Banishment of Pornography and Weed.

Laws 'banning' pornography are un-Constitutional, of course – not that the Constitution matters to the social right.

Criminalizing marijuana is an example of the authoritarianism common to most social conservatives, their desire to compel conformity through force of law.

The social right and religious fundamentalism are the bane of the American Nation, seeking to increase the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty.
they both go back to prehistoric times and will be with us till the end

Could make a convincing arguement in fact the invention of motion pictures was to do porn. Very first films were of nudes if not mistaken. And being something of a fan of antique porn I can tell you the evolution of drawn nudity is interesting to behold. We didn't start being able to draw the human figure. It took a long time. :)
The next time you're sitting up high on your horse of religious ethics and thinking to yourself that banning things like weed and porn are in your best interests, just remember that the only thing separating the weirdo you saw on the bus this morning from a serial killer may just be porn and weed.


Was there supposed to be more? Reads like an intro.
Avg Joe thinks he's being smort. What total garbage.

'Smort?' Wow, channeling my grandpa :)
A link to the evidence that porn and weed prevent killers from killing.
Hey, but delta's on your side.

It's pure conjecture and imagination used to gin up a conversation.

Thanks for playing! :thup:
So you're a mod trolling the religion forum. Got it.
they both go back to prehistoric times and will be with us till the end
Porn was on the cave walls?

Lots of jackasses commit heinous crimes while stoned on pot. Pot doesn't turn you into a nice guy and somehow we managed not having too many mass murderers without porn and pot. This is just a lame excuse. Why even have one? Just admit to yourself you enjoy it and quit trying to rationalize it.
they both go back to prehistoric times and will be with us till the end
Porn was on the cave walls?

Lots of jackasses commit heinous crimes while stoned on pot. Pot doesn't turn you into a nice guy and somehow we managed not having too many mass murderers without porn and pot. This is just a lame excuse. Why even have one? Just admit to yourself you enjoy it and quit trying to rationalize it.

The World’s Oldest Pornography Is Prehistoric and Bi-curious

"The World’s Oldest Pornography
It’s at least 3,000 years old, and it’s bi-curious.

"Prudes shouldn’t go into archeology. The patina of antiquity may make a carved ivory phallus, Venus figurine, or vulva painting on a cave wall priceless, communicating to us from a mute, distant past. But transplant those images to the modern world and you get dildos, Playboy, and Georgia O’Keefe. Still, most prehistoric erotic art is abstract, disembodied. It doesn’t explicitly depict sex-crazed ancients screwing their brains out for fun and fertility.

But one little-known, mysterious archaeological site does. The Kangjiashimenji Petroglyphs are bas-relief carvings in a massive red-basalt outcropping in the remote Xinjiang region of northwest China. The artwork includes the earliest—and some of the most graphic—depictions of copulation in the world."

Photo of the wall and recreation of just the drawings for better clarity at link. Unless profoundly and unprecedentedly easily-disturbed it's not graphic or anything. they're literally stick figures.
they both go back to prehistoric times and will be with us till the end
Porn was on the cave walls?

Lots of jackasses commit heinous crimes while stoned on pot. Pot doesn't turn you into a nice guy and somehow we managed not having too many mass murderers without porn and pot. This is just a lame excuse. Why even have one? Just admit to yourself you enjoy it and quit trying to rationalize it.
The World’s Oldest Pornography Is Prehistoric and Bi-curious

"The World’s Oldest Pornography
It’s at least 3,000 years old, and it’s bi-curious.
3,000 years ago isn't prehistoric.
they both go back to prehistoric times and will be with us till the end
Porn was on the cave walls?

Lots of jackasses commit heinous crimes while stoned on pot. Pot doesn't turn you into a nice guy and somehow we managed not having too many mass murderers without porn and pot. This is just a lame excuse. Why even have one? Just admit to yourself you enjoy it and quit trying to rationalize it.
The World’s Oldest Pornography Is Prehistoric and Bi-curious

"The World’s Oldest Pornography
It’s at least 3,000 years old, and it’s bi-curious.
3,000 years ago isn't prehistoric.

Fair enough.

Porn may be 28,000 years old!

"Explicit scenes depicted in Australia's cave paintings dating back 28,000 years have proved that pornography is certainly not a modern thing."
they both go back to prehistoric times and will be with us till the end
Porn was on the cave walls?

Lots of jackasses commit heinous crimes while stoned on pot. Pot doesn't turn you into a nice guy and somehow we managed not having too many mass murderers without porn and pot. This is just a lame excuse. Why even have one? Just admit to yourself you enjoy it and quit trying to rationalize it.
The World’s Oldest Pornography Is Prehistoric and Bi-curious

"The World’s Oldest Pornography
It’s at least 3,000 years old, and it’s bi-curious.
3,000 years ago isn't prehistoric.

Fair enough.

Porn may be 28,000 years old!

"Explicit scenes depicted in Australia's cave paintings dating back 28,000 years have proved that pornography is certainly not a modern thing."
You call that porn? LOL
they both go back to prehistoric times and will be with us till the end
Porn was on the cave walls?

Lots of jackasses commit heinous crimes while stoned on pot. Pot doesn't turn you into a nice guy and somehow we managed not having too many mass murderers without porn and pot. This is just a lame excuse. Why even have one? Just admit to yourself you enjoy it and quit trying to rationalize it.
The World’s Oldest Pornography Is Prehistoric and Bi-curious

"The World’s Oldest Pornography
It’s at least 3,000 years old, and it’s bi-curious.
3,000 years ago isn't prehistoric.

Fair enough.

Porn may be 28,000 years old!

"Explicit scenes depicted in Australia's cave paintings dating back 28,000 years have proved that pornography is certainly not a modern thing."
You call that porn? LOL

Tried to get off to it and failed? :) Need some links? ;)
they both go back to prehistoric times and will be with us till the end
Porn was on the cave walls?

Lots of jackasses commit heinous crimes while stoned on pot. Pot doesn't turn you into a nice guy and somehow we managed not having too many mass murderers without porn and pot. This is just a lame excuse. Why even have one? Just admit to yourself you enjoy it and quit trying to rationalize it.
He gets out of being accountable because all he did was imply, without coming right out and saying it.
The assertion that porn (including cgi kiddie porn) PREVENTS rape and murder is nothing new in this site. There is a core network of true believers. I wouldn't want them, or Joe, living next door.
I think that today's porn is significantly improved. When I was a kid, we had to settle for the lingerie section of the Sears catalog....

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