Banks Fights Jan. 6 Committee Effort To Seek Lawmaker Records


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Banks is one of the two people that Pelosi rejected from the committee.

Now he is trying to prevent the committee from getting documents.

I hope he fails.

Banks is one of the two people that Pelosi rejected from the committee.

Now he is trying to prevent the committee from getting documents.

I hope he fails.

There was no January 6th insurrection.

LMAO @ the stupid shit you Marxist Government Cultist are so gullible to believe.
Banks is one of the two people that Pelosi rejected from the committee.

Now he is trying to prevent the committee from getting documents.

I hope he fails.

Remember, Republicans will be in power again someday.

Are you sure you want Pelosi to set this precedent?

If she had reason to believe that specific members had specific communications from that day which directly influenced events, she can go after those specific people, for those specific communications. But she's going to be going after, potentially, several hundred people. It's glaringly obvious that she has nothing except the desire to go fishing.

She's abusing her power and you applaud it. When a Republican speaker does it to democrats, though, you'll be the first one whining like a bitch...
Banks is one of the two people that Pelosi rejected from the committee.

Now he is trying to prevent the committee from getting documents.

I hope he fails.

When is Piglosi turning over her records?
I'm quite happy with the "violent insurrection should be investigated" precedent, no mater who is in office.

It's telling that you're not. You act guilty.
I agree..just as I think that Congress is the worst possible entity to do it.
Beginning to end..this should be a Justice Dept. investigation--that's the precedent I would have liked to make.
But everyone wants that political we get Kabuki theater...and everyone knows it.
I agree..just as I think that Congress is the worst possible entity to do it.
Beginning to end..this should be a Justice Dept. investigation--that's the precedent I would have liked to make.
But everyone wants that political we get Kabuki theater...and everyone knows it.
No, because not everythingthat should be exposed is technically a crime.
No, because not everythingthat should be exposed is technically a crime.
It's 100% partisan..and even if it does uncover something substantial....that fact..of partisanship..will taint it.
We do this time and time again..both parties. All truth will be lost ..ignored in the spin.
The Justice department can report on things not crimes that they uncover. To Congress in a non-partisan report.
But the parties want the news cycle there ya go~
In your eyes. But facts are facts. And this is not just about gathering incriminating information.
You got that right~

But I'm a by-stander in the culture wars.
However--I'd love me some good matter the party in power.
Of all the committees in Congress right now..The Insurrection committee will have the least impact on ordinary American's lives. Yet it will suck all the attention away from the real issues.
I agree..just as I think that Congress is the worst possible entity to do it.
Beginning to end..this should be a Justice Dept. investigation--that's the precedent I would have liked to make.
But everyone wants that political we get Kabuki theater...and everyone knows it.

There was an independent and bipartisan commission proposed my Pelosi. She made every concession that the republicans demanded then they just refused to vote for it and allow it to happen.

The justice department is already investigating the insurrection.

This is congress doing their investigation.

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