud before they go on to the next thing. People at the baseball game get it, they eat a hotdog have a good time at the game and maybe remember all the little things that remind them of an earlier time in life, then back to the real world. the fact that .000001% of their life was spent singing a song has little to no impact on the way they will live their life. On the other hand, taking a tradition away somehow has a greater impact I think. Its much more of a statement for people who hate America if they would somehow get rid of it.

Actually it's not an "old tradition" at all -- it's from this century, as the article notes. Fifteen years does not make a "tradition".

More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. Particularly when MLB games are played in Canada and include plenty of players from the DR, Cuba, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, Japan, Korea and Australia.

Along the same lines --- what's the deal with the Banana Boat Song? I've heard several ballparks, right in the middle of the game, play "DAY-O" over the PA, the line from that song. I've looked through the lyrics and it makes no reference to baseball in the vaguest degree. Wtf is UP wit dat? Is "Day-o" some obscure baseball term I'm not aware of?

I can't say which ballparks do this. I know I've heard it at Wankee Stadium and in Minnesota. Other parks never do it.

Well Ozzy sang "Take me out to the Ball Game" once, and I dont think that had anything to do with base ball...

Ozzie sings take me out to the ball game – Смотреть видео онлайн в Моем Мире.

Well, I think so much of what happens at the games is just entertainment to add a little something to what can be a somewhat boring sport, the National Anthem I think has become a bit of a competition to see who can sing it the best. I guess some people just have a problem though with the mention of "GOD" well, personally I think those people get to "win" in a lot of other areas in this society when it comes to eliminating reference to God.

So, I think a Ball park is somewhat of a Private Enterprise, at least the game itself is. It wouldnt kill me if that was eliminated but I think its a sad thing that these people are so ruthless in their quest to stamp EVERYTHING out. What ever happened to diversity? I'm kind of a live and let live person and this is my opinion. Seems to me we are told as a society we need to be accepting of the minority and make concessions so that they are comfortable, yet, Where are those same concessions ever made in the other direction? it seems to me to be a steady drum beat towards scorched earth policy eliminating all reference of God, even though it still means something to a good many people.

I don't get the impression that the issue here has anything to do with "God". That's just incidental.
It has much more to do with the ADHD of suddenly shifting one's focus from what's going on in the game --- which is after all what one is there for --- to the completely-out-of-left-field (pun intended) domain of jingoism, and probably more significantly, the slavish mindset that demands not only the presence of that irrelevancy but that everybody in attendance has to follow suit. Why? If section 182-B wants to collectively engage in a cheer for the third baseman--- fine, have at it. Why should the entire stadium have to robotically parrot them?

None of that has anything to do with "God". Nor does the national anthem, which doesn't even mention "God".

Bottom line -- the game of baseball has nothing in the world to do with politics, national borders, flag fetishes, militaries, or national identities. Let's stop pretending it somehow does. It's dishonest.
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