Ban God bless America

'God Bless America' is the worst song ever!

Here we go folks. Another Anti-America rant in order to transition this country into socialism. The ungrateful librats prefer to destroy American tradition for the sake of feelings and atheism. I'm not into religion but I love my country and honor our patriotic values. American apologist prefer to ban our beautiful culture but avoid trashing Muslims chanting to Allah in public prayers and foreigners patrotic traditions during their parades in America.

If you don't love what this country was built on or stands for, then go join ISIS and keep their sharia law. They seem to share your same hate.
God Blessed America...then came the 1960's and then Clinton and then Obama. I'm afraid a once great nation is now in ruins.

Trump or Johnson now and before W Bush.
What the libtard atheists don't get is that there is NO officially endorsed religion in the U.S. References to "God" (notably NOT Jesus) is nothing more than a salutation of beneficial outcomes, similar to saying "God bless you" after someone sneezes. Their real objection to this reference is that religion connotes an allegiance to something other than their ideology.

This post should appear in the dictionary next to the word "clueless".
Basketball did though. You see this going on at basketball games?

National teams is better for me.

Olympics in Rio this summer.

With basketball some one of best games.

No ticket to Olympics games I've.

More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. ......

Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.

Then prove me wrong. Show the class what the flying fuck some jingoistic murmur has to do with the ability of the starting pitcher to continue into the 8th inning or what the chances of this game going into extra innings is.

I'll wait right here.
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And I wholly disagree with the idea that "we should be proud" of the USA. How are you "proud"? But I've never understood being "proud" of the country where you were accidentally born.
Because you should be proud that your ungrateful ass has freedom and rights that our vets fought and died for so our kids wouldn't be conquered by facism and the British. You're a pussy for cursing vets saying they died in vain.

You sit comfortably behind your computer as a coward ignorant about the price men paid in this great country to care about defending your sorry ass.

What in the blue fuck does that have to do with the baseball game on the field of play?
I don't get the impression that the issue here has anything to do with "God". That's just incidental.
It has much more to do with the ADHD of suddenly shifting one's focus from what's going on in the game --- which is after all what one is there for --- to the completely-out-of-left-field (pun intended) domain of jingoism, and probably more significantly, the slavish mindset that demands not only the presence of that irrelevancy but that everybody in attendance has to follow suit. Why? If section 182-B wants to collectively engage in a cheer for the third baseman--- fine, have at it. Why should the entire stadium have to robotically parrot them?

None of that has anything to do with "God". Nor does the national anthem, which doesn't even mention "God".

Bottom line -- the game of baseball has nothing in the world to do with politics, national borders, flag fetishes, militaries, or national identities. Let's stop pretending it somehow does. It's dishonest.
Your ranting is ADHD: American-Dick-Head-Dummy. You librats always want to crash the party that you didn't have to come to in the first place and piss on the majority of people which enjoy this baseball tradition. Your obsolete opinion about how the general American community celebrate baseball in America is no value to you because you are an outsider causing anarchy to divide the community like radicals in Islam. You're just a Communist Trojan horse that prefer to see American traditions banished because you probably didn't get enough attention and may have been an outcast in school as well as in your own community and job. So, therefore now, with your ADHD, you're taking it out on people who unite as a whole, while you're still scarred for being an outsider. If your feelings are still hurt like a little bitch because you can't stand with Americans in celebrating our patriotism and traditions, then go join your friends in ISIS, because they hate it also and feel the same way you do. You would fit right in with your Jihad bros.

More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. ......

Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.

Then prove me wrong. Show the class what the flying fuck some jingoistic murmur has to do with the ability of the starting pitcher to continue into the 8th inning or what the chances of this game going into extra innings is.

I'll wait right here.


Here we go folks. Another Anti-America rant in order to transition this country into socialism. The ungrateful librats prefer to destroy American tradition for the sake of feelings and atheism. I'm not into religion but I love my country and honor our patriotic values. American apologist prefer to ban our beautiful culture but avoid trashing Muslims chanting to Allah in public prayers and foreigners patrotic traditions during their parades in America.

If you don't love what this country was built on or stands for, then go join ISIS and keep their sharia law. They seem to share your same hate.

I'm not a Christian but I recognize that Christianity played a big part in the creation of America and that it is the dominant religion today. I'm ok with that. I'm secure in my own beliefs so I don't need to bring down Christianity to feel good about myself or to keep from feeling threatened. If people want to put their trust in a god then how on Earth is that my problem. I'm comfortable with our separation of Church and State though I think it's gone way too far of late but if you're a Moslem looking to infect our legal system with Sharia then that's a whole other matter.
Real Americans - those of us who support and promote America and American values - feel pride in taking an active role in the most unique country in the world. We Americans are an integral part of this great country, therefore pride is appropriate.

Dafuck does it have to do with a baseball game?

I wasn't addressing the sport of baseball and neither was the comment I responded to. Read more carefully.
Real Americans - those of us who support and promote America and American values - feel pride in taking an active role in the most unique country in the world. We Americans are an integral part of this great country, therefore pride is appropriate.

Dafuck does it have to do with a baseball game?

I wasn't addressing the sport of baseball and neither was the comment I responded to. Read more carefully.

It's the whole point of the OP article. Read more comprehensively.

Here we go folks. Another Anti-America rant in order to transition this country into socialism. The ungrateful librats prefer to destroy American tradition for the sake of feelings and atheism. I'm not into religion but I love my country and honor our patriotic values. American apologist prefer to ban our beautiful culture but avoid trashing Muslims chanting to Allah in public prayers and foreigners patrotic traditions during their parades in America.

If you don't love what this country was built on or stands for, then go join ISIS and keep their sharia law. They seem to share your same hate.

I'm not a Christian but I recognize that Christianity played a big part in the creation of America and that it is the dominant religion today. I'm ok with that. I'm secure in my own beliefs so I don't need to bring down Christianity to feel good about myself or to keep from feeling threatened. If people want to put their trust in a god then how on Earth is that my problem. I'm comfortable with our separation of Church and State though I think it's gone way too far of late but if you're a Moslem looking to infect our legal system with Sharia then that's a whole other matter.

Again --- the OP is about forced jingoism at baseball games. That's got zero to do with "religion".
I already called this misdirection out in post Two. And Seven. Last week.
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More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. ......

Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.

Then prove me wrong. Show the class what the flying fuck some jingoistic murmur has to do with the ability of the starting pitcher to continue into the 8th inning or what the chances of this game going into extra innings is.

I'll wait right here.


So................ you have no answer. Next time think it through.
I don't get the impression that the issue here has anything to do with "God". That's just incidental.
It has much more to do with the ADHD of suddenly shifting one's focus from what's going on in the game --- which is after all what one is there for --- to the completely-out-of-left-field (pun intended) domain of jingoism, and probably more significantly, the slavish mindset that demands not only the presence of that irrelevancy but that everybody in attendance has to follow suit. Why? If section 182-B wants to collectively engage in a cheer for the third baseman--- fine, have at it. Why should the entire stadium have to robotically parrot them?

None of that has anything to do with "God". Nor does the national anthem, which doesn't even mention "God".

Bottom line -- the game of baseball has nothing in the world to do with politics, national borders, flag fetishes, militaries, or national identities. Let's stop pretending it somehow does. It's dishonest.

Your ranting is ADHD: American-Dick-Head-Dummy. You librats always want to crash the party that you didn't have to come to in the first place and piss on the majority of people which enjoy this baseball tradition. Your obsolete opinion about how the general American community celebrate baseball in America is no value to you because you are an outsider causing anarchy to divide the community like radicals in Islam. You're just a Communist Trojan horse that prefer to see American traditions banished because you probably didn't get enough attention and may have been an outcast in school as well as in your own community and job. So, therefore now, with your ADHD, you're taking it out on people who unite as a whole, while you're still scarred for being an outsider. If your feelings are still hurt like a little bitch because you can't stand with Americans in celebrating our patriotism and traditions, then go join your friends in ISIS, because they hate it also and feel the same way you do. You would fit right in with your Jihad bros.

Once again, I've been immersed in baseball since before you were born, and once again this article has nothing to do with "Islam" ---- or any other religion. And once again, fifteen years does not make a "tradition", NOR has anyone been able to demonstrate any way in which jingoism relates in any way to what's going on in a baseball game, even leaving aside the inconvenient fact that half or more than half of a given team is comprised of Dominicans, Cubans, Mexicans, Venezuelans, Colombians, Panamanians, Japanese, Koreans, Australians, Canadians and other nationalities.

You also have yet to answer why you went to such lengths to disguise the fact that this article is in fact about baseball.
Here we go folks. Another Anti-America rant in order to transition this country into socialism. The ungrateful librats prefer to destroy American tradition for the sake of feelings and atheism. I'm not into religion but I love my country and honor our patriotic values. American apologist prefer to ban our beautiful culture but avoid trashing Muslims chanting to Allah in public prayers and foreigners patrotic traditions during their parades in America.

If you don't love what this country was built on or stands for, then go join ISIS and keep their sharia law. They seem to share your same hate.

I'm not a Christian but I recognize that Christianity played a big part in the creation of America and that it is the dominant religion today. I'm ok with that. I'm secure in my own beliefs so I don't need to bring down Christianity to feel good about myself or to keep from feeling threatened. If people want to put their trust in a god then how on Earth is that my problem. I'm comfortable with our separation of Church and State though I think it's gone way too far of late but if you're a Moslem looking to infect our legal system with Sharia then that's a whole other matter.



More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. ......

Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.

Then prove me wrong. Show the class what the flying fuck some jingoistic murmur has to do with the ability of the starting pitcher to continue into the 8th inning or what the chances of this game going into extra innings is.

I'll wait right here.


So................ you have no answer. Next time think it through. don't understand America or baseball. You are too stupid to grasp what is involved, so you try to use pretend arrogance to hide your shame. It's very similar to the way you try to hide your ignorance of languages in general and English in particular by looking for spelling errors. You are completely transparent, you sad, frightened little fool. If you at least loved your country, you would have one redeeming value, but no.

More to the point it's got absolutely Zero to do with what's actually going on --- the baseball game. As does the national anthem. They have no reason to exist in that context. They make no point. ......

Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.

Then prove me wrong. Show the class what the flying fuck some jingoistic murmur has to do with the ability of the starting pitcher to continue into the 8th inning or what the chances of this game going into extra innings is.

I'll wait right here.


So................ you have no answer. Next time think it through. don't understand America or baseball. You are too stupid to grasp what is involved, so you try to use pretend arrogance to hide your shame. It's very similar to the way you try to hide your ignorance of languages in general and English in particular by looking for spelling errors. You are completely transparent, you sad, frightened little fool. If you at least loved your country, you would have one redeeming value, but no.

So you not only have no answer ---- you're so dullwitted you actually came back to emphasize that you have no answer.

Well isn't that special.
Real Americans - those of us who support and promote America and American values - feel pride in taking an active role in the most unique country in the world. We Americans are an integral part of this great country, therefore pride is appropriate.

Dafuck does it have to do with a baseball game?

I wasn't addressing the sport of baseball and neither was the comment I responded to. Read more carefully.

It's the whole point of the OP article. Read more comprehensively.

Here we go folks. Another Anti-America rant in order to transition this country into socialism. The ungrateful librats prefer to destroy American tradition for the sake of feelings and atheism. I'm not into religion but I love my country and honor our patriotic values. American apologist prefer to ban our beautiful culture but avoid trashing Muslims chanting to Allah in public prayers and foreigners patrotic traditions during their parades in America.

If you don't love what this country was built on or stands for, then go join ISIS and keep their sharia law. They seem to share your same hate.

I'm not a Christian but I recognize that Christianity played a big part in the creation of America and that it is the dominant religion today. I'm ok with that. I'm secure in my own beliefs so I don't need to bring down Christianity to feel good about myself or to keep from feeling threatened. If people want to put their trust in a god then how on Earth is that my problem. I'm comfortable with our separation of Church and State though I think it's gone way too far of late but if you're a Moslem looking to infect our legal system with Sharia then that's a whole other matter.

Again --- the OP is about forced jingoism at baseball games. That's got zero to do with "religion".
I already called this misdirection out in post Two. And Seven. Last week.

A) No one is forced to go to a ball game.
B) No one is forced to sing a song
C) A fucking song hardly indicates extreme nationalism. It's a song.
Real Americans - those of us who support and promote America and American values - feel pride in taking an active role in the most unique country in the world. We Americans are an integral part of this great country, therefore pride is appropriate.

Dafuck does it have to do with a baseball game?

I wasn't addressing the sport of baseball and neither was the comment I responded to. Read more carefully.

It's the whole point of the OP article. Read more comprehensively.

Here we go folks. Another Anti-America rant in order to transition this country into socialism. The ungrateful librats prefer to destroy American tradition for the sake of feelings and atheism. I'm not into religion but I love my country and honor our patriotic values. American apologist prefer to ban our beautiful culture but avoid trashing Muslims chanting to Allah in public prayers and foreigners patrotic traditions during their parades in America.

If you don't love what this country was built on or stands for, then go join ISIS and keep their sharia law. They seem to share your same hate.

I'm not a Christian but I recognize that Christianity played a big part in the creation of America and that it is the dominant religion today. I'm ok with that. I'm secure in my own beliefs so I don't need to bring down Christianity to feel good about myself or to keep from feeling threatened. If people want to put their trust in a god then how on Earth is that my problem. I'm comfortable with our separation of Church and State though I think it's gone way too far of late but if you're a Moslem looking to infect our legal system with Sharia then that's a whole other matter.

Again --- the OP is about forced jingoism at baseball games. That's got zero to do with "religion".
I already called this misdirection out in post Two. And Seven. Last week.

A) No one is forced to go to a ball game.
B) No one is forced to sing a song
C) A fucking song hardly indicates extreme nationalism. It's a song.

A) No one anywhere made that claim. Ever. Irrelevant red herring.

B) If I go to a Cleveland Indians game ---- and I'm there for the Cleveland Indians ---- and the entire stadium is directed to stand up and sing for the Cleveland Cavaliers ---- what the fuck does that have to do with a baseball game??

Even that has got something to do with the local area. Can you show us the line in GBA where it says something about how they should pitch to Manny Machado?

C) It doesn't, huh.
-------- Then what's its purpose? What's the song about? Fucking? OK let's stipulate that the song is about fucking. What does fucking have to do with a baseball game?

How 'bout this --- at the top of the third inning the entire first base side of the lower deck has to recite "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". Why not? It's "tradition", right?
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Bluntly stupid posts like the one above should stand as a warning to everyone of the grave threat of brain damage that comes with spending extended amounts of time out in the thin air of far-left ideology.

Then prove me wrong. Show the class what the flying fuck some jingoistic murmur has to do with the ability of the starting pitcher to continue into the 8th inning or what the chances of this game going into extra innings is.

I'll wait right here.


So................ you have no answer. Next time think it through. don't understand America or baseball. You are too stupid to grasp what is involved, so you try to use pretend arrogance to hide your shame. It's very similar to the way you try to hide your ignorance of languages in general and English in particular by looking for spelling errors. You are completely transparent, you sad, frightened little fool. If you at least loved your country, you would have one redeeming value, but no.

So you not only have no answer ---- you're so dullwitted you actually came back to emphasize that you have no answer.

Well isn't that special. don't understand America or baseball.
Real Americans - those of us who support and promote America and American values - feel pride in taking an active role in the most unique country in the world. We Americans are an integral part of this great country, therefore pride is appropriate.

Dafuck does it have to do with a baseball game?

I wasn't addressing the sport of baseball and neither was the comment I responded to. Read more carefully.

It's the whole point of the OP article. Read more comprehensively.

Here we go folks. Another Anti-America rant in order to transition this country into socialism. The ungrateful librats prefer to destroy American tradition for the sake of feelings and atheism. I'm not into religion but I love my country and honor our patriotic values. American apologist prefer to ban our beautiful culture but avoid trashing Muslims chanting to Allah in public prayers and foreigners patrotic traditions during their parades in America.

If you don't love what this country was built on or stands for, then go join ISIS and keep their sharia law. They seem to share your same hate.

I'm not a Christian but I recognize that Christianity played a big part in the creation of America and that it is the dominant religion today. I'm ok with that. I'm secure in my own beliefs so I don't need to bring down Christianity to feel good about myself or to keep from feeling threatened. If people want to put their trust in a god then how on Earth is that my problem. I'm comfortable with our separation of Church and State though I think it's gone way too far of late but if you're a Moslem looking to infect our legal system with Sharia then that's a whole other matter.

Again --- the OP is about forced jingoism at baseball games. That's got zero to do with "religion".
I already called this misdirection out in post Two. And Seven. Last week.

A) No one is forced to go to a ball game.
B) No one is forced to sing a song
C) A fucking song hardly indicates extreme nationalism. It's a song.

A) No one anywhere made that claim. Ever. Irrelevant red herring.

B) If I go to a Cleveland Indians game ---- and I'm there for the Cleveland Indians ---- and the entire stadium is directed to stand up and sing for the Cleveland Cavaliers ---- what the fuck does that have to do with a baseball game??

Even that has got something to do with the local area. Can you show us the line in GBA where it says something about how they should pitch to Manny Machado?

C) It doesn't, huh.
-------- Then what's its purpose? What's the song about? Fucking? OK let's stipulate that the song is about fucking. What does fucking have to do with a baseball game?

How 'bout this --- at the top of the third inning the entire first base side of the lower deck has to recite "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". Why not? It's "tradition", right?

Who said there was a purpose?

And if some team decided they wanted fans to sing "twas the night before christmas" why would you care?

You authoritarians REALLY need to learn to mind your own god damned business.

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