Banishment of Pornography and Weed.

k-grl invented the word "prostitution", that way it is palatable to deem it illegal - the dark recesses of her mind anyway ... enabling for Rapist to prevail.

Your Brain on Porn - It's NOT Addictive

"There has been a tremendous amount of hyperbole about porn use, with many authors and doomsayers claiming that viewing porn triggers dangerous neurochemical changes in the brain. But, groundbreaking new research says that it just ain’t so, and that people who are problem users of porn are actually people with high libidos, NOT people whose brains have been warped sex and porn."

“Porn” problems unlike any known addiction in largest neuroscience study | PRLog

"In the largest neuroscience study of porn addiction to date, research conducted at UCLA found a clear reversal of the brain’s typical addiction response in study participants when they were shown sexual images. With the use of brain wave monitoring, participants who reported major problems controlling their viewing of sex films showed decreased brain reactions when shown the sexual images, rather than heightened activity as having a “porn addiction” would suggest.

The study shows that the brain does not react the way an addict’s brain would react to cues for their drug of choice. In fact, the study shows that the hypothetical “sex addict” brain reacts in the opposite way that a drug addict’s brain reacts, questioning whether sex addiction actually exists.

“This finding is important, because it shows a reversal of a part of the brain response that has been consistently documented in other substance addictions and gambling disorder,” Prause said. She also noted that this was consistent with their previous study, in which participants served as their own control and no relationship existed between the severity of their sex film problems and their brain response."

If you hate porn, want it banned, fine. But don't try and pass off biased pseudo nonsense as legit science.
Porn is an uncontrollable addiction, but only if you are a RW hypocrite, who, while fighting Satan year after year, fall victim to his trap, and who leads you helplessly down the road to hell, where Jesus will save you at the very brim of the fiery pit. Hallelujah.
Judging by the extreme nature pornography has turned it has to be an addiction for many. It's enough to make a normal person puke.
Judging by the extreme nature pornography has turned it has to be an addiction for many. It's enough to make a normal person puke.

Many kinds of porn. Taking the very worst and disgusting and attempting to denounce all porn because of it is an obvious fallacy of epic proportions.

Studies into the effects of porn break it down into two sorts, non-violent SEM, and violent SEM (sexually explicit material.) Non-violent reduces crime and harms no one. Violent's another story and there's some research suggesting it contributes to violence and sex crimes. But it's not for sure. Japan for example has virtually unrestricted pornography or every sort. But not the same level of violent or sex crimes other countries do with the same sorts of porn availability. Play the same violent videogames (actually much more violent because they don't censor it like we do,) same to better internet access, etc.

Fact remains though that banning things doesn't eliminate them. It simply makes them secret and usually get a lot worse because now organized crime's involved.
they both go back to prehistoric times and will be with us till the end
Porn was on the cave walls?

Lots of jackasses commit heinous crimes while stoned on pot. Pot doesn't turn you into a nice guy and somehow we managed not having too many mass murderers without porn and pot. This is just a lame excuse. Why even have one? Just admit to yourself you enjoy it and quit trying to rationalize it.

The World’s Oldest Pornography Is Prehistoric and Bi-curious

"The World’s Oldest Pornography
It’s at least 3,000 years old, and it’s bi-curious.

"Prudes shouldn’t go into archeology. The patina of antiquity may make a carved ivory phallus, Venus figurine, or vulva painting on a cave wall priceless, communicating to us from a mute, distant past. But transplant those images to the modern world and you get dildos, Playboy, and Georgia O’Keefe. Still, most prehistoric erotic art is abstract, disembodied. It doesn’t explicitly depict sex-crazed ancients screwing their brains out for fun and fertility.

But one little-known, mysterious archaeological site does. The Kangjiashimenji Petroglyphs are bas-relief carvings in a massive red-basalt outcropping in the remote Xinjiang region of northwest China. The artwork includes the earliest—and some of the most graphic—depictions of copulation in the world."

Photo of the wall and recreation of just the drawings for better clarity at link. Unless profoundly and unprecedentedly easily-disturbed it's not graphic or anything. they're literally stick figures.

Palaeolithic and mesolithic[edit]
Among the oldest surviving examples of erotic depictions are Paleolithic cave paintings and carvings. Some of the more common images are of animals, hunting scenes and depictions of human genitalia. Nude human beings with exaggerated sexual characteristics are depicted in some Paleolithic paintings and artifacts (e.g. Venus figurines). Recently discovered cave art at Creswell Crags in England, thought to be more than 12,000 years old, includes some symbols that may be stylized versions of female genitalia. As there is no direct evidence of the use of these objects, it is speculated that they may have been used in religious rituals,[8] or for a more directly sexual purpose.[9]

Archaeologists in Germany reported in April 2005 that they had found what they believe is a 7,200-year-old scene depicting a male figurine bending over a female figurine in a manner suggestive of sexual intercourse. The male figure has been named Adonis von Zschernitz.[10]

One artifact from Egypt, called the Turin Erotic Papyrus has been dubbed the "men's magazine" of its time. It partly consists of explicit depictions of sexual acts and was painted in the Ramesside period (1292-1075 BCE).<<

Porn, dirty jokes, art, religious depictions, good luck symbols, directions and new positions................ emipres lasted thousands of years and the porn was not what destroyed society.

Fear of porn is just prudish ignorant nonsense. OK we don't need giant depiction on the side of building..........oh wait, people in nothing but their tiny undies or sexually touching and kissing is virtually porn, leaving every curve and bump magnified. Other countries use full nudity on their billboards. We have topless and nude beaches. We have nudist buildings. We have women with painted bodies topless on the streets of NY. We've had nudity used in political protests. We have porn in graphic novels and cartoons. We have novels that can be very pornographic, pictures not always necessary. Sexual pornographic and erotic poetry and stories are abundant.

So porn is just a part of life, past and present.

Who is to say what is porn and what is not?
Reason objection to porn's a thing is because the ones objecting are part of a religious traidition that hates sex.

In countries and cultures where the dominate religion isn't Christianity like Japan (80+% is Shinot-Buddhist) porn and sex is as natural and unremarkable as blowing your nose.
"You can't talk about fucking in America; people say you're dirty. But if you talk about killing somebody, that's cool."
-Richard Pryor
Judging by the extreme nature pornography has turned it has to be an addiction for many. It's enough to make a normal person puke.
Note the disjointed, creepy ramblings of the pro-porn crowd who have flocked to Joe.
The next time you're sitting up high on your horse of religious ethics and thinking to yourself that banning things like weed and porn are in your best interests, just remember that the only thing separating the weirdo you saw on the bus this morning from a serial killer may just be porn and weed.


Ill keep it out of my life, thank you. And if you think not having pornography and weed would create serial killers is a serious argument you should probably remove them from your own life so you can think clearly
Jeremiah this is what your friend Joe advocates. Porn and drug use.

Joe is not saved. Joe's mind is bound by demons, KG. Of course he would advocate porn and drug use. He's lost! Pray for him! For all we know? No one is praying for Joe but us. So let us continue to pray for him and believe God for a miracle.

Apart from Jesus Christ? We could be Joe. As the saying goes, There but for the grace of God go I. On that note, let's keep asking God to save Joe so that he too can know Jesus Christ and receive the gift of Salvation.
Porn... As a term and a word it remains undefinable and un-quantifiable.

But each and every one of us knows it when we sees it :thup:
Porn... As a term and a word it remains undefinable and un-quantifiable.

But each and every one of us knows it when we sees it :thup:

Illicit images used to sexually arouse.

Not really difficult in the slightest.

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