Ban God bless America

Authoritarianism requires the attempted use of the government to control behavior. If I own a bar and say "no gays kissing" that isn't authoritarianism, that's me doing as I see fit with my own property. If, on the other hand, I get a cop to stand inside and arrest gays who kiss, that's authoritarian.

If you don't want to stand and sign, don't stand and sing. NO ONE gives a fuck, but leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....

No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

LMAO @ you

It has became a tradition.

Or do you think all traditions are born 100 years old? LOL

How about a "tradition" where we don't sing it? Starting now. Better not ever change it, because it's "tradition."

Fucking dumbass.

Buy a ball club and start whatever tradition you like.
Authoritarianism isn't dependent on whether the attempted order is carried out successfully or not. There is always resistance, and as long as there's my ilk about --- there always will be. Count on it.

Authoritarianism requires the attempted use of the government to control behavior. If I own a bar and say "no gays kissing" that isn't authoritarianism, that's me doing as I see fit with my own property. If, on the other hand, I get a cop to stand inside and arrest gays who kiss, that's authoritarian.

If you don't want to stand and sign, don't stand and sing. NO ONE gives a fuck, but leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

"leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone""?? What, you actually think I can't question it? Doesn't get much more authoritarian than that, now does it?

Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....

No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

LMAO @ you

It has became a tradition.

Or do you think all traditions are born 100 years old? LOL

This just in:

A "tradition" is not made on the basis of somebody posting "duh, it's a tradition" on a message board. Especially one that didn't even start until this young century.

Who knew, right?

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Authoritarianism requires the attempted use of the government to control behavior. If I own a bar and say "no gays kissing" that isn't authoritarianism, that's me doing as I see fit with my own property. If, on the other hand, I get a cop to stand inside and arrest gays who kiss, that's authoritarian.

If you don't want to stand and sign, don't stand and sing. NO ONE gives a fuck, but leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

"leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone""?? What, you actually think I can't question it? Doesn't get much more authoritarian than that, now does it?

Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....

No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

LMAO @ you

It has became a tradition.

Or do you think all traditions are born 100 years old? LOL

This just in:

A "tradition" is not made on the basis of somebody posting "duh, it's a tradition" on a message board. Especially one that didn't even start until this young century.

Who knew, right?

So answer the latest question, since you can't answer the previous --- who the fuck are you to try to tell me what I can't question?

Where did I say you couldn't question it? I merely laugh at the absurdity of the things liberals worry about. Crimes being committed? no big deal , stop singing GBA , let's riot for that cause. ISIS? They're on the run. OMG that guy can't use the girl's bathroom, we MUST defend him. LOL
Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....

No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

LMAO @ you

It has became a tradition.

Or do you think all traditions are born 100 years old? LOL

How about a "tradition" where we don't sing it? Starting now. Better not ever change it, because it's "tradition."

Fucking dumbass.

Buy a ball club and start whatever tradition you like.

Nice cop-out.
Why do umpires suspend play if it's raining too hard?

--- Because it interrupts and interferes with the play of the game, that's why. And it makes perfect sense.

Whelp ---- same thing here.
"leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone""?? What, you actually think I can't question it? Doesn't get much more authoritarian than that, now does it?

Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....

No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

LMAO @ you

It has became a tradition.

Or do you think all traditions are born 100 years old? LOL

This just in:

A "tradition" is not made on the basis of somebody posting "duh, it's a tradition" on a message board. Especially one that didn't even start until this young century.

Who knew, right?

So answer the latest question, since you can't answer the previous --- who the fuck are you to try to tell me what I can't question?

Where did I say you couldn't question it? I merely laugh at the absurdity of the things liberals worry about. Crimes being committed? no big deal , stop singing GBA , let's riot for that cause. ISIS? They're on the run. OMG that guy can't use the girl's bathroom, we MUST defend him. LOL

Right here, post 93:

leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

When you immediately jump to the side of the Authority, in this case the stadium or more exactly the business of Major League Baseball Inc, and declare that the Authority's word is supreme and cannot be challenged ----- that's as outright Authoritarian as you can get.
No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

LMAO @ you

It has became a tradition.

Or do you think all traditions are born 100 years old? LOL

This just in:

A "tradition" is not made on the basis of somebody posting "duh, it's a tradition" on a message board. Especially one that didn't even start until this young century.

Who knew, right?

So answer the latest question, since you can't answer the previous --- who the fuck are you to try to tell me what I can't question?

Where did I say you couldn't question it? I merely laugh at the absurdity of the things liberals worry about. Crimes being committed? no big deal , stop singing GBA , let's riot for that cause. ISIS? They're on the run. OMG that guy can't use the girl's bathroom, we MUST defend him. LOL

Right here, post 93:

leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

When you immediately jump to the side of the Authority, in this case the stadium or more exactly the business of Major League Baseball Inc, and declare that the Authority's word is supreme and cannot be challenged ----- that's as outright Authoritarian as you can get.


"I'm allowed to express my opinion, but if you express yours you are wrong"

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

LMAO @ you

It has became a tradition.

Or do you think all traditions are born 100 years old? LOL

This just in:

A "tradition" is not made on the basis of somebody posting "duh, it's a tradition" on a message board. Especially one that didn't even start until this young century.

Who knew, right?

So answer the latest question, since you can't answer the previous --- who the fuck are you to try to tell me what I can't question?

Where did I say you couldn't question it? I merely laugh at the absurdity of the things liberals worry about. Crimes being committed? no big deal , stop singing GBA , let's riot for that cause. ISIS? They're on the run. OMG that guy can't use the girl's bathroom, we MUST defend him. LOL

Right here, post 93:

leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

When you immediately jump to the side of the Authority, in this case the stadium or more exactly the business of Major League Baseball Inc, and declare that the Authority's word is supreme and cannot be challenged ----- that's as outright Authoritarian as you can get.


"I'm allowed to express my opinion, but if you express yours you are wrong"


Not at all the same thing as "you meanie, leave the poor beleagured Authority Figure alone" --- is it?
From the article:

=> Part of my outrage stems from ponderous Mussolini-esque introduction of the song, when fans are asked to rise, remove their caps and place them over their hearts.

.... The song still embodies great things about America, but also our worst things: self-righteousness, forced piety, earnest self-reverence, foam.

.... I once went to a Brooklyn Cyclones game with a British guy named James Silver, who smiled when “God Bless America” was being played. “It’s exactly what I expect from Americans,” he said. “The self-righteousness, the patriotism. It’s always nice to see my opinions confirmed.” <=​

All spot-on correct. Groupthink has absolutely NOTHING to recommend it. It makes robots, zealots and mass enablers out of those who could have been individuals. And it has no business in a sporting event, any more than the National Anthem does, unless that event is somehow restricted to this country.

How come baseball -- which is played on every continent and popular in Canada, Asia and all over Latin America --- insists on starting every game with that exclusionary exercise, while football --- which is played only here --- doesn't? Makes no sense.

I like the article's coda line:

"If you want to thank God for blessing America, you can do it on Sunday in the other church."
All bullshit from shithead libtard. Lying pieces of shit.
Lord bless United States!!!!

What the OP completely left out of his OP --- and his title ---- was that this article is entirely about baseball.

Wonder why he went out of his way to omit that.

Oh wait, I can put this more eloquently with a word I just learned....

You actually learned something? A first is always reason to celebrate.
Personally, I'm for replacing the National Anthem.
Replace it with America the Beautiful (massive deforestation, urban sprawl, shopping malls and California style housing developments aside).
If a person doesn't like what they hear where ever they happen to be, they are free to leave at anytime. There is nothing forcing them to be there. Its their lives.

God bless you always!!!


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