Ban God bless America

"They’ll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing for the past … They’ll pass over the money without even thinking about it: for it is money they have and peace they lack. And they’ll walk out to the bleachers; sit in shirtsleeves on a perfect afternoon. They’ll find they have reserved seats somewhere along one of the baselines, where they sat when they were children and cheered their heroes. And they’ll watch the game and it’ll be as if they dipped themselves in magic waters. The memories will be so thick they’ll have to brush them away from their faces … The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again."
"Nothing in our daily life offers more of the comfort of continuity, the generational connection of belonging to a vast and complicated American family, the powerful sense of home, the freedom from time's constraints, and the great gift of accumulated memory than does our National Pastime."
-- Ken Burns
"Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball."
-- Jacques Barzun
"t's our game; that's the chief fact in connection with it: America's game; it has the snap, go, fling of the American atmosphere; it belongs as much to our institutions, fits into them as significantly as our Constitution's laws; is just as important in the sum total of our historic life."
-- Walt Whitman
"Baseball is more than a game to me, it's a religion."
-- William J Klem (umpire)
"You should enter a ballpark the way you enter a church."
-- Bill Lee
"Baseball is an allegorical play about America, a poetic, complex, and subtle play of courage, fear, good luck, mistakes, patience about fate, and sober self-esteem."
-- Saul Steinberg
Dafuck does it have to do with a baseball game?

I wasn't addressing the sport of baseball and neither was the comment I responded to. Read more carefully.

It's the whole point of the OP article. Read more comprehensively.

Here we go folks. Another Anti-America rant in order to transition this country into socialism. The ungrateful librats prefer to destroy American tradition for the sake of feelings and atheism. I'm not into religion but I love my country and honor our patriotic values. American apologist prefer to ban our beautiful culture but avoid trashing Muslims chanting to Allah in public prayers and foreigners patrotic traditions during their parades in America.

If you don't love what this country was built on or stands for, then go join ISIS and keep their sharia law. They seem to share your same hate.

I'm not a Christian but I recognize that Christianity played a big part in the creation of America and that it is the dominant religion today. I'm ok with that. I'm secure in my own beliefs so I don't need to bring down Christianity to feel good about myself or to keep from feeling threatened. If people want to put their trust in a god then how on Earth is that my problem. I'm comfortable with our separation of Church and State though I think it's gone way too far of late but if you're a Moslem looking to infect our legal system with Sharia then that's a whole other matter.

Again --- the OP is about forced jingoism at baseball games. That's got zero to do with "religion".
I already called this misdirection out in post Two. And Seven. Last week.

A) No one is forced to go to a ball game.
B) No one is forced to sing a song
C) A fucking song hardly indicates extreme nationalism. It's a song.

A) No one anywhere made that claim. Ever. Irrelevant red herring.

B) If I go to a Cleveland Indians game ---- and I'm there for the Cleveland Indians ---- and the entire stadium is directed to stand up and sing for the Cleveland Cavaliers ---- what the fuck does that have to do with a baseball game??

Even that has got something to do with the local area. Can you show us the line in GBA where it says something about how they should pitch to Manny Machado?

C) It doesn't, huh.
-------- Then what's its purpose? What's the song about? Fucking? OK let's stipulate that the song is about fucking. What does fucking have to do with a baseball game?

How 'bout this --- at the top of the third inning the entire first base side of the lower deck has to recite "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". Why not? It's "tradition", right?

Who said there was a purpose?

And if some team decided they wanted fans to sing "twas the night before christmas" why would you care?

You authoritarians REALLY need to learn to mind your own god damned business.

It pays to learn how a message board actually works. You want this addressed to "authoritarians"? That would be those demanding the entire first base side stand up and recite "The Night Before Christmas". Or whatever other irrelevancies. Not me. You see, I don't demand that anyone do anything. Most especially, ridiculous things that have nothing to do with the event one came for.

And yes, they need to let people watch the freaking game and quit trying to sell shit. I believe that is in fact the whole point of the OP article in the first place.
I wasn't addressing the sport of baseball and neither was the comment I responded to. Read more carefully.

It's the whole point of the OP article. Read more comprehensively.

I'm not a Christian but I recognize that Christianity played a big part in the creation of America and that it is the dominant religion today. I'm ok with that. I'm secure in my own beliefs so I don't need to bring down Christianity to feel good about myself or to keep from feeling threatened. If people want to put their trust in a god then how on Earth is that my problem. I'm comfortable with our separation of Church and State though I think it's gone way too far of late but if you're a Moslem looking to infect our legal system with Sharia then that's a whole other matter.

Again --- the OP is about forced jingoism at baseball games. That's got zero to do with "religion".
I already called this misdirection out in post Two. And Seven. Last week.

A) No one is forced to go to a ball game.
B) No one is forced to sing a song
C) A fucking song hardly indicates extreme nationalism. It's a song.

A) No one anywhere made that claim. Ever. Irrelevant red herring.

B) If I go to a Cleveland Indians game ---- and I'm there for the Cleveland Indians ---- and the entire stadium is directed to stand up and sing for the Cleveland Cavaliers ---- what the fuck does that have to do with a baseball game??

Even that has got something to do with the local area. Can you show us the line in GBA where it says something about how they should pitch to Manny Machado?

C) It doesn't, huh.
-------- Then what's its purpose? What's the song about? Fucking? OK let's stipulate that the song is about fucking. What does fucking have to do with a baseball game?

How 'bout this --- at the top of the third inning the entire first base side of the lower deck has to recite "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". Why not? It's "tradition", right?

Who said there was a purpose?

And if some team decided they wanted fans to sing "twas the night before christmas" why would you care?

You authoritarians REALLY need to learn to mind your own god damned business.

It pays to learn how a message board actually works. You want this addressed to "authoritarians"? That would be those demanding the entire first base side stand up and recite "The Night Before Christmas". Or whatever other irrelevancies. Not me. You see, I don't demand that anyone do anything.

And yes, they need to let people watch the freaking game and quit trying to sell shit. I believe that is in fact the whole point of the OP article in the first place.

Who is FORCED to stand u and sign? Oh , that's right, no one.
It's the whole point of the OP article. Read more comprehensively.

Again --- the OP is about forced jingoism at baseball games. That's got zero to do with "religion".
I already called this misdirection out in post Two. And Seven. Last week.

A) No one is forced to go to a ball game.
B) No one is forced to sing a song
C) A fucking song hardly indicates extreme nationalism. It's a song.

A) No one anywhere made that claim. Ever. Irrelevant red herring.

B) If I go to a Cleveland Indians game ---- and I'm there for the Cleveland Indians ---- and the entire stadium is directed to stand up and sing for the Cleveland Cavaliers ---- what the fuck does that have to do with a baseball game??

Even that has got something to do with the local area. Can you show us the line in GBA where it says something about how they should pitch to Manny Machado?

C) It doesn't, huh.
-------- Then what's its purpose? What's the song about? Fucking? OK let's stipulate that the song is about fucking. What does fucking have to do with a baseball game?

How 'bout this --- at the top of the third inning the entire first base side of the lower deck has to recite "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". Why not? It's "tradition", right?

Who said there was a purpose?

And if some team decided they wanted fans to sing "twas the night before christmas" why would you care?

You authoritarians REALLY need to learn to mind your own god damned business.

It pays to learn how a message board actually works. You want this addressed to "authoritarians"? That would be those demanding the entire first base side stand up and recite "The Night Before Christmas". Or whatever other irrelevancies. Not me. You see, I don't demand that anyone do anything.

And yes, they need to let people watch the freaking game and quit trying to sell shit. I believe that is in fact the whole point of the OP article in the first place.

Who is FORCED to stand u and sign? Oh , that's right, no one.

Authoritarianism isn't dependent on whether the attempted order is carried out successfully or not. There is always resistance, and as long as there's my ilk about --- there always will be. Count on it.
A) No one is forced to go to a ball game.
B) No one is forced to sing a song
C) A fucking song hardly indicates extreme nationalism. It's a song.

A) No one anywhere made that claim. Ever. Irrelevant red herring.

B) If I go to a Cleveland Indians game ---- and I'm there for the Cleveland Indians ---- and the entire stadium is directed to stand up and sing for the Cleveland Cavaliers ---- what the fuck does that have to do with a baseball game??

Even that has got something to do with the local area. Can you show us the line in GBA where it says something about how they should pitch to Manny Machado?

C) It doesn't, huh.
-------- Then what's its purpose? What's the song about? Fucking? OK let's stipulate that the song is about fucking. What does fucking have to do with a baseball game?

How 'bout this --- at the top of the third inning the entire first base side of the lower deck has to recite "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". Why not? It's "tradition", right?

Who said there was a purpose?

And if some team decided they wanted fans to sing "twas the night before christmas" why would you care?

You authoritarians REALLY need to learn to mind your own god damned business.

It pays to learn how a message board actually works. You want this addressed to "authoritarians"? That would be those demanding the entire first base side stand up and recite "The Night Before Christmas". Or whatever other irrelevancies. Not me. You see, I don't demand that anyone do anything.

And yes, they need to let people watch the freaking game and quit trying to sell shit. I believe that is in fact the whole point of the OP article in the first place.

Who is FORCED to stand u and sign? Oh , that's right, no one.

Authoritarianism isn't dependent on whether the attempted order is carried out successfully or not. There is always resistance, and as long as there's my ilk about --- there always will be. Count on it.

Authoritarianism requires the attempted use of the government to control behavior. If I own a bar and say "no gays kissing" that isn't authoritarianism, that's me doing as I see fit with my own property. If, on the other hand, I get a cop to stand inside and arrest gays who kiss, that's authoritarian.

If you don't want to stand and sign, don't stand and sing. NO ONE gives a fuck, but leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.
A) No one anywhere made that claim. Ever. Irrelevant red herring.

B) If I go to a Cleveland Indians game ---- and I'm there for the Cleveland Indians ---- and the entire stadium is directed to stand up and sing for the Cleveland Cavaliers ---- what the fuck does that have to do with a baseball game??

Even that has got something to do with the local area. Can you show us the line in GBA where it says something about how they should pitch to Manny Machado?

C) It doesn't, huh.
-------- Then what's its purpose? What's the song about? Fucking? OK let's stipulate that the song is about fucking. What does fucking have to do with a baseball game?

How 'bout this --- at the top of the third inning the entire first base side of the lower deck has to recite "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". Why not? It's "tradition", right?

Who said there was a purpose?

And if some team decided they wanted fans to sing "twas the night before christmas" why would you care?

You authoritarians REALLY need to learn to mind your own god damned business.

It pays to learn how a message board actually works. You want this addressed to "authoritarians"? That would be those demanding the entire first base side stand up and recite "The Night Before Christmas". Or whatever other irrelevancies. Not me. You see, I don't demand that anyone do anything.

And yes, they need to let people watch the freaking game and quit trying to sell shit. I believe that is in fact the whole point of the OP article in the first place.

Who is FORCED to stand u and sign? Oh , that's right, no one.

Authoritarianism isn't dependent on whether the attempted order is carried out successfully or not. There is always resistance, and as long as there's my ilk about --- there always will be. Count on it.

Authoritarianism requires the attempted use of the government to control behavior. If I own a bar and say "no gays kissing" that isn't authoritarianism, that's me doing as I see fit with my own property. If, on the other hand, I get a cop to stand inside and arrest gays who kiss, that's authoritarian.

If you don't want to stand and sign, don't stand and sing. NO ONE gives a fuck, but leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

"leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone""?? What, you actually think I can't question it? Doesn't get much more authoritarian than that, now does it?

Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....
Who said there was a purpose?

And if some team decided they wanted fans to sing "twas the night before christmas" why would you care?

You authoritarians REALLY need to learn to mind your own god damned business.

It pays to learn how a message board actually works. You want this addressed to "authoritarians"? That would be those demanding the entire first base side stand up and recite "The Night Before Christmas". Or whatever other irrelevancies. Not me. You see, I don't demand that anyone do anything.

And yes, they need to let people watch the freaking game and quit trying to sell shit. I believe that is in fact the whole point of the OP article in the first place.

Who is FORCED to stand u and sign? Oh , that's right, no one.

Authoritarianism isn't dependent on whether the attempted order is carried out successfully or not. There is always resistance, and as long as there's my ilk about --- there always will be. Count on it.

Authoritarianism requires the attempted use of the government to control behavior. If I own a bar and say "no gays kissing" that isn't authoritarianism, that's me doing as I see fit with my own property. If, on the other hand, I get a cop to stand inside and arrest gays who kiss, that's authoritarian.

If you don't want to stand and sign, don't stand and sing. NO ONE gives a fuck, but leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....

No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?
It pays to learn how a message board actually works. You want this addressed to "authoritarians"? That would be those demanding the entire first base side stand up and recite "The Night Before Christmas". Or whatever other irrelevancies. Not me. You see, I don't demand that anyone do anything.

And yes, they need to let people watch the freaking game and quit trying to sell shit. I believe that is in fact the whole point of the OP article in the first place.

Who is FORCED to stand u and sign? Oh , that's right, no one.

Authoritarianism isn't dependent on whether the attempted order is carried out successfully or not. There is always resistance, and as long as there's my ilk about --- there always will be. Count on it.

Authoritarianism requires the attempted use of the government to control behavior. If I own a bar and say "no gays kissing" that isn't authoritarianism, that's me doing as I see fit with my own property. If, on the other hand, I get a cop to stand inside and arrest gays who kiss, that's authoritarian.

If you don't want to stand and sign, don't stand and sing. NO ONE gives a fuck, but leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....

No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

Last edited by a moderator:
Who is FORCED to stand u and sign? Oh , that's right, no one.

Authoritarianism isn't dependent on whether the attempted order is carried out successfully or not. There is always resistance, and as long as there's my ilk about --- there always will be. Count on it.

Authoritarianism requires the attempted use of the government to control behavior. If I own a bar and say "no gays kissing" that isn't authoritarianism, that's me doing as I see fit with my own property. If, on the other hand, I get a cop to stand inside and arrest gays who kiss, that's authoritarian.

If you don't want to stand and sign, don't stand and sing. NO ONE gives a fuck, but leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....

No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

LMAO @ you

It has became a tradition.

Or do you think all traditions are born 100 years old? LOL
Authoritarianism isn't dependent on whether the attempted order is carried out successfully or not. There is always resistance, and as long as there's my ilk about --- there always will be. Count on it.

Authoritarianism requires the attempted use of the government to control behavior. If I own a bar and say "no gays kissing" that isn't authoritarianism, that's me doing as I see fit with my own property. If, on the other hand, I get a cop to stand inside and arrest gays who kiss, that's authoritarian.

If you don't want to stand and sign, don't stand and sing. NO ONE gives a fuck, but leave a ball club who wants their fans to do so alone.

Authoritarian requires only an "authority". Doesn't need to be a "government". Whenever an entity is in control of a captive audience and attempts to exercise some kind of mob behaviour, you're in deep doodoo. Unless of course the mob flatly refused to murmur along like the prescribed robot.

Anyway you're the one who brought up authoritarianism. And you still have yet to explain what the fuck GBA has to do in any way whatsoever with a game where we're waiting for an Australian pitcher to pitch to the Japanese batter so he can hit into a double play, Venezuelan shortstop to Cuban second baseman to Korean first baseman (6-4-3).

Lemme put this all in a language you'll understand.....

Baaaa...... baaaaaaa.....

No one is a captive audience at a ball game You are free to not attend, you are free to leave any time you like.

As far as what does God Bless America have to do with baseball. That is easy. Baseball is the American Past Time AND n fact the fact that so many different ethnicity are involved proves that America is a blessed land where anyone can succeed regardless of their background.

And further, it's tradition. What is this progressive need to remove any and all American traditions rooted in?

Yes, tradition dating back all the way to......................2001.

LMAO @ you

It has became a tradition.

Or do you think all traditions are born 100 years old? LOL

How about a "tradition" where we don't sing it? Starting now. Better not ever change it, because it's "tradition."

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