Banks Fights Jan. 6 Committee Effort To Seek Lawmaker Records

It's 100% partisan..and even if it does uncover something substantial....that fact..of partisanship..will taint it.
We do this time and time again..both parties. All truth will be lost ..ignored in the spin.
The Justice department can report on things not crimes that they uncover. To Congress in a non-partisan report.
But the parties want the news cycle there ya go~

The committee was supposed to be bipartisan but McCarthy appointed 2 people who weren't accepted by Pelosi so he threw a hissy fit, stomped away and childishly refused to offer any other people or participate.

There are 2 republicans on that committee.

Yes the truth will be lost in the spin. That happens no matter who does the investigating. The Muller investigation and report are very good examples.
I'm quite happy with the "violent insurrection should be investigated" precedent, no mater who is in office.

It's telling that you're not. You act guilty.

Well, then you're an idiot.

I have no problem with the investigation. But that doesn't mean I have to support the Nazi-esque manner in which Pelosi seemingly intends to conduct it.

Essentially, she wants the communications of everyone connected to the GOP on January 6. That's insane. She cannot name a single person, or reference a single communique, that she specifically wants investigated. She's throwing her shit allegations against the wall and hoping something sticks.

Honestly, if you don't see what's wrong with what she's trying to do, then you are an enemy of the state and a traitor...
The committee was supposed to be bipartisan but McCarthy appointed 2 people who weren't accepted by Pelosi so he threw a hissy fit...

Pelosi should have had zero say in which Republicans were on the committee.

Just further proof that this investigation is seriously lopsided which, of course, will render the findings moot...
Banks is one of the two people that Pelosi rejected from the committee.

Now he is trying to prevent the committee from getting documents.

I hope he fails.

Don't leave your laptop at the repair shop too long
The committee doesn't have to look far for those witches.
You don't have to look far either hon.

Long ago I put you on the TDS extreme watch list here and scrolled by you usually.

Trump has made your life bat shit nuts dear. My God. You, Jillian, Bodeca...You guys are so full of hatred it has to be a living hell living with you.....or existing with you

For Christ Sakes get help
Banks is one of the two people that Pelosi rejected from the committee.

Now he is trying to prevent the committee from getting documents.

I hope he fails.

Yet another example of conservatives having nothing but contempt for facts and the truth.
It's 100% partisan..and even if it does uncover something substantial....that fact..of partisanship..will taint it.
We do this time and time again..both parties. All truth will be lost ..ignored in the spin.
The Justice department can report on things not crimes that they uncover. To Congress in a non-partisan report.
But the parties want the news cycle there ya go~

It would be irresponsible and negligent of Congress to not investigate a terrorist attack on America’s democracy.

It would be irresponsible and negligent of Congress to not investigate a terrorist attack on America’s democracy.

Pelosi and company are attacking our republic on a daily basis. She needs to be removed and investigated along with many of her colleagues.
First they create the hoax and then they “investigate” those who did not cause it.
Pelosi and company are attacking our republic on a daily basis. She needs to be removed and investigated along with many of her colleagues.
Fearful that the facts and the truth of the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy will be a political liability for Republicans, Banks and others on the right attempt to interfere with the people’s right to know.
The committee was supposed to be bipartisan but McCarthy appointed 2 people who weren't accepted by Pelosi so he threw a hissy fit, stomped away and childishly refused to offer any other people or participate.

There are 2 republicans on that committee.

Yes the truth will be lost in the spin. That happens no matter who does the investigating. The Muller investigation and report are very good examples.

Yea, its bipartisan as long as pigliusy gets to pick the other sides people . You are the DMFon the planet.
Fearful that the facts and the truth of the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy will be a political liability for Republicans, Banks and others on the right attempt to interfere with the people’s right to know.
I’m looking forward to your “investigation”. Rational Americans with laugh at it and you just like we did with your “impeachment’s” and Russian collusion investigations.
What documents? Do interested lefties really follow this junk while Biden's foreign policy is falling apart and Americans are being killed in the aborted Afghanistan retreat?
Banks is one of the two people that Pelosi rejected from the committee.

Now he is trying to prevent the committee from getting documents.

I hope he fails.

What's he hiding, one wonders...
So true.

What doesn't he want us to find out?
What we don’t want to find out is your fervent hope. That is for America to become a place where any charge necessitates one having to prove themself innocent.
Sorry to throw water on your Nazi fire.
The theory that one must prove themself innocent or they are hiding something and thus guilty is abhorrent and grotesque.
Good question. As Speaker of the House she is in charge of security for the Capital Buildings. I'm sure she knows all those folks the Capital Police greeted at the front door and let in. I'm also sure she knows who the Cameramen were. They used real Cameras, not phones. I'd like to know what that hag knows.

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