Banks Need Less Regulation? Someone Explain this Bulll


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Considering all the court cases the Big Banks lost involving mortgage fraud, there is no reason less regulations are on anybody's table,,but amazingly,,,,it is.




4 Biggest Banking criminals make Bernie Madoff look like a patzer
Only idiots who are under the spell of corporate propaganda think deregulation is good
They manipulated LIBOR...that is like American banks manipulating the's almost beyond comprehension that they could do that
There are more ways to skin a skunk than one. If each one of us moves our money and business to a local, small bank or credit union some of those bankers will need to get a real job. Charging interest on loans of ten, fifteen and twenty percent or more, charging fees for services once free and paying interest of less than one percent maybe not be criminal but if it look like a loan shark and acts like a loan shark you can bet it's a loan shark.
There are more ways to skin a skunk than one. If each one of us moves our money and business to a local, small bank or credit union some of those bankers will need to get a real job. Charging interest on loans of ten, fifteen and twenty percent or more, charging fees for services once free and paying interest of less than one percent maybe not be criminal but if it look like a loan shark and acts like a loan shark you can bet it's a loan shark.

The problem is that whenever the solution involves large number of people doing something independently and voluntary it never works. Ask Romney how successful self deportation is?
Smart liberals have no need of banks..............They have their penny jars and mattresses to watch over...
It depends on what the regulations are. Regulations that prevent banks from cheating customers is good. Regulations that mandate that banks lend money to those people well known not to pay their bills is bad.

To the liberal, they are equal.
Banks should make more loans available to unqualified "buyers" in the inner cities because everyone deserves the "right" to own their own home...........

Regardless of credit rating, employment status, savings, income and ability to understand their own mortgage....

Oppressed, retarded, victims of everyone need bureaucratic protections , special considerations, and other folks tax dollars for social justice and most importantly "FAIRNESS"

Banks must owe them unearned reparations ............

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