banks cheated Vets

The stim has nothing to do weeith this you fool.

The tarp was done by your guys and they refused to put in any criteria for the banks to follow to recieve the money.

Nope, the Democrats were behind all of this with gusto. Sounds like vets were treated just like Freddie Mac and Fannie May customers. That is equal mistreatment under the law. Too bad.
The republican party touts policy that is perfectly in line with the banksters for a reason.

The dem platform is NOT in line with the banksters is it?

Why do you people vote and donate to the very people who do their bidding with a smile?

If it isnt, Why did the Obama admin hire so many from the failed institutions?

Why does your party fight EVERY attempt to regulate these criminals?

We operate above a level of just feeling good. Regulation has to have common sense. Something democrats gave up a century ago
Then why did your teams efforts lead to a worldwide economic crash?
I thought for sure the right would be angry at the nbanksters for cheating vets.

I guess they dont really care about vets unless it fits their narrative.
I thought for sure the right would be angry at the nbanksters for cheating vets.

I guess they dont really care about vets unless it fits their narrative.

Banks don't just target vets, they cheat anyone and everyone. Your guys think they deserve to be propped up. You might want to see where the democrat Treasury Secretary used to work and how much money he scammed people out of, and yes including vets.

Funny most of those people down at occupy wall street, don't really know why they are there. Obviously they don't have jobs. How many weeks have they camped out now?? And how's the sanitation over in that area?? Seems like the Unions could at least swing for a couple of port-a-potties and washing stations.
As much as I love to beat up TM for her posts (she makes it easy) she's right about the bankers fucking our vets. Where I disagree is that the bankers are doing it to everybody, not just vets.

My wife and I tried to buy our first home in 2000 with a VA loan but all the agents we talked to were real reluctant to do a VA loan. And from what I have come to understand since is that VA loans are HARDER to screw someone over with as all the paperwork is rigorously checked (as far at that goes, I'm certain there is still corruption) and time consuming so the agents don't like doing them. FHA loans from BofA have been "robo-signed" and have massive fraud even before they were bundled into derivatives that crashed the economy (but that's another story)

But her assertion that Obama isn't controlled, backed or financed by the Wall Street is easily disproved by the facts:
Wall Streeters Top Obama Re-Election Supporters
A just-released study by the Center for Responsive Politics shows that President Obama is relying more on Wall Street to fund his re-election this year than he did in 2008, according to CNBC, which obtained an advance copy of the report.
I thought for sure the right would be angry at the nbanksters for cheating vets.

I guess they dont really care about vets unless it fits their narrative.

Banks don't just target vets, they cheat anyone and everyone. Your guys think they deserve to be propped up. You might want to see where the democrat Treasury Secretary used to work and how much money he scammed people out of, and yes including vets. TARP was dont by Bush

Funny most of those people down at occupy wall street, don't really know why they are there. Obviously they don't have jobs. How many weeks have they camped out now?? And how's the sanitation over in that area?? Seems like the Unions could at least swing for a couple of port-a-potties and washing stations.

But tea party protests are great huh?

You are so brainwashed you cant think straight
I thought for sure the right would be angry at the nbanksters for cheating vets.

I guess they dont really care about vets unless it fits their narrative.

Banks don't just target vets, they cheat anyone and everyone. Your guys think they deserve to be propped up. You might want to see where the democrat Treasury Secretary used to work and how much money he scammed people out of, and yes including vets. TARP was dont by Bush

Funny most of those people down at occupy wall street, don't really know why they are there. Obviously they don't have jobs. How many weeks have they camped out now?? And how's the sanitation over in that area?? Seems like the Unions could at least swing for a couple of port-a-potties and washing stations.

But tea party protests are great huh?

You are so brainwashed you cant think straight

as are you ... luckily I can be a voice of reason in this world. Why would anyone support banks making millions on illegal fees charged to veterans? These banks should be held responsible. On the other hand truthmatters you are very selective in your outrage and care not about ripoffs and failures and criminal activities constructed by constituents of your party. You deny Democrat involvement in wall street when in fact your democrats are paid handsomely by them and represent them well. Oh and I'm soooooo sure you never say anything bad about tea party protests. I'm sure you commended every protest the tea party held.
I thought for sure the right would be angry at the nbanksters for cheating vets.

I guess they dont really care about vets unless it fits their narrative.

Banks don't just target vets, they cheat anyone and everyone. Your guys think they deserve to be propped up. You might want to see where the democrat Treasury Secretary used to work and how much money he scammed people out of, and yes including vets. TARP was dont by Bush

Funny most of those people down at occupy wall street, don't really know why they are there. Obviously they don't have jobs. How many weeks have they camped out now?? And how's the sanitation over in that area?? Seems like the Unions could at least swing for a couple of port-a-potties and washing stations.

But tea party protests are great huh?

You are so brainwashed you cant think straight

On the bright side, at least she had a brain. No one can wash what does not exist... which rules you out of the accusation of being brainwashed.


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