Banks Fights Jan. 6 Committee Effort To Seek Lawmaker Records

Good question. As Speaker of the House she is in charge of security for the Capital Buildings. I'm sure she knows all those folks the Capital Police greeted at the front door and let in. I'm also sure she knows who the Cameramen were. They used real Cameras, not phones. I'd like to know what that hag knows.
What little responsibility she has is shared jointly with McConnell stupid
No. She's the Speaker of the House or did you forget. Stupid.
Yea? And you obviously don't understand how the Capitol Police is set up.

They are run by a Board. NOT Pelosi. She and McConnell each nominate people to that Board. You knew that right?

Or you're as ignorant about this as everything else...
Essentially, she wants the communications of everyone connected to the GOP on January 6.
Got it. You're making crazy stories up to justify your Pelosi Derangement Syndrome.

So why are you lying so ineptly? My guess is that you're hoping that your next violent fascist coup attempt succeeds. You know for that to happen, you have to hide your side's involvement with your recent failed fascist coup attempt.
Got it. You're making crazy stories up to justify your Pelosi Derangement Syndrome.

So why are you lying so ineptly? My guess is that you're hoping that your next violent fascist coup attempt succeeds. You know for that to happen, you have to hide your side's involvement with your recent failed fascist coup attempt.

Seems as though you need to be set straight on a few things, dipshit.

First, I don't have a "side". I was sickened by the events of January 6 and I do not, and did not, support them. I support the prosecution of as many of the rioters as possible.

Whoops, that kinda' fucked up your whole argument, didn't it, you idiot fuck?

Second, I have no "Pelosi Derangement Syndrome". I'm simply smart enough to recognize a gross over-reach of power. Clearly you're not burdened with the level of intelligence required to recognize something bad.

As I said, if she has specific targets, the investogation should go after them. But a blanket demand for the communications of, essentially, every Republican in Washington on January 6 is absolutely ludicrous.

Oh, yeah... and fuck off...
Seems as though you need to be set straight on a few things, dipshit.

First, I don't have a "side". I was sickened by the events of January 6 and I do not, and did not, support them. I support the prosecution of as many of the rioters as possible.

Whoops, that kinda' fucked up your whole argument, didn't it, you idiot fuck?

Second, I have no "Pelosi Derangement Syndrome". I'm simply smart enough to recognize a gross over-reach of power. Clearly you're not burdened with the level of intelligence required to recognize something bad.

As I said, if she has specific targets, the investogation should go after them. But a blanket demand for the communications of, essentially, every Republican in Washington on January 6 is absolutely ludicrous.

Oh, yeah... and fuck off...
Conservatives have nothing but contempt for facts and the truth; conservatives fear facts and the truth – the right’s efforts to undermine a warranted investigation into the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack is proof of that.
Conservatives have nothing but contempt for facts and the truth; conservatives fear facts and the truth – the right’s efforts to undermine a warranted investigation into the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack is proof of that.

You're an ignorant fool.

If you'd learn to paint with not so wide a brush, you'd be a lot smarter...

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